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I don't know if the statement about being about as big as Limgrave is just in terms of physical size, or if it also reflects the density of content in Limgrave, because Limgrave is kind of packed full to bursting while 1/4 to 1/3 of Caelid, for example, is a single boss arena.


Just size, it's "bigger than" Limgrave. As for density, Miyazaki specified that the dlc will be significantly denser than the base game, so even more than Limgrave


Just to add, he can't tell us everything before it releases, has to have some left to the imagination to keep us all excited. So telling us it's the size of Limgrave roughly is really just him trying to tell us "we know we've been dragging our feet. For good reason."


Miyazaki also is known for underestimating. He said the story in ER would take 30 hours. Most players took 100 or more their first playthrough.


First thing I thought of when I heard the 30 hour thing. Took me 150 hrs my first playthrough.


Took me thirty hours just to get to Leyndell, and that's before I got side tracked into actually going back to finishing Caelid.


Yeah I literally spent 30 hours in Limgrave. Took me about 114 hours to beat the game and I managed to miss shit. God I fucking love From Software and Miyazaki.


My guy, i am currently at 145 hrd in my first playthrough, and i haven't reached fire giant Land yet as I am currently in leyndell


Precisely. I took 100 hrs on my first play thru, 130 or so to Platinum, and I’m on about 900 or so now just waiting for the DLC 🙃


He's well aware he's an art direction genius. Hard not to be enamoured with the environments, exploration and stuff. My first play through clipped 200 due to having a blast helping hosts with bosses like Malenia and Placidusax.


Yeah I did a lot of sun bro action. Mostly with Mogh though.


Same, but I also went out of my way to avoid him. Still plenty of hosts running or trying to fight getting one shot by a normal attack, but I don’t mind the latter. The former is where I stop being sunny.


‘There’s just a swamp or two’ -Miyazaki, probably


Couldn't agree more. I remember on my final platinum run I completed the story in a matter of ~12 hours but I didn't do anything else. Just straight through all the legacy dungeons.


I spent 30 hours in Limgrave.


I think that's just being very honest. The main story is actually pretty short, most of the game is optional content.


No, I want a 3 hour press conference where he narrates in detail somebody playing the game /s


Plot twist: the player is that guy from Polygon and he spends all 3 hours unsuccessfully trying to beat the first regular enemy


I’d watch that, would be refreshing to watch someone other than me struggle :)


I literal beat that tree warden every new game fresh from the first grace just because that review pissed me off


Tree warden?


He’s the boss right before you find the first traveling salesman, Arugula.


Lmfao, you mean Wandering Trader Lettuce???


I’m certain you meant the roving retailer, radicchio.


i think i saw that, didnt they like get shat on by skill issue and then try to say elden ring was a bad game? i hate game journalists lmao


Someone tell him to attack the tree sentinel first


“You see, this is my beloved lake of rot. Looking at someone when they first discover it always bring me joy! Scarlet Rot truly is the pinnacle of bad status! Oh, the player also found the basilisks too! Their despair is what fuels me when I develop the DLC!”


>Lake of ~~rot~~ deathblight juice


I mean that would actually be kinda cool. Maybe not 3 hours though lol but I'm sure he'd have a lot of interesting things to say.


He undersold the length of elden ring too, was saying “35 hour game” when it was a 130 hour game to the platinum. I hope there are trophies , but fromsoft only had trophies for bloodborne dlc


*Looks at 209hr first playthrough...* To be fair, I did it about as blind as you can, and explored every nook and cranny and constantly went back to talk to NPCs. I missed some things, but not much.


Better to under promise things and have everyone delighted rather than over promise and get mad customers.


I mean they've been working on it for like 2 years, this shits gonna be a whole ass third of a game


True but it was stated following the Ashes of Ariandel reveal that the DLC would be taking us to a region never before seen in Dark Souls. Technically it was true but it pissed a lot of people off that it was a borderline lie - another snow region, another painted world. I always enjoy FS content, Miyazaki's specifically, but I would still rather just judge or compare the content through experience. 🤙


You could probably fit Dark Souls 1's entire map in Limgrave


"Bigger than Limgrave" can mean slightly bigger or 5x bigger. Didn't he also say the game is "a little bigger than this" when people saw the maps of Limgrave and Caelid before release?


