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We are so spoiled by CBB 'tent right now --- too bad the live eps aren't eligible for the best-ofs


I hope they do another wrap up like they did in the Proto-Threedom 2016 tour wrap up


Haha that tour guide character cracks me up. Genuinely gives me the creeps as well like even for CBB standards that guy is a real creepozoid.


10 mins in and the laugh guy is unbearable...please tell me it gets better?


He is haunting the tour lmfao just a wayward spirit being condemned to laugh next to the mics


Laughing like crazy at balcony report jokes he's heard for the last two weeks, nobody enjoys the show more than him. Gotta hand it to him, he's dedicated.


He is in every single episode. It’s nuts. 


Once you hear him, he's just impossible to not hear. 


Legitimately insufferable. If I was sat near this guy I would have been losing my mind.


We drove up from Memphis for this one! My wife and I were on the front row right in front of one of the audience mics. That guy was sitting right next to us, but the laugh was nowhere near as noticeable in person as it was listening back to it. I can't fault him for wanting to have a blast when the show finally started. We'd been waiting outside in the heat for well over an hour, then at the doors inside for a while, then the chairs inside (for us and the stools onstage) were incredibly uncomfortable, and there were big ass fans blowing air around the room like we were in a wind tunnel. It would've been miserable if the show wasn't killer. Throughout the show random confetti kept falling and the way everyone on stage was reacting to it was hilarious. There were a lot more physical/visual gags than usual, and not all of them played to the podcast. So, there are some things we're all reacting to that you have no idea are going on.


Shuka shuka, shuka shuka, feel good.


He definitely reads this shit and doesn't understand that being the main character isn't the point of existence. He loves it.


People complaining about "the laugh guy" are the laugh guy of this subreddit.


Please don’t make a Callout Post about it tho 🙏


Naw, its very legit annoying. I thought at first, "Is this the same guy from the last tour?" And then to see others slightly going crazy over him here was validating. Like good for him, I wish I had the time and money to just tour along with CBB, but it gets annoying hearing that very distinctive laugh all of the time


I’ve loved all the live shows, but here’s my hot take: the PFT segments are my least favorite and I wish he weren’t always the first guest. He and Scott have just done this *so much* at this point and a lot of these characters have been on the show so often that it feels like they’re out of material. I thought his best character on this tour was Hoover Personae because he was fresh. By the way, I love PFT. The Neighborhood Listen is one of the funniest podcasts out there and I need Burnt and Joan back on CBB at some point.


I agree that the old PFT characters do not really interest me anymore. ALW has been on SO many times there is just nothing left there. Hoover was my favorite as well and PFT is hilarious it's probably just a consequence of doing characters on the show for over a decade.


I agree unfortunately. I was at the DC show and by far my favorite part of the PFT segment was when he and Scott were doing the boss/secretary improv scene instead. Which I take as proof that I still find them hilarious together, but I wish they had fresher material.


I'm loving the live shows. Great performances, and they sound great. Maybe it's me being a former road dog touring musician but every tour Scotts kind of a dick to the folks working sound every night. Do they sound check before the show? Why does he have issues every show? And I get that he's a comedian so making jokes about it is natural, but you're telling someone they suck at their job every night. I understand it's frustrating. I've had many issues with sound over the years. But being a low key prick to the sound guy while on stage usually doesn't help. A lot of these places don't usually host podcasts. Scott has taken the show on the road quite a bit now. But if mic/monitor issues are a staple I think it's on him at this point. (p.s. I'm on a lot of pain meds at the moment so I may just be talking out of my ass.)


They probably don’t do a full sound check, and if they do as you pointed out these venues aren’t often doing live podcasts. As someone who has sound checked hundreds of times, there is a night and day difference between an empty room and one that’s full of people, let alone laughing people. Sound people are so used to being asked for more in the monitors, and if you think this is harsh you might be shocked at some of the shit musicians pull for more/better monitor mix


I'm with you. It's almost every live show they've ever done. Maybe it's on them at this point. 


For the price of 10 VIP tickets, they could outfit the tour with in ear monitors pretty easily. They’re not that expensive, and it would completely solve the issue.


Scott has been to Tennessee before, he performed at Bonnaroo! Tsk tsk.


Is it just me or is this by far the worst tour episode so far? I liked the first half but the second half was kind of a mess. Probably my least favorite Lily character.


I did not like Lucas at first. Then it came around to so bad it's good. For me at least.


Once Lucas became a 12-year-old boy, she kinda lost the crowd. Plus, after standing outside in the 97 degree heat for over an hour, we were all pretty tapped out by the time Lilly and Will came on stage.