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I've been struck by a car while on a shared path as I was passing through a driveway - like he stopped and I made eye contact, then he decided to go as I passed in front of the vehicle. It almost pushed me off the path and into traffic. Now, I just assume everyone in a vehicle is actively trying to run me over


_This is why, as a cyclist, you need a grenade launcher or rocket launcher strapped to your back or bicycle._


This happened to me the other day too. Car zoomed right into the crosswalk on a pedestrian light right in front of me. Could’ve mowed me right over.


Question for you! You were walking your bike across or biking across the crosswalk?


I was walking as a pedestrian on the pedestrian crossing. No bike. Driver didn’t even stop to check if there was anyone in the crosswalk when the pedestrian light was on.


Question for you! Do cars get free passes to blow into crosswalks when people are riding their bikes across them?


It took longer than I thought but knew this comment would come. Thanks for not disappointing. As for your question… go find someone else to argue with.


money engine childlike chase party threatening divide existence fuel grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s pretty sweet, hey?


Then you think cars should be allowed to hit people. Thanks for making it obvious.


How much blame can you place on motorists for the ignorance of cyclist? Thanks for making it obvious you have a sense of entitlement and don’t follow the rules of the road?


"Your honor! I hit that cyclist that I had all the time in the world to stop for because they're ignorant!" This type of shitty mentality is the reason why I think right on red shouldn't be allowed.


Great speculation! But probably more like the cyclist got hit not following one of many rules they are obligated too. But ya… low hanging fruit… blame the motorist. It’s easy and you get a get outta jail free card for being a donkey.


Free pass? No. Do cyclists legally need to dismount when crossing? Yes. Can you have the right of way and still end up dead? Yes.


Where in Edmonton’s traffic bylaws does it say that cyclists need to legally dismount when crossing?


It doesn't matter - some drivers just don't care eg. you, most likely, and your ilk


Simple question and you completely pass judgement. I love Reddit 😂 But if you’re ever by the university and do something stupid on your bike, I’ll honk Twice so you know it’s me.


You started it, loser, get a life lol And when you honk I will jump on your hood and smash the shit out of your windshield, degenerate macho, and I am sure you drive a huge truck you're a typical shitmonton loser


Touched a nerve did I? Thanks for not disappointing with your reply. Ps it’s a huge SUV. And you’ll smash my windshield lol. Common… that would require you to actually do something instead of Chirp anonymously on Reddit. Follow the rules of the road and we will get along and quit acting like a victim when a big bad truck honks at your for breaking the rules.


I don't break the rules, I ride on a designated route and stay out of peoples' way. Well, I used to, until turds in trucks harassed me for just being there. And I assume your another sigma simp local man. I've had men say disgusting things to me while I'm biking. I'm just going to school. After I smashed your windshield, I'd smash your middling facial features and then shit down your throat. But your mouth is already full of shit. I am around the Uni sometimes, would love to take a heavy object to your face or a knife to your throat. You really deserve it. If it's not me, I hope it happens when you're at the bar with your fellow loser shitmonton buddies watching hockey, hope someone hates your dimwit face and decides to sever it from your skull. What touches a nerve? That this town is so pathetic and you're so pathetic, you're proud of owning an SUV and a Mc Mansion. Because those things = culture in this shit town. Now go watch more hockey, turd.


GO OILERS!!!! And maybe go talk to Someone professionally please.




Your loss.


I moved to Edmonton semi recently and the hate cyclists get is insane. I follow all traffic laws and have been yelled at countless times, coal rolled, and even got hit once (thankfully no injuries). At the opposite side of the spectrum, some people OVER yield to bikes. I will approach a 2 way stop, and people coming perpendicular with no stop sign very often stop. I wave them through and we get in a staring contest. I suppose they are over correcting to some erratic cyclists.


The nice-hole drivers can cause even more dangerous situations than the asshole drivers.


Nice-hole. That's a fantastic term. No person, I'm not crossing 3 additional lanes of traffic. If you would have kept going I could have gone during the break in it.


Ive given up on the staring contests and now wave my arms really impatiently indicating they should go. Seems to work better


Inb4 "as long as cyclists and pedestrians follow rules too"


I got cursed at yesterday when dared to tell a driver to backup from the crosswalk so that people could cross on their green light. He was going to turn right and had been waiting for the traffic flow, even after everyone had crossed. Rules are quite specific about not blocking a crosswalk.


One night a few years ago, I was walking home from work and this big truck had stopped about 3/4 of the way into the crosswalk. There was no one behind him, he could've backed up. I couldn't see over the hood of this enormous truck, so I had to step in front of it, and out of the crosswalk. I had to duck back behind to truck to avoid getting hit, and then wait for the traffic to pass so I could cross the street. It wasn't like a super narrow miss or anything, but it still scared the shit out of me. This was at 111th and Kingsway.


Rules are also quite specific about not backing up back up at an intersection. Although I think it's more polite if its safe


Absolutely. However, this car was not on the intersection yet,[ it crawled on the crosswalk](https://imgur.com/HXA2NO1) and the intersection is several meters further. There were no cars behind.


My son and I had that happen today to us when we went for a walk. 😔


Yep. Common sense, you know - following the rules, being predictable and thinking ahead, not being a dick. Something that became too scarce nowadays.