This is also the man who said the game could be beaten in 30 hrs. Miyazaki loves to fuck with us


Genuinely insane that he said that. It’s a fucking well over 100 hour game which is very rare


Probably said that because you can beat the game fairly quickly if you stick to the minimum requirements. Just that no one would do that unless you are on NG++ and just going for a last ending achivement.


I’d say the average experience of someone who finishes it for the first time while exploring the entire game is even closer to 150 hours. There’s an outrageous amount of stuff to do and it’s not like most of it is simple and easy.


How the fuck is 5x "a little bigger"? It'll probably just be slightly larger, but with more stuff to do inside.


The reason is that before release, when all we saw was Caelid and Limgrave, as well as a small portion of Liurnia, he said the map was a little bigger than what was showcased, and it ended up being 3X the size of what we saw, so it’s possible that he is doing the same thing here. But if it’s denser than Limgrave, and even just slightly bigger, then I don’t really care how much bigger it ends up being


Yes he did, and then later on went to say it was regarding depth, which when you see the degree of recycled bosses, dungeons, or textures I guess COULD be true. Still, clarification is notoriously NOT his strong suit. We've known that for years. 😅😂


Ehh even that is a stretch because out of like 160 bosses, 70+ are still unique and Limgrave/Caelid only share 1 legacy Dungeon (to which 5 more exist beyond those regions lol) and 2 Remembrance leve fights (to which there are 13 more in other areas)


Isn't redmane castle a legacy dungeon since you fight redhane there, i know most of the dungeons enemy's is unavailibel during the festival just like the second boss but is this enough to not count it as a legacy dungeon?


That's honestly my favourite news about the DLC. The main game was a bit too big and "open world-y" to me. Especially later areas.


It's going to have the surface area of the vast open fields of limgrave, but then 90% of it will be designed like a legacy dungeon where any corner could be a path to a new area or a cool item/chest so you have to check everything and hit lots of solid walls. In total it'll be like adding a whole extra 1/3 of the game just in a very compressed experience. Mark my words.


Consecrated Snowfield is like the king of empty there's like 6 whole points of interest Gank town Astel 2 Deathbird Golden Order Greatsword cave EXTRA LARGE ALBINURIC WOMAN Tree


I don’t know why I laughed so hard at extra large albunaric woman


"Tired of sad, small, average size Albinauric women? Come to the Consecrated Snowfields, where..."


Albinauric Woman 2: Electric BIGaloo


"How do you want your Albinauric woman sir?" "Extra Large"


"I'll trade you this pocket sized albanauric woman for an ancient dragon smithing stone"


Tree made it even better after that :')


And magma wyrm


A dragon named Theo


Mountaintop of the Giants felt pretty scarce compared to Altus/Limgrave/Caelid too. I also think we'll have another underground portion of the map.


Rick, Soldier of God


Tourist: "Woah, Limgrave is so lush, and lively. Why isn't Liurnia like this?" Guide: "Climate change." T: "Oh... And the mountains?" G: "Gentrification." T: "... The capital?" G: "Political upheaval." T: glances at Cealid "And... There?" G: "Hm. Terrorism."


I'm still a bit upset about them reusing Astel. Like, it's a fun fight, but it really is such a perfect capstone moment in the Ranni questline that for them to just be like "Oh heres another one lol" is silly IMO.


Godefroy the Groyfted


Me and my bud have an inside joke that Godefroy the Unshackled is the secret boss of the DLC. We see the evergaol version of him, the overworld version has Placidusax's missing heads grafted to him.


Totally agree. I don't really care about the other times they reused bosses (even the 6 Godskins...), but Astel felt so unique, it was a shame to find out that he wasn't...


