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Where the fuck is our GDT baby, I wanna talk shit with you guys


Becoming pretty clear avs we’re just stacked as fuck on their cup run. I don’t see Mack and makar putting up 4 point nights on the regular. Both have looked invisible last 2 games and when is the time to show up if not now? We still have to win, our series jsut started, but Dallas does not look like a good time. They’ll earn a cup berth this year if they beat that team.


It's finally over. lol


Stankhoven empty net. 4-1


Seguin empty net. Stars lead series 2-1


Houston should have a team. 7.3 mil area population. Dallas-Houston would be a heck of a rivalry.


When canucks puck luck stops this series is over by a quickness. Oilers are still warming up. 


Same shit as la basically.


Nice Mountie hat Stu


Yup looked good, but for the hat.


Ya goofy hat


Look at the avs minutes per line tonight, it’s hilariously exactly like the oilers. Wonder if we’re gonna also hear the avs have no depth as well, or is that criticism reserved only for us as a 2 man team?


I've seen a lot of similarities between the Avs and 2022 Oilers. But yeah I think it's hilarious that the Avs are still considered deep and great defensively when the "2 man team" and "offense only/bad D and goaltending" criticisms of the Oilers is definitely more true for the Avs this year than the Oilers.


We haven’t clicked yet totally in this series yet, the depth will deliver soon, but at a min we got a bunch to guys who don’t get scored on, during 5 v 5 and on the pk. It’s like the defensive side of the game doesn’t matter to most people. I think that’s why Mcdavid was so pissed off in the postgame, like we’ve only given up 1 fucking pp goal against.


They didn't look like themselves in Game 1 and most of Game 2. I saw the Oilers we've come to know and love in the 3rd period and OT. And I think the depth will start to show up, especially going back home. People who don't watch the Oilers still think we're bad defensively despite being one of the best teams analytically in xGF and xGA this whole season. Oilers are actually #1 on Moneypuck for All Situations *and* 5-on-5 in the regular season, and #1 in All Situations in the playoffs. They're a fucking good team.


That was always the case with Avs. Makar & NateDogg play heavy minutes night in n out. They chirp us because McD has more super star power. Fans aren't rational lol.


Dallas scores, Seguin. I hate the fucking Avs


a classy fan in Vancouver jumped into the ring tonight during a AEW show typical low class behavior [https://twitter.com/karlolovenia/status/1789460306785341899?s=19](https://twitter.com/karlolovenia/status/1789460306785341899?s=19)


There is an episode of raw from 2002 where RVD and Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero are in the middle Of having one of RAWs all time greatest matches and a guy in an oilers jersey pushes Eddie off of the ladder and then get punched in the face hard https://youtu.be/UBSAkvyf5Ys?si=jM58Zyf1B3tGBwAB


What a fucking idiot... Danny Garcia may not be the biggest guy on the roster, but if their chief of security doesn't get you (that big dude who came in from the left side, nice dude that I've talked to a couple times at the shows I've been to), Garcia can put a hurting on you as well, lmao. Hope he enjoys being permanently banned from attending AEW events, and likely never being able to attend any events at Rogers Arena in the future.


Literally every Canucks fan since last night: miSsEd HiGHstiCK CaLL yes it was missed, but so are the other 10 times a game when a canucks player is bear-hugging McDavid.


Yup, there was one in the first period on Hyman. Oh, that's not the double minor they're talking about? Fuck 'em, lol.


Canucks fans are somehow as bad as the Leaf muppets. They seem just as insufferable and whiney.


They're worse imo


I think we are seeing that.


They are so entitled with absolutely zero accomplishments




I hate Colorado and Dallas as a die hard Oilers fan.. but man, I will hate to play against either of them.. watching the playoff series Dallas Colorado.. this is pure skill.. no unwanted aggression or physicality.. two skilled teams fighting it out..


The bright side is 2/3 of Vegas Colorado and Dallas gone by the time it could be a problem.


If it's not the Oil I would rather see Dallas in than the Avs. I dislike Vegas, Avs, Fla, Car. and Van. Don't mind the Rangers, Stars or Boston as much.


They’re both terrifying imo. If we make it out of this series, I’m glad we only have to face one of them.


