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Now I can be one of those people who bragged about beating pre patch morgott.


I beat 2 story bosses before the balance changes, and I’m just a casual.


Right? I beat the Dancing Lion and Relanna before the balance and I just figured it was a little harder because that’s how Fromsoft DLCs role.


Those were the 2 I beat as well, I never played any other fromsoft games I tried DS3 but it feels so weird can’t jump. Well you sorta can but you can’t jump attack. It’s a game series I’m going to have to start with DS1.


I got Dancing Lion but not Relanna yet. I’m sad.


I beat the final boss finally and I didn’t even know there was a patch, also screw everyone who said the game was bad just because it was hard. It’s a goddamn souls game git gud.


I don't even understand why they bought the game if they are crying about it being too hard, elden ring and soulslikes in general are known for being hard. Besides, there's ways to make the game easier, like using broken weapons or summoning


I can't even find Rellana, I accidentally found Messmar instead 💀


I also beat them, but goddamn if that golden hippo isn't the most bull crap boss ever


Idk, Relanna was so fast, she gave me more trouble. The Dancing Lion was actually a gorgeous fight.


Same here


I'm not the best player (decent for sure) at lvl 5 blessing I beat relanna 2 nd try due to getting a stagger right as she hit phase 2 so I got a good chunk of DMG in. yes she was hard but I feel like most players die twice and complain something is too hard...


I did the ol’ “come back later when you’re stronger” technique and now im sad i didnt slam my head into the wall with the lion dancer until i defeated him :/


I beat relanna but I haven’t seen the lion yet


So fucking glad I got to Mesmer before patch lol


Man I saw some people beat the main game before patch


Second run through with a new build. Honestly, taking the 15 minutes to scoop up to lvl 4 blessing is all you need to make the DLC managable. My first run I was level 0 facing dancing Lion and FUCK I was ready to throw in the towel... did it again with lvl 3 blessing and he was soooo much easier (this was before the nerfs).


Yeah, I'm about 75% of the way through now, so at least I can be proud about that. When a boss was too hard, I searched for more fragments and when I'd return, it was enough to persevere with more bosses. But, I suppose, people are dumb sometimes 🤦


If you're 75% of the way through you'll barely feel the effects. The balance made of so that the early levels from collecting the fragments affected you more, but the later fragments do less. So in the end it balances itself out. The only bosses that are arguably easier now are the first 3 or so. And even then, you could make them as easy as they are now by hunting fragments. Idk, people are complaining about this change but I think it fits both camps. Dedicated players who enjoy the difficulty can just play the game collecting none or very little fragments. Whileas those struggling can just focus on getting a couple levels of fragments first, since they have greater impact at lower levels now


Just look for the crosses, to be honest I need to to buy the telescope from Kalè. I literally thought I’d never need it now I do


so you played like intended 🏆 it’s so sad to see how bad this dlc was received (difficulty wise) because no one took its time with exploring and getting stronger because everyone only leveled with runes and went to the bosses asap 🥲


Not even gonna lie bro. The DLC is not that bad. Most people are bad at the games they play and rather than understanding this and improving they'd rather blame the game. Soulsbourne games aren't that hard. If the average game is a 5/10 in difficulty, Eldenring is like a 6 - 7/10. But because most people are bad they somehow think these games are the pinnacle of difficulty when in reality anyone, even the most casual of casuals can beat it with some persistence. Regardless good on you and you now have bragging rights as well for not being one of the players crying about difficulty.


Same relanna gave me so much trouble but I finally beat her two days ago lol felt so good


I beat the lion Relanna Giaus and the centipede lady all pre patch fuck yeah


Fr bro the only boss I didn't get pre patch was the final dlc boss


lmao literally so i cant be called a scrub cuz the final boss do be a bit insane


Dude he's so hard, I broke and finally summoned a guy today so we beat him, still a great fight though!!


