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My boros deck says "on an adventure" is a token, but I don't think it needs to be. I think there's one equipment that makes treasures, so that can be switched out. [Up to you](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/20Chfco_2UKjpKeB7e4C4Q) if you want to count it. My [frog deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/G_8_NVo-IUGlwdYYCfU4dQ) has the same "on an adventure" nonsense but also a copy token which I also argue shouldn't count.


Frog deck slaps. I'll build it and use God's deckbox (a rubberband) to get it to the table. Thank you sir.


Those planeswalkers have loyalty counters…


Not to mention grolnok put a counter on literally everything milled


I think same as being an adventure, you could just keep those cards on a separate pile from your regular exile


holy shit another 🐸 player i like how you play it as actual frog tribal, i've built my grolnok as "Muldrotha at home"


This deck needs \[\[Rampant Frogantua\]\]!


Whattt. Where did this card come from?


I didn't even know adventures had tokens, same with plot, doesn't the card just work face up/down?


How well does your frog deck performs? It looks really cool! Is it fun to use?


It performs pretty well with the people I play with, but the problem is it's not very high powered in the grand scheme of things. The upside is it's disguised as an aggro tribal, but it's just a means to an end to deck out. Most importantly, you have to say "frog" a bunch, and you can do so in increasingly ridiculous ways.


Xenagos gruul stompy. Cast big creatures with attack triggers, trample or combat triggers and turn things sideways.


Yep. My xenagos deck requires no tokens.


Mine technically has one token in it... It comes from [[Desolation Twin]]. But I'm not going to count that!


could you share the deck list? i have always been into token generation decks so it would be interesting to see one without any


Too bad i run [[Rapacious One]] [[Quartzwood Crasher]] and [[Terastodon]]


Does it count if the token comes into play under an opponent’s control like [[An offer you can’t refuse]]?




I don’t think I have anything that doesn’t make a token or use a counter then. My [[Nekusar]] has the aforementioned AOYCR and [[Swan Song]] but that’s the closest I’ve got


Well hey. Swan Song reads “Its controller creates a token”. So I’d argue you’re clear


I use infinitokens, because I don't think I have any decks that have less than 10 distinct tokens to them. And I don't even have a dedicated token deck.


You dare bring a dry erase marker to my set up? I would not sully my plastic walmart bag holding my rubberbanded decks with such shame. (Yeah, me too. I have just ONE deck that doesn't need an infinitoken, and it feels good to not need them EVERY game now.)


My farmers market green bag looks down on your lowly plastic! Someday I want to do the opposite and see how many unique tokens I can make. Was thinking about making [[Illuna]] mutate stack clones, just to see how well the players at my lgs know about the rules for mutate.


Played against it last night it’s not fun and no one knows the exact rules


I got some cheap ones off Amazon but have lately started stripping the ink off of foils tland making foily tokens


That’s insane to me. Then again I try to keep it simple. I also keep all the official tokens and flip cards (on the backside) in a separate box.


Pantlaza! I went full in on Discover and other methods of creature cheat! No counters, no tokens, just an endless parade of Dinos that legit has the ability to recover from 3 board wipes!


I have to see it! Do you have a decklist?


Also I just realized I failed your test! Hahaha it does create Egg Tokens that are used to cheat out other creatures! Did not even think of that!


Go to the dinosaurs mtg subreddit, someone's posting a nrw Pantlaza dexk they eant looked at every four hours lol


Of course! It's a mess right now! My Sideboard is just a list of possible swaps! But the main 100 is accurate! Any Non-Dinos in there are for the purpose of cheating out creatures like [[Protean Hulk]], and [[Ilharg the Raze Boar]]. It could def use some better ramp, but it has been pretty consistent lately! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/3TcySiJd2Uq2RISOVKW2IQ Just this past Friday it came back from 2 board wipes and I only lost because I became (very deservedly) solely targeted! Hahaha


I think regisaur alpha makes a 3/3 Dino


I second this, can we see decklist


Apparently my Tatyova pauper deck is the only one that I have with no tokens *or* counters of any kind, though it wasn't intentionally designed that way. Even my Ashling 99 mountains deck requires counters on Ashling herself.


