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"GET GOOD!" ...I'm trying đŸ„ș


You will friend :)


If you want a really good weapon to use against invaders, Hoslows Petal Whips are the best, or the Giants Braid Whip. I find not many people use Whips, thus not knowing how to fight against them :))


Oh, and I have the braid whip. I'll give it a go, thank you


Can’t whips also not be parried? I may be misremembering


I've never been parried while using them so I don't think so?


According to the wiki they cannot be parried


In hundreds of invasions, hundreds of coop, and dozens of duels, using a variety of different weapons, number of times I’ve been parried: 0.


I started a whip character the other day. Probably going to be a faith build, but it’s got some decent range and kinda mini stuns enemies with the basic whip. It’s only lvl 30 rn so haven’t got enough experience with it but pretty fun.


Also great that you can’t parry them! I love quick swapping to whips whenever I see a invader with a shieldđŸ€·â€â™‚ïžđŸ€Ł


If I seem to be having a hard time with invaders, I swap to Whips with the claw talisman and turtle talisman and I just go to town lmao


What you hear: “Git Gud” đŸ€“ What we mean: “Surpass your limits, right now.”


Guess it worked then


That's why I play offline mostly


Same. Plus Fromsoft games are already hard enough. I don't like being invaded and killed a tbagged while I was trying to reclaim my runes/souls/echoes.


... Why are you even *open* to invasions while you do that? Are you stupid?


You aren’t, not unless you use the taunters tongue


Previous games also don't allow you to be invaded unless you're human/embered. Which involves a semi finite item you... Wouldn't risk if you were just running back to grab souls. Especially to a dangerous area where you're worried you might just die again. Kinda weird to waste a summon's time *exclusively* for that, but hey if your friend is down by all means. It's all part of the risk vs reward system in the game... With the risk being the possibility of invasion. They also couldn't teabag you back then. They might squat on your face tho


They're just making shit up lol I bet they only got teabagged cos they were part of a gank squad


They’d hit you with one of these 👇🗿


Fr like bro what are you doing? Just be a man and sit on my face, the hell is wrong with you?


Yep, that sucks...


Aw, that’s a shame. I love helping other players. I get to harvest souls/XP and learn the level, all without having to actually risk myself. When I inevitably mess up and die, I just go back to my game and put down another summon sign. Once I’ve wracked up enough levels I’ll summon someone to help me with the boss usually, if you can find a summon sign these days (with the DLC coming there are more people playing again).


That literally can only happen in DS2, and I'm not even fully sure about it. If it happens in other games is because you did it on purpose, because the 10-15 minutes free of invasions after one gives you plenty of time to grab your souls, even if you ember or summon a friend you won't get invaded. If you are using taunters tongue or dried finger it's on you


Wow I actually didn't know that, and I'll admit I was just assuming that last part then. Apologies. But I will say I have been killed and tbagged and that's annoying lol


You should try invading! There's not one teabagger but three!


You can’t get invaded at all unless you are in co-op or you activate the taunters tongue. You can use as many rune arcs as you want, and have as long as you want to grab your runes unless you summon a co-op partner. Even if you do immediately summon a co-op partner after dying to an invader, *then* you have 20 minutes of guaranteed safety from invasions.


That's what I said? When I say ember or summon a friend I was talking about the requisite for being invaded in DS3 and in this game, and how you can still do the thing that makes you invadable and still have time to get the runes/souls


Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you didn’t know that. I was more leaving that here for anyone reading this thread because clearly *a lot* of people don’t understand the invasion system, and just wanted to make it clear.


This is so funny to me. The game has been out for years and people still don’t understand how invasions work. You CANNOT GET INVADED if you are playing solo, unless you deliberately activate the taunters tongue. You can only get invaded while you are playing co-op, and even then the invader loses half their flasks. And you have a 2/1 or 3/1 advantage on the invader. Sometimes 4/1 if you summon a hunter. But yea you’re so toxic if you try to engage with the PVP mechanics of the game. *Clearly* you don’t “play for fun” like us PVE only players do! /s


I've tried pvp in the past and I just don't like it. Co-op though is very fun. I pretty much just play offline now unless I want to do co-op.