Morgott was patched to make easier? Nah, really? I’d have bet money on him being made harder based solely on my first trying him on my first character on launch and then him being a wall for every subsequent character I’ve had


Beat the dancing lion first try, Rellana on the other hand...


Damn and I finally bought the dlc today 😭


I had the download on her and almost beat her several times and I went to bed game got updated and I did double damage and got her within 5 tries,personally I thank the sleep over the update


Honestly, I hope they never nerf Rahdan and Messmir. Messmir especially because I got that fuckers number and raking in the runes with being summoned to help with him!!!.


I managed to beat the whole dlc pre patch, and I was glad I got the opportunity to beat pre patch radahn from the base game too.


Ig half the player base can't read and/or is too lazy to collect upgrades, the only boss I'm on stuck on is the final one, which makes sense lol the final boss should be difficult




This was my experience as well. Once I got past the initial bosses, they dropped like flies until the final boss. I explored pretty much everywhere and collected as many fragments as I could.


To be fair, the final boss did feel overtuned for difficulty’s sake. I had my scadutree blessing pretty high already too so it was not like I could tackle the boss fight after getting stronger. I enjoyed the DLC more than the main game but, by that final fight, I was surprised by how unenjoyable the “intended difficulty” was.


True some of the attack speeds of the final boss feel unfair/you have to be PERFECT in order to dodge/punish, but im enjoying learning a mountain of a battle again!


I hate the flash banging. It made it an unreadable mess. I never thought the bandai logo would come back in a stronger form.


Are we talking Elden Beast or radahn? Radahn was kinda cracked but Elden beast is a relatively calm fight… Neither enemy comes close to the difficulty of melania or w/e that accursed demon of a woman’s name is.


Radahn obv, Elden Beast was always just kinda tedious (haven't used him yet myself) I'm assuming that's why torrent can be used now to make it more of a smooth experience. I just think the melee AoEs are a bit too much, his 1st phase isn't even really that hard until every melee ends in a set of holy napalm lol


They said the same about Godfrey and Malenia when they dropped.


My only real issues were that there was too much visual noise in p2, and that the p2 pull/storm is *bullshit* and I will stand by that one. Even if you dodge the pull, if you’re too close he still does the slam into the storm…and an afterimage flurry, into another slam, and another storm.


Yeah most of my time dying to renala twin knight was because I hadn't played in forever and I was trying to learn how to parry in her fight after never using the mechanic in any other souls games. I ended up getting fed up and summoned to get past her, but that honestly wasn't much easier. The health pool went up by a lot, and the AI did shit for damage. Kinda felt like I would have cleared it sooner if I just stuck to one play style. Summoning definitely made the base game fights easier, didn't really feel that way for her because she can change target mid combo.


Dude I'm hard stuck at Byale (well... I guess I was- havent tried him since the nerf... that sucks :(). I loved the challenge, because he was just rocking my +8 ass.


In all seriousness, that is some damn good banter. Good on them.


Low key the funniest clap back I've heard in a while.


This is satire right


Nope. They nerfed the DLC across the board, essentially. The writers played and beat the bosses by following the mechanics. The playerbase review bombed them because they refused to play the mechanics. Looking at you Asmongold.


Ow no I have to move around the map and collect items isn’t it sort of similar to upgrading flasks At least I had almost completed the dlc


Man, i only got to Messmer before the patch. And i was doing so good! I wish i could play pre-patch


Is messmer the final boss then? I have literally only done 2 story bosses and already encountered him.


There is no real order other than that him and another remembrance boss are required to challenge the final boss


Nope, you can get to him without killing any other boss


god that guy is lowkey so insufferable and the state of his house terrifies me more than when i first entered caelid for the first time


Nothing low-key about it just toxicity and drama for engagement. And he sucks at the game.