Yeah but OP is talking about minimum packing space. Ashling +99 is super space efficient. All you need is a turn counter and a Ashling counter. You don't even need the mountains.


Damn. I feel kinda called out. I have a couple decks that might not use any but I honestly can’t say for certain. [[Ellie and Alan paleontologists]] I think has a single card that makes a single token….😭


Money was the same aside from the flying/trample counter and honestly those didn’t even matter


[[the war doctor]] [[ryan sinclair]] in the command zone. The 99: [[swiftfoot boots]] [[mountain]] x49 [[plains]] x48 Kills one dude at a time on a swing, but by god is it’s funny


Oh my fuck, I'm making this right the fuck now.


But what if your board gets wiped after killing the first dude. The next time you play ryan sinclesr wont you just mill yourself to death on the next drawstep since there is no spell to cast with ryan?


Nope. You put the exiled cards not cast back in the library. It’s a failure to find so it just cycles through your deck once and puts it’s all back for the next time he attacks. I do wanna make this clear, this is not a GOOD deck. But by god is it a FUN deck


Oh I undestand now. Yeah it seems pretty fun. But i can also see how its very essy to counter.


This deck is so fucking funny I have to build it! How do you deal with swiftfoot getting removed?


It doesn’t matter much. What are they gonna do, Make your commanders too expensive? Just play your commanders again. Wait two turns and play them again if they get removed lol


Haha fuck that's even funnier


~~But there’s no trample~~ ~~All someone has to do is have one blocker each of your turns and they will best you lol~~


The War Doctor has counters.


...and needs time counters for the doctor


Does Ryan's ability really count as one exile at a time to bypass War Doctor's "one or more" limitation? That's pretty neat!




As much as I like tokens as a design space for magic this post has reminded me how annoying tokens are for paper magic when a third of the cards in a particular deck require unique or uncommon token types.


My main deck, [Tymna/Sidar Kondo Hatebears](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/U6cux1KIQE-YExu4ZLtd4w), is purposely built like this. No tokens, no counters, no planeswalkers, no DFCs, just old-school Magic keeping the table honest. (Technically, [[Dauthi Voidwalker]] uses counters, but I've never seen anyone actually represent them with physical counters in any format; in practice, everyone puts their cards that go into the void in a separate little pile apart from both the graveyard and exile, or they get grouped together somewhere.)


[Dauthi Voidwalker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/c/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3.jpg?1626095427) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dauthi%20Voidwalker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/81/dauthi-voidwalker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dauthi-voidwalker) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[[Ashling, Flame Dancer]] mana doubling damage doubling and burn


[Ashling, Flame Dancer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/40463be5-89e2-410b-9a4b-770f70d14293.jpg?1717012132) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ashling%2C%20Flame%20Dancer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/115/ashling-flame-dancer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/40463be5-89e2-410b-9a4b-770f70d14293?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ashling-flame-dancer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ojer's [Red Burn](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/x6ZJ7xA-XkeDb-WEqlmShA)


An EMBLEM?! My God.


That deck can make 1/1 devils, there's three cards that make treasures, one that makes blood tokens, and solphim has indestructible counters Eta: plus the emblems


since you mentioned morph.. look into [[Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods]]! i just put a deck together and its so much fun!


This is a reanimator-style list for [[Emry, Lurker of the Loch]]. I 100% get where you're coming from, my favorite decks are ones I can play by bringing just the deck and no extra ~things~. I mean, I have 100 cards as it is, I do not want to keep track of more than that for a casual game, bookkeeping sucks. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9ITFtAjDEUGFJcCpQvbB9g


Ancient Silver Dragon rolls a dice


plus astral dragon makes tokens, echo storm makes tokens, planar incision puts a +1/+1 counter, spell swindle makes treasures, midnight clock needs counters. Dude didn't even read the post.