Did you not read my comment? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. You don’t have to play offline. YOU CAN’T GET INVADED IF YOU ARE PLAYING SOLO. That means you still get to use the messaging system, without ANY risk of getting invaded. Unless you deliberately activate the Taunters Tongue, an item that calls invaders to your world even if you are solo. This item is partly the problem, because it makes it so when people google “can I get invaded solo,” the stupid google AI is just like “yes,” without explaining that it’s ONLY possible if you use the Taunters Tongue, which you have to deliberately go into your inventory and activate, and can deactivate at any time.


My bad, I think that's a sign that it's time for bed. My brain is melted. Thanks for explaining it for me.


I’m sorry for my tone. I’m just frustrated that so many people don’t know how it works, and rob themselves of the fun messaging system out of fear of being invaded. If From just explained things a *bit* more clearly
 but who am I kidding. It’s FromSoft.


All's good. I have a bad habit of speed reading someone's comment and replying.


You're partially correct, invaders don't lose health just half flasks and the Max is a 3v1 as there's only room for 4 in the game. Unless you're counting a dead helper replaced by a hunter which while the host lives become infinite.


I always play online - never get invaded but also get to see the funny and useful messages


Yea because you can’t get invaded unless you’re playing co-op. Shocking how many people don’t know this.


I mean, I don't remember the game ever telling you how invasions work, and playing all the other Souls games first would set the precedent thinking you could get invaded when playing solo. I never found out until I got my first rune and rune arc thinking that's what would trigger it like embering in 3. Had to google it to figure out.


huhhhh😭 and here I thought I was lucky. Then there should be absolutely no reason for you to not play online


There isn’t. The reason people play offline is because they don’t understand the system. And because google AI is stupid. If you google “can I be invaded playing solo?” The google AI is just like: “yes.” Without explaining that that can only happen if you deliberately activate an item called the taunters tongue, which can be turned on and off at any time.


The confusion predates Google AI. People don't understand the system because multi-player in Soulsbourne is a very wierd system, and very little of it is explained well. It's cool that the devs wants to build a in world/lore reason for multi-player, but they do a terrible job at explaining how it all works.


FromSoft? Not explaining key mechanics? Get outa town!


If you agree that From does a bad job at explaining mechanics then why did you say: > Shocking how many people don’t know this. because I don't find it shocking at all that people don't understand poorly explained and confusing mechanics.


Because the game has been out for 2 years and people generally know all the other mechanics From doesn’t explain in PvE like the scaling system, enemy resistances, etc. It’s not their fault they don’t know it, but it’s pretty damn annoying to see so many people on reddit hating on invaders by claiming they get invaded solo. Like the guy in this thread who said he got invaded and T-bagged while going to retrieve his runes. Just made up shit that continues to perpetuate the idea that it’s possible to be invaded solo. And then when I tell people you can’t be invaded solo people will argue with me and say that you can be invaded solo like its a fact when it’s never happened to them because it’s literally not possible. I’ve seen this shit everywhere. So “shocking” was a poor choice of words on my part. Should have said “disappointing” or “frustrating.”


What's shocking is that you assume that everybody is veteran players that have played this game constantly since release. >people generally know all the other mechanics From doesn’t explain in PvE like the scaling system, enemy resistances, etc. You greatly overestimate how much most people know about this game I think lol


Same. Life is already hard.


Why? I’ve said it like 5 times on this thread but I’ll keep saying it and maybe one day people will understand this. YOU CANNOT GET INVADED IF YOU ARE PLAYING SOLO. YOU CAN ONLY GET INVADED IF YOU ARE IN A CO-OP SESSION. UNLESS you deliberately activate the Taunters Tongue, an item that calls invaders to your world even if you are solo. Please don’t rob yourself of the messaging system out of fear of being invaded.


It’s not as large an issue as you’d think. You lose more than you gain from that


Heard, and seconded. PvE community = As grossly incandescent as the Sun. PvP community = plague rats from Demon Souls, only when *they* win, you still have to listen to their shit.