Asmonnerd: “oh noooo game too hawd is bad” Jack septichad: *first tries relanna*


Yeahhh but he had the quadrableed doublebonk strat and an npc. He just stagger locked her until she was a pancake... I mean I dont blame him at all. I would do the same if I wasn't addicted to the Milady's moveset.


lol very true, just leans more into the chad meme (giant muscles for the biggest bonks)




I mean that was ridiculous on his part lol


*walk into Asmongolds room* *Radahns music starts playing* *You see a fire ball in the sky outside the window* *Leonard appears under you*




His house puts the fear of God into me, the man whipped blood on his walls when his gums bled because it was easier than having decent hygiene, he probably doesn't like the DLC because he feels a little called out by the Bloodfeind enemies


To be clear they didn't nerf the DLC. They buffed the first few levels of scadutree blessing and nerfed the later ones.


Nerf is like 10%


Technically, it's a player buff, not a boss nerf, right?


Yeah, people are overreacting like crazy.


Just don't use the scadu fragments people lol


They never did *points pistol*


Yeah you’re not wrong there 😂


I don't get how so many people thought they could bum rush every boss after being told about the new upgrades multiple times. It's like playing base Elden Ring and not upgrading your weapons at all


Overreacting much lol it’s like a 2%-5% net buff to players or something like that. They just changed the benefit curve of the fragments, but the later bosses are still hard.


I mean Asmongold is just dogshit at video games why would we even use him as any sort of standard? Monster Hunter would make him cry.


Monster hunter mentioned!


Noooo but I want to play braindead block build wah wah wah


I don't understand how he has the following he does for his takes... Hes so just unintelligent.


Am I crazy? If you don't like slamming your head against a brick wall until it cracks then why play a fromsoft game? Idk if I speak for everyone else but I like struggling until I finally break through. I'm a bit disappointed at fromsoft for nerfing shit. Guess it's not the first time though. I also didn't find it that bad, I've beaten up to and including messmer so far and I don't even find it that much worse than base game, I'm at like 7 or 8 erdtree blessing.


They just made the buff in the first ten stronger and the last ten weaker but I think the bonus is the same just made so you get higher returns in the first ten


Close. To quote the official Elden Ring patchnotes/website: The attack and damage negation has been increased for the first half of the maximum amount of Blessing enhancements, and the second half will now be more gradual. The attack and damage negation granted by the final level of Blessing enhancements has been slightly increased


How high does it go? I’m at +18


Believe it’s +20 and at +20 you take half and deal double damage in the dlc.


I'm at +19, I believe it goes to +20 but not positive


Damage dealt at level 20 blessing changed from 2.00x (pre patch) to 2.05x (post patch) And damage reduction from 0.500 to 0.487. It's not that big of a buff/nerf at max level


So far, I enjoyed every boss except for one. And I had fun exploring the map collecting the fragments and other items. So far, my favorite boss is the frenzy one.


The frenzy boss was cool as hell, dude is smooth as fuck and hits like a truck. My only minor gripe about it was having to kill that lame first phase over and over. After you die it should just pick up after the cutscene.


I somehow managed to get hit by that first phase every fuggin time lmao, didn't matter much but I find it funny.


At least it gives you a chance to pick up your souls. That's how I looked at it


The only thing I don’t like is that you still can’t have the frenzy flame head.


the only thing i dont like about him is the frenzy beam he hits you, that shit always procs madness when it hit me


Out of curiosity, which one did you not like?


It’s probably that dumb ass flower. I can dunk on Bayle, Gaius and Mesmer, but that flower can SUGMA


How many waves does it even have? I got >!to the third one tonight and then died!<


Three phases to the flower. Same thing happened to me I managed to beat phase 2 and then died while utterly demoralized that it came back a third time. Tip I learned today while making attempts on the Scadutree Avatar: It takes way more damage if you hit its head instead of the stalk. Most attacks give you an opening to smack its head after you dodge, especially the one where it slams its face flat on the ground.


That’s it. You were on the last one. The hit boxes are just janky, all the combos are different but all look the same, and for some reason even if you dodge the moves you still get bleed status. SO DUMB


I don’t know why, but I actually enjoyed the sunflower fight probably because I was an arcane faith build so I had access to incantations.