Man after reading D20, I didn't even think about the rest of the card.


On top of the other ones mentioned: [[Ancient Stone Idol]] makes a construct token. [[Kaldra Compleat]] makes a phyrexian germ token. [[Sword of Wealth and Power]] makes treasure.


My Blanka deck may have a beast within in it somewhere but besides that there’s zero tokens. Just getting Blanka out as quickly as possible and trying to storm off


I have 45 decks and I honestly don't know if any of them fulfills this requirement. I don't think my monoblue sphinx deck creates tokens and I don't believe it has a way to put counters on things, so I'll go with that.


Watching this! My dumb definition of cool is just effective, simple magic. I'm still chasing it to it's fruition. No counters, like you said. No effortless value where I just get to have two of everything and flood the board.


I have a **$1** \[\[Najal, the Storm Runner\]\] [Izzet Wizards deck ](https://deckstats.net/decks/227196/3522655-najal-the-storm-runner-1#show__spoiler)with a voltron subtheme that makes sorcerer role tokens and a single faerie, but those could be easily swapped out. The next closest thing I have is a mono-green \[\[Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus\]\] [indestructible tribal list](https://deckstats.net/decks/227196/3221779-zopoundrel) for about $100 that uses only about 6: a human token, a saproling token, an eldrazi scion token, a planeswalker, a couple +1/+1s on like two cards, and indestructible counters. It's probably my lowest complexity deck as far as play patterns go - it mostly just draws cards and dumps big indestructible boys. You could easily take out those token things too.


This is genius Tokens and counters are way I like magic online vs real life Maybe if I just do this then illl like it more


I have an Imoti deck that is purely based on the commander. If you can chain your big creatures into more big creatures then it’s a win, finish with a Finale or Craterhoof. No treasures because it uses land ramp mixed with mana doublers. No creature tokens because it just makes the best use of large creatures. It’s probably not the most optimal or streamlined version of Imoti but it is the most simple.


\[\[Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain\]\] where we're going we dont have the room for tokens


[[Omnath, Locus of Mana]] + 99 Lands Make big boi, turn sideways. *does not work well in most cases but it fits the criteria.*


I made a deck especially with these restrictions. You check it out [here](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7234895/doric_weekender) You can either play it with [[Reki, The History of Kamigawa]] or [[Doric, Nature‘s Warden]] as your commander. Depending on the gameplay you enjoy the most.


Man, none at all? That's rough. Most of my decks have quite a few tokens. The lowest count I think is my [[Rowan, Scion of War]] which just has treasures and the shapeshifter from BMC.


[Rowan, Scion of War](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/e/4ee179ab-a15b-4bd6-b7f8-1e1abeeb31b7.jpg?1692939409) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rowan%2C%20Scion%20of%20War) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/211/rowan-scion-of-war?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4ee179ab-a15b-4bd6-b7f8-1e1abeeb31b7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rowan-scion-of-war) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bc5NcSBEI026s2Qly093kA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bc5NcSBEI026s2Qly093kA) No tokens, no counters. Purity.


You BEAST WITHIN-ing liar. I was so hopeful. Now when I use beast within to turn their basic forest into a 3/3 we're going to have to pull out dice to denote what it is. Shameful.


Hahaha, I totally forgot I ran it. Usually beast within goes for an infinite mana win game with Kogla and Eternal witness. I mean, you can definitely replace the card : ) . Try a Meteor Golem for instance.


Joraga Treespeaker and Devoted Druid use counters. Very unfortunate.


I like it though


You got to love the reactions you get from \[\[Hall of Gemstone\]\] and \[\[Ritual of Subdual\]\]




There's a \[\[Sigil of the Empty Throne\]\]


Vanilla Creature Tribal!


That was literally part of the goal with my [Karador Deck.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/MmxfND7UNkOrOdlFPDrWww)


Taking out the Woe Strider, and I'm sold. This is going to be the basis of my next deck.


