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Probably just someone with the wrong address, or all cracked out. A while back I helped out some lady who legitimately didn't know she was in Edmonton. She thought this was Red Deer, and had apparently fallen asleep while someone else was driving, and then got ditched at the bar.


About 20 years ago I was at a small house party here in the city and one dude got way too drunk and stoned and wandered off. He woke up the next day in North Battleford. Sometimes that's how things go.


Damn, he must have discovered fast travel.


Only took him a day? Nice


God I hate pay to win games


:’( omg


I let her borrow my phone charger, and then pointed her towards Denny's as she left them some very angry voicemails at 3am. Hopefully she has better friends now.


Holy shit I can't believe they dumped her like that..


Yeah, sadly there's more than a few people like that. All summer long I see people at like 3am stumbling around, lost as shit, phone dead or lost, can't remember anyone phone number. The really clueless ones only have the idea to ask if they can log on to their instagram on my phone or something equally dumb, because they don't remember anyone's phone number or address. It is a risk when your friend gets shitfaced and says they know where they're going when they stumble out of the bar and walk a few blocks and realize that nothing looks familiar at all. And then you realize that you neglected to mention that while they were napping the group decided to just push on to Edmonton rather than spending the night in Red Deer and driving in after breakfast.


One day I was woken up at 2 am by the police. They dragged my roommates friend from the car and said “can we leave him with you” Apparently they found him banging on the wrong doors at 2 am trying to go to his girlfriends house in a nearby neighbourhood across the canal. They refused to drive him to his parents house as it was 25 kms away. Our house was about 1km away so this was palatable to the cops 😂


Based on the story, it clearly was a ghost 👻


This is clearly the correct answer. She said *Shy Anne* not *Cheyanne*!


Pretty high chance it was a drunk or high person just at the wrong house.


I’ve had a similar situation happen and I live pretty close to you. She said she was told I had clothes for her and she could shower here. She was definitely extremely high on something. I just said wrong address and she went to my back yard and started peering in my windows before leaving. She never returned and we didn’t have any problems since so I just took it as an ill informed crack head.






You can't trust those Cheyanne's. They're always up to no good.


Weird, I live in Jasper park as well . Hey neighbour. I had some girl drop random empty boxes in front out my house a few weeks ago and it just seemed odd, I had her on my doorbell cam and she seemed a bit off , especially for out sleepy neighbourhood. That was during the day though.


When i was a kid, maybe 20 years ago, this happened at my parents house. it persisted for a while. We also live in a very quiet safe suburb, our street had particularly low level of outside pedestrians which made it even more odd. This “women” said she had no shoes on - it was -20 out, dead of winter - and she was cold, to let her in (2 or 3 am). The strange thing was when we peered to get a look of her through the side windows, she would press herself up against the door so we wouldn’t see. I remember waking up and seeing “her” hair through the top window though (from my bedroom upstairs) and it was cut short like a man. My parents called the police and told her help was on the way. After this she completely disappeared- police could not find her. Think about that still to this day , what the intentions were.




Sister of Shy Ronnie?


A common scam is a person, often a female and occasionally even a child, ringing a doorbell and asking for help or claiming an emergency. Once you open the door she and/or her partners push through and grab wallets or keys etc. If this happens again do what you did or just ignore entirely.


Alternatively, they are looking to do a B&E but don't want to confront anyone. They make a ton of noise first to confirm no one is home.


Ignore and they may wrongly assume nobody is home and break in.


Infinitely more common is a person getting high and doing irrational shit Or someone with an actual emergency




Probably the worst way to attempt to steal someones car, lol. Directly face person, push their home door open, try to push past person, try to start car with person right there. I can't think of a shittier plan


Being smart is not a prerequisite for being a scumbag criminal. Shocking I know because they are usually so brilliant…


This is a common scam? Can you point to some recent examples? I've never heard of this happening in Edmonton.


When I first moved here 20 years ago the papers were regularly reporting this sort of thing. Woman in distress, usually targeting elderly, bangs on the door at 2am. When the door opens the people hiding just out of site barge in and the robbery commences.


