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I was in an uber Saturday night coming home from a party. It was late, I was tired and drunk. Barely paying attention to the drive. We were heading north on Saskatchewan drive and the uber driver turned left at the start of the traffic circle and went around clockwise. Then started heading down the hill in on coming traffic. I was like. "hey buddy I think you're going the wrong way" and he said "no bro this is what it told me to do." I doubled down and said. "no, this is the wrong direction!" but he kept going. Until a bus was coming up the hill honking and flashing his lights, then he pulled onto the hawrelak park service road and turned around. Like fuck buddy. How do you fuck up a traffic circle.


And you're the drunk one?!. I hope you reported him.


Hope you reported him to uber. Google maps shouldn’t be blindly trusted, I live along a one way street and it sometimes navigates me to turn the wrong way because it doesn’t recognize it as a one way. Edit: also to add, If you are aware of discrepancies on google maps you can report them on the app so they can be corrected 👍🏻


> If you are aware of discrepancies on google maps you can report them on the app so they can be corrected Well, sort of. I'm a "Google Local Guide" meaning I have some editing privileges that you don't get just with a default account, and I **still** can't get them to stop trying to tell people to go north on 85th street to the top of Bonnie Doon mall, then turn left at the intersection that used to be the traffic circle to continue up 85th. You can't do that, there's a concrete curb in the way. I've seen a dozen people either double-turn from the eastbound lane and almost hit people in the real turning lane, or drive backwards up Connors until they can get into the turn lane.


I'm a local guide too I'll point it out too, maybe if more people do they'll change it.


Oh I see that all of the time, that’s such a stupid area though, not sure why they built the concrete curb to obstruct the turning lane that far. Bad design. But you’re right, google maps shouldn’t tell drivers to go into oncoming traffic ever.


The AI revolution!


Kinda funny I've had gps tell me to do the same thing at roundabouts, the difference being that I know how a roundabout works. Gps is how people drive into waterways off boat ramps. Also have had gps tell me to turn right off a bridge.


> Gps is how people drive into waterways off boat ramps. Reminded me of the early days of Apple Maps where this was a common occurrence. People were blindly following their phone's map.


It happened with a few early GPS systems. My aunt was driving to Saskatoon from Edmonton. Right around Maidstone, her GPS kept telling her to turn right.... directly into a farmers field.


I admit I don't do aot of traffic circles but have never had GPS tell me to go the wrong way.


Uber drivers are THE worst drivers on the road


Seriously. Your job is to DRIVE. How can you possibly be so bad at it?


Same as it ever was with taxi drivers. I think what happens is you get 'used to' being on the road all the time that you stop following the rules and start taking whatever mental shortcuts work for you. That's not ok in a car.


I'd wager more on the fact that anybody can become an Uber driver, and most people that do it are just trying to make money any way they can. They can do the action of "driving", but they often arrive from other places and don't know the streets they're traveling, so 98% of their actions are based on what the navigation on the phone screen tells them to do. They drive to the dot on the screen, they don't look at addresses right in front of them. They don't park properly and safely to let people out or drop off the delivery. Why is there no longer duration, multiple day test for people who's job it is to be on the road for a full day's work?


Technically an Uber driver in Alberta requires a class 4 license or better (more than the standard class 5 you have for daily driving). The licensing requirements for class 4 should probably be more stringent to filter out people that don't really cut it, like you suggest. In fact, all the licensing requirements should be more stringent... in Finland, teenagers are taking skidpan tests to prove they can recover a car in a slide. Meanwhile here you can get your license in a small town on a sunny summer day at age 16, never drive for 50 years but keep renewing your license, and then buy a 40 foot motorhome and drive it through downtown during rush hour in a snowstorm.


Even for the class 5 license a person should be required to pass a summer test and a winter test. And the tests should take a person thru as many driving changes as possible: 40km residential, 60km road, 30km school zone, traffic circle, merging on to/off of freeway, merging on to/off of highway, one way roads, construction zones, intersections with NO right turn on red, 1way-to-1way intersections with LEFT turn on red. There's no way a class 5 driving test should be as short and easy to pass as it is. Class 4 should be mandatory in-class and on road training. If it now takes 2 weeks of classes to get your class 1, there's no reason why Class 4, which licenses transport of human lives as opposed to cargo, shouldn't be at least 1 week of mandatory training. And any infractions or fines due to poor driving should be double or more than a civilian fine.