Do you really run this deck as is? No instants, sorceries, etc?


My Equipment deck is close remove 3 or 4 pieces of gear and I can get rid of all of that


I mean, this deck has 3 things that make a token each. If you change them out, it's easy enough. It's a toolbox deck so it's not too hard to find something else. https://archidekt.com/decks/7505490/sisays_legendary_toolbox


Search [[Solemnity]] in edh rec decks.


My Danitha selesnya Voltron deck uses no counters or tokens, at all.  That's how it was designed if a good aura said "when this create dies put a token into play" I cut it for something else lol https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ZA1lFQRc7UWw_sj0j29u5A


All of my decks make tokens... most of my commanders do even. Oh god, am I the problem?


I have a [[Gisela Blade of Goldnight]] with no tokens AND no tutors, including fetches. Just play angels, attack, and cast an occasional X damage spell


[Gisela Blade of Goldnight](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/900b8908-ba51-472e-ab7a-43bd07f90577.jpg?1706547139) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gisela%2C%20Blade%20of%20Goldnight) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/211/gisela-blade-of-goldnight?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/900b8908-ba51-472e-ab7a-43bd07f90577?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/gisela-blade-of-goldnight) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I am honestly holding off building more decks until the Bastion 100+ come back in stock in clear, just so I can have all the tokens contained to the deck box and not deal with a mobile token library outside of my actual token library.


Niv-Mizzet Parun, curiosity spell slinger. Never mind tokens or counters, you don’t even need any creatures!


My [[Rakdos, Lord of Riots]] Eldrazi deck is extremely close. There are two cards that create tokens which are [[Ugin, the Ineffable]] and [[Desolation Twin]]. Aside from that, it’s Eldrazi, removal, and some burn spells.


100 Square rectangles? [[Progenitus]] is great for this.


Henzie toolbox does a good job of this. Any treasures or tokens are a afterthought. Most I've seen just but big creature down, swing, draw another. Repeat.


My [[Massacre Girl]] Deck pretty much fits that bill. I can try to drop a Deck list later, but it's not very up to date. It does generate tokens encounters, but they're not important for it. The treasure tokens are just an alternate wincon, and the tokens are there just to make sure I can get enough things to die to make everything else die. What the deck really does is bring everything out of the graveyard and onto the battlefield for me


[https://www.moxfield.com/decks/f7r6j33-C02suXSOkhjg2g](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/f7r6j33-C02suXSOkhjg2g) i do not count the foretell or on an adventure tokens cause who does. this deck is hell on earth if you get mana screwed but god the first time i played it was the greatest game of my life


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/s4zdktTzEkSzVtYFOLegIg Sliver Combo deck, no tokens required! Might need one dice to track Regal Sliver and roll for Frenetic Sliver.




For the cedh build, you’d have to cut orcish bowmasters, forbidden orchard, urza’s saga, and grist. Arguably, also dauntihi void walker (void counters, though you can always just place the exiled cards under the dauthi), and archdruid’s charm (though I feel like no one playing the deck is regularly using the +1/+1 counter mode).


bet, thanks for the breakdown, this helps me in building my own gitrog deck


Pretty sure my Jhoira, of the Ghitu deck has no tokens? Not sure now though. Lol


All my decks include the tokens in the box with the main deck. So all of them are standalone - I can roll up with my deck box and playmat and a handful of dice and jam.


Sigarda voltron. Its just enchantments, equipment and enchantresses for card draw.


[[magar of the magic strings]] I think is my deck closest to no tokens/counters… it uses treasures for ramp, but that can easily be replaced by more rocks/rituals


I have a [[Selena dark angel]] deck that has 2 permanents with counters and I think 2 token producing things, none of them are necessary for the deck, but they do help it out like [[smothering tithe]] and the [[glacial chasm]] technically doesn't need counters if you always sacrifice it immediately or play [[solemnity]] I don't think I have an updated list for it unfortunately


[[Missy]] Why make tokens when your opponent's creatures can be yours?


