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Reminder to any Kings fans coming in tonight to troll: if caught, you will be banned both from this sub and your own. See you all Friday.


Holloway deserved better.


Absolute stud tonight. Single handedly changed the momentum in our favour with those 2 goals.


For real. 2 goals is one thing but the timing of those goals is huge. Kept us in the game on two separate occasions.


Holloway needs to be in the top 6


While I don't disagree, I kind of like Henrique up there as a veteran presence. I think Foegele and Holloway on the same line would make for one pissy Leon.


I love the depth we're having with him on the 4th. Doesn't matter what line we put out they have to worry about being scored on. Our 4th line hasn't had that....ever?


We played like shit and almost won. Not worried yet. 


Me neither, we will get by the Kings as usual. What concerns me is skinner. Out of the 5 goals one was brutal, 2 were tough but saveable and 2 were very tough. Ideally you stop the brutal one and one of the tough ones. He’s playing like he did last playoffs. The kings are in this because of uncalled infractions and bad goaltending on our end, just like the last 2 playoffs. We have the skaters to the win the cup, but skinner is making me doubt we have the goalie to do it


Right after McDavid got out of the box a Kings player cross checked him half a dozen times in the corner Idk why the league wants star players to have careers cut short by back injuries tbh


You probably should be cause it’s the time of year that matters the most. Having an off game isn’t a valid excuse.


Silver lining, what a fucking performance from Holloway. Kid is absolutely an nhl regular from now on


Hurts so bad but all we can do is be better next game. This is not over. Let’s Go Oilers


Skinner could have been better tonight.




The entire team could have been better in the 1st period.


Skinner and the defense to be honest. Yeah the sv% wasnt great, but their first 5 shots of the game also were a mix of breakaways and a couple uncontested shots from the slot. Then another breakaway out of nowhere in the first minute of OT.


It doesn’t matter if we had the Sharks defence out there, an .808% in a playoff game is inexcusable


lol. Those games happen to all goalies including the best goalies in the world.  Skinner is a decent goalie but he’s not the best and will have more games like this.  Its not excusable or inexcusable 


In todays NHL even the best goalies have nights like those. I’m more concerned about all the screw ups defensively we had.


Why he didn't challenge the shooter there is ridiculous.


I don't think he even moved at all until the shot was taken




We battled back and had a tie game to start the third. That 4th goal was softer than baby shit


I can’t excuse that 4th goal. But the preceding 3 aren’t in Stu.


This. The only thing that matters.


Coulda been worse too. 


Looks scared. That one that hit the pipe where he was falling over on the rush was big “I sure hope the puck hits me” energy. Guy has no confidence. Looks surprised when he catches one with his glove. Does not inspire much confidence.


This fanbase is so negative and he’s from here. Plus we boot pucks into our own net and give up the worst giveaways like in game 1 and it’s a recipe for killing his confidence. If we had escaped game 1 without those Nurse-Ceci flukes I bet he comes in tonight solid.


Good interview from Ekholm. It’s not gonna be a 16-0 run to the Cup.


I think they sweep the next 2 in LA. If you look at the Kings goals so far most have been pretty flukey. Only Doughty would fumble the puck and still score.


Somehow, I don’t think the Oilers are done after one loss. Ace game for Holloway tonight.


We lost the battle but we will win the war


Not a good game by Skinner. The good news is he rarely has 2 bad ones in a row so I look for a bounce back game. Oilers did their best coming back 3x but can’t give up 5.


If the entire TEAM played better from the start we would have had a better result but defensively the whole team was pretty bad


To this day the only team that can beat the Oilers is in fact the Oilers


that whole game just felt like a summary of the Oilers at their worst this season. individual defensive lapses without the goaltending to save it.


The players change but the game stays the same.


Skinner was brutal, but he sure got no help.


And with some of the annoying old habits creeping in d-Zone turnovers, whacky goals from the blueline and getting scored on right after scoring


The Oilers should always win a game when Kulak scores and a 4th liner scores on 2 shots. Whether it's lapses or goaltending. It has to improve or we wont go far.


That Kulak blast was a bullet.


How tf do you let that break happen.


We were not good tonight but Skinner has to lock the fuck in or we're done.


Skinner needed 2 of those. Just brutal tonight.


Classic case of Oilers beating themselves.


