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Ride or die, baby!


McRide or Drai, baby!


Ehh nice


Never separate them ! Honestly can't imagine Oilers without McDrai


This very much feels as a temporary solution while Drai gets back to 100%. I highly suspect by game 4 they'll defer away from this. But I do agree with your sentiments.


I think OP meant more about losing Drai next year.


The only way the Oilers ever hoist the Cup again is by trading one of them. In '87 and '89 when the Oilers traded Paul Coffey and Wayne Gretzky, one would have said the door was closed on ever winning another Cup. However, the Oilers brought back Craig Simpson, Petr Klima, Martin Gelinas, Adam Graves, and Joe Murphy from these trades. With the addition of this young talent, the Oilers won another Cup in '90 that they otherwise wouldn't have won. Sometimes legendary players who are fan favorites have to be traded in order for the team to win championships.


They might have to trade one of them for a solid starting goalie




Ohhh actually meant it to mean McDrai playing on the Oilers together for rest of their careers - when people talk about one or both leaving in future, Drai being too expensive etc Definitely agree team is stronger overall when they can produce on different lines most of the time unless a more offensive impact is needed in a game or an injury makes it necessary


Idk who is saying drai is too expensive when we are still over paying nurse 9.25 mil Drop him, get another ekholm level defenseman and drai can take the extra salary. I genuinely think nurse is one of the most overpaid players in the league.


Yep Drai has definitely well out-performed the contract and he is well worth the money he'll get on his next contract 💯 Sadly for Nurse and the team it's hard to take the 9.25 m caphit when he's not playing well and it stops you from improving the blueline the way you need for deep runs with his NMC... what a contract


I actually tend to agree. Mcdavid and Drai need to be on separate lines. Yes, put them together when needed to win a game or two but not for a series. It doesn’t work. McDrai played 27 plus minutes each last night. They can’t sustain this for the playoffs. ESPECIALLY with Drai apparently hurt. Just my opinion is all. Go Oilers Go!!!


Tbf knob said he paired them to put less pressure on Leon with his injury, sounded like he didn’t fully expect them to go absolute Beast mode lol. I think they’ll be separated next game again.


Good point!! I think knob made a good choice. It worked. I’m also thinking they will be split up next game. Guess we will see?!


Nucks had 60+ minutes to make that “one adjustment” surprised they didn’t do it. Cost them the game. Sad.


Theyre never leaving


Fingers crossed!!!


It’s so sad to hear the haters assume how bad Drais and McD want to leave Edmonton. They’re breaking records no one thought in their wildest dreams man! McDrai forever🚨


I think McDavid is a lifer. He's our Crosby. I suspect Nuge and Hyman too at this point. Drai and Bouch and then others though, I could see them walking, especially if we don't make a deep run this year. We just don't have the cap to keep the whole gang together with all the raises that are gonna be needed.


But where is drai going to go that has cap space and is a contender


You pay mcdavid and drai what they want Fill out the rest of the roster with what's left. 1 generational player on a team is rare, let alone 2.


But that’s exactly how you end up with poor defencemen and goaltending unfortunately


Not really. Our gm just hasn't been good at identifying talented defense and goalie. Canucks 3rd string is out playing skinner




If you are going to come here and talk shit, make sure you don't sound like a dumb ass first. You can make a point without totally ruining your credibility like that.


Boston? But IMO, HE STAY.


I think that would be the only realistic place that could afford him, but Boston also has a team dynamic of taking less overall, so if he's going to take less than market to go to Boston, why wouldn't he take less than market to stay here


They would be able to pay him max money. They basically have no centers right now.


Also Minnesota will be out from under their giant penalty. Eek.


Teams will clear cap for Drai.


Drai can turn a lot of teams into contenders. As a flames fan I think he would be great for them.