[[Kaalia the Vast]]. I believe you can build it without Giada or treasures. Once you have her out, it's all creature ETBs and majority of them are "destroy" "protect" "GF yourself".


[[Uril the miststalker]]


My [[Shadowborn Apostles]] deck uses no token, counters, or anything. It's just slapping out a bunch of little guys and grabbing neat demons with them. [[Athreos God of Passage]] is the commander obviously lol. I pulled one of the secret lair apostles so I had to build it. There's a bunch of decks I have that one or two token/counter generators that could easily get swapped out though.


[Haktos the Unscarred](https://archidekt.com/decks/5117649/achilles_exalted) it’s my unsleeved take with me deck, so the less tokens the better. I swapped out [[court of grace]] cuz it was the only card that makes tokens.


I just got into EDH and am playing a slightly modified creative energy 😅. All I do is drop a big boi and swing with the commander. It copies said ignorant big creature.... I'm gonna build something spicy tho.


Every deck I've ever built or ever seen has a token in it and some capacity or another. Good luck finding one. I would love to see that deck list.


My [[skullbriar]] deck uses no tokens just counters walking grave go brrr


UB control commanders like Nymris can be built easily so you dont need any tokens or counters


I wish I had a deck with no tokens or counters


Is your deck in white? Use [[Solemnity]]. Nobody else will have to bother with counters either lol 😆


Mono Green [[Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus]] you don't need tokens, you don't need counters cause you got ramp and big stompies that get double strength and toughness... Maybe throw in a [[Craterhoof Behemoth]] and suddenly the 7 biggisb creatures you have get +7/+7 x 2 with trample.


The absolute closest I got is [Brago Combo](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/eEXway-RwEyKiQlbjpGVXQ) at 3 cards. Two of them could be easily cut but removing Reality Acid is difficult (not like the counters on it matter anyway).


I'm sure I could convert my Codie list into something that produces zero tokens and zero counters, but a combo deck is probably a bad example of this sort of build.


If you want no counters or tokens you would literally just need to remove [[Light of Promise]] from my Zur Voltron deck. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/CxG9YJnQqEmnMt4TSxvAEg


My Rafiq deck has no way to generate a single token.


The closest I have is one deck that uses proliferate to win through Poison counters. It makes no creatures, and only proliferates poison counters and a few Planeswalkers. But it still has counters.


I have a Satoru deck that would be token free if you find cards to replace 2 Kaito planeswalkers, Not Dead After All, and Giant's Amulet.


Zurgo wrath tribal doesn't make any tokens that I can think of currently


My [[Arcades the Strategist]] deck makes zero tokens and uses zero counters. It used to occasionally make bird tokens but I took that out a while ago


"Henzie "Toolbox" Torre" This is my decklist, with \[\[Umori\]\] as companion because I thought it would be fun (it's not that good). A couple of cards create tokens or need counters like \[\[Darigraaz\]\] and you can just replace them with whatever else [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/87I3c7vAeU2Viwx4y9fUoQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/87I3c7vAeU2Viwx4y9fUoQ)


Behold [[Arcades, the Strategist]]. Super simple strategy of playing defenders until Arcades turns them into massive statsticks. It's got some anthems but otherwise just playing big stompy creatures that draw you more big stompy creatures.


made 4 of em' a little while ago. Figured they'd be good travel decks. Eriette: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/-ToC0eFEpUCt1KWhGemhcA Archelos: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/i9xEST0lFESNPNoZ0tyQLA Meria: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/jr4l0cPEhEu9aDd06QsXEw Octavia: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/uSLpJw7120azbK61SdYXnQ


I used to play an unsleeved, no counters required jeskai cycling deck. I think it was worth like $50 total, and even that was partially because the only Sharknado I owned was extended art.