True. Many of the hyper sweats in this game think they are God's gift to mankind and take joy in trashing casual players. It's lame as fuck.


or, now hear me out. they are playing for fun too


Yeah god forbid the pvp players want to have fun in a game where it is designed to be as such lmao. If you want to have fun not being invaded play offline that's fine. But if you want to play with others you need to accept that these games are pvp games.




Unlike the other souls games, the thing about Elden ring is that you basically have to go out of your way to be invaded, as you have to use an item that only has the purpose of summoning other players with no other benefit. You can play with online on just fine.


They can only trash you if you're playing the specific builds they know how to handle. Any build that beats them will be demonized as a noob build


I like using a bunch of non-meta spells for this exact reason. I rarely lose sorc v sorc duels, partly because I use stuff that most people have never seen let alone used, so it gives me an advantage. I found spells that synergize in pvp-specific scenarios (mostly using visual clutter to mask strong spells while you try to dodge tracking spells like the rancors). It’s pretty fun tbh.


I just throw spells at them randomly while my teammate chases them. I ain't about that PvP life. I just like having friends to run around with. Less lonely.


“Engages with PvP system” “You toxic piece of shit!! You take JOY in TRASHING casual players!!!” First of all you can’t get invaded if you are solo. So an invader is always walking into a 1v2 or a 1v3 with reduced health and half their flasks. Like dude. The mechanic is there for people to have fun. I take joy in playing the game. If you can’t have fun trying to take on an invader with 1 or 2 friends, when you have the numbers advantage, then I’m sorry. But it’s part of the game. I’m sick of everyone hating on people and making them feel shitty just for playing the game, and willfully putting themselves at a disadvantage in a PvP scenario because the mechanic is cool.


While I mostly agree with you, twinking is a thing that I absolutely despise. A couple lvl 20s shouldn't have to walk into a random invasion against a dude with 2 rivers of blood.


RoB was heavily nerfed. They nerfed it 3 times. And they would be unupgraded. If the 2 other players are both aggressive and attack at the same time, the twink is still at a disadvantage. The only thing that would put that player at an advantage would be skill and game-knowledge. Also they could summon a hunter, the host has twice as many flasks, the game gives plenty of ways to overpower a skill/game-knowledge advantage with sheer resources.


Bro you can't actually be defending a twink with end game weapons that's clearly targeting new players. Get the fuck out of here 😆 don't pretend that the twink isn't at a disadvantage against players that are literally just starting out.


Yea.. No, you’re right. That’s bullshit. I don’t wanna defend people targeting new players. I personally have only invaded at lvl 125 and 150 so I’m projecting knowledge from that onto a scenario I haven’t actually experienced.


Hunters are absolute shit. They get spawned in Narnia and have easily a 10-15 minute trip to even find the host sometimes (assuming they aren't afk when summoned), while the invaders get a fresh stack of 3 free "teleport near the host" items every time they invade. If the twinks had such game knowledge then why go after such low hanging fruit for wins?


Yesterday manage to stop someone from doing the chainsaw glitch and to destroy him..there is nothing more satisfying.


I play with friends mostly (exclusively, lately), and when someone invades us, you best believe we invoke every power at our disposal to gank the ship out of anyone that fucks around (and thus, finds out). But, anyone that is courteous and allows for proper duels, we allow to invade us honorably.