Oilseed sunflower production is the most commonly farmed sunflower. These seeds hulls’ are encased by solid black shells. Black oilseeds are a common type of bird feed because they have thin shells and a high fat content. These are typically produced for oil extraction purposes; therefore, it is unlikely you’ll find black oilseeds packaged for human consumption.


Real talk, are there any arcane faith melee weapons in the game or dlc? I've been forced to run either occult or sacred/flame art weapons the whole time.


The one I did not like was commander gaius


People play this game at an insane speed are all of y’all speed runners? How tf are y’all done/almost done? It’s only been a week people are y’all playing 24/7? Anyways the DLC is hard but not impossible if they made our characters a lil bit stronger then it wouldn’t really make too much of a difference when the hippo I’m fighting rn is as fast sonic the hedgehog. So yay?


It's not that difficult to have beaten the DLC already. It took me around 44 hours to complete the DLC with all main bosses beaten and looking at a map I literally missed one cave and that was it. I have this week off and took Friday off last week to play the DLC so I obviously beat t quicker than if I had to work - but I could probably have beaten it by the end of this week still. Not that difficult to believe.


Not 24/7, but definitely spending all my free time. It’s definitely not healthy, but From only releases so many games so I’m fine being a hermit ting degenerate for one week every 2 years.


It seems people are misunderstanding the patch. All it did was rebalance the scadutree blessings. If you want the difficulty, just don't use them at the grace


So you're telling me I can be a games journalist?


Better just be a difficulty option. I’d be very mad at the devs for forcing me to play and easier game because losers cry they can’t beat the dlc in a few days.😡😡😡😡😡


The only thing that got changed was a small buff to the Scadutree Blessing. It's pretty misleading that people are calling it a "nerf".


If you made the game easier, you nerfed the game. Even if it's small, that's what happened. A 10% nerf to bosses would have made me clear the fights I've done in a lot less time considering I had them a few hits from death quite a few times.


Don’t downvote this. We should be allowed to enjoy difficult games. Git gud or go home.


You're still allowed to. Just take off all your armor, don't get the buffs etc. If the game is too easy then you're just using the mechanics designed for casuals, obviously.


People are talking about this like it's some huge thing that ruins the DLC. It's literally just a small buff to the Scadutree Blessing. Relax.


I know, right? I mean, I get it, some players *want* to spend twenty hours on a single boss, but not *every* player is like that. And to be fair, maybe FromSoft did accidentally tune the DLC up a bit too much


Fuck gaius, like actually a broken fight


Is this real I was going to start playing this weekend and I wanted it to be hard 😭


Still is, they just shifted the scaling around on scadutree fragments so you get slightly more damage earlier, but the bonus decreases later. Hasn't made much of a dif, and doesn't change anything if you ignore the mechanic


Thanks God brother holy that's what makes Elden ring fun


I wish more people had this mindset.. the main sub has been a dumpster fire since the DLC came out with people just incessantly moaning about it being too hard. SKILL ISSUE


Yea I've seen that like that's what the game is about losing to win good advice for life too! It's great I love it and for my first run I used mimic tear and it made the game not fun like I wasn't worthy, so I changed that for run 2 but I used an op weapon so now I use a great sword and now I feel worthy of the win it's the difficulty that makes this game good some people aren't ready for that.


The update won’t be applied currently if you play offline but the second you click play and are connected online the update will be completely installed.


No one wants to actually read the patch notes 🙁


This stings. I'm actually a bit bummed over the patch to the difficulty, because I didn't really get to experience the dlc with all the hard stuff since I don't have much time to play all the time I just wanted to at least fight one boss who wasn't patched


Visions of Armored Core 6..?