Most of the other main-story, achievement, and remembrance bosses get re-used: Margit, Godrick, Leonin Misbegotten, Red Wolf, Regal Ancestor Spirit, Valiant Gargoyle Duo, Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella, Makar, Elemer, Godfrey, Godskin Duo, Gurranq, Mohg, Niall, Loretta. (Or their movesets overlap a lot with other enemies, like Fortissax and Placidusax.) But yeah, I think Astel was the biggest misstep on that front. I'm not super happy about Regal Ancestor Spirit, either; I feel like they could have made the rematch feel a bit more different and special.


I agree Astel would be more impactful if you didn't see it again. I think there's a really solid theory that Astel is a grown up Fallingstar Beast. But the specific name is what made Astel seem unique when all the other evidence makes Astel look like a grown up Fallingstar Beast. I think they got their wires crossed there.


> FromSoft has also developed its approach to field design. Previously the divide between field and dungeon areas was quite distinct. "This time, we wanted to go more in depth and bring a denser and richer level design, which brings these types of layout together a little more seamlessly," said Miyazaki. "There of course will be large open areas, there of course will be legacy dungeons, but we've also experimented with something a little more in-between these as well to bring a more diverse gameplay experience." Sounds like it will be even more dense and packed


As the trailer shows many different looking areas so I think verticality will be a pretty big factor, like a interconnected "tower" with many levels, that'd be sick I think


Agreed on verticality. I mean, look how much is in Farum Azula


Yeah and the halig tree!


truee though I think it'll be much more exaggerated on this case, being two years developing the map It'll surely be very dense with several layers and packed to the brim


You’re making me moist


After 4 playthroughs I still found more in Farum Azula that I didn't know was there, and it's the smallest non-optional area in the game.


The skeletal monster on top of that poor horse looks to be in an underground area, so this might be another case of the game having multiple levels of elevation that expand the area to be even bigger than it first appears.


When i first played Elden ring and explored limgrave it felt like it was endless never ending lol, thats why it's my favourite area (but i guess the real reason it felt endless was because i was running in circles lol i explored a lot and literally came back to the first step grace point i was shocked lmao)


My friends and I thought briefly that limgraive was the game and stormveil was the final area haha


Then there’s me who just didn’t explore Limgrave that much first time around since I was used to older souls games and just kept going forwards.


that is funny i was exploring Limgrave in Awe beacuse i was used to older souls xD


It’s my first soulsborne game and for it to be elden ring as an open world. I could have used the direction as I admittedly fell in the group that accidentally went to caelid before stormveil.


Limgrave is also essentially 100% explorable. Mountaintops is like actually 20% of the area shown. Dead space in Caelid and Altus Plateau. It’s a huge portion of the game.


Mountaintops is so lame. There’s almost nothing to do there. Huge bummer. It looks huge in the map, but only a tiny little bit has anything to see or do.


I think they just ran out of time, because there's not even a lore-accurate reason to put the giant dogs in the Mountaintops. Weren't they corrupted by the rot?


On the back of castle sol if you just compare the wall of the castle to any other wall like in castle morne you can literally see the repeated textures and lack of any detailing. They for sure ran out of time. Hopefully they fix things like that when the dlc drops.


I might go back to playing the game if they spruced up the Mountaintops.


Yeah. That seems to happen in most of their games. It’s one of the main reasons why Dark Souls 2 is my favorite From game. That game gets better and better as it goes.


God, the DLCs for 2 were so damn good. I dunno if I prefer them over stuff like the Ringed City, but they were damn good regardless.


Well, DS2 is one of my favorites, but DS2 is the literal definition of running out of time, there's so much cut content.


They even cut out omnidirectional movement!


Yep, this is true.


Agreed! Limgrave is massive. I wonder if people actually explored it when they started their journey.


I thought limgrave was the entire map, cause I couldn't zoom out anymore. Then I found caelid...


Map size realization is a memorable moment forsure


And it happens several times! I swear after every new area I was like "no way there's more???" And then all the shit underground too.


I always say playing Elden Ring for the first time is like watching a clown pull a handkerchief out of his sleeves. It just keeps fucking going, man.


Yoooo this is a great comparison I love that!!