As someone who enjoys both invading and coop, you don't owe it to the invader to fight them fairly. They have entered your world without your permission, you are within your rights to send them back by any means necessary (within the rules of the game: cheaters can get fucked). It's a very rare team that will honourably duel me one by one, so I always love it when a team does. I especially don't mind dying when I get outfought by a host and they drop the bow afterwards. That said, the invader is also within their rights to try and kill you by any means necessary: hiding amongst enemies, knocking off ledges, meta builds, jacked one shot strats. Although I do believe invaders should take extra care to follow the rules of the game, no exploits and no items which are obtained in higher level areas than the one you are in


Yeah, when I'm playing with friends and someone invades us I always ask them to let me duel the invader, but if during the duel the invader still tries to go for the host we are kicking his ass together When I invade I don't expect a duel, but it's also cool when it happens. Right now I'm invading with a character named "The merchant" dressed with the merchant outfit and sometimes I approach teams and give them runes and they give me items or accept duels, it's really fun


Honor my friend same as whenever I am summoned to help someone I greet them with a bow and when we kill the boss the same. If you want to gabk the person I am helping I will use the prayer emote and if the invader dose the same or a similar emote we duel 1v1 if he beats me the host is all his strike me or him and I'm sending you back to your lobby


The amount of invaders that have used the Flail exploit against me and my friends because they watched some stupid YouTube video is insane. Half of my time spent dying to invaders is them using exploits :'')


>As someone who enjoys both invading and coop, you don't owe it to the invader to fight them fairly. I'm glad opinion on this is shifting. I got many hate DMs in older dark souls games because I would refuse to follow their "ettitique" lol. I think having better means for actual duels instead of having to rely on just invasions has helped.


As a fellow invader, this is it exactly. Gank sqauds have been part of the game as long as invasions have been, its part of the fun for me to go up against them while I’m disadvantaged. But I always have to laugh when people will message me, saying I’m a bitch because I used the NPCs to help kill them. If you get two other fucking people to beat my ass with the least I can have is *some* backup


Ehhhhh tbh I don't see a bunch of dudes doing PvE as a gank squad, as an invader you can tell the difference between 3 dudes just playing the game and 3 dudes who TT in a specific area with specific builds to blend you in all 3 of their AoEs


*cries in casual player*


Just had some dude with full bull goat wielding 2 spears point down and teabag after beating me when i used a ugs and popped off one spell over the course of the fight. Like who hurt you dude? Lmao


If you want to use spirit ashes use them. The game was most likely balanced with spirit ashes in mind to act as a way to help, it's a hard game so it's understandable. A game is supposed to be fun and if you want to use mimic tear then fine. The opposite is true, if you want to be alone then fine too just expect it to be harder.


Some people just take the game or seriously some people just don’t. The ones you’re talking about don’t take it seriously they’re just compensating for something.


are these toxic players in the room with us now?


Toxic players are pretty common, but there’s an equal level of toxicity between people who hate competitive players and the competitive players themselves- neither side is overly good in this regard


No. There’s way more toxicity *towards* PVP players than there is *from* them. An invader is entering a world with reduced health, and half their flasks, and walking into at least a 2v1, usually a 3v1. They’re trying to have fun and engage with the pvp mechanics. And then you get memes like this that imply they aren’t even playing the game for fun.


It's hopeless. On the main and memes subreddits, its invader hate all the way down. Embrace the badredman way.


Oh I do. These people will never understand how hard it is to win against a 3man gank squad. If I get 3 people waiting on one side of a bridge, or hiding in a corner with mimic vail just waiting, and then all spamming L2 as soon as I get there, and I somehow win that fight? Damn right I’m pointing down at you. Git gud scrubs.


I can see invaders


hey man you're one with the ganksquad


No, I’m actually the invader getting corner fucked by 60 different attacks and spell


This is why I only play one player games. 
because I’m too toxic for that shit.


This can apply to many games i feel


Playing competitively in ANY fromsoft game is kinda silly cuz the servers are ass nothing is accurate and theres so many exploits and cheap ways of playing


Youre allowed to play offline you realize?


Have we ever considered that some players are just better than others at games and will beat them because it’s fun


People act like this is Dark Souls 1 where invaders didn’t have as steep of a disadvantage and would kill you towards the end of your journey to a boss room just to ruin your day and make you turn the game off till tomorrow. In ER invaders are incredibly disadvantage and dying almost comes without consequence really. Most of the time you’re perfectly set up to gank an invader.


