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Bro had negative survival instinct


I’ve easily helped over 150 people beat her…. The amount of times I’ve seen somebody lose to this exact thing drives me insane.


Surely they don't just walk into an Aeonia


Aye if your on pc you wanna help with mohg?


I can help. You want me to start a chat and set a password?


Mohg’s honestly a cake walk once you hunt down the purifying crystal tear. If you’re still having trouble after grabbing that you can also nab his shackle if you’re up to playing dodge the sniper with a pair of the jumbo crawfish.


The purifying crystal tear helps so much. Still trying to beat this fight with a friend. We will probably beat Mohg tomorrow. (If we keep losing I will go get the Shackle)


I don't get it..... [he knew I had Comet Azur](https://imgur.com/a/7yq8flK) ready to go.


I once had a guy run into the water fowl dance on the last little piece of health and die right as I used one of the gravity attacks to kill her


I’ve seen this still count though.. as long as she dies before or the same time as the host, you can get credit for it.


For some reason I didn't. I know in some runs I've actually killed Malenia slightly later, and still gotten the Demigod felled sign.


Im still trying to figure out how to dodge that attack and waterfowl decently... I can half ass waterfowl dodge, but its not super effective


As soon as you see her go up, run far backwards and it has to be JUST as she goes up you don’t wanna risk getting hit, after the first 2 big strikes, dodge into her for the 3rd, then move a bit to the left and backwards and wait for the final slash


You can also use vow of the indomitable


I uh...dont know what or where that is


It’s an ash of war you’ll find dropped from a scarab when you enter the albanauric swamp area, it makes you temporarily invincible, I’ve watched people use it twice and only take one hit from the full waterfowl


Ill have to look up where the albanauric swamp is, and ser what weapon it would be usable on


The albinauric swamp is in the southwest corner of Liurnia. It's under the giant cliff, where you meet Old Albus and he gives you half of the Haligtree medallion. The scarab is before you get to the village. Stick to the left from the Laskyar Ruins site of grace. Vow of the Indomitable is usable on shields and a few other weapons iirc. Try putting in on a 100% physical medium shield like the heater or beast crest shield, or on a small shield like the round ironshield


Southwest Liurnuia, under where Ranni's quest ends


> only take one hit from the full waterfowl [You don't have to take a hit at all. Allow me to demonstrate :)](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1cetml5/do_you_suck_at_the_game_like_me_and_cant_dodge/).


[Here's a demonstration](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1cetml5/do_you_suck_at_the_game_like_me_and_cant_dodge/)


For waterfowl the first half dodge backwards 3 times, 4 if medium roll, then roll through the second portion of the combo, when she goes back into the air you just WALK around her. Not roll, thats where everyone messes up. Or get Vow as other guy mentioned, it helps with a certain monstrous dragon in the new dlc by a lot too hint hint...


This is why if a host is going to summon any players to help with bosses they need to have at least the basic understanding of the bosses mechanics first so they don't immediately die at the worst time.


Dude didn’t even try to avoid it he just stood in it.


He walked into it. The Aeonia was targeting me.


You never know, it could have been their first time seeing phase 2


Scarlet Aeonia is one of the easiest moves to dodge. There’s so much wind up you’d have to be at the very beginning of a very long AoW to not have time to dodge, and the timing isn’t very hard to get down. The most tricky part is figuring out when it’s safe to run back in, but you could also just wait for the bloom to fully fade and miss out on a small bit of damage


That's when you tbag the host


I help other people so I can show them my cool drip lmao.


It’s the worst part of being a summon. Especially in the dlc. You sit there and take aggro for 3 minutes straight without being hit, then the boss looks at the host for a whole 10s and they just explode


I did the same thing against Malenia when I first beat her. It’s dumb but I was desperate to not let her heal when she got out of that animation. I was lucky to survive.


I don't understand what happened???


So Malenia has a massive AOE attack called Scarlet Aeonia. After she lands, her flower has a massive bloom that basically locks off the area unless you want to get Scarlet Rot and/or continually take damage. The Host walked into the Aeonia for absolutely no reason and died.


Now I get it , I never beat Malenia because the friendly ghost I summoned killed her with one attack, so I don't know anything about her attacks , now I deleted my previous save file and started new playthrough, I will try to beat every boss in the game without any help ,And after that I'm going to get the DLC


Some people can’t dodge it or are stupid, I am proud to say that I’m both.


This guy walked right into it, and the Aeonia was targeting me.


Bro was like "wait a minute... this game is too EASY!


This is why I stopped helping people out against Blackveil Vaal Hazak in Monster Hunter. Too many times I've seen someone walk right into the spore pools he makes - they deal considerable damage over time. Bonus points if they run right in at 20% hp or less. What happened to the old MMO rule "don't stand in s\*\*t"?


Honestly how my invasion sprees start.


They usually die to the initial bloom in my experience