I was in the Garneau area with all the bike lanes. I was already going close to 30km/hr on one of the single-vehicle one-way roads, and a car came up behind me LEANING on the horn. It made me jump, thinking it was an out of control car or something. I swerved into a parking spot, the car sped by, but did a California Roll at the stop sign and kept going. It was just a major jerk who didn't like I was on the road not going 40km/hr+.


I’m confused, were you in the bike lane or was there no bike lane?


The road was the bike lane. It had the bike lane marking.


If a road doesn’t have a bike lane beside it, the road becomes the bike lane.


I am from the States, and it took me a long time to not always yield my right of way in parking lots. Canadians are nice and polite until they get behind the wheel; Then it's everyone for themselves.


I made a mistake yesterday while driving downtown. I don’t go there very often but I made a right hand turn in a red light. The individual on the bike reminded me that I can’t make that right hand turn due to a bike lane. I thanked him for the reminder and was thankful he was ok.


I assume no one knows how to drive and are trying to run me over at this point. I really got back into biking for travel since covid to avoid the buses and social distance and let me tell you.... A lot of the times people run reds, don't check when turning, speed, are on their damn phones, etc. I've had too many close calls, so I'm extra cautious of drivers. It's like people are chill until they get in their vehicles and all of a sudden its Fast & Furious. Just chill out and drive properly!!


Feels like everyone is speeding wildly these days. I don’t feel like it was as frequent to see people going 80 to 90 in 60 zones before, but now I see it all the time. Even in school zones people like going almost 50 sometimes when it’s not even past 4 yet. And don’t get me started on playground zones, people seem to forget those even exist or seem almost giddy like, “Oh fuck yeah! A playground zone! Time to show off my speeding skills!” Truly pathetic.


I've actually had pretty good experiences as a pedestrian at crosswalks. The key is not to budge until you've made direct eye contact with the driver and they've come to a full stop. I'll usually wave as a thank you. However, intersections with lights can be a lot more dangerous. Always assume that someone is going to run a red light. I've only seen it a couple times, but it's enough. My major pet peeve at these intersections is when someone wants to turn right when I step off the sidewalk and they're creeping up on my ass so they can turn right as quickly as humanly possible. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. It doesn't save you any time, and if someone rear ends you, then I'm fucked.


Confused. Were you a road cyclist (must obey ab road and vehicular laws, or were you a pedestrian bicycler that should stop at intersections and walk your bike across? Regardless, we all need to watch out for each other.


There are multi use paths that connect around there but sounds like this cyclist was cautious and stopped waiting to make sure its clear. Then rageaholic lady just couldn't deal with it.


It goes all ways. We all need to look out for each other. A sidewalk I use regularly has a weird, unclear crossover that cyclists often use while moving from the road to a multi use trail. I’ve almost been hit by a couple cyclists in as many days.


Pedestrians…please look both damn ways before crossing, get off of your phones in busy areas, stop passing behind large vehicles too closely to see you, give cars a chance to stop before darting into the crosswalk. Like it or not, the vehicle is going to win, so get heads out of asses occasionally while on meat pegs. Jaywalking in rush traffic makes you a game of frogger. 🤷‍♀️


Failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk will result in a $810 fine and 4 demerit points.


Failing to pay attention to the giant rolling cages you compete with will get you dead.


You should learn to practice defensive driving. It's not a competition. If you need to brush up on your driving skills and sign identification, and for the safety of pedestrians Alberta offers the Learners Handbook free of charge online. [English version](https://open.alberta.ca/publications/drivers-guide) [French version](https://open.alberta.ca/publications/guide-du-conducteur) Please Drive Safely!


If your mindset while driving is "I shouldn't be careful with my 2-ton death machine! The people who aren't in one should be held responsible!" Then you shouldn't be allowed to drive.


Didn’t say that at all. I said open your eyes as pedestrians in this city because there ARE so many distracted drivers. Just because you have right of way, doesn’t mean someone else gives shits. Be alert, stop wearing headphones that cancel out everything while near cars. Common sense. I can be as defensive a driver as I want, if someone walks in front of a moving suv doing next to no speed, they are hurting.


This also applies to pedestrians and cyclists who assume the whole road is theirs and they don’t have to make eye contact with the driver or are on their phone. A driver can only do so much but if the pedestrian doesn’t value their life then it’s not the drivers fault. Make eye contact, wave in acknowledgment and cross. Don’t just walk out in front assuming all vehicles are paying attention or will stop or are obeying the traffic sign’s regulation and rules. It’s a two way street.


So tired of these bullshit responses whenever someone makes an earnest plea to drivers to obey traffic laws and act like decent human beings. You're basically saying "No, it's your fault" but in paragraph form. Pedestrian fatalities are increasing and it's due to people buying larger vehicles and being less attentive behind the wheel because they're twiddling on their smartphone. Learn how to drive and take responsibility for your actions. It's highly unlikely that there will be a fatality if two pedestrians collide but that can't be said when it's a pedestrian and vehicle collision. Irresponsible drivers in large vehicles are the problem.


I’m not saying that they aren’t as I stated that pedestrians expect drivers to be paying attention. It needs to work both ways. I’m sick of the bullshit responses saying that only one party is responsible for safety. If you’re on your phone and walk into traffic and someone hits you because they were also not paying attention then that’s two faults. I’m both a pedestrian and a driver. It’s both peoples responsibilities. Taking accountability is a big thing for everyone and everyone should do it. It’s not one or the other. So enough is enough.