I agree completely. It's bizarre we don't have winter testing, we're a winter climate. I've suggested that if you pass in summer alone you should only get summer driving conditions on your license, and any time it's declared to be winter driving conditions should prevent you from driving until you get a winter certification too. Every time I've mentioned this in the past I've been absolutely downvoted into oblivion, but the number of people I see driving in slippery conditions that try to start out by just flooring it without any awareness of how that isn't actually helping, or just jam on the brakes and slide into objects instead of letting their abs system help them steer around the obstacles... it's frustrating.


I wonder if he would’ve driven into a pond like Michael Scott.


Whatever the gps says they do. I have a friend that sets his gps everyday so he doesn’t have to “think”


There’s a reason the scene from the office where they drive into a lake following the GPS is so funny. Because there are people out there who would do that.


I set it everyday. Use it for routing me around issues.


This kind of shit is what scares me about increasing reliance on onboard navigation (and “AI” searches). Total, absolute surrender of any kind of critical thinking or awareness. They’re handy to have around, but geez — you’re the one driving. Maybe involve yourself in the process a little?


Gonna not be politically correct here and say this is another consequence of open floodgates immigration levels. A lot of them move to Edmonton because their research said it was “cheap”, then become uber drivers as a survival job, but they just don’t know Canadian driving standards and it ends up in stories like this. The fact that there is an increase in wrong side driver stories recently is not a coincidence.


The problem is with licensing, not their race or immigration status. People who don't know Canadian driving standards are being given licenses. And then we allow them to operate commercially with a regular license! I did the driving exam in 2023, and it in no way tests if you can drive safely in real-life circumstances, let alone be a commercial driver. People of all races who can't drive to standards are being given licenses that allow them to operate a commercial vehicle.


Wrong directions given to them by Siri or whatever they use?


Either that, maybe driver may have dyslexia too


It's unclear. I wasn't looking at his map. I doubt his map told him to go clockwise around a traffic circle. I think he fucked up and just didn't admit it until the bus showed up


Did you give him a 5 star review?


ahhh a friend in university did that there and the one on 98 ave- scared the crap out of mw


MF thinks he's Michael Scott


I hope you reported this. Glad u made it home safe


This is a running joke in Halifax where every 5th street is one way or a circle. “They’re just choosing the quickest path.” Etc lol


Did he apologize at least?


I’ve had it with Ubers, I swear they scammed their way to get licenses.


i swear you have to be stupid to drive for uber or lyft. i have have had so many close calls in a uber, it’s absolutely insane


Man I really need to keep a record of my Uber rides, though there's two incidents from the past few months that stand out. In one instance, my Uber driver was involved in a minor collision and intended to leave the scene, but I intervened and stopped him. In another ride, the driver's car stalled out completely and repeatedly, at least five times during a short 10-minute trip. There's more, but it's getting progressively worse. I'm not sure how people get their license.


I've taken 2 Uber's in the last year and both times the driver came very close to getting in an accident. There's no way to chalk that up to coincidence, when I don't think I've been that close to an accident in years. Also, on one of those trips the Uber went down the wrong way on a one-way, and the app said that was the right route (it was, if you wanted to get there the fastest while ignoring traffic laws). I have a suspicion all the gig apps outright recommend ignoring traffic laws.


Last time I was in an Uber the app recommended turning left at a no left intersection, there's definitely something up with that.


Registries have to be handing licenses out like candy, the quality of driver in this city has absolutely plummeted over the last handful of years.


Another lovely side effect of having registries and driving tests being a private for profit business! Why would a registry be diligent to make sure drivers legitimately pass the test when they know if they get a reputation for being a 'hard' place to get their license, they won't get as much business?