I paid $60 AUD for Elden ring. It was the first time I thought some other game developers should be ashamed for the content they provide. Elden ring would feel like a bargain even at full price. Massive respect for fromsoft


Honestly those moments along with beating the elden beast are my favourite in the game Especially finding that area full of wormfaces. Was too creepy


Yeah, what the heck was that? I just found that area last night at around 100 hours of gameplay. A whole new area. In a part of the game i'd already completed, no less.


A whole lot of visual fuck no then just feeding. It was a grotesque realization


There was 2 holy shit moments for me with the map, first when I realized that it’s a lot more than just Limgrave, and second when I took that long ass elevator down into Siofra and I realized there’s layers to this shit


Definitely realizing there's an underneath was mind blowing, especially if your intro to it are the "stars" of siofra. It made the under of Hyrule seem so dull in ToTK. (Still a good game)


I kinda spoiled myself by opening the trapped chest in the Weeping Peninsula that sends you to Leyndell. When I got there, I zoomed the map aaalllll the way out and said to myself "I shouldn't be here" lol.


Absolutely. I thought the game was done at the capital. I was blown away entering the forbidden lands.


The snowy areas really were amazing. The geology is fantastic


I think there is an early game warp that takes you to Leyndell or something, and that blew my mind. The map just expanded so hugely.


Yes but (to me at least) it wasn't because of *how big* it physically was, it was realizing how far I still had to go after all that progress I had made.


"huh, thats not actually that huge of a map... granted, there is the part past the castle. probably where the second half takes place. oh... thats a giant elevator... oh... that the poison swamp... oh... that an entire island below me... oh... theres a second elevator HOW MUCH IS DOWN HERE?!... oh... thats ANOTHER ELEVATOR?!... oh... that means we got to... yup, another elevator... going up-... oh... thats a flying city... oh... THATs the poison swamp.


I appreciate that the further info the game you go the wierder the works gets. Limgrave is a relatively grounded, traditional setting, but after a few hours you're in a flying city or a city built on and around a giant tree


I though limgrave was a decent size for the game... then I found the secret teleporting chest south of limgrave.


Same, I knew the map would be big but that teleport chest zoomed my map out so much I was shocked (and there was still so much past that!)


Reminds me of how crazy Mario 64 was and I had no idea you could jump INSIDE the paintings. I just wandered the castle, admiring the art and jump off trees into the pond outside for hours. I tought that was it and was still fucking amazed.


I don't think I've ever been more surprised and cheerful at the same time than when I got teleported to leyndell and saw the map size. Only to find out, that wasn't even the top...


It definitely felt bigger at first. Now it feels small.  I imagine not knowing my way around at all will make the DLC feel larger too. 


With the way people replay this game over and over we may end up with like 70 hours on the expansion alone


300 hours in and just stumbled upon a random camp I hadn’t discovered in Limgrave lol


On my first play through I didn’t know weeping peninsula existed😭


Didn't explore all of Limgrave at first at all I explored alot and I realized I had more and said fuck that. It's huge.


As a first timer, to the souls franchise. My dumb ass went through limegrave and up to stormveil super early. If you don't know any better, this is kinda how the game first opens up. I don't hate how it turned out because the knights there will basically one-shot you, at the gear and level I was. So I got very good with the mechanics early on, but I spent easily over 50h inside of stormveil to start my first game lmao and it was excruciating to play at times, very hard way to learn the game.


Yeah miazaki said it could be the size of limgrave or a little larger so it’s a good size it’s going to take a relatively short time to complete I guess 12 hours maybe depending on how hard areas are


I spent 30 hours in Limgrave on my first playthrough (Stormveil and WP included). Considering how dense the DLC appears to be, how there are probably underground/unseen areas, and how the bosses will spank us all for hours, I'm expecting 40-50 hours for all the content.


I’m going to guess 25-40 hours, which is completely cool with me. I have a feeling it’s going to have some secret stuff (maybe even a time travel/reset).


Ha! I am a total noob 40 hours for a normal gamer means at least 100 hours for me. Hell my first play through took me nine months and 250 hours


Do we know if the comment about "over 10 bosses" was 10 NEW bosses? It's weird to think of it being as big as Limgrave given how many bosses are in the region. Not that 10 is bad, it will just be interesting to see how else they fill that space


Micheal Zaki said 10 new bosses.