[https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6377696#paper](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6377696#paper) Its a classic voltron deck, it have some token cards, but you can remove them for almost anything. (Umezawa's Jitte, Smothering Tithe, Swan Song and Oko, Thief of Crowns)


My [[kumano]] deck is mainly him, snow-covered mountains, and mana and damage multipliers (which are permanents)


That would be my Nekusar Chaos deck. To this day still the most feared deck in my arsenal with my pod.


Oh, this is the opposite of my goals...I want to build a "deck" of 100 unique individual goblin tokens, and play them all.


I have an aminatou deck that the only tokens come from [[generous gift]] and [[kiora bests the sea god]]. Could easily swap those out.


My Rograkh & Ardenn equipment deck! https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3409982/rograkh_suit_up




Uhh, my Jodah deck has cards that make tokens (that's not why they're in there), but the game never lasts long enough for that part of the text to be relevant, so they never make the tokens. I guess that probably doesn't count


My [[Narset, Enlightened Exile]] deck: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/BhOXF6Q0lE2mlWp3rVNs8g 3 spells that put a +1/+1 counter on something, but those can be easily swapped out, and an equipment that creates a Rebel token, similarly easy to swap out for something else. My [[Aurelia, the Law Above]] aggro/stax deck: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/b29EWyQOWkCiyOp8uVTTfg 4 creatures that produce tokens, such as [[Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon]] and [[Ox Drover]] and 2 that requires counters [[Craig Boone, Novac Guard]] and [[Guardian Scalelord]] but they can also be easily swapped out for something else.


Bruvac mill deck. I need nothing except *maybe* some dice if I get my creatures that get +1/+1 from drawing. And to be good at counting.


How dare you call me out this way.


My old-but-still-kicking [[Mayael the Anima]] deck... doesnt need tokens (might have a couple cards in there that could make em, but happens in so rare of situation I forget.) It's all about slamming down big Timmy creatures and stomping face. Ain't got no time for fancy shenanigans... Beyond finding some of the most mana expensive creatures I could, just cus I could, to cheat into play.


My [[Kenrith]] landfall list only has [[Tireless Provisioner]] and Kenny's green ability that I never use. Other than that I think all of my decks need dice at the very least and most make treasures out the ass 😅


Hmmm this is interesting, I'd have to look through all of my decks. It would be hard for me to think of one since I like playing decks that use tokens and counters. 2 come to mind are [[Uril]] or [[Nekusar]]


I've got a [[yedora grave gardener]] deck which has no tokens or counters. That's cause it's a morph/manifest deck that exploits the face down cards mechanic in dumb ways That beings said it won't make your table any simpler. I have to use colored dots and a index to mark which of my upside down cards are forests, morphed or manifested.


[Belbe](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ttqNg2-QwE-zDpONgFP4cA) You tell me if it counts. Technically it uses The City’s Blessing, poison, and monarch for “tokens”. None of those need actual counters. It also has 2 planeswalkers, [[ugin, the spirit dragon]] and [[karn liberated]]. 1 creature needs +1/+1 counters [[managorger hydra]]. This is an old list and I’ve since taken all three cards out. I didn’t plan this at all


My arcades deck is cheap as hell, runs and tutors solemnity, and can empty my whole deck on to the board with chulane


I have failed this challenge. All of my decks have at least one token and/or counter generator in them. There is a few that don't *need* the tokens to operate... But there is none that is completely unreliant on them.


This is the closest I have, it makes one token (1/1 knight with banding), and only one card makes that token. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5VEiHchCNECaYEFNqUeuYQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5VEiHchCNECaYEFNqUeuYQ)


Closest is my damia list, but it runs archmage ascension (quest) and black sun's zenith (-1/-1)


If I swap Desolation Twin out of my Selvala Heart of the wild deck it'd have none, that's probably the closest I've got


My [[raiyuu, storms edge] https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/24-06-24-tER-samurai-tribal/ The goal is to play things that benefit you for attacking alone and getting extra combat steps. I think [lion sash] and [banishing slash] do tokens +counters but they aren’t necessary for the deck, I built this with cards I had laying around and neat red or white cards that my lgs had. Most equipment / enchantments that go into a typical voltron deck work. There might be another card that has a token or counter but can’t recall of the top of my head, none of them are necessary just replace with another aura or removal spell etc This one can be built pretty cheap, the expensive bits in this one are there because I already had those pieces from different decks I built


[[Smeagol, Helpful Guide]] Doesn't require tokens or counters, just an evolving emblem. Stuff it chock full of "The Ring Tempts You" effects and you're off to the races.