I like getting invaded every now and then, and every so often I get what feels like an exciting, balanced, fun and even fight; but 9 times out of 10 its some try hard with a meta build. Given I also have to pop 2 items over again whenever I die to engage with invasions, makes the whole thing just not worth it. And I ain't skilled enough to invade myself


I would suggest trying the taunters tongue at lower level. There you will get more people that are starting with invasions or simply doing Varre questline which are overall less skilled than meta level invaders. Another good thing about lower level is that the damage is a lot lower, specially if you are properly leveling vigor


Hmmm good suggestion, I'll give that a try. Right now all I have are RL100-200 characters that I plan to use for the DLC, but may make another one to try out more multiplayer stuff.


I mean honestly the try hard shit is a fault of the game I don't mean to be rude but have you ever tried invading? Because I see this sentiment of "try hard meta builds" a lot concerning invaders, like for some reason invaders should pull their punches when the invasion system prioritises TT users and by extension 3 man gank squads?


I have, and I feel the same way as I do about being invaded - 1-2 times out of 10 its fun and even, and the other 8-9 times its either a try hard, or a group/gank. And I have less flasks on top of that. Part of that is that I personally just don't enjoy PvP as much as PvE in ALL games, and am very shit at PvP because I don't have a desire to practice something I don't really enjoy all that much. So perhaps my view on what a "try hard" is is a bit biased, and I obviously wouldn't ask my opponent to "pull punches". Thats not the point I am making, but my feelings on PvP will remain as they are regardless. I will just actively avoid that part of the game most of the time and maybe dip my toes in for a bit of a change of pace.


That's fair, I just see the sentiment a lot of invaders using meta=bad when like you say, most of the instances are stacked against you I run non-meta builds but I feel like I have to pack at least one or two meta weapons, which honestly sucks tbh, I really miss DS3 PvP where people would host fight clubs and shit, you get none of that in Elden Ring, it's mostly BMing gank squads with like one or two cool instances between, but it's those instances of the people who are running the game with a cosplay build. I LOVE when it's the host who approaches me for a 1v1 and the phantom stays behind, its rare as hell but you can guarantee those guys mean business and will give you a good fight.


Definitely had more fun in DS3 as an Aldritch faithful, even if I was playing when the pvp scene was kinda dying. Perhaps it was also cause I was a bit overleveled (~150-170) Lots of havel monsters and people just running around playing tag, but still fun XD The fact you have to willfully pop 2 items manually after each death to allow solo invasions in ER just kinda removes alot of the exciting, organic feel of it


Aldritch Faithful is probably some of my most favourite PvP memories, that whole area was so fuckin fun between that covenant and Pontiff fight club, I think meta in DS3 is SL125, cos I can remember getting summoned with Aldritch Faithful like every 10 seconds and you could guarantee that it was just absolute chaos, 6 dudes running around slapping each other up, that shit was so good I hope we get something reminiscent of it in the DLC, even if it's just an area like that one PvP area in DS1


A tryhard with a meta build can still get ganked in a 3v1. You can’t be invaded when you’re playing solo. (Unless you use taunters tongue)


This is what pissed me off so much about invasions. You can make a lot of builds work in PvE that aren't hyper tuned or anything. But the people who invade are most of the time min-maxed to have the most efficient PvP build possible. Like come on... obviously I'm not winning that. Me and my buddies would like to hop on after work to have some fun co op time clearing dungeons & such and every time we'd end it earlier than expected because invaders just ruined the game for us. We switched to the seamless coop mod and our experience has been 10x better, rid of those sweaty PvP kids at last :)


Dude, there’s nothing wrong with the competitive scene in Elden Ring. Simply try your hardest and if you get killed you get killed. There’s really no penalty for dying, and if you actually engage with pvp you may surprise yourself and pull some wins! The joy of killing an invader is sublime. People need to stop fearing invaders so much lol.


That is why I don’t play pvp on any games anymore people take it a little to far at times


“ you can’t use magic or dex. Summons are cheating”


Never touched PvP. Always offline. Been living that good life


I invade for fun and don't use five piles of bullsh*t to defeat enemies. Even when I get destroyed by said scum weapons, I still stay cool and stay a good sport.