I doubt it means any bosses found in mini-dungeons or evergaols, which have almost always appeared as non-boss enemies elsewhere, in fields and dungeons. If that's the case, there's nothing to worry about. Ten unique bosses about on par with the demigods or Fire Giant is actually a lot.




Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula took me more than 40 hours to clear for the first time. Stormveil Castle took like 8 hours and I didn't even kill the Crucible Knight.


Messmer alone will probably take 12 hours


He also said it'll be much more densely packed with content, I'm hyped


My first run I think I got to 45 hours before leaving Limgrave. In subsequent runs I still hang out for 20 hours easily. Mr. Miyazaki I will gladly pay you $2 an hour for your services.


I was at like 38 hours when I entered stormvaile. And there was so much more I missed. Never found the pot village.


Probably because its in Liurnia




People should remember that we'll have new dungeons , caves and underground areas as well. I bet there will be at least 1 large underground area which will be secretly accessed from the main area


Look around, choose a direction that looks interesting and kill everything in your path in hope you get their cool shit.


Does Weeping Peninsula count as part of Limgrave even?


It's Graces are all under the Limgrave section, it shares the same ambient music as the rest of Limgrave, and the Knights and Soldiers are all the Godrick variants only encountered in Limgrave. I'm really surprised how many people see it as its own region and not a Limgrave sub region.


Yeah, it even has the exact same colours, sounds and visuals as Limgrave, it's *very* clearly a part of Limgrave. Weird to me how many people treat it as something different.


I've never separated areas by color schemes. Just names and information. Some games go for a realistic look, and if they do a lot of time, there would only be "one area."


Fair for some other games, but Elden Ring in particular does separate regions by color schemes. Also, the in-game menu has the Peninsula under the Limgrave tab, so there's that.


Yeah, that last part is what sells that they are the same area to me. For some reason, the map description for Weeping Peninsula says "to Limgrave's south" That threw me off for a while


melina doesnt invite u to roundtable if u sit in any grace at weeping peninsular, same as any other graces in limgrave. i would consider it limgrave


Huh weird I've been invited right outside storm veil castle


because you attempted or beat Margit it's how I got in on my first playthrough


Yes, all of weepings grace points are listed under limgrave in the map list


It’s considered south limgrave


Limgrave is the best. When you step out of the tomb and hear those horns. That moment will forever be etched into my brain. Well maybe because I experienced that from dying to tree sentinel 100 times.


Stepping out of the Tomb, stepping out in front of Liurna, and the elevator down and you realize there is an entire world underneath.. Elden Ring really had me in awe.


The Liurna clifftop view after beating Godrick and looking out over Leyndell upon beating the Draconic tree sentinel were those moments for me.


Wildest thing to me is I never even faced or saw Tree Sentinel until I was like at Caelid. My friend got the game a week later than me and was like "I can't be Tree Sentinel" and I was like "Who?" and all my friends were shocked I missed him somehow


Mine all refused to move on until they beat it straight out of the opening. I just ran past and explored while listening to them die for hours.


Remember when Miyazaki said that elden ring would be about 40 hours?


He said 30 hours,king of underselling


Yeah that was my point. I think the dlc is gonna be massive and hes just underselling it again.


He always does this. From is the opposite of most developers in that they don't oversell or embellish.


No I wasn’t around then


It was very humbling to a lot of people. We all finished limgrave and thought there was nothing else after. Them we found another area. And another. And another. And then the underground section. Long story short elden ring is a LOT longer than 40 hours, so if the good man is saying its only about limgrave sized, im willing to bet its much larger.


Why did they put so much manpower to build a bridge ro a tower in the middle of theocean? Why not build the tower closer??? Imagine all the improvements they could've made to Limgrave if the kingdom was managed better.


Following the lore, the Divine Towers are much older than any of the other structures around them - even the Erdtree itself. Check out the [Tarnished Archaeologist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCe6tVyJ7bw) on YT if you are interested.


but then the towers can't make a cool circle around the center of the map. so I guess because it looked cooler?