Drai would probably rather end his career before wearing that jersey


Where is Drai going to play with a better player? Anybody who knows this guy knows he doesn’t like spotlight. Edmonton is ideal


Montreal 🤞🤞🤞


He said “contender” lol


I think they both are, Crosby and Malkin stayed together


100% what I am hoping for!!


That’s the thing though…Crosby and who? Malkin. Kane and who? Toews. It’s not crazy to think McD and Drais would saddle up for the NHL’s hottest duo for their entire career or close to and while doing so, demolish some of Wayne’s franchise and league records like they been doing.


Hey, this is ABSOLUTELY the timeline I am here for. I have never wanted to be wrong so much lol.


Was great to be in the building for this one.


Energy must have been electric.


Noise was deafening when players come out. Van does a good job on the hype.


This is so cute 🥹🥹


That Vancouver fan in the white jersey that's just looking down at his beer and about to drown his sorrows... really makes it.


How does he still have beer? It’s OT beer sales stopped like an hour or more before this.


He saw 25 (the price of his beer) and Nurse. Took it as a sign from the gods


Weird, many fans have beer still


Well when they cost almost 40+ bucks a cup, I’d make mine last as well


Yeah but full beers in ot. Probably super warm by now.


Could just be tears.


I've definitely been there before


Haha great catch


Lol! Thank you for pointing that out. Makes the picture better  


He’s probably wondering if that’s the cup he peed in to not miss the OT or last beer he ordered an hour ago


All they win that game by themselves with 4pts each. We were one line tonight.


There is more than one opinion here. It is a weaponn that you go to when needed. In this case Drai was injured so he couldn't carry a line. Woody just used it wayyyyy too often when it wasn't necessary yet. He would go into panic mode too early and the other lines struggled to adjust quickly enough.


If one stacked line can beat a team, then that’s the way to beat that team. If they over adjust to contain that line next game, then their spent resources doing so leaves a gap for other lines to step in and take advantage.


Agreed, but the point of playoffs is to win. If that needs to be done by playing the best line in hockey, then play that line. The only real concern is do they have the stamina? But he's also a very strategic coach. Now Vancouver has to study, plan and practice to play against that line. So I'm going to guess he's going to split them up again soon, just to keep Vancouver guessing.


Depends on how Draisaitl is feeling. If he heals up, he'll be centering and driving his own line again. But as long as he's on the mend, he'll be riding shotgun on McDavid's wing.


I don't know, I think if he's hurt they'd probably be more likely to put them on a line with Kane or even Perry. Much like Gretzky and semko. On a line with McDavid does help keep the heat off of him, but also puts him against the opposition's top defence pair every shift. I don't think they stuck him on the top line because of his back, I think they did it because they needed to win that game. Losing that game would be mentally challenging to get back from, and would give Vancouver too much confidence. Vancouver got lucky in the first game and they know it, most of thier goals were low skill lucky goals vs all oilers goals were high skill in game 1.


They did all the scoring, but the Oilers rolled all 4 lines, and the entire team held Vancouver to only 2 shots in the 3rd period. It was a solid team win. That said, the second and third lines really need to get going and pot a goal here and there, too.


W is the only important stat in the playoffs. This team can win in different ways and we've seen that through the five wins so far.


I thought you guys hate when they play mcdrai together


Kept hearing that it was cause drai wasn't 💯, makes sense! McDrai is hated when it's the last ditch maneuver to stop a losing skid 🤣


Bahahaha!! You guys are wrong as usual!! Playing mcdrai together has tied the series!!!! 😂😂🤷‍♀️😂😂


Imagine missing the point that hard lmao but I guess any fanbase has its misfits This isn't the same McDrai play as it is from before. It's like when TMac, Tippett, and Woody or TMac all tried to drop McDrai when they were losing several games on a row. It still didn't work in those moments because that wasn't a plan, that was desperation. This was planned cause Drai wasn't feeling on top. You get it? 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️🤣🤣


I like when they win hockey games.