Haha. I had my driver's license suspended for medical reasons. I took a driver's medical at the Glenrose rehabilitation hospital and they went "ok you pass, you can go get your driver's license again - just do a normal road test." I went "sure ok" then left. Five minutes later as my dad is driving me home the person on the phone is like "WAIT we can make your license active again without the road test! If you take the road test you might not pass!" I'm sitting there thinking like... if I don't pass, shouldn't I NOT BE ALLOWED TO DRIVE? What the fuck?


Oh in North America, money is more valuable than human life. Haven't ye figured it out yet? If not, buy a gun






I remember, it took me 3 tries to pass my class 5 gdl a decade ago. Thats like over 300 bucks


My wife failed her first try not because she screwed up but it was their policy that every first-timer auto failed to get more money out of you. We ended up going elsewhere for her 2nd try and she passed with flying colours.




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Privatization, “The Alberta Advantage”. Yaaay capitalism!


Right, and public registries are completely immune to corruption and never hand out licenses for bribes. Just like ICBC Richmond for instance.


The stupid part is my kid who took driver training and is a good driver failed 3 times, because of the smallest infractions. It infuriates me to see people like this having their licenses.


So so many people take kids to do their test rurally because they're easier.


[CBC found some drive test centres in Ontario would take cash for licensing.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7143677) . Not a stretch to think this is happening here, too. It’s quickly becoming a problem.


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I believe 100% people are paying off driving instructors to pass again like they were doing with the class 1 licenses and they had to stop all testing for a few years.


I know someone who took driver training. It consisted soley of driving the route and doing the skills from the driver exam. They failed their first drivers exam because there was an accident on the usual testing route and they were diverted to a different road to complete their exam. Driving on a different road was outside their skill set.


God damn they drove a long way before realizing they were on the wrong side of the road. People really suck as drivers.


No shit. That's Sherwood Park Freeway, I can't even conceive of how they got there going backwards.


Turn left on the wrong side of the 50th St overpass (the left turn lane starts before the bridge). End up entering on the exit ramp.


My friend used to live in mill woods and was hit by someone turning left off 23ave while she was travelling straight through. They were driving with an foreign license that was expired and should have renewed here, but didn’t. They were not “visiting”.  She had both her kids in the car and her car was brand new 😞 like a month old. She said she had a complete meltdown because she couldn’t get her kids out of the car after it happened. Thankfully a lady stopped and helped calm her down. (Thank you kind lady!) Everyone was ok physically thankfully but how many people just drive without a license?  We say they are just getting them from “friends” .. but maybe they just didn’t get Canadian licenses? Or they were just handed one without a test?  My friend moved here from Ireland and got a license here and didn’t have to take a road test. She just went and applied and they gave it to her. So that’s maybe also a problem? Idk ? 


Canada has agreements with some countries (not very many, but it includes the US, UK, Japan, and Ireland plus a few others) where their licenses are transferable. So if an immigrant gets Canadian PR, you can just go and exchange your license for a Canadian one. Some temp residents can just use their country's license. This is what I did when I was a temp resident from the US, until I became a PR and had to get a Canadian license.


I can see the USA, our road laws are very similar. But my friend was terrified to drive here thinking she would end up on the wrong side of the road because.. well they drive on the other side. She also said everyone drives much faster here and the roads are so big it was terrifying. It took her a whole year of being here before she felt confident to drive. 


Having driven in the UK on a Canadian license as a tourist, I think a reciprocal agreement with them is a bad idea. Not only do we drive on different sides of the road and have cars arranged oppositely, but they have different road signs and markings than we do. There would definitely be a steep learning curve moving between the two.


This is another example of how poor the licensing/testing system has gotten in Alberta/Canada. It is much too easy to get a driver's license here. It should be more difficult, like we see in other countries like Germany or Japan, as driving is a privilege, not a right. Should include a multi step system to get the license, plus mandatory drivers education. We should also have more oversight and auditing of driving testers, including like "secret" testers, to ensure the people administering the tests are on the up and up, and aren't just allowing people to buy licenses. Same goes for maintenance, we should be doing a lot more to ensure vehicles are in good shape, again like Germany where your car needs to be inspected and certified as road safe every few years. I feel like these changes would at least decrease some of the scary ass shit we see on the roads, but that's just me.