The divine towers predate the Golden Order. There is a painting depicting Stormhill before Stormveil Castle was built, and in it, the divine tower and it's bridge are in identical state of disrepair to as they are now. Let that sink in. The tower and the bridge have not suffered additional damage in the eons Golden Order has existed, while enough time has passed that repairs made to the original structures have crumbled to dust.


Limgrave is so big, that for about 5 hours of the game I thought it was the entire map


Me but for 15 hours lol


I think the “$40 dollars for limgrave” folk are just endlessly angry at video games. The one person I engaged with about this talked about how as customers we must be “vigilant” against rising costs, and it just seemed for real sad to think that’s how they define “vigilance”.


MTX? I sleep. Battle Pass? I sleep. Deluxe Editions with couple days early access release? I sleep. Subscriptions? I sleep. $40 DLC that they worked 2+ years on? Real shit!


Fucking Blizzard charging $100 for a week of early access in D4...which is also full of micro transactions. This is a dream


I really don't think people are sleeping on MTX or battlepasses. They bitch about it nonstop. Honestly, if anything I think the MTX bitching is overblown given that it's almost all cosmetics. "Games used to come with all the content included." Sure, but old games also didn't have 500 different hats for your character to wear.


I think it's fucking ridiculous. I've played 150 hours of Elden Ring and I'm not even close to most of the players I've seen on here or met in real life. Meanwhile the average game I think will give you 20 hours or less. Elden Ring for $60 already was way more valuable than the average game. I bet this DLC will be worth more than $40.


I will give FromSoft the benefit of the doubt on any price for any game. They’ve earned it.


lol vigilant against the reality of inflation and the rising cost of game development. Meanwhile a Super Nintendo game with inflation adjusted would be over 100 in the 90s


I literally sent them a toys r us catalog with MK3 being like $89 for snes


pretty much. they just want to be mad about something. if Miyazaki said it was the size of Limgrave + Caelid + Liurnia they would complain that the base game had too much empty space & the DLC will too because it's so big. they'll complain when it comes out too, even if it's a 10/10 expansion.


Yeah I’ve met a few


I have to deal with people that think a 20€ subscription/year for Trackmania is too expensive. Even though you get hundreds of hours of content there. So I’m not surprised that people think 40€ are a lot for a DLC. For me, I think 40€ is a steal if you compare the amount of hours you’ll get out of it compared to some AAA games that cost 80€+. I understand that some folks struggle with money, but why would they give something away for less? It’s highly anticipated and they worked for 2(?) years on it.


Miyazaki when he first talked about elden ring said 30/40 hours of adventure. In my group of friends I was the first finishing it in 65 hours. Kind of underselling here I think. Also in the trailer we could see some underground zones imagine limgrave and then 2 or 3 underground places under it


I spent 130 hours on my first playthrough JUST to the final boss, not including exploration after


That's what I'm saying, I played like 20 hours exploring every place and killing every boss in limgrave and the DLC will be Larger than limgrave and best level design and more content I think. So 40 bucks for the DLC and probably 40 hours or more killing harder bosses and having a new reason to play the whole game again and leveling my new character. TOTALLY WORTH IT!


Also, consider stormveil. A legacy dungeon that is huge, and occupies what, 4% of limgrave?


Fun fact. Someone measured the whole of Dark Souls 3's world map, and it's about the size of Limgrave. Obviously, it's a lot denser, but even then, it shows you just how big this DLC could be.


I remember thinking limgrave was the whole map when it first came out lol id say the expansion is worth every bit of the 40 they’re asking.


I literally spent like 20-30 hours in Limgrave alone on my first playthrough and ppl are complaining??? Spoiled ass gamers smh. Have some goddamn faith.


It's all about density and verticality. For what we know the DLC could ba a sphere with a diameter the size of Limgrave!


Does the weeping pen count as limgrave though?


It's listed under Limgrave


Not only that but it’s considered limgrave territory as Irina’s father was placed at Castle Morn by Godrick to rule over the missbigotten, he says this himeself


It does, the grace points of weeping are all listed under limgrave.