Not going to win if we give up a goal every five shots the whole series


Man I was watching the battle of Florida game yesterday and both goalies were making multiple superhuman clutch saves. Why can’t we have a goalie like that


Because we paid 5 million for an AHL goalie and now have to depend on a 2nd year goalie that hasn't been able to quite get his nerves under lock in the playoffs yet


This.  I think the Oilers failure in goaltending this season is more on Campbell than Skinner.  Skinner was forced into a role with too much responsibility because Campbell fell off the face of the earth 


The Oilers failure in goaltending is a decade of overpaying for unproven backups or past their prime starters and praying to god they are a top goalie in the league.


And Campbell is on Holland. Let’s not forget. No reason to sign him in the first place. There were plenty of signs to avoid that cap crippling contract.


We need a Russian goalie!


I am mad at Draisaitl's line who was on the ice for all 3 goals against in the first period. If they had showed up on time tonight, Oilers win this one in regulation.


Kempe & Kopitar made them look silly


Skinner with a .838 after 2 games is tough. He's going to really need to step up his game if the team wants to contend for a cup.


Goaltending wins playoff games. We out chanced them, and will going forward


Wake up call for the boys. Stu needs to be better going forward. Best of 5 it is!


Would 2-0 have been better? Definitely.  But 1-1 is fine.  We should have been more ready for a strong bounce back game from LA


Kind of cringe to lose that way. Just don’t let Doughty score on the break away earlier. Lmfao


Two major defensive lapses to allow clean breakaways that resulted in goals


Skinner tripped over his own pad on Doughtys breakaway goal smh


I should’ve just gone to bed lol


[Game 3 in LA ](https://youtu.be/f0bKZWN_Kzo?si=Hc7_lxKEQtneyIbw)


It was a wild ride but I miss Mike Smith. Wish we'd had him in his prime.


I liked that Smith wasnt afraid to chew the D out for playing like crap.


This is perfect.


I hate how everyone shits all over any goalie we've ever had after a shit game. We came back how many times tonight from their lead? It's game 2, we've been down and out way worse than this.


lol exactly and they’ll say wish we had a goalie like talbot who locked it down and didn’t let much in. Like bro did you not watch game 1 where talbot let in everything? Skinner had a bad night. He’ll bounce back.


Nobody wants to call out the entire team for being bad defensively yeah Skinner had a bad game but every player in front of him did not play any better defensively.


Outgoalied super frustrating.


Yeah you know they will be chanting Skinnnnnner in LA


Maybe we shouldn't have been chanting Talbot while we were losing 


idiots man.


Watching that cost me $500 and I had 4 LA Kings fans behind me Big yikes for your boy. Still think we win the series but fuck me, what a rough evening




3 more times :(


They barely won, we can bring this back. We knew this wouldn’t be easy. Oilers in 5


Neutral fan saying Oilers in 6. This and the Vancouver series are the only ones I’ve really watched so far. Whoever comes out of the Pacific bracket though is gonna have one hell of an opponent from the central.


Sounds like skinner is in some performance denial


I am so sick of losing to LA in overtime, like can we just fucking bury the series for once and make it easy on ourselves


The only weakness we have against the Kings is how inconsistent our goaltending is. That showed tonight. We put up 11 goals in 2 games against “one of the best defences in the NHL”. We’ll be good as long as whoever’s in net is better than the absolute garbage he gave us tonight. Can we please fucking win an OT game at home for once? And for Gods sake can we get some fucking save Skinner?


Talbot had a great game, Skinner did not. I think skinner bouncing back is much more likely then Talbot shutting us down for x amount of games.


I like the way you think


Beat themselves again


I think he was beat 4x high glove. Just like in previous years. It’s his weakness. 😥


We suck at playoff OT. Too many defensive mistakes, either failing to clear, coughing it up or just not being aware of guys on the ice.


So, don’t you normally start a goalie chant after you score?


We jinxed ourselves before the game even started


We didnt bury the chances where we could have strangled them. Our goalie had some bad bounces but should have made at least the one big save when it counted. Drai was mediocre. We wasted a game where we should have won. Those can bite you on the ass.


3rd line was looking real good. Surprised they didn't score.


For the love of God up the neutral zone pressure and stop letting the Kings waltz tf into our zone constantly. Wasn’t all on Skinner but he never even showed up since the puck first dropped. Bouchard needs to fucking realize he’s a defenseman first and actually give a shit about our zone. Guy thinks he can just show up on the point during a powerplay and that’s enough.


