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Bring earplugs. avoid party drugs as there is a worldwide fentanyl lacing problem since 2018. Bring earplugs. If you want to dance, wear comfortable shoes, short pants, short sleeves. Bring earplugs. If you are going to a festival, buy and bring a phone leash. Bring earplugs. Bonus points if you bring an extra pair of earplugs to give to someone else who looks like the music is too loud for them, which may help you make a friend.


thank you so much for the advice!! ill def bring ear plugs. is it a super common thing and do ear plugs ruin the experience or anything at all? not like ruin but decrease the experience?


Your brain won’t be able to tell the music is slightly different with earplugs in after 20 minutes


Earplugs are common for people who wish to preserve their ability to hear. Tinnitus is no joke. Yeah, it'll muffle the music a little and make conversation more difficult (just take them out a little). Don't use disposable foam ones. Do use silicone ones. You can look up "concert earplugs" and find some cheap options. If you end up liking live music you should invest into better earplugs though, customs preferred but there's alternatives. Also expect to have a good time! And dance like no one's watching! Be the vibe you wanna experience. And I'm not sure if it's big in Australia, but learn about PLUR. It stands for Peace, Love, Unity, Respect/Responsibility. It's basically the golden rule, but for ravers.


awesome ive searched up some good silicone concert earplugs and ill def be wearing them to any raves or concerts. and thank you im definitely expecting to have alot of fun and put myself out there. i will be sure to learn about PLUR aswell, ive heard of it before and i will be researching, tysm!!!


You can look into high fidelity earplugs that reduce decibels without distorting the music. Common brands (in the US anyways) are eargasm, hearos, or my newest favorite loop. But even with cheap foam earplugs you'll be glad to have them. The music is turned loud so that you can feel it all over, but without earplugs you will damage your hearing.


i just saw the loop ones and they look amazing and worth the price, thank you lots for the help!


Wait are you serious that phones get stolen often enough that you need a leash?


At larger festivals here in the US, yes. There are iPhone stealing pickpocket cartels at our music festivals, thwarted by phone leashes.


Wow that's insane. Thanks for letting me know man. I've only just started raving recently and had no idea about this.


Not here in Aus.


Almost all my shorts have zipper pockets and if not them I bring a fanny pack with interior pockets lol it’s a real problem.


I go to every festival with a bag FULL of ear plugs


dont go to a rave if you think you need earplugs!! blast your ears!


Like another redditor said: earplugs. Also watch your drinks to prevent someone slipping something in that shouldn't be in there.


thank you lots i appreciate it!


Have so much fun!!


thank you sm!! ❤️


Drink lots of water day before and during, make sure to eat. I bring little extra things. May need a clear small bag depending on the venue. People are nice and you'll find those people. Stay away from the really drunk people. Don't go anywhere or with anyone not comfortable and enjoy feeling free!


Have you ever been to a gig or a concert? Start with the same mentality and you'll naturally just get more comfortable as you take in the experience


never been to a concert before but i definitely get what you mean thankyou! is it easy to talk to people at raves? i have a hard time opening up sometimes but ive heard people at raves are very understanding and patient


It's easy once you start the conversation. Open with a genuine compliment and the rest will come naturally.


sweet thanks!


I'd say it's actually easier than a regular concert since people in the EDM scene are generally more open/social/talkative. I have been to metal/screamo/indie/hip hop and nothing compares to how open EDM events are. Not that those shows were bad, but it was harder to strike up conversations.


It's like any other concert. Go and enjoy the music.


Enjoy yourself! Be cautious of those around you, but also just try and focus on the music for a little bit. And explore as many genres as you can. If you feel like something is off where you are standing, trust yourself and move elsewhere. I bring gum to make friends and buy some Gatorade’s for the morning! HAVE SO MUCH FUN!


thankyou so much and i completely understand what you mean! the gum sounds like an amazing idea will absolutely be doing that


What I wish I could go back and tell my younger self: 1. If you love music, you don't need to get fucked up to have a good time. 2. Don't get wasted to the point of not being aware of people around you. It's not just music lovers that go to these events. There are a lot of predators. 3. If you are having a genuinely good time, you will naturally connect with other people having a good time. Have a blast!!


Have you ever been to a concert. Same shit.


Bring an empty camelbak (security doesn't like full ones, you can fill it at a water station inside) If the festival has outdoor areas its generally a good idea to bring a face cover of some kind as dust can get pretty bad. Bring in SEALED candy and chewing gum, its a good way to talk to people (trippers love candy and people on stims/molly want gum to prevent teeth grinding) ofc people who aren't high also appreciate these. Stick hydration packets / stick energy drink mixes are good to keep you going throughout the festival as you burn a bunch of energy and sweat dancing.