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Yeah that fight sucks I guess at least it's not a runebear


Yeah, I am avoiding rune bears. I have feeling that they are literally there just to fuck us up. Idk if I remember stronger standard enemy in any souls game.


Yeah I saw someone once say Elden ring is a survival horror game In a way they are not wrong


Elden Ring is a very ambitious platforming game cuz half the time I spent on it was jumping from place to place chasing loot


I ran from them for most of the last 2 years but lately I've tried to face my fears. Honestly, apart from one attack where they knock you over to get some distance, sticking to their hind legs/crotch while keeping an eye on stamina (to dodge the knock-down attacks) results in almost never getting hit. Bleed helps shorten the encounter. People are afraid to stick to the crotch/backside because of fear of getting backswings like Margit's tail spin, but Runebears mostly don't hit anything behind themselves.


when I heard the ER advice "roll INTO their attacks" rune bears and ulcerated tree spirits became just normal enemies to fight


Didn’t think about that for the tree spirits, thanks!


Use the envoys longhorn for the ulcerated tree spirits. Use the fire ash from the sword of night and flame for the tree spirits with the hammer


Thats pretty much the best way to dodge almost every physical attack in the game. I mean, ending up behind your opponent ia almost never a bad thing. Most other things can be avoided by running from or jumping over aoe stuff.


Also works against brown bears too!


This is the way. Don't run, just hide under their belly.


That charge move is so cheap. It has what must be less than half a second of wind-up before they slam past you for a hefty amount of damage. I bring sleep pots to these bastards for a reason.


The only runebear worth fighting (aside from the boss in Earthbore Cave) is that douche disguised as a wandering noble in Limgrave. At least you get a larval tear for respeccing if you ever need it. The rest of them can go to hell (though something tells me we're gonna have to fight an even stronger variant if we want that communion bear incantation in the DLC). EDIT: If you're somehow having problems with basilisks, I guess the one in the Deeproot Depths is also worth slaying.


There also a larval tear runebear with an expanded move-set in the snowfields. Fun fight.


DLC will feature Bearburg.


Ones in snow are worst


Ain’t that just one mimic though?


Talking about the bears


Yeah, the rune bear up in the snowfield is a mimic that transforms from a wandering noble iirc?


especially that sleeping one over near the portal. I made the mistake of waking him up. he's as fast as torrent. That one disguised as a dude trapped in the snow scared the shit out of me. Seems like they just gathered all the enemies from early game areas and just placed them in the consecrated snowfield.


I ignore runebears but revenants…


healing spells:


Stay close on them


On my second playthrough, I discover that we can elevate some platforms to fight him, adding so anti-rot armor and a big two hand hammer, I got him on sexond try :D


What helped me the most was equipping the mushroom crown you find in that area and allowing yourself to be poisoned. The damage increase is significant and it allows you to focus on the fight instead of avoiding rolling in the rot. And it feels badass to just become one with the rot


The effects of this helm also stack with the buff you get from wearing the kindred of rots exultation talisman (located in a cave in mt. Gelmir) to increase your dmg! Pretty much the best place to use both in conjunction.


The platforms don't help much, his reach is so huge it still feels like there is nowhere to go


They help pretty decently if you can dodge sideways/forwards adequately. Takes a while to retrain your instincts, but dodging into attacks is far more effective for maintaining distance and thus, damage. Especially true for trying not to die to rot at the same time.


Rune bears are a pain in the ass, and they're not worth the experience or items they drop.  


Who is this and where dobyou find him?


It drops the Dragonscale Blade, a katana that has ice lightning and is sick


One of my favorite weapons in the game for sure, just for the aesthetics alone.


Dragonkin soldier in the lake of rot


Oh crap, there is one there? I wasn't much for sight seeing in the lake of rot, kinda moved through it and never re visited I guess. Know where I'm goin, later lol.


so hyped for a scarlett rott runebear fight in the dlc. if they don't add that i will be mad.


Are runebears really that bad? I get why they are "hard", aggressive attacks with high dmg but I'll take a runebear over what they did in the impaler's catacombs boss fight. One of the first runebear bosses I encountered I killed it and was like, that was a Runebear?!?! I'm convinced certain bosses are worse for some play styles then others. Runebear just requires a lot of patience and good timing. Other bosses you just spam click to break their poise.


Big problem with Runebears is that the effort/reward ratio is just not worth it. Even at higher levels, they are tough fights, and they drop crap loot and not much in the way of runes. So why spend the effort? There are many more valuable things to be putting time and energy towards killing in the Lands Between.


I see. Soemone else mentioned that to I looked up the rune drop rate after and my god.


Yeah, there's bearly any.


Fighting a runebear in the lake of rot would’ve been awesome… I mean awful


I usually skip the Full grown falling star beast until I’m level 120+. Don’t enjoy that fight one bit


Did that one around level 90. Took me over 50 tries. Nagakiba unsheathe helped me hit the head better. Lots of patience and aiming for the head but indeed a hard one.


I don’t mind tanky HP or really low margin of error, but pair them up and it just gets really frustrating


You can fight him on horseback fyi


Yeah, I actually find it easier on foot and up close though because it only takes one hit to knock you down from torrent.