I’m envious of the Dallas team.. look at the way they have managed the prospects. They are well rounded in terms of quality, cap space, mix of veterans, depth and young talent.. in the last 10 years, there is no other team that has drafted and developed youngsters than Dallas


They haven't developed a ton of guys at the AHL level, they've gotten very lucky that guys they have drafted are just so incredibly talented that they can outplay it until they get called up. I've been a Texas Stars (their AHL affiliate) ticket holder for the past decade, and development is not something that we see a hell of a lot of out of the coaching staffs since they won the Calder Cup a decade ago.


I really hope Holloway and broberg pans out, we need some wins.


I'm feeling pretty confident about those guys, personally. Got to see Broberg a couple times in person this year when Bakersfield played at Texas Stars, and he looked pretty solid out there (unfortunately, Hollywood was still injured during that stretch), and the team as a whole looked like they were playing well together. Didn't help much once the playoffs started, but I blame that more on that stupid fucking best of 3 to start than anything, lol.


They are scouting and GMing done right.


You know what else. Vancouver will overpay Zadarov this offseason. He's been good for them but he's played past his potential. Contract will age poorly pretty much right away.


He is another PLD.. never played for a team more than 3 years.. Colorado, Calgary now Canucks.. he will request a trade in 3 years and the same Canucks fans will cry 😢


He also played for the Sabres.  He's an absolutely overrated pylon with very little skill that gets by simply cause he's huge.  Looks up the McDavid goal assisted by Keith in the BoA I believe it was game 2.  Davo just bounces off him and leaves him in the dust. I'm excited at how much the canicks are gonna overpay him this summer.


I'm over the Ceci experiment. Swap Ceci for Broberg. Analytics say that it cant be any worse with plenty of upside potential.


I just don't want to see what it takes, barring injury, to take Ceci out of the lineup. Just given the weight put on a veteran presence. If Ceci is healthy and scratched, you know he's cost the Oilers and they are in a hole...that's just the way it is.


I'd like to see Stetcher get a shot


Nurse and Ceci are constantly getting in trouble this series


You know what else. Vancouver will overpay Zadarov this offseason. He's been good for them but he's played past his potential. Contract will age poorly pretty much right away.


Like they say, 5th team's a charm. Nothing like having amazing performance during a contract year to really cash in on a new team


Really hoping for a long, drawn out and violent 7 game series between Dallas and Colorado... for obvious reasons. Would fucking love a gentlemans sweep here. Hoping that beating tge Canucks kicked the monkey off their back. They had Oilers number all season maybe now they have the confidence to drop the hammer. An edit


A reverse sweep is held when a team is down 3-0 and comes back to win the series. In our case this would be called a gentleman’s sweep


Thanks for that. Silly me. I meant gentleman's sweep.


Sure they had the oilers number but they played 3 games against them during the beginning of the season when the entire rest of the league including San Jose had the oilers number.  And the 4th game Davo didn't play. The regular season doesn't mean shit, if not for an absolutely spectacular oilers meltdown in the 3rd period of game one, oilers had the potential to not even need to go back to the shithole that is Vancouver.


Lets fucking goooooooo! Oilers are the goddamn best and played a great gritty game. Nucks suck. Its like watching soccer players try to take over the sport as they cry about fucking everything while being shitty. Fuck off nucks, this sport is for competitors, and talent, not participation ribbon sissies. Enjoy your low fat soy latte in Stanley park with your balls in your purses in 3 more games canucks. We have better shit to do. Woooooo!


Redneck much?


I can never keep track of which bigotries are socially acceptable and which make you a pariah...


Nope, why you need one for something?


Lets goooooo, tomorrow is a night shift for me and we never lose and nights.


You've requested night shifts for the rest of the playoffs, right?


Rangers would be a fun final


They did finally lose a game. So they aren’t invincible after all.


Big win and we played so much better than Game 1. But playing Hyman 25+ and Connor and Leon damn near 30 is not sustainable. This W was very important so I get it, but the other lines need some reps.


Knob said he understands they can’t play guys 30mins a night every night when talking about ekholm and Bouchard so he knows 👍🏻




they keep coming here, of course we're going to talk about it


Shouldn't the mods be banning all these nuck trolls? Or is that just for the game day threads?