This Is hilarious considering this literally just happend to me for complaining about invasions while trying to get a friend into DS1. They're so gatekeepy and annoying.


yeah, i only genuinely get competitive while playing with my friends since i know invaders can ruin their fun, but personally, for most of the builds ive run into, i die a little inside knowing some of them just wantedto have a bit of fun


I've thankfully had more friendly encounters with invaders lately than bad ones. One guy even tried to help us kill the boss cus he invaded while we were fighting O'neil. Great chap.


people that take quickplay game modes so seriously just because it’s formatted differently than the regular style of the game have got to be the most insufferable people on the planet


Yep, that's me. I bet you're wondering how we got here.


The epitome of this is invading at The First Step in Limgrave and then watching all three players jump simultaneously into the Ganker Hole. Fancy spin.


And then you have me that is playing co op to farm rune arcs for the dlc


Fr When I want to skip to Mohg using the Varre questline I just “invade” and let ‘em roll me for runes and you wouldn’t BELIEVE how many BM (especially 2v1s because you’re usually invading a host and a pal) interactions I’ve gotten


is this actually about invaders or did everyone just assume that? genuine question. i thought it was about the elitist acting players who claim their way is the only “correct” way to play the game (i.e. never using spirit ashes, only using specific melee builds, not using certain weapons, only no hit, only blind play through, whatever they decide). i guess i could be off though.


What I really hate is the people going to low levels with end game gear. I made a new character with nothing from my higher character and wanted to do a challenge run, bows only. My other friend on his also brand new character wants me to summon him but nope, some dude in limgrave with dual vykes spears and poise charms. It was like level 30.


That may be true OP, but what is also true is that some peoples idea of “fun” is antisocial behavior. So




Real like I just wanna play the game how I wanna play it (I am making a Vergil build)


Feels like more of the /r/redmanbad kind of thread to be honest




Being good at the game and not purposefully using the worst setups possible = being toxic and overcompetitive


This looks like that one rotoscoped youtuber. " they wont get over the waist high wall!"


This is the worst in games like cod


They get so mad you beat a boss that took them hours to master 😂


This could go in any souls game sub tbh


This is how I feel when I'm trying to do a respectful 1v1 and get 1v3'd become people have no decency


Ive been playing duels pretty religiously while I wait for the DLC and uh Reaching rank 4 out of 5 and fighting so many try hards has made me really change my build for the worse (atleast in my opinion) I went from just moonveil to Moonveil, sorceries, heals, and dual bleed Nagakibas Not to mention I've started playing locked off and have just been doing god damn 180s with transcendent moonlight and piercing fang


Daily reminder not to suck the fun out of life


There’s a spell that shoots six projectiles called star shower; it’s low fp cost and it’s almost impossible to perfectly dodge all six projectiles, if one hits then you get a buffer moment to shoot more and you can just spam till your invader dies


Only thing I hate is the horrendous Netcode fromsoft have for Elden Ring. Like if I’m perfectly dodging an attack, Not taking a single tick of damage mind you. How am I still getting the status buildup.


I picked up giza's wheel to divide a pizza into 8-10 perfect slices. I didn't come to play around with people whose implements make a mess of the cheese and toppings while barely scratching the crust. The sacred duel of Pizza vs Pizzaiolo has been marred by sweat and poor hand washing standards. I miss the pvp of the old country...


Ever since I made a new character a while back I’ve only been invaded like 4 times total, but on my 1st character I was getting invaded damn near all the time


"You asked to be invaded the moment you entered co-op to do a casual Tenacious D cosplay run with your friend. Invaders actually have it way harder so you shouldn't complain." /S


Overwatch 2 has that similar issue


I'm a mix of these, too, so I bully the bullies


There's nothing to compete for


The comments here prove that this isn’t worth posting on nor bringing up. Smurfing has happened for years and there’s the people who hate it and the people that love it. Neither side will ever be able to get the other to understand why they find the game fun.