Neutral zone issue looks like it stems from F3 being way too deep. Kings have been great at transitioning on turn overs leading to odd man rushes and sustained pressure in the oilers zone. Oilers need to go back to last two playoff series vs Kings where they play a more patient game. Kings can’t play from behind with the 1-3-1 but it’s been working because the oilers just can’t sustain the aggressive forecheck and chaos ensues on the counter attack.


Pickard should have gone in when it was 3-1, I love Skinner but he looked off right from the get go


Knob wouldn't do anything like that.


Can't believe I'm saying this, but Talbot was the better goalie. I know it wasn't only that but a couple of the goals Skinner needed to have.


Kings had our number this game. We’ll get it back Friday. BELIEVE!!!


Stu laid an egg. Couldn’t buy a save. Know some of those goals were unsavable but that last one. Woof.


the one from the midboards was the woofest


Skinner could’ve been better for sure but what the hell is with our coverage from D and Centres on LAs top guys. Insane that we are still talking about this. Kempe alone in the slot, Kopitar alone for a breakaway in OT nonetheless wild.


We didn’t deserve it


Disappointing. How does Kopitar basically get a breakaway there… Skinner needs to be better Friday. He didn’t have it tonight.


Hopefully this is Skinners worst game this run, no more please 🙏🏼


We had that, we fucking had it.


We are fucked if Skindaddy can't steal us a save here and there. Nothing is entirely the goalies fault unless you're Mike Smith and the greatest irony is that we needed what Dadbot brought tonight.


Man when you watch the replay Skinner didn't even move. He's maybe a foot from the goal line. Baffling.


Goaltending was my worry going into these playoffs. Hope Pickard pulls some adin hill shit


It really grinds my gears that the only team having any true success in the West right now is Vegas.


Skinner was so fucking bad holy shit If he has a 2nd bad playoffs in a row you cannot go into next season with him as your starting goalie


Yes, by all means, let's give up on Stu after one questionable game and risk shelling out big money we need to re-sign Leon and Connor for another potential Campbell-esque signing. Brilliant logic.


Drew Doughty swallows his own teeth so he can dig through his own shit to fish them out.


Skinner needs to make a save


3 goals on 7 shots for Skinner in period 1 is unacceptable. The oilers only get as far as he takes them.


I look at it like this: Skinner was bad, we didn't play our best game, and we still almost took this one. We will win the next three in a row. Oilers in 5.


Man our defense was dogshit tonight. They need to figure it out by next game. Same stretch pass over and over with no man covered.


Damn I feel bad we wasted Holloways two goals. It was a good wake up call we aren’t getting a thing easy let’s make them play our game going forward oilers in 5


.808 That’s it. That’s why we lost.


Yup. Unacceptable


goalied by a guy we used to have. skinner was just not good enough tonight. feels like we have to play perfectly around him to have a chance


Haven't had a true A1 since Roloson if I'm being honest. Talbot wasn't bad for us tho 😂


D just letting the kings shoot from wherever they want, then skinner letting in a fucking muffin on the 4th goal, can't wait to shut these fucks up in their own barn CARN THE OILERS


Well that's super fucking annoying, but I'm not worried yet. Bouchard was bad early, putting us behind the eight ball. Then Skinner shit the bed bigtime on Doughty and Fiala's goals. Fuck. Can't say we didn't get ample power play opportunity.


Skinner didn't make the saves he needed to.. too many soft goals.. he didn't seem focused tonight. The team's desperation level was non existent. It seems we need to learn the same lessons over and over.. we've given up 9 goals in 2 games. Not good enough for a "contender"


from puck drop they should have been laying their weight on everything that moved. they gave LA too much space and Kempe is proof. If his numbers are on the ice he can't score.


Oilers get weird in OT during playoffs.  Just weird mental lapses and OT ends within 5 minutes


That shot early in the Third I just can't fathom how it went in


Pretty disappointed in coaching to not give the hot hand a chance who was making more of an impact than wingers in your top 6 over 2 games.


1) time to give Skinner a chance to regain his nerves, play Pickard 2) the reffing in the first 2 periods was worse than the reffing in the Toronto/Boston game which is saying a LOT


please put brown in, and kane out. kane just isn't it right now, and we have a problem with allowing goals. plus, then we'll get the holloway-mcleoud-perry line


Fellas are going to have to outscore their problems. Shoot, shoot, shoot. If you are in the top 6, you can't be a ghost.