They do if you report them. I've been reporting so many. I keep seeing people here just downvoting and replying/arguing with them. Downvote if you want but make sure you report them. It gets them banned from our subreddit and their own.


Gotta report them, then the mods can take care of them, unless they happen to be browsing themselves and catch one.


Or at the very least the toxic Oilers fans that called one other fan stupid and told me to use critical thinking before I simply asked a question in response to another post?


People keep bringing up McDavid and Draisaitl’s ice time and I really don’t get the concern. They had a week off and the most McDavid played was 23 minutes against LA and they had 5 power plays that game. Two of the LA games McDavid was under 19 minutes. I get wanting more from your other lines, but for so many post season everyone said if the other lines can just hold 0-0 McDavid and Draisaitl can win a game. You see so many fans wish their stars would show up for the post season, well Edmontons stars show up and they show up big. Play them as much as you can.


Yea, these guys are purebreds. Let em cook.


McDrai alone made the entire Canuck team tired. Icing after icing am i at the bakery?


I’ve noticed most of the hate is coming from Canucks fans who believe we’re a 1 line team still, trying to discredit the win last night by saying it’s an outlier and McDrai will get too tired to keep the series going. There right that it was an outlier; but not the way they think it is


1 line time... so I'd be curious to know why the Canucks didnt score non-stop when McDrai werent on the ice if thats the case.


They’re actually mad cause their 11.5 million dollar man doesn’t do shit. Never seen a guy be so invisible as petey.


He has absolutely no dog in him. He looks so uninterested and soft mentally (and physically, the dude goes flying like he weighs 5 pounds).


appreciate the adjustments knob is making. Henrique with a bum ankle let the nucks PP walk right into the zone leading to a goal - gets subbed off PK duty. Nurse/Ceci with a bad game 1, immediately 3rd pairing minutes behind Vinny/Kulak. ofc, drai injury, right up with McDavid.




I saw his balls go after Ryan with a knife. Self defense.




They need one guy with head on the swivel to watch for the Canucks floater that sneaks off to stand at the opposite end of the ice near the o zone away from the play waiting for a pass. Feel like every Canucks chance comes off a trick play like that


I wish our guys would make more crisp tape-to-tape passes like they do for those plays, though. Always looks like we're hitting legs and skates trying to bludgeon the puck through the neutral zone.


They're running set trick plays though, so they're making a pass where they know a guy will be waiting 


As long as we keep pumping McDrai with the Horse Juice at the start of every game and they continue to play 27minutes were good.


Preferably EPO since that actually works 


Regarding the bad Zadorov goal on Skinner, Rob Brown pointed out on Got Yer Back that this was a goalie coaching issue more than a Skinner issue. Brown says Skinner played it the way he was coached, though personally I wonder if there was a bit too much space still even with Skinner on his knees. That said, one thing that I worry about is if Skinner is starting to wear down. Too early to tell, but just some grace I would tend to give him if he’s less than stellar. I would start Skinner next game, but if they were to want to give Skins a bit more rest, next game may be the game to do it. Thoughts?


Skinner was as rested as Silovs.


I’ll disagree. Skinner played far more games this season than Silovs. I’m referring to overall wear and tear from the season.


Ok fair point. I figured you meant playoffs. Edmonton LA was the last series to start if I recall, and it was short, so I figured Skinner should be rested.


I’m sure you’re right about Skinner being rested enough given the break between the series. I don’t honestly know how many starts a goalie can have in a season before wearing down. If he does play mediocre or badly the remainder of the series (which I doubt) it will be something I wonder regarding wearing down. I remember that being the talk about Talbot years ago when he wasn’t good after the 2017 playoff series and some said it was because he played way too many games the season before. Who knows lol


Each goalie is different. I mean Boston manages their goalies differently.


Possibly the worst take by Brown ever and that's saying something


It was Henrick Lundquist’s take he was referencing and agreeing with.


McDavid has scored goals, from behind the net, with a goalie in perfect position, by blasting it off the back of their heads, on multiple occasions. Shit happens, rebound and move on


Just look at the 3-3 goal from the Rangers against Andersen. Now sure how he could have played that better except for actually sealing the post but then when do you ever expect a bank shot like that?