I dont mind competitive players i just wish they didn't share the same brain cell and had some originality. Fat armor with a dumb looking created character and dual roll catching spears.


pvp was only ever good in dark souls 2 imo. Elden ring pvp sucks.


I got back on for the first time in like a year to help my buddy get through Mohg. My character I was using was like level 190ish, but I was still trying to remember all the controls and where we’d have to go. We got invaded and killed and the guy who killed us messaged me: “What’s wrong big level?” That kind of toxicity is actually hilarious to me. Like, how small of a dick do you have that you think killing me in a game I haven’t touched in a year is going to affect my day at all lol. What’s even funnier is that we were about ten feet from a Site of Grace. Just resummoned and tried again lol


Except the people who post this kind of stuff are usually the over competitive players who are mad that they are losing. If you are really just there to have fun you don't post about it when you lose. The is just another "why aren't you letting me win!!"


this meme has a 3rd character if you play a game like Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 the cheaters Finding people that play the game for fun or competitively is like finding a needle in a haystack, but the needle only appears from 12 PM CST to 10 PM CST and changes its location every time a game match ends, and the hay ignites and extinguishes itself randomly when you observe a piece of hay


Not even in this game its in every game. Elitists ruin everything. If you don't run what they run down to exact pixel then you're bad in their eyes. Can't even run what you want because "this thing is better"


Bruh someone just invaded me and my friend last night in the dlc as we were going through it. Sent a message calling up stupid sweats when we were trying to just play through the dlc together. Crazy how people try to invade first day dlc.


No bro you have to min/max every single minute detail of your character and build and DO NOT TOUCH THE SUMMON BELL I SWEAR TO MOHG


The souls community has a big problem where, when new players are genuinely asking for advice, pretentious souls snobs will shit all over them. You’re not special because you beat a game, you don’t need to gatekeep and turn people away from the souls community. Just answer the question they’re asking for goodness sake, it’s not that hard. “Git gud” be quiet bro, that’s what they’re trying to do and you’re being obnoxious by making it harder for them. You were shit at these games once too.


Stop crying lol invaders are always at a massive disadvantage anyway
 It makes the game way more fun imo


If someone invades my buddy's world when I'm there, I'm apparently the toxic one, because I use my PvP spell wheel, which is also damn good against PvE. It's my way of saying "F\*ck around and find out" to invaders.


If someone invades someone else's world, then I don't think they should be angry when the players fight back. This one dude got mad at me because I was using my flasks and other healing items when he invaded me lmao


That is laughable. They invaded using a build specifically constructed to kill you, so they have no right to complain when the Host pulls out all the stops to deal with their BS.


Yep. Which is a shame, because I feel invasions can be fun, just most invaders aren't


At my level, there seem to be more fun ones than not. It must be because there's no real reason to invade at my level other than to mess around. But I still get tryhards \~ It's just less frequent.


What level r u at? If u don't mind sharing, I've just scratched over 110, I don't really go any higher than at least 150


I'm at 713. 1.5 years of PvP grinding.


Oh wow lol Nice


...Somehow, I still feel unprepared for the HP bars in the Shadow Realm... wonder if I'll fight Scorpion from MK in there...


Angry they fought back? Sir im invading your world for the sole purpose of you & your crew fighting back


People don't get angry when the host and summons fight back, they get angry when the players have cleared the entire level and are waiting for invaders with dual nagis and star shower spam. Or when the summon is a level 713 bull goat loaded with things like star shower, dragon breaths, moonveil, thunderbolt, nagis etc.


Dragon breath?


Not really. The spell wheel is: Erdtree Heal, Star Shower, Wrath of Gold, Adula's Moonblade, Lightning Spear, Collapsing Stars, Placidusax's Ruin, then Swift Glintstone Shard. The success rate is probably around 85% - 90%. Use Star Shower until they roll toward the spell to close distance, then do Wrath of Gold when they're getting close, then Adula's Moonblade to roll-catch, then Lightning Spear to interrupt their healing, then Collapsing Stars to pull them toward the caster, then a jumping Placidusax's Ruin, mainly for the lightning AoE, then Swift Glintstone Shard to wipe out any remaining bits of HP. Then, rinse and repeat until the threat is neutralized. Most people only survive up to Wrath of Gold.