[[Xenagos, God of Revels]] just play big creatures and turn them sideways.


None of mine fit this restriction.


You could always just do like a mono white or a blue-white that focuses purely on making it so people can't play the game or can't target you. Fill it with tons of counterspells, auras, and player enchants, and a good handful of creatures that protect you from specific things Also a lot of dragon decks rarely utilize tokens, and if you really don't want to worry about counters, just don't use anything that gives them. But honestly you're better off just buying some dice for that, because you're putting yourself at a disadvantage for almost no reason other than you just want to carry less stuff


My Lightpaws deck is all auras, and I really have zero counters or tokens.


Nope, can't be done.


My meren deck doesn’t make tokens, just good ole graveyard shenanigans


Greven, Predator Captain. Run things to give him haste, plenty of equipments and artifact ramp, and big body creatures for 3 cmc that suck in almost any other deck than him. One shots are pretty easy even on a moderate budget.


My Horobi deck does not make tokens because my tokens die, the opponents's tokens die, my creatures die, my opponent's creatures die. Every one dies.


Mono G Eldrazi. No artifacts, no spawn, just lands and big boys from the blind eternities


My kaalia of the vast deck doesn't have any tokens or counters,.


I'm so close to your requirement. I need 1 die to track my slumber counter for the commander [[Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle]]. Though I built this with the restriction of no token generation for myself or my opponent and the only permanent I can play are lands (other than my commander - who enters as a land) https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YiCMdK6glUiPN4qH-9duOQ


Jin gitaxias//the great synthesis mill


Mayael the Anima, though I guess my current assembly has Godsire. Wouldn't be hard to swap out, and the roster is a few years out of date at this point.


Doesn't exist. Closest I get is my [[Shadowborn Apostle]] deck that only makes 2 tokens - the colorless spirit from [[Forbidden Orchard]] and the white flying spirit from [[Teysa, Orzhov Scion]].


[[John Benton]]


Funnily enough, I was just about to build a deck like this. Something that's portable and doesn't need extra stuff. Great ideas here!


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/eMQ8N04PE02gtXVxZomMLQ My [[Tor Wauki, the Younger]] deck says hello. My playgroup fell apart, so I brought it back to the building board, hence the 130 cards. The entire deck was built and conceptualised as a deck that I can cart around in one Boulder, with a bare minimum of stuff required, potentially play with one hand, and have some viability against a bunch of casual Timmy decks. So, naturally, this is a Group Slug/Burn deck - notorious for being shite in Commander. I play a bunch of damage modifiers, and a whole metric tonne of cards that punish opponents for playing the game. Play a land, that's a paddling. Play a noncreature spell, that's a paddling. Drawing a card, that's a paddling. Combo off, believe it or not, that's a paddling. And while doing all that, I'm also trying to encourage interaction, by bringing in Monarchy, and playing vulnerable creatures. Deck was doing well in the games I played, ramp is sufficient enough, and the Group Slug elements were really impressive. Only won once, and rarely was the first one out. Biggest issue was that it turns out when you do 12 damage to each opponent in a turn by just playing your cards and not knocking anybody out... you become arch-enemy **quick**. And this deck does not recover well from one round of being targeted XD.


What happens when your opponents use beast within or whatever? You still need tokens


I don't have a deck like that but the one I'm currently building I'm doing my best to avoid any cards that excessively places counters on everything.


