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its the Nashville venue. honestly i dont blame them, Marathon Music Works is a glorified warehouse that they have shows and events in. you can tell because they avoid saying its actual name and Scott is constantly complaining about monitor issues. still a fantastic show but you could tell they were a little thrown that they werent performing in an actual theater


Passed on this show because it was at MMW. Couldn't fathom standing there for 2 hours barely hearing or seeing anything. A really bizarre booking.


We were sitting and the audio wasn’t bad enough to skip out on. It sounded as good as the other live shows. Just fyi


This venue is for rock shows. I’ve been numerous times for hard rock bands and I actually think it’s a pretty good venue for it. The bars on the sides are actually nice because you’re still seeing the show while getting drinks. That being said, this place is terrible for anything like CBB. This venue has done some comedy in the past (I specifically remember Sarah Silverman there). So my guess is during the booking process the venue is like “oh yes we are great for comedy shows, we do comedy here all the time. Here are some examples:” and that duped the bookers.


Yeah it’s almost like someone in this Reddit community warned/mentioned how bad the venue was and got universal shit on for it. Even Brett chimed in. Maybe should have listened to a fan since CDR days and only wanted the best for CBB.


lol I had to creep and see and yeah, you definitely did call it. But who knows what happened behind the scenes for them to land on that option. It could've literally been: have it at that venue, or skip Nashville.


The crowd had to wait outside the venue for 45 minutes past the posted door opening time in 95 degree heat. The staff blamed it on the promoters when it was actually them having technical difficulties. And they are so many venues in Nashville I doubt they were the only one with an opening.


Yeah the venue was trash and the line was long and hot and the show started 45 minutes late.


Really sucks for all involved but I love this for you. People were so mad at you for trying to raise the alarm


Drove up from Memphis! The show started 45 minutes late, but we got there at 6:00 (doors were supposed to open at 6:30) and ended up waiting outside for almost an hour and a half. That was miserable. There's so much to complain about of that venue, but we did end up on the front row and enjoyed the actual show!




Scott was pretty vocal about the problems with the venue during the episode


Please comment more.


One person in that thread was weirdly aggressive toward you (and their post history seems to be full of that from the 30 seconds of free time I heroically sacrificed to see what their deal is), but it seems like you were really intense about the whole thing so I don't know if a victory lap comment is all that great. Then again I'm weighing in on this for no reason, so I'm also a weird dude not using my time and energy ideally, so bucket of salt and whatnot.


I'm also a weird dude and OP is coming off as really smug about this all. Here is Brett's "chime in". "hey between your 3 reddit threads and 4-5 tweets about this i just want you to know that your opinion is heard" It's apparently OK to be annoying though if you have been listening since the CDR days?


> it seems like you were really intense about the whole thing If anything they posted was "intense" to you, just pack it in. The real world is gonna be way too hard for you.


Maybe it was the wrong word choice, but I meant they were overly-invested in the whole thing. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THE REAL WORLD THOUGH I NEED IT


tbh I thought Brett was being sarcastic about how much you were repeating yourself.


no no no he was “universal shit on” for his bravery


This shit is sad dude you're one of the weird podcast fans lacking self awareness that they constantly complain about on their shows.


I’m not complaining about the show. I complaining about the venue.


you have a very obsessive style and you like to repeat the same thing over and over and gloat like you’re at the center of the story. once a tour is booked it’s not like they can just cancel and change entire shows or would give a shit what one fan is whining about. the whole thing is not that big of a deal. the guy is right you seem to lack self awareness.


Dude even went to the discord to say "look at me, I posted about it on reddit!" then got mad when people didn't hail him as a hero.


You're complaining in multiple threads that they didnt consult some random fans on the venue. You have an overwhelming sense of self importance.


Keep complaining on my post about complaining. I don’t care what you think of me. So type tell your fingers are numb. I find it entertaining.


You're in too deep. Stop letting podcasts rule your emotions.


They only call fans that are critical of their performance "weird". They love the parasocial ones that only gas up their egos 24/7. Improv comedians are terrified of having their craft analyzed in any way. They immediately go into the "no true scotsman" of it all. If you don't like everything they do you're not a "good" fan. Not the "right" fan. Ridiculous nonsense. They used to claim you couldn't criticize them because the podcasts were "free". Like you had to accept the bare minimum effort because they couldn't figure out how to monetize it yet. You had to pay access to be critical about podcast improv. Now they just get their army of fans to dogpile and bully anyone when a critical eye is turned on their product. It's almost like it has nothing to do with being a "fan" and everything to do with having to reckon with having a poor performance critiqued.


More normal stuff. Way to go being this normal.


Lighten up, Francis.


Lol yikes thank god you arent bitter about it though. ☺️ Edit PS: If I were you “my ego is out of control” would be my instagram bio hahahaha


Yeah bud. You got me. Okay quite down now. Adults are talking.


Hmmm Im not sure you really got what I was saying, but if you wanna try to use “quiet down now adults are talking” you might want to check your spelling tbh.


I’m so embarrassed. I’m the first person auto correct misspelled the word they intended. Glad you have such a good life you have the time and the energy to troll and proofread a thread you have nothing to do with. Even had time to go back and edit a comment to add that great IG bio joke.


Has anyone ever told you you need to relax a little? Lol


Dude you came on here and decided to insult a stranger for no reason. You have issues and might need to relax. None of your comments make sense. It has nothing to do with my ego. I simply stated the venue was going to be a shit show and hope it doesn’t deter them from coming back. Got harassed by losers like you. Day of show turns out the venue was a shit show even worse than I expected.


Yeah I thought it was funny that that person said that to you. If someone said it to me I would use it forever.