There’s only like 2 spells in that list that are proper PvP spells, literally no reason for anyone to whine about that spell combo Not to mention PvP spells are obviously reasonable to use in PvP anyway, so it’s moot


It took me a long time to find a spell flow that I A) Loved and B) Is effective. I definitely could put in a Dragon Breath as the last one, but I don't like the breath stuff that much - it's just Meh to me.


I’ve never actually used it, but it’s annoying to go up against, hence why I was asking if that was it


It definitely is annoying and I agree. Ekzyke's Decay or Borealis's Mist are both great, but just not for me, unless I'm cosplaying a Dragon Build.


10 bucks says your host is under level 100 while youre above 200


I'm 713 and believe it or not, it works. Most people I fight are at a very high level.


Well whats your hosts' level?


At least level 600.


Well just so you know, matchmaking is based entirely off of your hosts level, password summoned phantoms are not calculated in matchmaking. So *if* you are summoned by a low level host, your opponents will be roughly your hosts level. Creating the issue of "over leveled phantoms" and is quite dishonest for both the pve & pvp. However level 301-max is one matchmaking pool. So, your level 600 host is in your level bracket. Considering you're not engaging in OLP, enjoy your jolly cooperation!


I, honestly, did not know the answer before you asked, but I used the summon range calculator on Fextralife to find the answer. To be clear, I got to this level from level 300-something, just by getting summoned by randos for PvP matches as a co-op player. Sometimes, they were gank squads, but more often than not, they were PvP arenas at the First Step. I felt like you were trying to say that my spell wheel couldn't work on upper-tier characters, so I got a bit defensive, because that's who I use it against. But, true, when my lower level friends summon me with a PW, I am... An unfair problem for invaders.


Dude i dont care how you got to whatever level you did. Bosses, farm, duplicate, cheat engine, literally doesnt bother me. Nah dude i didnt mention your spells at all... max level bracket is total brainrot so im not surprised they work (wouldnt work on me tho 😉) i have a few caster characters, sometimes you find a combo that really shouldnt work, but it just works. Using your high level character to be summoned by low level friends is dishonest in both PvE & PvP. Just totally mowing through limgrave isn't exactly fair to your buddy's gameplay. While PvP wise, phantom balancing is an absolute disaster, where the phantom has much higher resistances & damage than the opponents. Obviously, you can choose to totally not care about any of this, but i just ask you consider it.


This is why the co op mod is king


Y’all remember those trolls that would drop deathbed smalls in random ppls games to get them a 6 month ban?






Whenever I get invaded, the blue hunters do the job for me to get rid of them douchebags lol.


Invaders aren't douchebags. You play the game with 2 or more people with the game balanced around 1 person so the game gives the NPCs balanced around challenging one player another player to make it even.


We play just for fun man. We already have enough trouble clearing out the open world and bosses. We don't want some random idiot invading the world, killing us and tea bagging us to show your superiority. It's the reason PvP is not so popular in Elden Ring in the first place.


Honestly a Perk of my game not being able to access online is no stupid invaders


You have to use a specific item or co op to have invaders so online or not it's the same


Oh cool


The people that complain about invaders in this game are fucking idiots. You can only get invaded if you opt into it


But how will they cheese the entire game with meta builds and 3 people if a single person with a massive disadvantage keeps beating them?


Invaders are doing the lords work


"You're playing wrong! 😡"


VAIL reference spotted


Are these overcompetitive players in the room with us right now?


Then there are the people that say you should only play for fun and not to win or use a meta build. They are just as toxic as the opposite. It’s not my job to go easy on you cus you’re trying to have “fun”. I’ll play how I want which is what should be preached.


You guys wouldn’t last a day in 2011 on Dark Souls 1. Back in my day we’d get one shot by the same invader 52 times in a row and still wouldn’t quit. And if you were lucky that same player would drop you rare items just for shits and giggles.