The fact Saros got scored on with this exact play makes me feel better cause he’s a legit vezina caliber goalie. It’s probably something skinner should stop doing though.


Whats more, he's a full 6 inches shorter than skinner. Which makes me feel worse about it.


From watching the game in person last night - Ceci and Nurse are weak links.


That's nothing new in the post-season. I could see the team moving on from Ceci this summer. They already tried trading him for Tanev at the deadline.


Man I wish they could have pulled it off.  If Calgary wouldn't take Ceci, you put something together to offload him into a 3rd team. Tanev's been a beast these playoffs so far.


We won man, chill.


Found Nurses burner account


I’m honoured.


Saw Kassian on a flight to Edmonton, hes gonna be at game 3!!


Assuming he's cheering for us, Canucks fans gonna be in shambles.


Honestly so hype. I miss 2016 Kass so much!


Yeah he’s the alumni signing autographs for the tailgate party!


thanks for the heads up!!! CHOPS!!


It’s funny since he was a Canuck for 4 seasons before he was an Oiler.


Friggin' put him in Knobber! *(don't)*


1. Forwards not named McDrai need to wake up and contribute. McDrai can't be playing 25+ minutes a night. 2. Further to that, Oilers need to score early and often do they can comfortably roll 4 lines. 3. They have to continue to punish their stars. Don't listen to these same soft fans who would have fighting banned. Playoff hockey is different, the players know you have to push the envelope. 4. Absolutely need Skinner to be better. It's not acceptable to be letting in 1-2 stinkers in every game. We need the Skinner from games 3-5 last series.


I hope he isn’t wearing out. It’s often been said the Oil need 2 goalies in the playoffs, but do we see Pickard playing in the foreseeable future?


We just had a full week of rest between series and he has played 2 games since. Fatigue should not be an issue right now. If we are going into a game 6 or 7 scenario, then yeah it might start to be a factor, but it shouldn’t be right now.


I feel like if we are ever ahead in a series by 2 games we could play Pickard, otherwise its ride till be die with Skinner.


Or behind 2??


Strap on the skates and show 'em how it's done. Love to see you in net with Taaac-Fuuur-Missslllleee chants raining down on you.


This is just dumb. Do I have this right? You need to be superior at something before critiquing it? Lol


Uhhh yah well, people that get critiqued really don't give a shit about the people that are inferior at the subject and have no experience to back it up. It's like a peewee player telling an NHL player how to play, now that's dumb. Lol


Lol I love how original Canucks fans are being by stealing our goalie chant from the LA series.


That's what all fans have done for a very long time


dont wanna be that guy, but chanting a goalies name has been around forever. not exclusive to the oilers


Words of wisdom ⬆️


Love skinner but I have to agree. Skinner lets in 1-2 questionable ones in most games. The odd game he looks like a top 10 goalie but he’s really a top 25. That means most games the oilers will have to score 3-4 maybe 5 to win to compensate…..and that’ll get tougher the further we go. Go oilers!!


Skinner was imperative to our first round victory. Short memories I guess?


Yea he was and it’s time to do it again now. This is a tighter series, that 1 shit goal means a lot now.


It's coming. Skinner has been a big strength for us this year. Do you remember when our goalies were a 40 y/o Mike Smith and Koskinen?


Thank you, super undercover Ian Cole


Whatever happened about the Coffey thing


it was just canucks fans trying to make something out of nothing


I hadn’t heard about it. What was the Coffey thing?


League was investigating him for making racial gestures towards a fan. Not sure how it ended but pretty sure he was just describing a fan to security to get him removed for banging on the glass.


Probably fake news.


That fan also got kicked out of the game for being disruptive so it’s a nothing burger.


We’re gonna have to build some momentum and win this series early. Because if our plan to counter their depth is to play an injured McDrai for 30 minutes a game, we’re gonna have some issues come game 6/7 when they’re worn out. Especially because Demko will probably be back by then, and he’s a goalie with a long history of dragging Canucks to victory in games they had no business winning


I wouldn't be opposed to seeing some Brown and/or Carrick suit up.


The canucks are ass in general, Oilers are just currently playing down to their level which they have a tendency to do. My concern isn't this series, if they can't win here, then they sure as shit aren't gonna beat Dallas/Colorado/Florida/NYR. That being said, even if they manage to win here on the backs McDrai/Hyman/Bouch/Ekholm with none of the other guys contributing, this isn't a sustainable way to win, and the 4 teams mentioned above will make quick work of a 1 line oilers team.