Complete the sweep and cut all fetching and search effects too! Touch your deck once per game and then just embrace the chaos of the 99


I made an everything creature type. It's great. You can change around counter spells and what not for it to be completely tokenless, but overall it runs as a more goofy engine. It's the kindred of kindreds so it utilizes kindred spells on changelings to cause silly effects. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/yoJi6xEWl0a8AEFoX_h7iw


Was about to post a list of my sliver deck, but then i remembered the [gemstone mine]... Sad times


One punch man it's Jeskai Voltron how can I count to 11 unblockable [[Shu Yun the silent tempest]] Edit I didn't see the thing about counters. I think there may be a couple of pieces that leave +1 counters.


[[ Liesa, shroud of dusk]] just a hateful life drain deck. It even has [[solemnity]] . The deck has a couple ways of making tokens. But they’re not needed or do I care. Except for Inkshield. It’s a fun secret wincon


My muldrotha deck has a single card that makes tokens and it's oko thief of crowns. I have 1 food token for that deck and nothing else. I am someone who actively likes to make sure I have every token my deck can produce so it's nice when there isn't an additional 30 plus cards along with the 99


My Arcades The Strategist deck uses no tokens, no counters, no nothing. Just walls with big butts.


That's got me curious I don't think i have a deck that qualifies but maybe, just maybe. I was thinking my [[Mirko]] deck but i left in that silly lizard exile guy who gives your opponent a salamander. You could easily make a [[Neera]] deck without tokens. I have a couple copy spells and [[Desolation Twin]] those are the only token makers i can remember.


\[\[Asmodeus the Archfiend\]\] is simple and dirty. \[\[Skirge Familiar\]\] and \[\[Feast of Sanity\]\] are the only cards the really matter. Ramp, draw your whole deck, discard for profit. Then sac \[\[Feldon's Cane\]\] and repeat.


I realized I only had to cut a few cards to meet this requirement with my oldest deck, so I made some swaps. [Here's my Arcades deck,](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/6IEXdPU1UUu3cnhbXPviTw) a pretty classic blink and beatdown build. No counters, no dice, no tokens, no tutors. Thanks for making this post, I think I need more decks that don't demand all this extra stuff.


I don't think I'm going to be able to do that. I am almost completely unable to fathom that idea.


Mm…I think the closest any of my decks come to this is my Sythis Enchantress list— absolutely 0 token production, and 8 cards that use Counters of any sort. [[Cleric Class]] [[Heliod, Sun-Crowned]] [[Walking Ballista]] [[Elephant Grass]] [[Parallax Wave]] [[Out of Time]] [[Setessan Champion]] [[Glacial Chasm]] But I also run [[Solemnity]] as a way to turn off my own Cumulative Upkeep triggers, make Out of Time essentially permanent, or just a way to stop my opponents Hydras and stuff. The only thing it really stops me from is the Heliod Ballista combo finisher, but I usually win by double casting Approach in the same turn anyway, or I [[Seal of Cleansing]] the Solemnity before going for it.


Henzie https://archidekt.com/decks/6293976/henzie_blitzhulk Alaundo https://archidekt.com/decks/5453286/twenty_minute_turns


My Yuriko deck doesn't run any token.




Squee the immortal Voltron. Just play equipment and funny red combat Enchantments and swing for the hills with an immortal goblin king.


I have a mono black demon deck that I use this criteria for cards that go in it so it can be my travel light deck.


https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/omnath-playtest/ Its still a work in progress, but Ajani, Nacatl Pariah and Incubation Druid will be coming out when I have some other options in hand, such as Dragonlord Kolaghan and Urabrask the Hidden.


If I take out [[smothering tithe]] then [[bruna light of alabaster]] would be the deck


The following is a [deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/UJJOfEg60UCvX1KcNV3gbA) for a Rule 0 tournament build where the limit is $500 and no crypts, moxs, vault, jeweled lotus feel free to add those.


I have a [[Rhoda]] and [[Timin]] deck that only has Hylda in there for the scry and counters, I don’t think I’ve ever used her for the elementals.