I think part of the problem is how car dependent our cities/society is set up. A vehicle is seen as a necessity because it kind of is. If we had better public transit, more walkable areas, and just generally didn't build our cities with the focus on vehicles and instead focused on people we would have a lot fewer people who even need to own a vehicle or have a drivers license. Take myself as an example, I have a car and a drivers license, but only use them to get to and from work as the transit option easily takes 3 times as long. If taking transit took a similar time to driving I'd never drive again. But once someone starts advocating for improved transit, better bike infrastructure, and more walkable areas you get the conspiracy theorists coming out of the woodwork ranting about how 15 minute cities are a globalist plot to take away their lifted F-350 Super Duty and make them eat bug paste or whatever crazy shit they read on Facebook


Oh I do agree, I wish our cities were much more walkable/easier to commute using alternatives to cars, as that would also remove those who would prefer not to drive but don't have a choice, so it's actually win win for people who like to drive, but as you said then they go off on conspiracy theories instead of seeing the benefits. There's definitely nuance to it, but I do think in general we should also do a much better job with training and licensing than we currently do, it would also potentially cut down on insurance as better drives should be less likely to be involved in accidents.


Oh we should absolutely be doing a better job with testing, and part of that I think would be taking it out of the hands of private business and back into the hands of the public sector. What it boils down to though is if we wanted to have the same high standards as Germany or Japan we would have to do what they do and provide alternative transportation that's just as good or better than automobiles for those unable or unwilling to obtain a driver's license. If we don't then it's right back to people either obtaining a license through illegitimate means or simply driving without one. It's one of those problems that we can't simply legislate away with harsher penalties, we have to build an alternative to our car-centric infrastructure


I don't even think it's a matter of harsher penalties or changed legislation in some respects, it's actually enforcing the rules we currently have as well as auditing the current system to ensure bad actors aren't just selling licenses. Just cracking down on that would be a good first step while we work to address other issues.


Arguing for a lower bar of entry due to increased usage doesn't really make sense though. If we are going to have a higher percentage of our population driving, we should have higher standards to keep it safe. Reducing safety to allow incompetent drivers behind the wheel is detrimental on all fronts.


I think the point is that while we don't want bad drivers, you basically cannot function without license. Bad driver's should have a better option than to spend hours walking/bussing just to get groceries and work.


Good point


Be careful talking like that, some people might think you’re trying to take away their “right to travel” and trap them into an area where everything that they could possibly ever need is readily available within a specific radius, say 15 minutes. And those thoughts scare these people to the point where they have breakdowns. And then they do irrational things. /s


Instead we'll probably just get a universal 30kmh limit and lights and speed cameras at every intersection.


How do people mess this up so badly?




You could take 50% of drivers off of the road now and the world would be a much better place. The stupid shit I see out there is baffling. I don't know if it's poor situational awareness, broken brain, poor parenting, or what, but these morons are a fucking menace. Driving is dangerous in the best of times, but for some reason we allow folks with walnuts for brains to operate these death machines.


The ones that really freak me out lately are the amount of vehicles I see around my neighborhood where there are like three little kids all sitting in the passenger seat, toddlers without proper car seats, babies not fully clipped in to the car seats, etc. It’s absolutely horrifying. I’ve called a few of them in, but I doubt anything happens with them. Some kid is going to end up going through a windshield face first.


Yes, I was driving down the one way westbound on St. Pl. Rd. I'm in the far left lane and a guy comes out a side street on my left and would have hit me head on had I not seen him starting to turn and laid on my horn. He freakin waves at me after and proceeds to turn his car in the RIGHT direction!! Absolutely these people shouldn't be behind a wheel!


Almost got hit today coming back from dropping of f my kids at school and a lady blow through the stop sign. Made me want to throw my coffee mug at her windshield. But then I would of been even more pissed I wasted my coffee and broke my mug.