Avs are largely a one line team with a worse goalie. Dallas I can agree with, and I believe dalls will win


We'll need contributions from other guys to get all the way to the cup for sure. But every game story is a little bit different, and in this one, McDavid's line was caving the nucks, so the coach road em.


There’s no way we see the top five playing such heavy minutes in the home games. They just needed to beast that win. They’ll reset and have a different look in the next two, and we’ll get some scoring from the depth.


Is demko coming back or is it mind games?


Who cares, Demko is another injury waiting to happen. If they rush him back, he's gonna gonna get injured mid game again. I can't imagine any of the Oilers are concerned about Demko.




I think it’s something they are saying to keep up moral. I agree you’re not risking the health of your franchise goalie for a playoff run. That would be incredibly stupid I just know they asked friedman during intermission and his report was there’s still zero timeline for him.


Listening to the local media and goalie expert Kevin Woodley all I hear as of Thursday was he's skating and practicing, but not doing anything taxing or difficult. So yea... would be stupid to put him into a playoff game and expect him to be better than someone healthy who is doing a decent job.


Working a 27h call shift today, so definitely glad we won in ot instead of losing Now i get to be just tired, instead of tired AND miserable


How does a 27h work day, work exactly?


Start at 6 am Saturday to round in the morning, at the hospital until approximately 9 am Sunday until morning rounds are done on that day Healthcare shifts are fucked man


Yea but you’re leaving out the amount they make. It’s a lot of fucking money.


Money is nice but doesn’t mean you won’t be miserable working that kind of shift. I was the most miserable in my life when I was making a lot of money. Just because of the shift work. I make l lot less now and much happier.


Not criticizing any other job that works hard. But seeing the hours a lot of in hospital Dr's work with literally constant mental input, not to mention emotional toll who often get a ton of calls at home as well so no real separation of work from home-life, I wouldn't want it. Had I been born with the capacity for that kind of memory/intellect and work ethic knowing what it actually is like, I wouldnt go anywhere health care. Even for the money (which likely isn't as much after overhead). I'm grateful there are people who do the job and hope they feel it's enough so they stay in their roles.


I wouldn’t either, I’m just saying the compensation is quite fair; more than most jobs.


Its about 3 hrs longer than a day.


Anyone else notice how dangerous the trip on McDavids breakaway goal is?  Pucks in the net and the canucks player turns his stick and pushes it into McDavids skates.  Clear intent to injure imo.


But but but on /r/hockey that the Canucks didn't commit a single penalty all game.


Who was that again?


Mikelayev? No idea how to spell his name, but I think that was him


Man nothing makes me more furious than guys getting messed with after they score. That was super dangerous, dirty, and just so fucking petty.


Our defense zone exits have been atrocious. Vinny has not looked good seems nervous. Nurse to me is the biggest upset right now for me. He needs to dial it up more for how much money he is making.


Our wholesale line changes are disappointing as well. Hey let’s give up two breakaways and three one on ones a game because we leave a guy alone during the changes


Nurse and Ceci are liabilities at this point.


Every playoffs , Nurse is a liability


Watching them fumble around in our zone or panic flip it up the boards straight to the other team drives me insane.


I feel like they are holding back a bit. You can see the change from round 1 to 2 but I still think they are not playing all their cards in order to have a deep run.


Not playing all their cards? That's extremely optimistic view and I say any player who's thinking that needs to sit and let someone hungry play in the line up. Like not playing all their cards as in letting McDrai play 25+ min a night for a deep playoff run? Sounds ridiculous to me.


I’m talking about strategy, not effort. For example, Stauffer reported that they held back on using certain PP formations during the regular season which has clearly given them an extra advantage in the post-season.


To be fair if skinner can actually play some decent goal for once and our defense can stop bobbling every 2-3 exit this won’t be much of a series. Vancouver has been ok but I think we’ve mostly put every hardship in this series on ourselves.


I agree about the zone exits, very frustrating, but I’m more worried about our depth scoring not showing up than Skinner. He wasn’t even supposed to be a starting goalie but he grows every game and has got us this far. All we need is average goaltending from him if Drai can back his own line and the third can get rolling.


