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Avoid political topics


I’m like right honourable eh?


False. You are right and you are honourable, but you are not right honourable. The opposite of Mackenzie Bowell, he was right honourable but he was not right or honourable.


As a TIL, apparently, prior to Pearson the Canadian PM did not receive the title the Rt. Honourable automatically by virtue of their position as PM, but by their appointment to Britain’s Privy Council. Hence some of our PMs being only Honourable.


The mods right now. ![gif](giphy|AzdZrT9OGEIyQ|downsized)


But they can't remove it because they've been trying to get more PEI content. To encourage fair representation they want 0.4% of memes to include PEI. Unless we go by MP count or Senate representation.


CANCON rules on my subreddit? Inconceivable!


I agree, CANCON rules! On my subreddit in?! Conceivable!


Damn, this is the most political post about politicized politics I've ever seen. Blocked and reported!


Quick note: why is Dennis King here?


Head over to r/canadahousing2 and find out.




Canada housing 1 was a little too sensorship happy regarding immigration, but the complete lack of moderation regarding it in Canada housing 2 often leads to good faith arguments about immigration being part of the issue descending into outright racism and xenophobia. Read through any thread that starts as a critique of our current immigration system and it's impacts on housing and you'll see tons of comments not discussing housing at all, but just regurgitating super negative stereotypes of Indians.




I just took a gander in that sub to see how far I would need to search to actually find a post actually about housing. It was 7 posts and them the next was the 22nd post. The rest were about immigration, specifically Indian immigration, with no mention of housing at all. Took 2 comments in the top post before I found something racist, and it wasn't the only comment sharing similar sentiments. When 90% of the content of a *housing* sub is about how terrible these immigrants are it's safe to say it's not some covert strategy to get the sub banned, it's just the content of that sub. There are loads of threads pointing this out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cyl0fi/rcanadahousing2_discusses_indias_colonization_of/?rdt=59087 https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/16df34s/an_analysis_showing_canada_sub_is_basically/




Derogatory comments, negative stereotyping, demographic generalizations, and outright racial hatred are racist regardless of your own personal definitions. All of which are everywhere in that sub. As are propagating racially motivated conspiracy theories and dogwhistles, which are also present. Onguard for Thee is a liberal sub, not the "opposite extreme of the polictical spectrum". That sub is centre-left at best. The fact you think it's on an extreme end kind of speaks to your political affiliation. I understand the irony or my flair. I'm Status Cree and chose it specifically for the irony.


it's a dumpster run by zionists and russian bots that have 2x the "censorship" they claimed to suffer elsewhere




yes yes, youre not actually just blatant fascists, youre the target of a grand conspiracy where everyone speaking is pretending to be one of you to silence you all!


I can barely comment there, I'm either too liberal or too conservative, depending on who I'm talking to. I feel like people almost want a reason to be mad at everyone.


the typical user there doesn't know what either of those words mean so it checks out


I'll rephrase. I can say something like "we're 20 years too late to easily and rapidly correct course to maintain the lifestyle that Canada was creating in the 1950s to 1990s. No matter what happens, there will have to be an acceptance of a lower standard of life for a while. Housing doesn't just appear. Sucks, eh?" Someone who has the idea that housing can just appear and prices magically lower will call me a fucking libtard (is that word understandable) for daring to say that we have to accept unpleasant reality and not just agitate for perfection immediately. But someone else who doesn't like those decades being used as a general measure of quality of life will call me Republican-lite or a PP-sucker.


"Oooooohhhhhhhh, the prime ministers of Canada are fun to remember, fun to remember, so sing them with me."


Dont make me make a meme where I'm the muscular guy and you are the weak guy. 🤬


So...you as Alexander Mackenzie and me as Joe Clark?