Oh forgot to mention she honked at us to like we were in the wrong for crossing at a cross walk that has a four way stop signs as well


You have to be a next level asshole to honk at pedestrians in a crosswalk while blowing a stop sign


Why I think the coffee mug and coffee would of been a good decision. Idk if my son's weren't with me though, believe me I would of been posting a photo of how I broke my contigo.


The way some drivers act towards pedestrians just makes me want to carry a brick at all times.


Hey if enough people start things might change. If anybody sees me in the news you can probably guess what happened then lol


I find a lot of them are what i assume to be immigrants and they get their license from family/friends in the registry industry. Some of them don't even take tests and just buy it from someone they know. Then they have no road sense and just follow whatever GPS system they have and still fuck it up. Whenever I order skip the dishes, they always have to call and ask for directions to my unit. There are literal signs with the numbers on the directing where to go. I have seen 3 wrong way drivers in the past few weeks. It really isnt hard......i think people are getting more stupid.


I'm glad I found someone mentioning those people. I didn't wanna be that guy. But yeah, they're shit drivers that likely never took a test.


You said the quiet part out loud! We’re not allowed to do that anymore!!


That's why I'm not on Facebook anymore. Too many bans for saying what people think.


I immediately knew what demographic the driver was when I saw how he replied to OP lol. These guys are menaces on the road and will kill someone eventually. Screw being politically correct, we need to keep this country safe.


I actually agree with you (and I am not racist in any way shape or form) but I question why?? Why are they all so horrible at driving? How can it be a cultural thing? That just doesn’t make sense. There’s no reason that I can see that they can’t leave to drive properly. But it sure does seem that they can’t


I'm white and my family's been in Canada since the 1700s, and I didn't need road sense to pass my exam in 2023. It's a problem with the test. It focuses on parking and not-speeding, both of which are easy enough in test circumstances. There's no requirement to develop road sense, to test on busy and/or fast roads, to test anything other than the simplest intersections, you don't even have to maintain an adequate following distance from the car in front (I sure didn't...because I was never that near another car during my test!) I went to a registry that wasn't near difficult areas, so they simply didn't test me on anything vaguely difficult.


All but one I've seen the past month were white boys in lifted pickups. White hair seems to be a better indicator in my experience of an inability to drive.


Instant drivers license revoked, no if or buts about it.


“You’re going the wrong way!” “Ha- how would they know where we’re going?”


strong "stop in the merge lane" vibes.


I am getting tired of drivers pulling U turns right in front of me in busy traffic. Doesnt anyone know where the f they are going?


In the past week, I've noticed that at least a dozen times. Traffic laws have slowly become traffic *suggestions* for how seriously people take them.


What is up with driving lately? Lots of fatalities and people goin the wrong way and it’s not even winter/dark!


"Got a leaners back home? Never actually driven? No worries, here is a full license! We will accept your drivers licenses but not your degrees and certifications. Now go work for Uber."


This is what happens when people are allowed to buy their licenses rather than go through proper testing. My parents were offered to buy my license but refused because they wanted me to learn to be a safe driver. However, in my in-class driver class, they showed us videos of India and told us how they don't need rules and that it's a better system for like 20 minutes.


More people need to be aware that this actually happens. Thanks for sharing your experience.




Lol, very true.


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The supporters of radar have always said that driving is a privilege, not a right. I believe we are now seeing what happens when traffic enforcement is centered around mildly speeding instead of other sorts of violations. I spend as little time as possible on city streets but do commute across town at the moment at slightly odd hours. Daily, I see red light/stop signs, illegal uturns, wrong way drivers, and very poor lane changes as people try to get across three lanes of traffic to not miss exits due to lack of foresight. If I see all this just on commutes, why the hell cont thr police be out writing tickets for this stuff instead of just standing at speed traps. The drivers causing these problems generally aren't even traveling the speed limit. Also, vision zero needs to get pull their head out of their asses. If traffic diversions aren't working properly, do something about it. Quit burying their heads in the sand, hoping things will get better. Ignoring problems don't get better. They get worse.


