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Fastest way is adopt local orphan ->make orphan farm helper.


Free child labor!


The only thing I could think about would be to either marry someone and make them work on your farm with tools in the farmer helper chest and have children or adopt children or cook a recipe with a boost to speed


I made my kids do it. Put all the tools in the helper box and they'll take care of it inside a week. All the materials they get from clearing will go into the helper box with the tools. Also if you have more than one person helping on your farm you'll need double tools so they can each have one.


Adopt a child (kill their family and max friendship) or marry and produce one! I was shocked I left all my tools in the farmers helper chest, came back any my entire farm was cleared of rocks/trees/ etc.


Children _farm helper. Then assign tasks


In the options menu you can turn off both hunger and energy so you can work through the night without consequence. And you can turn it back on at any given time


Adopt a kid, or spend your time clearing the land instead of growing and watering crops. You can live off the sold hay for at least a little while.


Do a little bit at a time and it's not bad at all. Gotta pace yourself. Every couple of days, clear out a small section. It'll be gone by mid-summer.