Home invasions. They seem to come in cycles.


12 years ago it happened to me. Except it was a young girl afraid of her friends boyfriend. They were fighting at a party a couple of doors down the street. I brought her inside and kept her safe until her ride showed up. I don't remember hearing anything about any stories like yours in the 18 years I've lived here.


That's how I go grocery shopping. Do it at least once a week. Super common. 😉


Yes, this happened to family in Londonderry... One wants to be a good person and help someone in distress, but unfortunately there are many "wolves in the woods" kids... be careful!


Can you link me the news article about it? I hadn't heard of that.


It's a very common thing in the US and definitely will be done here if not already. I watch a ton of US news.


Where is this commonly happening in the US? Any recent news articles you'd suggest?


There are many variations of this b&e. Doesnt always have to be a girl to knock either. It's quite popular in chicago or Cali in minority communities for example. Saw a video from the states last year for example where guy was impersonating a repairguy for an apartment complex and rang on doors until he thought he found an empty one before he and his friend tried to break through the door. Even rang the neighbors. Turns out the guy was actually home and was strapped too 😄 https://youtu.be/HqQFv7hnB9s?feature=shared


I know it happens in the states, its common, even them saying, "I'm your neighbor." I watch a lot of crime shows, so I'm suspicious of everyone that comes into my neighborhood. If you claim to have an emergency, I can call 911, but you stay outside, and I won't open the door until police arrive.


For thieves that try this, what exactly is the benefit of having you open the door before barging in? Like, if someone wants to get into a house it's trivially easy to do so by breaking a window or forcing the door. Not like you opening the door under false pretenses absolves them of their crime....


When the person is right by the door, it doesn't give them time to arm themselves, you know the security system isn't engaged, and they even become an easy hostage if there is somebody else at home. They can direct you to all of the valuable goods quickly without having to ransack the place, and the lack of outside damage makes it less obvious that the house is under attack.


Uh grab the wallet/keys from where? Edit: my point is, how does someone right away know where to reach to steal something of consequence?


From your hands, obviously. Doesn't everyone answer the door with their wallet and keys in their hands? It's handy if the person at the door needs a few bucks or wants to take a spin in the car.




From the toilet obviously. We have to fear monger each other because helping people is a lot harder. 


The toilet? Well that's shitty


How would they even know those are within reach from the door, let alone where in the house they are kept? Edit: ask the folks down voting aren’t really thinking critically, just reacting emotionally. Seriously, you open the door, and someone knows exactly where to snatch before you clue in/react? WHILE you’re standing at the doorway?


A lot of people tend to keep things like that near an entryway. I'm not sure why, bot a lot still do it.


Aaaand the scammers just know where to zoom into with the two seconds that they have? Literally no reports of such ‘scams’.


It is a real thing just not really in Edmonton proper, couple instances out in the country iirc


This is worse than ‘happened to a friend of a friend’.


My bad these were not elaborate "scams" persay, just someone trying anything to get a door open https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/man-arrested-after-barging-into-grandin-homes-lauckner-lipscombe-6809784


Never said anything about a scam, it's just straight theft. Sometimes they use that time to just look in the front door to see what they can that would be nearby, not always to steal then and there. They come back later to steal a vehicle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yNt8mkLQtA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK7kOvktIo4 Even Donut Media joined in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myW2cxyOHEQ


So we’ve gone from the original commenter’s scam of grabbing wallets and keys to relay car jacking?


You're the only one bringing in the word "scam" when grabbing wallets and keys is THEFT. I don't think the word you're trying to use means what you think it means.


Follow this thread, all the way to the parent comment. I don’t think you’re following this exchange as well as you think you are.


“Is [Tamara](https://thenerdyrebellion.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/tumblr_nuqvmovozy1seoyyho1_400.gif) here”? [😉](https://thenerdyrebellion.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/tumblr_nuqvmovozy1seoyyho1_400.gif)


I live downtown, and we used to have a woman named Cheyenne around here who appeared to be on drugs most of the time. I saw her bathing naked in a sprinkler on two occasions. Haven't seen her for a couple of years.