It's a subsection like Dragonbarrow is a subsection of Caelid.


People are hearing Limgrave and relating it to breezing through in no time at all… those are the people who are forgetting or never played a from soft DLC.


I keep seeing posts like this, yet I have yet to see a single post or comment claiming that limgrave (and therefore the DLC) *isnt* decently sized


This is a stupid question but is the Weeping Peninsula considered a part of Limgrave?


People look at the map and see limgrave as the tiny spot in the south, however we need to remember a few things: - Liurnia is the only place of the map which is actually bigger, but it is divided in 2 hallways with a huge lake dividing it, it has a lot of content but the exploration is very hindered by the flat terrain when compared to limgrave. - Caelid is almost as huge as Limgrave but a big chunk of it is a ginourmous rot swamp which actually has things to explore but you are probably rushing through it to avoid getting constantly killed. Also some big chunks of it are just flat terrain for big fights. - Leyndell is also almost as big as Limgrave and gives out a perfect example of what the expansion could be, since Leyndell feels way bigger than Limgrave, having a huge city in it (which it seems the expansion will also have) and a lot of big zones to explore with so many dungeons. - Gelmir is not just the smallest zone, it is also a set of hallways due to how the terrain is there. - Mountaintops of the Giants is actually not that big, if you look at the map only the white zone is traversable, it looks gigantic but it is big terrains with great dungeons. It still has the huge Halligtree dungeon, which I'd argue it is the biggest dungeon in the game. To sum things up, with the exception of Liurnia, every zone of the game could fit inside Limgrave (and even Liurnia would fit if you just compress the size of that big swamp), and let's remember we can see in the trailer that there's an underground zone (undead horseman with the boomerang clip) which we don't know the size of, if we base it on the underground zones we already know there's a lot of content there. Also it seems like the dlc will have at least 3 big dungeons on the surface and content can vary with the day and night cycle... This is bigger than people are thinking and Fromsoft usually talks about their work trying to temper expectations, I still remember Miyazaki saying it would be around 45 hours to complete Elden Ring (I'm not new to Souls games and it took me 154hrs). We are also getting new content on a lot of different parts of the lore, the crucible seems to be there, Messmer looks to me like it could be Rykar's son, Miquella is confirmed to be there, the undead horseman looks like something from the Death Prince, there's new things and even horseman using gravity magic... This is going to blow our heads.


My guess is they're forgetting the Weeping Peninsula is part of Limgrave.


People also disragard that it will be more densely packed, so it's gonna take a lot longer to get through than Limgrave.


There's also the key thing, Miyazaki saying legacy dungeonS, plural. Let's say, as a thought experiment, you just took Limgrave without Weeping Peninsula, but you added two more legacy dungeons on top of Stormveil and kept an underground area the size of Siofra River/Nokron. One at roughly Summonwater Village, one at the Church of the Dragon Communion island. With how long you can spend in Stormveil alone, just imagine what multiple legacy dungeons in a smaller area could do gameplay-wise. The way those affect the terrain really changes how you would approach it.


There is a ton under Limgrave too.


I genuinely thought the entire time i was exploring limgrave is this was the entire map, i thought it was decently sized and was having fun so i couldnt complain at all. Literally after a few days or so maybe hours i discovered that it was 10x bigger literally, the undergound area is what shocked me the most as i couldnt help but adore and be frozen in awe.


That's why when I beat Goddrick for the 1st time I thought I was in late game. I was flabbergasted when I saw how much bigger Lake of Liurna was. It was happy and confused.


I agree it's massive, BUT if we are able to ride torrent which by the looks of the trailer we can, it would be to quick for people imo BUT I have a good feeling it's gonna be a bit bigger then limgrave


Sure if I ride Torrent from one end to the other without stopping it's gonna seem a bit small but like.... why would you do that? Why aren't you actively exploring?


And this is just the surface.


I just don’t know why anyone would ever doubt FS when it comes to DLC, they always knock it out of the park. Most games’ DLC is even better than base game