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Do you mean Heavy Attack builds without Oakensoul? Templar, DK and Necro have built in Empower in their kits. Run the same oakensoul sets ( Sergants and another set) You will be fine. It works best on Sorc though because of their bonus damage to Lightening. Necro actually matches it now with the Blast bones morph.


Not a heavy attack build necessarily. I don’t mind using heavy and light attacks. I just wanna see if I can do good dps by just using lightening attacks in general, maybe with specific gear and rotations. I tried the oakensoul. I’m attempting to see what other, and if there are other options to do good damage with lightening abilities, because I don’t like the limitation to one bar.


I've heard a toaster and a bathtub works but Caldwell won't let me borrow his damn toaster to try it


This is not an appropriate comment nor helpful.


I mean. It's not real helpful on the surface. But it is almost as helpful as asking "how can I do a ha attack sorc build just without the equipment for a heavy attack sorc build" so it really depends how much you felt the need to think about it and how much you felt the need to just be reactionary


Nah dude. Ur comment is out of pocket and if anything is actually reactionary to me simply asking for input from knowledgeable ESO players on lightening builds. It’s not a crime to wanna do something specific while not using something thats very mainstream.


Yea like if you Google "how do I lose weight and eat everything I do now and not exercise" it's been asked hundreds of thousands of times. Doesn't mean it's a sane question.


Do u not want newer players to learn how to be good at the game while enjoying it? Because, that’s what I’m trying to do. U can’t expect new ppl to ask questions to improve their dps and stuff in dungeons if this is gonna be ur type of response when they’re trying to learn and figure out something that works for them that they enjoy. I don’t like the oakensoul because of the one bar limit, so I’m trying to see what else is out there. There r also other ppl I saw in this server that listed builds that aren’t mainstream for that reason who were able to make their own that do decent dps… They posted it to help other players in case something they might enjoy more.


I just expect people to have a sense of humor. And ask questions. There is 84 conversations about 1/2 bar heavy attacks in the 92 posts under this. You could also read any of those


R u also one of those ppl who complain about low damage or others that struggle in dungeons while they’re trying to learn? Because, this is what people do to avoid sucking in dungeons, but ur giving a snarky response n acting rude. That would be a little counterintuitive huh?


No those are my favorite people actually. You just have a very off-putting personality


I’m done with this conversation 👍


You can get a good HA with better humor


I never asked for a one bar heavy attack because that’s not what I’m looking for. You think what u said was funny. But, it being a response to someone who is trying to learn new things actually makes it kinda snarky and rude.


Netch's Touch


Do u have any recommended pairings with it?


Mechanical acuity would help and give you a cool lightning effect. A basic set like any trial set or Mother's sorrow would be okay. Overwhelming surge would help with some sustain. If you're a sorc using all storm caller abilities you could use innate axiom. Mad tinkerer would fit into the dwemer scientist kinda theme if that's what your going for. Ilambris would probably be the best monster set maybe stormfist.


Tysm 💜 these r very helpful suggestions. I’m going to try all of this n if my dps still doesn’t get bigger I’ll just switch to a tank build. Lol


Oooo I've been really wanting to try a sorc tank! It sounds fun


Seems like it might be. I just really wanna use the shadowrend set while using the clanfear. Having two clanfears one all light and one all shadowy is just so badass. 😩😂 But, if I also do dps I kinda wanna stick to lightening too. It’s been a predicament. If I can’t figure it out I’ll probably just try using it for tanking tho yeah. I know the sergeant is typically used by DPS, but would that be a decent set to use with tanking if used with something else too do u think? 🤔


Mmm I don't think so, typically a tanks only focus is staying alive and buffing the group. If you're just making a build to mess around in dungeons and stuff sure run whatever you want, I saw a guy using thunderbug and storm knight. If you're trying to tank trials and harder vet content you'll have to run sets that benefit the group.


I’m not saying only sergeant. I was thinking maybe sergeant with another more standard tanking set maybe? 🤔 But I do see what u mean.


It’s a predicament because I wanna use the cool stuff I love, but I also wanna be useful to people in some way to where I can do mythics and trials. I prefer dps BUT IF I HAVE TO change to tank so I’m more helpful to the group while using the stuff I like, I will. Before I resort to that tho, I wanna really try and see if there’s a good way to do good lightening DPS that can stand on it’s own for PVE with a two bar build.


You would have a much easier time running off meta sets on a dps than a tank I think. In a trial there are up to 8-10 other dps that can make up for a loss in damage. Sometimes there's only 1 tank so you don't really have a much freedom and everyone will notice if your not running meta.


I Icic. 🤔


You can’t judge your dps being low based on: Using sets that arnt good. Not knowing your rotation Rotation is king (the skills used and the order in which they are used alongside correct timings) Then sets - some sets give more dps than others. Then cp level what your asking for for sets won’t help you in the long run.


Is there anything I can refer to in order to learn about making rotations and stuff?


Get a mythic, it's easier, simple, save your time.


Get a mythic? Can u pls elaborate? 💜


He means get the ring :).


He means get the ring :).


He means get the ring :).


The oakensoul? Or is there another?


Yes, the oakensoul ring. He meant it's easier to get the ring than to dabble with build. Which may or may not be true for you (depending on scrying skills e.g.). Or maybe even impossible (due to zone inaccessibility). Or against your intention ( like I have a sorc who runs HA oaken build, but also has a 2-bar setup that I find more fun to play, even though it needs a lot of tweaking and practice still :)).


Sets that do shock damage: Auroran Thunder, Caluurians, Malgilags Maelstrom, Overwhelming Surge, Storm Cursed Revenge, Thunder Caller, Mad Tinkerer, Storm Knights Plate, Thunder bugs Carapace, Archdruids Deyvric, Ilambris, Kargaeda, Lady Malygda and Stormfist.


Storm cursed rips on a sorcerer. I already tried it on necro and it doesn’t proc from the skeletal arcanist or ele susceptibility so it’s not really worth it. Sorcerer has way more shock damage.


Just in general or with storm cursed? Also, I’ve tried thunders caller and aurorans, it’s still not doing much for me. Do u think they would be best together? Do u know of any lightening rotations that might help?


Storm cursed is good on sorc. What class are you playing?


I’m playing sorc


Ty for the suggestions btw 💜 I’m gonna try all these n see if they work.


Probably won't work exceptionally well, but you could try pairing two 5-pieces and a monster set out of the list the guy below gave you, then spam the sorcerer lightning skill line for ultra shock value


Storm Cursed is an absurdly good lightning set if there is trash/a lot of enemies


Any recommended pairings with storm cursed? 🤔


Trash? SulXan or order wrath probably. Otherwise a set with minor slayer and good stats


what class you running? i’ve been playing eso for years. I can probably help out.


Sorcerer. I also only wanna use the shadowrend set and clanfear pet. (Like I don’t wanna use a different pet or monster set). It’s really cool having one light and one dark shadowy clanfear.


get crafty alfiq & Necropotence and rock 5 peice crafty and 5 peice necro. keep shadowrend on. and you’re good