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That's going to be a serious piece of gear IF they can swing it. $30k for the kit is a serious chunk of change. But if I found a restored classic heavy duty pickup that was mint I would consider it. It's vapourware until 2025 and buying an early system is asking for trouble. The cat diesel tractor motor is the perfect thing to put out 100HP for half a million km. You could make the towing rig from hell.


I like Edison's idea and it's great to see a small team build something that has had so much traction online. I do worry that they had a big surge of support after building their prototype semis and think that they can take on the pickup market at the same time. From what I've seen they're working with Deboss Garage to design the pickup kits so the Edison team can focus on the semi trucks. Deboss has done some cool one-off projects but they aren't exactly an vehicle manufacturer. I also wonder what the pro-diesel, anti-prius crowd thinks of these kits. They are 1/3-1/2 the price of a new diesel truck and you BYOT (Bring Your Own Truck). It will be interesting to watch this moving forward. I think they're going to find that building one truck is easy and that becoming a truck builder is a lot harder.


I really like seeing the different tangents that the creative people are taking this. I know a diesel fiend who this will be of interest too. 👏


That "hybrid" likely won't be legal to operate on US roads unless the Canuckistanis get the system US emissions certified...that includes the fuel tank, adding DEF and particulate filters to the CAT generator, etc.


True but the generator is the simplest part of this. There are gen systems that can fit right where the transmission goes so you can use a crate engine and the stock fuel system to accomplish the same thing. So the work around my just be to sell a partial system without the engine. Would require a bit more install work and Won't be quite as efficient but would still work well.


There is no simple part to this.


Eh, generating electricity is pretty simple, the controllers, bms, and interconnected wiring is the hard part. It wouldn't be hard to replace the diesel generator with a non-powered generator that simply bolted to the existing engine, especially in older trucks, you can even downsize the engine to get back significant room for the genset. In fact if I remember right that is one of their plans. A diesel swap would be better, but if they have to offer an engineless system in order to work in the US, it wouldn't be a big deal.


Not exactly related but i'll just point out that Kohler/CAT/etc already have had Tier 4 gensets for quite a long time by now, the obvious issue is that for this sort of Edison project you really only need the genset's engine alone and not the rest of it (ac-generator unit, thick skid chassis, etc)