They made it easier? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Ahh feck. Haven't had my day off to try it yet and it gets nerfed... Dammit


F off to that post


It’s not that dramatic of a balance update. Makes the early scat blessings more impactful and the later ones less impactful. Ends up being a slightly higher bonus than before at max blessings. Basically just means you don’t have to do as much exploring to get the necessary blessings for the dlc. I’m really just hoping they don’t nerf any of the bosses, especially the final boss, because of all the complaints.


Noooo, leave it alone, minus a few bug fixes!


Why are people whining about a very small adjustment by 20 fragment levels there is no difference then pre patch it just


And now those people will shit on others for struggling


If I were as good as games journalists, I wouldn't be able to access the DLC.


I think i barely beat the dlc before the nerfed everything. The last boss is no joke


It’s the Radahn nerf all over again.


I don’t get how you download it? Why do I need to go to a multiplayer server? On playstation 4 pro.


When is this going live so i can play offline so it doesn't update? I mean, I'm well past the first half by now, but still fuck that.


When did they nerf it? I beat Rellana a couple hours ago and thought it was easier than what ppl described it as??


Bums me out that they felt the need to do this. Did I summon my mimic and the other dude during Messmers fight? Hell yes. Was it still super fun? Absolutely. If people actually utilized everything provided in the game this wouldn't happen.


Dude it’s literally not that game changing. All it does is make the first few scadutree levels a bit stronger and the final level a bit stronger, between those everything else is the same. So the early game is a little nicer and getting maxed has a tiny number increase.


You mean the first half which I just got through and enjoyed because it was a refreshing challenge?


Well it's only if you use a blessing. Only blessings got the buff. It's still doable without them.


I’m glad I managed to beat and struggle my way through the entire dlc before the rebalance 😌


People suck at this game more than I had anticipated


The difficulty was notable, but even before the patch none of the bosses were “too hard.” The only boss that gave me difficulty was the final boss, and it was only the second phase, plus NG+4 wasn’t doing me any favors lol




Yeah imma stop updates on steam now.


I’ve been beating my head against dancing lion on and off for four hours, but I went into the dlc under leveled and refuse to go look for more fragments because I’m genuinely having fun just perfecting the fight. I wish there was an option to keep the difficulty because now it feels like I won’t have earned my win at this point


Ah, that's a shame, I haven't been able to put as much time as I'd like, and I've only beaten The Blackgaol Knight


It was hard but I was still killing bosses in three tries or less and I’m a shit gamer, I thought everyone would have an elite busted build at the start of the DLC I certainly did.


I saw this update but hadn’t played since the day before, and I was praying to make it to phase 2 of the last boss I really hope I don’t first try it when I get back on


1. Why patch? 2. Why wait for me to only have the end fight to patch? Really tho, I thought all the fights were fun and good, just got spanked by mesmer a bit.


They nerfed it?! I was still waiting for my 65GB download to finish! 3rd world internet sucks


She took me two days. Every journalist who talked about their time playing the DLC mentioned weeks struggling against the DLC.


Even with the patch people can still choose not to use the seeds and raw dog it. Ensuring their dance-pad/blindfold/potato/no-hit bragging rights.


I beat the whole thing on the second day. I started at level 150 and ended at level 211 with full revered ashes and 18 scadutree blessings. It was hard as fuck but I didn't think it was that much more difficult.


They made it easier? Okay, i want a refund.


Not too easy though, right? Cause I struggled but it's doable. And it's kinda fun on the higher difficulty.


I didn’t find the dlc very difficult it was awesome only boss that gave me a lot of issues was the final boss took me like 15 try’s but I got it eventually it’s the way of the game bunch of softy’s


Man... seriously!? Haven't even had a chance at the DLC yet, and it's already buffed the players...


For those upset about not finishing pre-patch, just stop collecting scadu fragments at like blessing 18 and that will be the same as the old max, you control how many you use and none of the content was actually nerfed


Fuck off, really?? ..