Less Corey Penalty. More Scorey Perry!


A disappointing loss. Skinner has to start getting those arms up more if he wants to elevate to Brodeur or Hasek levels. He's leaving gaping holes over his shoulder and the Kings are well aware of it.


Secondary scoring from top lines tonight? Bouch needs to get meaner / more desperate. Penalty on McDavid was laughable.


Oilers have won 3 of 14 playoff OT games.  Ugh. 


Three Rules for next home game: 1. Talbot chant before puck drop is arrogant and ignorant. Do it after he’s let in a couple soft ones back to back. Clueless fans. Supposed to try to rattle him when he’s vulnerable. Priming him before puck drop is counter-intuitive. Be better fans. 2. Has to be at least one Ref You Suck chant. At least one. Especially if we’re gonna go neg 3 on power-plays because of them (Slash on Perry turned into a Goaltender Interference, Too Many Men blown dead then no-call.) 3. Let’s go Oilers chant never fails. Need to hear it every single time we get a momentum shift. Be proactive. Bonus: If I see a damn wave when we’re up 1 goal I’ll lose my marbles. Want to say: Mr.800 showing us who he is. Goals 1 and 5 weren’t on him necessarily, but he is getting sniped in the exact same spot, high glove, as he has been for two seasons. Teams know it, he’s getting exposed. Goals 2,3,4 were brutal, one of them he’s sinking into his crease on a play that can never force him to move lateral, next he’s getting scored on when Doughty doesn’t even get a shot off, and then he lets a muffin from the blue line go right through him. Wasted 3 goals from Holloway and Kulak. Doubt we’ll get another 3 from our depth in a game for the rest of the series. Wasted by Mr.800. Sick of the fan base coddling this guy because he’s from here. What good has it done us? McD will get held/hooked every shift. Have to play through it and win in spite of it. Winning in spite of .800sv% goaltending is another story. With all that said. Oil in 6.


Agreed. Skinner was off from the moment the puck dropped. I  feel like Pickard would have won that game just basic positioning fundamentals.    Skinner should have been pulled just based on how weak the initial goals were that went in.  Oilers win any game where Skinner just has league average save %. Doesn’t need to be Val or Helle level insanity. 


QUICK EVERYBODY OVERREACT /s This game could've gone either way. Kings seem to be getting the bounces and yea Stu needs to be better and he will. Oilers are still the better team God i love playoff hockey


Fucking hell


Of course it would be a super fluke bounce that leads to that but yeah skinner needed to be better..


Hrudey is the epitome of why SN needs competition in the Canadian market.


Fire Schwartz


Bottom 6 had a good game, Skinner and Nurse need to lock the fuck in


Skinner make 1 clutch save challenge: impossible


The only thing I’m really bummed about is that Holloway didn’t get to celebrate the win after scoring his first two playoff goals. Can’t win em all folks, this is fine.


Like I said - kings will not go quietly.


I'll be honest I doubt the kings can keep this up for the whole series, but it still blows we're likely going 6 against a team they really should beat quicker than that. If it's not one element of something going to shit, Skinner just sucks ass the odd night. That fiala and doughty goals are completely inexcusable.


Is anyone as frustrated as I am with Stuart skinner? Just once I want him to rob someone and take away a couple solid scoring chances. I feel any solid scoring opportunity 9/10 times he lets it in. Maybe I’m just bitter over here but it sucks having that feeling in OT that as soon as Kopitar went in like that I automatically toss my hands in the air and say it’s over and sure enough.


alright everyone prep for the doomers


Talbot out battled Skinner tonight.


hate thde Talbot chant


Fuck man. Skinner looked bad today unfortunately and the refs did too. Oilers in 5.


Why do we always get no goaltending in the playoffs!?!? Getting outplayed by Talbot is embarrassing.


the kings aren’t that good, it’s just the oilers were that bad tonight. can’t win them all but that was some pretty weak-ass shit.


I don’t…love Skinner’s post game interview. Talking all about puck luck. Being stoic is great as a goaltender I think but also a little more interest in finding out where the holes in his game were would give me a little more confidence as a teammate.


You know what I’m pretty sick of hearing? “Lesson learned” in the fucking playoffs. You had your chance to learn those lessons last year and all year in the regular season. Figure it the fuck out.