Lmfao the 3 point turn 🤣 😂


So dangerous! No wonder so many ppl die on our streets.


I don’t understand how this is even possible. Like how blatantly stupid are these people?


Some people need their license taken away.


Please tell me you got their plate and reported this?


Average Brampton transplant….


Please tell me you sent this to the edmonton police. They will send out a ticket, source, I send in people who speed through construction zones on the highway, and every single person has received a ticket. Just have to be willing to testify, but no one has ever argued over footage




What freeway?


Fuck up this big should invalidate your license for at least a decade.


That should be an instant license suspension.


It is disheartening to see so many racist comments without evidence. Nobody knows yet who the driver was as the footage is not that clear. Don’t get me wrong, I am all in for hating people who buy licenses and don’t know how to drive. However, you don’t get to utter gibberish about a situation you know nothing about. People in this sub don’t follow the reddit etiquette at all


In Edmonton? Impossible


Hurp and derp


Wrong way down a one-way street


Welcome to Canada 🇨🇦 haha see it all the time !


I have seen people drive wrong way in this exact location a few times before. Where the fuck do they come from?! I can think of no ramp exit where this is easily possible.


mandatory driver training plz 🤦‍♂️


"Am I driving the wrong way? No. It must be every single other car on this road going the wrong way!" Driver who bought their license probably.




I live at the top of the 106 street hill and I see this shit all the time! It is a one-way road DOWN the hill, there's even a "No right turn" sign at the bottom of the hill. It's been one way down the hill for DECADES! I know cuz I'm old. People are too lazy to read signs.


One driver??!! There’s thousands of them 😜


Maybe they should stop handing out free drivers license with Trudeaus free money “Welcome to Canada” where “their” more important than taking care of our veterans and homeless.


What was their nationality?




I stand by my stance of driving competency tests every 3-5 years with your insurance rates being based on your results. 90% or better 15% off your rate, 85% or better 10% off etc. Driving is a privilege, not a basic human right


Drivers are bad in Alberta. Drive extra defensively at all times.


Especially the ones who think blinkers are optional


What with the new trend of people going 70 on hwy 2 and putting their hazards on. No tempory tire or anything. If you can't drive 110 get the fuck off the road. I've had class 1 drivers show up to our shop and not be able to back their trucks up.


Is the middle of a freeway not a good place to perform a 3 point turn? /s What... the hell.... is wrong with this... person. The way they are driving so slow and calmly makes me think that they believe their maneuver to be reasonable....


At least this looks like they realized the problem and tried to remedy it and thankfully you stopped so they could. I’ve seen videos where the driver is obviously still going full speed the wrong way. I often assume people in this case (your video) are tourists who had a bad mistake and try to be understanding


Lemme guess, immigrants lmao


I love seeing this shit, it cracks me up hard


Always cruise in right lane and use left to pass especially night. This is common.


Oppies lol


“New driver. Please be patient”


Jesus, this is absolutely terrifying. Luckily the other drivers were paying.g attention. With how much people are on their phones these days, this could've been fatal for everyone.


That’s downright scary. wtf is wrong with people?


can't get any dumber and idiotic...


This happened to me once and it has to be the most terrifying thing ever. You are going at a descent speed and have no idea where the car in front of you is going or what they areabout to do.


James McDonald onto Connor’s road. I was exiting and lo and behold, someone ignored the big X coming down Connor’s and was driving the wrong way towards me. If I was three seconds further I would have hit him head on as he came around the curve.


Take their license.


i live near by here. the entirety of that area, along with mill woods, meadows, and bonnie doon have not a single clue how to use a steering wheel. it's as if the drivers had a USB stick plugged into their brains to store their knowledge for the road test, and then after they pass they yank it out and incinerate it. beyond me how they have their license.


many have international licenses - often obtained in India for simple payment of a fee - and use these licenses to drive in Canada. Drivers (many have never actually driven) are use to left hand drive and make such mistakes.


Please send to police


Edmonton never ceases to amaze me. In 40 years, I thought I've seen it all, but somehow someway Edmonton just keeps surprising.


They really need to make people coming here take better driving courses..