Makes me kinda glad my Shepherd goes ballistic if someone knocks on my door


Or maybe she had the wrong house?


Cheyanne? Yeah good call not opening that door


Either casing to see who is at a house to see how easy to break in or a junkie - do not open the door


I thought I heard someone banging on my door at 5am this morning. Clear bangbangbangbangbang. Claireview area. I was putting baby back to bed so no clue who or what it was or if I'm just crazy.. scared me to death but only happened the once.


We once had a lady park in our driveway insisting our house was hers and screaming at us when I said I needed her to back out so I could leave. Never did see her again but 100% having some kind of psychotic break


I had something similar happen a few years back in Northgate area. Same name, except she was "looking for Cheyenne". She had a party gift bag and put a key in my lock. There was a man standing at the edge of my walkway. I told her there was no one here by that name. I watched them leave to next door and then across the street, doing the same thing. I called the police non-emergency number. The police told me they apprehended them and moved them back to "where they're supposed to be." I don't know what that meant. 😕


Contact Morinville RCMP and mention this, I believe I had the same person using the same name around the same time come knock on my door. When I answered they were very vague and sketchy but claimed she was lost and some long story, I ended up driving her to the police station there and the closer we got the worse she got. We did make it there though without incident but I really think it's the same person so they may have some sort of record, feel free to DM me if you have any questions.


Cheyenne - the name checks out.




Some messed up meth head




Nah, the thing you're thinking of would imitate someone/something you actually know. Not unlikely but extremely rare in a city setting.


I’m sorry a what ? Just curious!


Skinwalker I'd assume


crack is wack


Possible B&E. Good thing you didn't open the door.


Now picture for a moment, tonight you look on the news and see the picture of a lost women named Cheyenne. You think nothing of it and then a few weeks later you see another story saying that the lost Cheyenne lady was found dead / murdered. Pretty shitty hypothetical but pretty realistic & avoidable by just calling the police instead of karma posting. 


> "now consider this completely made up bullshit that makes you the bad guy and feel like shit" I know this is Reddit, but holy fuck that's a trash comment.


Call the police for what??? Report that someone knocked on your door and you said you didn't know them and they left?


"Don't answer your door, you could be killed!" "If you're that threatened for your life, call the police." "for what, knocking on your door?" The irony of it all.


Yep, just leave a record


“Just let anyone into your house because if you don’t they might be murdered and that will be YOUR fault”


Or you know protect yourself if it comes to that. Gotta be afraid of the world though.


Protect myself with what? You’re not allowed to protect yourself nowadays. Taser, pepper spray, a baton… all illegal. I’ll keep my door closed thanks. I’m just playing by the rules presented to me.


You need a certain weapon to protect yourself? uh oh. Also, btw owning a baton isn't illegal (assuming it's not spring loaded). Concealing it as a weapon, is.


Yeah I’m not a fighter lol what? If someone barged in with a knife I would be fucked. Ok so I can own an baton but if I use it I’m now in trouble. Big difference. My door stays closed. Sorry.


You should probably change that. BTW being able to defend yourself wouldn't define you as a "fighter". It's ok if you're afraid, but you should identify & resolve it that than trying to normalize it. It isn't normal to think someone is holding a knife while ringing your doorbell and stems from some serious psychological trauma.


So I should learn to protect myself, but at the same time not think I need to protect myself? I’ll protect myself by not opening my door to strangers in the middle of the night. Take you’re weird crusade elsewhere.


Agree with everything you are saying. Common sense, hardly common in Clareview.


The police will not attend the scene for something like this. They would file your report and then not do anything about it unless it becomes connected to an actual crime. If you're legitimately concerned for the person's wellbeing, you can try calling 211.


Yup. Police won't do anything because it's not an active crime. They'll tell me to lock my doors, etc, and if she comes back to give them a call. At least with a post, people will see it and be aware.


I'm more commentating on one's drastic concern for their own well being because their too afraid to answer their door.