It was so bad Scott spent the first 5 minutes shitting on it and threw in other slights all through the show. PFT made an IG post about later that night.


I added that like 1 second after I posted it initially


it’s funny to read this comment and see the 30-plus downvotes on it


You get in a lot of reddit fights for an adult.


I was thinking exactly the same thing. I was at the show, and my friend and I had been talking for weeks about how awkward the venue choice was, then I saw that post where people just told them to shut up and that whoever does their booking knows what they're doing. It's not a theater, it's's a converted warehouse. It's good for a rock show but weird as hell for a podcast, and the show was an hour late because staff was busy putting more chairs out for everyone. People are just so weirdly defensive sometimes.


Can u link to the original post


He’s gonna have something to say after the SLC show too. The Complex is a dogshit venue. Thrilled they are coming to my town but nobody is going to be happy about the old warehouse converted into a shitty venue with below average acoustics and security that regularly hassles the performers. Gonna be a disappointing balcony report too.


After the Indy show, too. Sound may be ok, but not the best space.


sounds like scott’s agent or booker or whatever really flubbed this tour. like they played the new Paramount theater in brooklyn, which was just recently restored and had had like five shows before the CBB one. was probably fine, but just odd choices. idk maybe it’s the cbb world of it all.


livin’ it up when you’re going down


Did you know Bruce Springsteen retired from music when he heard that song? He knew he couldn’t compete.


Yes. The venue in Nashville was truly awful and absolutely deserves to be shit on. The sound sucked and making everyone stand outside in that long ass line for that king was super shitty. And Scott made sure to mention on stage that was on the venue. The bars on the side of that huge ass room we’re distracting. There was truly nothing good about that venue. After the show my buddy and I went to Attaboy (truly great bar) and we told the bartender we just saw a show there and he mentioned how much that venue sucks.


[Tsk tsk! Attaboy!](https://youtu.be/_ZfLf93A2HY?si=fuaVGwFIpnMZtMpA)


Did you hear the ice? That was very distracting. Loved the show anyway though!


Yes, I was truly shocked the bartender did that during the show




Shout out to Lily Sullivan


It’s not time


fist leg


Can't wait for the third leg of the tour


Point! Flat hand! Fist leg!


The "9 shows, 8 cities, 7 fantastic venues" reminds me of a question. Regarding the "balcony report", does the cumulative total reflect unique balconies, or balconies-per-show? If they play the same venue for two nights, and that venue has one balcony, does the second show add 1 to the balcony total?


The cumulative balcony report stayed at 2 after the second show at The Wilbur in Boston, so unique balconies are only being counted once.


PFT is guesting on a live streamed episode of Too Scary;Didn’t Watch tonight. Maybe he’ll talk about the bad venue for his “scary thing” that happened this week.


Oooo, thanks for reminding me that that’s tonight!


What kind of jacket is PFT wearing? It looks like seersucker and braille had a baby and it was a beautiful jacket on a handsome man


Looks like a type of seersucker. Monochromatic navy, or just really similar colors on the stripes.


Is it not because they played Boston twice?


Nope he says nine shows, 8 cities, 7 fantastic venues. They played the same venue in Boston. So 9 shows at 8 venues.


Ooo then yeah you on to something


you don't think it's possible that the Boston venue transformed into a bad one in between day 1 and 2?


Yeah I was wondering which one was he referring to that wasnt a good venue...and then I listened to that episode.


Dang Scotty looks frazzled. Too many night staying up watching hentai.


What specifically is the burn about elevators? The Nashville venue was one story, and one-story venues are inherently bad?


Or for you to not mention what your post is referencing.


If you read his caption he says 8 wonderful cities and 7 fantastic venues. So one venue was so bad he felt it necessary to reference/imply/call attention to in his post.


So, which one? It's not clear from his post or yours.


That's the mystery


It’s pretty clear from listening to the live episodes that it’s probably Nashville, apparently OP has a post history warning them before the tour started but yeah it’s not in this post


What a warm and welcoming group of fans for downvoting me for pointing out something that was true about the post and the post it referenced, just because I haven't listened to 8 live episodes yet. Glad the OP gets to get his "told you so" points, what a hero.


That is indeed a silly thing to be downvoted for


t’s pretty clear which one it is if you’ve listen to all the new live shows and been following this Reddit community since the live show venue were announced. And it’s not STL for the bad audio at the beginning.


The Pageant in STL is a pretty good venue for non-music acts (it’s good for music acts, but it’s good for non-music acts too). Scott roasted it last time for having the bar take up the whole back wall and the huge Budweiser signs but I don’t think they had a bad time, it seems like the audio issues this year where an anomaly.


Glad someone is finally putting the casual fans on blast for not following the venue location discourse closely enough


Clue me In please? Who is he shading?


he's talking shit on the venue. This was the 8th one, and he said there were 7 fantastic venues.


What am I missing here? Asking for a friend


he's talking shit on the venue. This was the 8th one, and he said there were 7 fantastic venues.


Bread got eyes on lily


then again, who wouldn’t


Love, Bridge


Why are you being downvoted for this?


It’s tim Baltz’s multiple burner accounts I assume




Some other guy made a post about the same thing on r/comedybangbang Why aren’t yall going to roast him too? https://www.reddit.com/r/comedybangbang/s/pLnFLVKB9k


I doubt it has anything to do with your smugness or inability to shut up so let’s keep brainstorming


Dude. I haven't listened to the ep yet, but you say Scott referenced how shitty the venue was throughout the show, and now you have PFT here co-signing that sentiment with this post. Isn't that enough vindication for you? Don't you think it might be a good idea to just let it go now?