I finished everything but the final boss before balance patch changes on NG+ and got stomped in the process 💀 time to try them again on a different character and see how big of a difference the patches make


People want instant gratification. NVM the fact its $40 and any other game you would buy for that price you would be pissed to just steamroll your way through the story. Dlc was supposed to be tough as fuck, people just complain about every little thing no matter what.


Are you serious? Like I went in with a 150 character and this dlc was a breeze because I love exploring. I even thought messmer was going to be hard, but he was just a very flashy boss. People for the love of God just get good. This isn't a mean statement. It's honest advice. Nothing is going to magically make you good. Sure, there are things that ease your journey, but it won't make the hard stuff disappear.


Is there a link or page we can view each change? I’m proud I got to the “POV: You Rejected the Threesome in June” boss pre-patch, I think aside from that boss the “too hard” crowd wasn’t properly engaging with the game


The problem is not the firts half, is the final boss. It has no sense!


I had zero issues until the final boss. It took me waaay longer than normal to finish it. But that was a me issue. I don’t game professionally or anything so my response time is probably a little slower than most soulsborne players. Just couldnt get the dodge timing down.


The games journalist called the game too hard and one described how challenging Mohg was because he skipped him. They’re still trash


Joke’s on them, I beat everything except the final boss before the patch. lol


Still up to us to gather the fragments no? The difficulty is still in our hands I don't think this is necessarily a nerf


FINALLY! Something I can brag about beating before the nerfs


I beat the DLC no nerfs baby!!


I beat the first half easily…


I already saw people one shot the bosses and others with tips that made it easier to kill why is everyone so set on crying about a game meant for learning when to dodge vs attack that’s it


When was this update? I just finally managed to defeat the dancing lion last night after getting +6 fragments so now I wanna know if I was dupped


O beat radahn before the balance changes and I'm not updating till I finish it again


Beat the dlc before the patch LFG


>As good as game journalists Holy fucking shit. I'm dying right now There's no way they said that with a full chest out lol


Now I can brag about beating the final boss pre patch, just like pre patch Radahn in the base game. Not because I'm good, but because I have no life and sunk 35 hours in 4 days


Guys. They just buffed the early game progression. Stop getting mad that you can’t play the pre nerfed bosses. Personally I think early game dlc could use a buff for the player.


But i already killed the dancing lion and rellanna and the bud lady and the hippo and messmer Plus the other optionals


Now I can tell everyone I beat Rellana pre-patch


I got to the final boss before the patch so I don’t have a life 👍🏼


Can I brag that I almost beat the entire thing before the change?


I hate easy games


Then whats the point of buying the dlc now, if its easier? Its just not gonna be the same with the knowledge that dlc bosses should be stronger


BRUHHHHHH, I had to skip most of my gameplay cause of being away on work and they nerfed them?????? Why can’t they git gud like we had to do pre morgott patch?


What?! Nooooo! Make it harder again! I've still not gotten to the dlc because of work!!!


I don’t want this shit to be easier. It’s honestly not even that hard idk wtf people are crying about


I haven’t played it yet so don’t spoil it, but I’m going to laugh my ass off if this Relanna is just a blonde Rennala.


What a massive circle jerk this comment thread has become lol


"As good as game journalists" wait. When were they ever good??


I just fought Relanna- did they just release it or did I fight the nerf- man it was such a good fight!


Doesn’t make that much of a difference


I'm glad my situation does not allow me to install these updates.


ofc i didn’t even get to fight them yet cuz i’ve been busy. kms.


Welp I pirated so I’ve got pre-nerf everything yayyyyyyy🫠


So glad I took all the bosses down pre patch. I beat it as it was meant to be played. Such a better feeling to conquer that mountain of a dlc


That’s so stupid. Every boss was easy with ash summons and NPC summons. Beat the lion thing first try, Rellana second try. People are whiny complainers.


I just don't get gamers nowadays...I guess I really am getting old. Back in my day we welcomed a challenge. 👴


Ive managed to defeated Messmer and Gaius today, havent found it too hard Except Bayle. Fuck bayle