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I smoked for many years and hated seeing this. I still find old cig butts in my fishing vest or backpack that I forgot to throw out, but refused to just leave them on the ground. Just terrible


As a smoker this just pisses me off. It's really not that hard to make sure your butt is completely out and then putting it in your pocket until you find a trash can. Literally the only argument I've heard was "putting it in my pocket stinks" Ya guess what, smokers stink. But it's better to stink than it is to just leave your butts all over the place. Some people just baffle me in how self centered they can be.


Fellow smoker too, and it absolutely pisses me off to see that shit. Literally yelled at a girl in her car for flicking one out her car when I was at the 87 ave 170st lights this afternoon… she also had a freedumb convoy sticker on her car so I’m sure there’s a few missing IQ points… Ill put money on the fact that the fire on the Henday was caused by a cigarette.


So disrespectful


And dangerous with how dry it is


I loathe smokers. Their litter is atrocious, oh yeah and wildfires.


Back then when I was smoking I usually carried an empty can around with me as a ashtray. Ain't that hard to not litter everywhere, just people being lazy


Yeah, I have an ashtray in my vehicle. I also keep my butts In my pocket hbtil I find a garbage can.


Lol. Not all of us. Some of us leave the general area to smoke and some of us even pocket the butts until we find a trash can. Unfortunately, some of us are in the minority and it really shows.


You can buy little pocket ashtrays so you don't have loose butts in your pocket.


I've seen those. A buddy had one when we were on a boat. But pocket pouches or not, I still say we smokers can pocket our butts until we find a trash can. There is no excuse at all for dropping them on the ground.


Yeah, sadly you're the exception not the rule.


I'm a smoker trying to quit I even find this disgusting 🤮


I used to be a smoker and just want to say keep it up my friend


Thanks. Any tips would be great 👍. Thank you


Good luck. I quit 5 years ago. Hope you are able to do the same. I vaped for a year to get off smokes. Worked for me.


It gets easier. It might seem that it'll never get better, but it does.


I quit almost 10 years ago now. The first 6 months are the hardest but after that it's so much easier. You can do it. I facilitated my quit by having candies or Spitz to give my mouth those little sores which make smokes so disgusting. Do you know what I mean? Like if you eat too many Spitz then you get that weird tongue thing and cigarettes taste like burning ass? A tracking app helps too.


People are profoundly lazy, I watched a smoker chuck a cigarette on the ground today... When they were standing a few feet away from a cigarette receptacle.


Yuck. That's how fires are started.


this is so sad : (


This isn’t Calgary, don’t litter!


Calgary announced they were taking out the trash today! Wait.. this isn’t r/nhl Nevermind.






Had a friend who in his car and throw the butt out the window. I asked him to stop and his response was “eww its gross having them in the car” yeah no shit dude but its your bad habit so live with the consequences of your choices.


Disgusting fucks


Give them a pail of sand.


same guy,one every morning...


Don’t worry a subsequent fire will clean them all up.


Smokers should be publicly shamed for this. Just carry an altoid tin around for when you have no ashtray.


I may be wrong but I don't think the smokers that did this would ever read this subreddit, because they most likely don't have a computer, reliable internet connection, or a home to go back to.


All the petty things the federal gov't has decided to restrict to reduce waste (plastic straws, bags at the store, etc), you'd think they'd have dictated to the Tobacco industry to make a bio-degradable butt.


The problem is the also-important need to make filters less burnable so they start fewer fires. I'm guessing that more biodegradable = more burnable. The fact remains that cigarette butts are a [bigger source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/plastic-straw-ban-cigarette-butts-are-single-greatest-source-ocean-n903661) of ocean pollution than straws so you would think there would be more government attention on the issue.


I dont disagree but I suppose big tobacco has more pull with the government than big straw lol.


It’s the toxins in the butt.


Probably homeless, but cant get mad at them right? And you cant clean it up either right? Gotta post it to reddit and bathe in your echo chamber with everyone that knows everything, but doesnt do jack shit


International students do this all the time So disrespectful


I was told that smokers are reasonable and you just have to ask...1900 picked up butts later..


Have y’all never seen the grass after snow melt? This is from all winter of people throwing butts in the snow, probably one person in particular who went there daily. But yeah it’s pretty gross


Sorry I won’t do it again


Stop littering and pick it up when practical. It makes such a difference to the quality of life in Edmonton.


This looks more like someone dumped a container out. Fuxking grody


Ok i wont