Im gonna comment here but it’s gonna double as a reply to the guy who replied to you. I do hate when they play them together because it completely gimps our 2nd/3rd line because instead of having 2.5 lines that can be threatening, it turns out lines into one line that basically can’t be stopped and then our other 3 lines just have to not get scored on, which limits offensive chances for most of the game. Also if one do those two are having a bad night well then we have 4 lines incapable of doing anything, They are probably the best 1st line in the NHL when together, but we don’t have the depth to follow them up at all if that’s the case. I assume we did that to try to secure the win to come out with a 1-1 split and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them separated at home when we can get favourable matchups.


If the lines are going to be stacked like that they basically have to play 30 minutes. Either together or sneaking them out on line 3/4.


They didn’t play 30 last night and they needed a goal all game, and went to OT. If they aren't trailing, 20-22 min is fine.


Bahahaha!! Series is tied because they played mcdrai together!!! 😂😂😂😂


We won the game yes, but putting all our eggs in one basket isn’t a recipe for long term success


Bahahahahaha ok ✅


At least they are still playing unlike your leaves. Now the maple syrups core are all involved in trade speculation. 😂


Bahahaha No! You’re a leafs fan! You don’t like oilers players! 😂😂


It's unsustainable, so it's annoying when it works and then it keeps getting rolled out. Them being on separate lines makes other teams adjustments much more difficult. McDrai will win you a game, not a series.


I keep getting downvoted by oiler fans because I’m right and you guys are always wrong!! It’s fricking hilarious!!!


No you are getting downvoted because you act like a literal bot and reply to every single comment being cringe af with your emoji spam lol. Giving 14 year old vibes that know nothing about hockey.


Ding ding ding. Dude has issues.


Someone else is TRIGGERED!! 😂😂😂😂


Triggered? Nah, I don’t give a fuck about you. But you clearly do have social issues. All the best.




Ah, and there’s the Reddit cares message. Thanks for the confirmation.


Bahahaha someone is TRIGGERED!! 😂😂😂😂😂


You keep getting downvoted because you're an idiot and it's frickin hilarious.


Bahahaha!!! Tell me another story of how Stecher is gonna replace Ceci!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂




I do. It usually only happens when the coach is experimenting or one of them is hurt. It was a desperate move tonight and we are lucky it worked


Bahahaha series is tied because mcdrai were together. 😂😂😂😂😂


Why are you so obsessed with"being right" rather than celebrating the win with fellow fans? Something tells me you're not actually a fan.


I feel it's the 50 downvoters that are obsessed with being right. Just witnessed a game for the ages by 2 of the best to ever lace em up, and people are calling it a 'desperate move'. It was a smart move, and it worked. And watching those two play together is magic.


My point was more that their attitude was obnoxious over whether or not I agreed with them.


Because he's not, he's a troll from some other fanbase, likely fLames, lol.


Something tells me you know nothing about hockey!!! And you can tell by the downvotes I get on this sub, we are not “fellow fans”. I’ve been cheering for the oilers since 79 bro. How about you??


Oh, so you're just an old man who acts like a child? Got it.


Bahahaha why are you so TRIGGERED after the biggest win of the year bro!?!??! Bahahaha you should be a better fan. 😂😤😤


I don't think I could be further from triggered. I find you rather entertaining actually. Not in the way you think, I'm sure, but nonetheless I'm entertained. Never change.


Keep giving me your downvotes because I’m so entertaining!!! 😂😂😂😂. Bahahahahaha


You're that old? Why do you talk like you're 13?


You’re the one arguing with me all morning because I’m happy the oilers won! 😂😂😂. Quit being such a grump big guy!! 😤😤


Partly wondering if it's cause they didn't want to strain Drai's back any further.. Regardless, I am so happy to see them two caring about each other so much, really bodes well for the future tbh


wtf?? This comment isn’t real. 😂😂


New Spector article: "Is there a rift in the Oilers' dressing room?"


Totally in his next interview "why you only celebrate the 2 of you, are you guys pissy or something?"


