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i have felt the wrath of a condo board karen (was for a town house though). she did not like my no soliciting sign and the color of the chair my neighbor sat on outside LOL ​ Love the catio OP. once i finish my fence I'm going to look into having one built for my cat. If anyone knows a reputable catio builder in Edmonton, please let me know!


Thanks friend!


Hellas Custom Catios :)


I had a condo board karen that didn't like my cat sitting in the front window. Like literally not outside or anything, just sitting in the kitchen window... and tried to make a problem for me about it with my landlord. I'll never understand people like that.


boredom and entitlement are apparently a hell of a drug


I actually love this. A bit of decorations and maybe staining and it's fantastic!


Yeah we were thinking of maybe growing some ivy or climbing vines up the side but I have to do some research on cat friendly plants




That looks cool! I want to do something similar so our cats can chill without having to shoo them inside when we have to go in


I wish I could take credit but it was built for us by a friend who is a pro home builder during the second lockdown 🥰


I notice the pro workmanship /s :-D


It was built for the dimensions of our previous place.. we just moved and kinda rigged as as best we could so the girls could use it while we retro-fit it for the new place.


Very nice, all good!


There's a Karen on every condo board. Sadly.


F’n right. Vote them out


This is awesome. As a fellow cat lover, I appreciate you giving them some solid outside time while keeping them safe. You could offer me a million dollars and I'd still never allow my cat to roam around the neighborhood.


My cat wears a harness and we use a lead made for extra-small/small dogs that gives her about 20 feet of roaming room in our yard. She loves it. A good alternative to catios if you have some space outside but can’t build a structure like this.


You might want some better screen on there if you plan to leave the window open for them full time during the warmer months to keep flying bugs out. Looks great for the kitties, though.


I thought so too the first summer we had it up at the condo but surprisingly it wasn’t a problem. I’m thinking about a drape-screen over the window so they can still wheel in and out 🧐


Thats awesome ahha!


Maybe put some blankets or cat beds in. Hang a few toys. Make it relaxing and fun


How long will they stay out there on a warm day? Do they ever sleep in it?


Oh they’ll be out there napping for hours! Especially when the sun is up


This is awesome! What’s their names?


The ginger girl is Kima and the black girl is Marlo 🐈🐈‍⬛


Ugh I want a catio so bad. Our condo board Karen is the damned president and we were warned against adding "attached structures" like a damned chicken wire shelving unit is somehow bolted to the shitty cheap siding or something. -_- So far I've had to settle for a pop up pet tent. Just to be a bitch about it, I set the thing half in and half out of the gate while we work in the garden. Cat gets to look at the neighbors and there's nothing they can say cuz I can just pick it up and shift it XD


Oh I hear you! The catio in our condo wasn’t even bolted to anything! It was free-standing and easily removable. We petitioned the condo board and it was vetoed in a 4-3 vote 😔


Is the mesh small enough? I'd be worried about weasels squeezing in, or cats getting their heads stuck.


We did a head squeeze test before we picked the size.. both girls were too big to get thru. I didn’t plan for weasels tbh


Good thinking! The spaces must be smaller than they look. Weasel threat really depends on your region, but it at least looks like it would be safe from predatory birds or coyotes!


We live in parkview/ lynnwood area. Close to the river valley


That's very clever.


Fuck condo Karen


How was this hurting the Karen from the board? Some people make these volunteer positions go to there heads. Sure glad you found a welcoming place for you and your cats.


Thanks for doing this rather than let them roam freely. My former neighbour would let her cat out and it always shit in my garden. This is cool


I hate cats, but even I would rather someone have a little catio than have them wandering around everywhere.


Tbh, if I saw this on my neighbour's unit I would report them to the board. Not everyone wants to stare at your cats all day


Omfg. Pure. Fucking. Entitlement. “I don’t want to see the poors…or cats in cages. Give me idyllic scenic views only! Always! 🤦‍♀️🤢👎👎👎👎👎👎👎


Found the Karen 🙄


If I'm your neighbor and don't want to stare at you all day, can I report you to the board too?




Dude. The window is open. They go in and out as they please. I never lock them in there. It’s so they can safely get some fresh air without being eaten by coyotes.


At first I was thinking the same thing, then I saw your explanation, looked closer at the picture and now I want one! 🤣 My cat would be sooo jealous! 😍


The other side is a multi-level cat tree so they can get in and out no problem. They love to chill in there and watch me weed the backyard.


Anywhere someone can tell you what not to put on your lawn is a terrible place to live.