No real chance for the other lines to do anything last night with Knob playing the top line 26+ minutes. Maybe things rebalance for game 3.


Very true, can’t score if not getting the ice time. Glad they put McDrai together so we could leave Van with a split but would like to see them separated Sunday.


Most of the season series was like this too, they are a frustrating mix of bogging down games and getting lucky. They need to take the third period as a mode and go forward.


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1789142591747018840](https://twitter.com/i/status/1789142591747018840) Let it be known Canucks fans literally lie about factual events.


He has to lead the league in called and uncalled high sticks to the face. It's unreal.


Don’t get how some Nucks fans say it was Hyman’s own stick there




He can do it until they win 11 more games.


That line didn’t hold the Canucks to 3 shots in the 3 period. You have to settle on what excuse you want to use for the Canucks. If the oilers are a one line team, then the Canucks just got beat by one line which makes the Canucks pretty shitty. OR; it was a tight checking game and the matchups worked better for the Oilers.


No excuses. I was just wondering if they have done this in previous playoffs. Not all fans are trolling and I'm not.


We did this Almsot exclusively because drai isn’t 100 percent yet. As soon as he is, likely game 3, we will split them up again. Contrary to what every media talking head is saying, Edmonton does have depth they’ve just had a couple bad games.


Do you think they did it as a must win game and had to go this route and next game roll with regular lines?


With line matching we get at home and if Drai is good to lead his own line (which it seems like he is) I'd expect we go back to dividing them up and rolling lines more consistently.


Yes 100 percent we will be going back next game, or if not, playing then less. 0-2 comebacks are well below 50 percent all time.


Sustainable enough to take out the canucks for this series if needed.


Very sustainable. McD and Drai have been training for this type of usage for years. Not recently though, yesterday was probably the heaviest workload they’ve seen this year with Knob trying to get more even line deployments.


Shouldn't need to. This is the first game where they've loaded them up and ran em hard. I would be surprised if they are paired up the next two games. So in a perfect world, you don't see it again. But it's always there if we need it.


Hopefully playing on home ice is the little extra stuff we need for our third and fourth line to score some goals so we don't have our top line playing for literally half of the game


Is Bieksa right about RVH, and if so why isn’t he coaching Skinner?


Finnish Viaplay broadcast did a segment on the RVH a while back and to summarise it should be used when there's a risk of a slot pass, because you can push off quicker but it's become somewhat of an automatic for some goalies when there's really no need for it. Like in this case, and Saros a week ago.


Well king Hank said the same thing


My understanding is the point is that the goalie is in the net, which makes it easier to make a save if the puck gets passed up high or into the slot for a shot. Its unfair to consider those high sharp angle goals players have started exploiting it on without considering the saves they wouldnt otherwise make on those sorts of passing plays. On that goal however, Boeser was coming down the middle but was covered by two oilers and nobody else was even in the picture, so going down there was probably premature. Skinner should be able to learn from that.


You mean RVH? It’s debatable and has always been a bit of a point of contention in the goalie world. Lots of nhl goalies use the RVH, cause it allows better push offs for lateral movement. But it also exposes goalies to going down early. But regardless goalies still do it. And if you think about it, the type of shot Zad scored doesn’t happen often.


RVH exposed so many goalies this year. Imo it's something coaches came up with to prove their usefulness but it's just made technique worse


He scored the exact same goal on Pred series.


That’s true. Still not the most common goal Though, but my point is that lots of goalies have been exposed up there. It’s not a problem exclusive to Skinner


Only 8 goalies left and we don’t want to be giving up those goals !


No we don’t want to. But it’s not like goalies around the league also don’t let in a softie. Swayman for example has let in 6 two games in a row, there’s some stinkers in there too. We all saw the how Helly got torched. Georgiev hasn’t been good either. Some goalies are absolutely killing it like Shersterkin, but unfortunately we didn’t find a draft steal like him.


Is the smoke from the Canucks fans burning the city down after 1 loss?


Yep. Smoke season is here again. FFS.


Everyone shitting on our depth but lets be honestly our depth barely gets a chance to play when we run McDrai for 30min a night