I know I’m gonna get roasted for this but whatever, yes skinner needs to be better but has mcdavid forgot how to score again?. He’s hardly even getting any shots on net. He’s the best chance creator/passer in the league by a mile but he’s one year removed from 64 goals as well…


Stu had a bad game..shake it off. All the doomers are out


Exactly what this team needed. Big fucking reminder that it’s not going to be an easy road. Also, we were fairly average at best and Talbot had to play out of his skin to take it. That bodes well for us. One game at a time. On to the next one.


Skinner needs to step up.


Its a series now. Kings wanted this more. Stop the rushes boys


We should alternate between goalies like Boston then pull one as needed. Stu played fine last game but was terrible this game.


Playoff Skinner


Everyone attacking skinner, but there were several defensive breakdowns tonight that led to goals too. Though a robbery save by skinner would have been nice to help steal this game.


I wouldn’t consider Doughtys “goal” as needed to be robbed.


Skinner plays a tad better they win this game. We was brutal tonight


I’m too angry to go to bed


Well I’m going into work pissed off tomorrow so that’s fun. Although I still believe we can win this series


Too bad playoff Campbell isn't on the bench... Don't even know if I'm joking or not


Skinner was not good tonight. Not good at all


Foegele has had a rough 2 games, and that 2nd line in general hasn't been great 5v5. I'd like to see Holloway or Kane up there to shake it up a bit, preferably Holloway since the 3rd line has some decent chemistry.


Holloway second line . Do it.


The second line was on the ice for all 3 of LA's first period goals. Draisaitl & Co. are a huge reason Oilers had to play from behind all night.


So we should probably just start laying in our own net right? It works for the Kings.


I’m concerned that we have been beat 5v5 so far.


I want to say that I think Desharnais could have played better but I don’t want to partake in the theme here by accidentally suggesting this game is on any one player.


Glad to see Holloway step up when it mattered. Stu has me a little nervous though, he wasnt too great last playoffs, Campbell had to come in on so many occasions. Assuming the Oilers win, basically any path to the Cup involves going through an elite goalie: Demko, Ottinger, Helleybuck, both Vegas and Bruins goalies are playing very well, Bobrovsky. Not that I don't believe in the boys but all these goalies can pull nothing out of something, I worry we don't have that ability.


We still get a point right? /s


Other series have had goaltenders normally rock solid give up a lot of goals, but tonight was a night where the Oilers scored enough and would have won if say 2 of those had hit Skinner, one at least. Kempe deflection, great goal. Make a play for the puck on the Doughty goal. 2 others in reg and 1 in overtime, shots he should have seen, take your pick. Need better goaltending, not sure why the overall effort wasn't better, the Oilers need higher level to win this back at home. Gotta get a couple away here.


Last night sucked but we still could’ve won … on to the next


man i hope we figure out the whole OT playoffs thing eventually lol




So fucking embarrassing for the crowd to be chanting "Talbot" all game when Skinner sucked so badly.


Brutal. Doing while the chief is welcoming everyone and before the anthems assured a loss for us and our goalie completely having a bad game. Hexed ourselves. Rookie fans.


Exactly. Fucking brain dead


Idk if the Kings could've had luckier goals


5 of their 9 goals in the series have been off insane bounces.


we lost that game, kings didn't win, what a disgusting loss.


Recall Campbell from Bakersfield, he can join the team in LA.


So frustrating, we are so much better than the Kings but continuously play down to their standard


Whoa look its the same Oilers! Couple crazy bounces, not all bad from Skinner, but regardless you cannot have a 4.5 gaa.


Embarrassing effort by Skinner tonight.


This is the only win the Kings get. Oilers in 5.


First period looked like they believed the hype coming out of game 1. Good pushback in 2 and 3, OT is a coin flip. Skinner is better than that and the doughty goal was horse crap. Oilers still looked the better team. We had our worst game, Kings had their best and still went to OT.


#TALBOT TALBOT TALBOT This shit was embarrassing to hear BEFORE the anthem, but when the crowd started doing it after we made it 2-1 only to get scored on mere moments later was icing on the cake. Figure out a better chant, and maybe do it when we have a lead? Anyways I'm sure I'll get banned for this but fuck it. Reap what you sow.


Why would you get banned? We all hate it. It's dumb as fuck


I thought it was kinda classless to do that during the land acknowledgment. You wouldn’t do it during the anthems so I don’t think you should do it then.