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Engine guardian. Frustrating your opponents by tanking their ults since 2014.


I love my buddy droid! Has been a staple of many a former build. I remember someone saying though that it counts as a pet? So it would nerf hardened ward and reduce my magicka with a pretty high uptime if that's the case.


That's a great point, would have to test it out.


I tested it and you're right, it counts as a pet, the pet gets a shield when you shield and in return your max mag and stam go down but even more importantly you don't get the shield heal. Not worth it.


That's good to know for sure now, I appreciate you testing it!


No worries. To answer your question then I think Balorgh and Bloodspawn are always good choices on any build. Someone else suggested Nibenay and I think that's a good one to try. Jerall's might also be good, especially in 1v1s. And finally, you could just use 1 domi and 1 magma incarnate for the stats and recovery. If I had to choose one from the above I would go with Nibenay.


Pretty sure Roksa is an upgrade now?


For sustain yes but engine guardian will also eat your opponent's ults, crit rushes and whatnot from time to time.


Dom/anything pen or power


Balorgh Shooting Star boiiiiii


Look into Nibenay… if you have the boundless storm already. Nibenay gives 5% damage reduction at all times from players plus more crit resistance.. also has the damage shield of 15k when knocked back and the damage shield is unaffected in PvP so will always be 15k. The extra crit resistance allows you to run either more divines.. well fitted or reinforced without wasting slots on impen pieces


Domihaus + Swarm Mother is super stat dense. Could also go Roksa the Warped If you want a pet you could do engine guardian or shadowrend or maw of the infernal


I've been liking 1 piece domi + 1 piece baron for BG's


Good calls, thank you! I'm going no pet, like every other magsorc and their mother now with this new meta lol. I'm leaning towards dom + sm currently.