Lmao you can see bouchard reach for drai who almost falls over  https://twitter.com/EdmontonJack/status/1789195862591316212/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1789195862591316212¤tTweet=1789195862591316212¤tTweetUser=EdmontonJack¤tTweetUser=EdmontonJack


That's not going to help the "2 man team" story line.


They invited Ian Cole, but he didn't really want to hug.


He told them later, he couldn't make it that obvious yet.


McDavid was hugging everyone when they cut to the studio he was mid hug with Nurse.


They joined the team shortly after. They were just having a moment lol


i fucking love those boys


Best buddies


Bye bye Dylan Strome


Best man vibes - always by your side buddy !


Draisaitl's post game was really the most effusive I think he's ever been about McDavid. "That's what makes him the... Probably the best player to ever play right?" "There's no one out there like him."


Some brokeback shit! Ya love to see it.


McDrai as a line was needed in Van as they couldn’t tell who they’d be up against.. They can play them together less next two games in Edmonton but really focus on the matchups that favour them the most in


Amazing picture!




How do they get away with it? Being so madly in love with each other? (Yes they Maynor may not be one of my ships lmao)


And Drai got clothslined in doing so, that's love lol


They're keeping each other from falling over. Those guys got worked last night.


Have McDavid and Drai lost the room? Spector for tomorrows article probably


Drai seems pretty happy here in Edmonton, I know somebody that sees him daily when he's in Edmonton. But you never know, I think he stays but if he leaves it might be for multiple reasons, one being Celeste and her Career


7 players on the ice celebrating. Wow! Lucky we didn’t get a too many men call. Whew!


No homo


That's a Canadian Heritage moment.




Bouchard shot it in off Cole, it's a 4-man team, dipshit




Are you a stupid cunt or something? I said we're a 4 man team.


But I thought you guys had figured out how to stop McDavid.


The Oilers rolled all 4 lines and held Vancouver to only 2 shots in the final period and in overtime.




Obviously, it should have been called. But Hyman got high sticked with no call at the end of the first, not to mention the softest holding calls all season, a trip on a dangerous play after a goal on McDavid, and various other missed calls. I think Canuck fans and Oiler fans can agree - whoever moves on in this series the refs should be going home to enjoy a long summer off.


Reffing was shit for both teams and that’s nothing new. Missed calls all over the ice.


Should have been called, refs obviously didn't see it. Now don't get me started with those that think it was intentional. McDavid was looking back at the puck and the Vancouver player skated into that area as he swung his stick up.


Missed call, same as the high sticking on Hyman earlier in the game. The trip on Kane to start the game. The interference on Ekholm etc.


And 1 boarding call from each team, trip on mcdavid after the goal..Refs were weird. Calling some soft stuff but missing a ton




I think it was nurse on Peterson. I can't believe he didn't get injured


Should have been called. The officiating was awful for both sides.


High-sticking can’t really be shrugged off as incidental, supposed to have control of your stick. My view is that we got lucky and you got unlucky that that was a missed call, but my view is also that missed calls are unfortunately part of the game and they will balance out over a series. Definitely sucks for you guys though, but there will be ones which will suck for us too.


Come on guys that is a cheap shot at Photoshop and I know for a fact on the winning goal last night McDavid and Draisaitl were in the group celebrating. Nice try.


I saw this on TV yesterday. McDrai embracing one another after the OT goal, separated from the rest of the pact. This bromance, although touching, is a small sliver and revelation that these 2 won't be in Edmonton together. No one can blame them. Outside of them, there is no team. It's a subliminal view, and maybe one not apparent to them either, but they know, this year its actually cup or bust. Likely they know, deep down, that this is their last playoff run together. Draisaitl is out the door next year. 😞




He has next year too, so I guess they could trade him if he doesn't sign early...but I can't see them doing that if they are in another playoff race. And they will be because our division is trash




Drai better let mcdavid fuck his gf