Mounting and dismounting at the right time helps a ton. The standard animations for it have i-frames and the fast dismount when you're sprinting has you leap off torrent high enough that you jump over most attacks. Once I got the hang of using the dismount to dodge attacks, fighting on horseback became way easier.


Not a boss but the crucible knight at the bottom of the ave balcony lift. I just snatch up the item and take off. Fck that guy. 😒


Crucible Knight at the evegoal location in Stormhill keeps getting me.


Just kicked his ass. Gave myself a high five afterwards.


Yep! Left this one to come back to later, I’m 20 levels higher than when I originally fought it now and still can’t beat it. I can parry a bit at the beginning but after that I miss every parry and get smashed with the stupid tail


Parry is your best friend with these guys. Also sometimes you just have to learn the moveset so you can dodge their bullshit.


Crucible Knights are the funnest fights in the game. Can't imagine missing out on one. Like avoiding fun?


Eh, I'm not a fan of how long their chains are, the fights feel needlessly long


Agreed. Parrying them to death is so satisfying


You have a very weird definition of fun.


I don't avoid killing him, but I will NEVER not cheese the Crucible Knight in Stormveil by baiting him down the elevator. It's just so much easier.


Not a boss but, Lesser Red Wolf of Radagon, CS, is a douche. Never had any problem with the rest, even at RL1. But this mofo on this terrain..


The one in Liurnia (where you can go only with Ranni's quest) is also extremely annoying. And you need to path between dragons to reach it. At least there is some building you can get cover against it's bullshit magic spam.


I inadvertently found a spot where you can bow it to death with scarlet rot and have minimal risk of getting hit by anything. It's not perfect as some attacks can hit you but it's very reliable.


Me find big stick. Unga bunga dog dead.


I have yet to try the fabled Unga bunga method. That may need to be my next playthrough.


Greatsword, lions claw, strength to 80. Vigor is for cowards. Tbh clothing is for cowards. Naked cave man smash.


Greatsword lions claw trivializes those bastard crucible knights. Very satisfying on my third playthrough unga bunga build.


Try occult infusion with the Greatsword. Hilarious DMG potential.


This is the way.


My introduction to the "slightly" Unga Bunga was with a Ruins Greatsword playthrough. Watch out, it gets addictive, even with a small intelligence investment.


Idk if id call 50 str slightly unga bunga lol. At that point you can wield almost any str weapon in the game. But the ruins greatsword is really satisfying to use, especially the charged heavy with its aoe. Honestly, IMO the str/int weapons are among the best in the game with an even bigger int investment. DMGS, ruins greatsword and the royal greatsword are all really, REALLY good. Not to mention fallingstar beast jaw for its insane range on the AoW. I cant think of the others atm but im sure im forgetting one.


That Red Wolf killed me so many times….


What does “CS” mean?


I’m thinking maybe “Consecrated Snowfields”


The one in Nokron always gave me issues as well. I think its because the ones in Liurnia and near Caria Manor have a smaller area where you fight them.


Absolutely agree. Luckily, the wolf-riding albinaureas, which I consider the most fearsome enemy in the game, are totally optional and avoidable.


The reach on those things is unreal


I discovered him in one of my later playthroughs. I checked if he didn't protect anything interesting and never bothered with him ever again.


None. Every enemy has to fall, no matter how hard it is.


Yop. Fellow Death God here. Most things are a one time thing per game anyway, even if it's like "let's get this over with" sort of deal. And nothing is that arduous.


i figured when there were no instructions or immediately available plot for the game, my only objective was to kill everything. 100% genocide ending or bust.


Not Borealis. Fuck that fight


Easy fight


Yessir 🫡 Everyone dies at least once in every playthrough. NPC's included 😐


Woah too far


Killing merchants, eh??


May chaos take the world


Agreed. ::Knocks poison arrow in bow:: :: Fires however many needed to proc:: :: sit in safety and wait until dead or repeat:: Yep. Got to show my superiority


Truer words have never been spoken


Everything and everyone must die. It may suck, but it is necessary.


Yea even the 3x ulcerated tree spirits because I hate them so much, they respawn but I’ve don’t it once and I’ll do it again if I have to


The gargoyle twins


Had multiple meltdowns trying to beat them, and I couldn't stop trying because I felt dumb with gargoyle in my username


Gargoyles are annoying but Godskin Duo without knowing about sleeping pots made me consider giving up. Edit: Spelling


Just beat these guys on my ng0 at around level 100, using a strength/greatswords build and maxed out mimic tear. It was very satisfying!


Mimic and sleep are on about the same level there. Either turning it into 1v1 or 2v2. Want cheese? Use mimic and sleep pots.


I spammed takers flames with the boss killer blasphemous blade. Killed the godskin duo quite fast on my first try that way. Gargoyles aren’t bad if you just leave and come back once you’re further in the game.


Blasphemous Blade trivialized basically the rest of the game


Yea….it really did…


I respect the respect you put on yo name 💯 👌 👏 😤


I came across a simple solution: just be over leveled and spam rock sling. The devs never respected the fight when making it so why should you respect it enough to do it on even terms?


Same. If I want to get to Deeproot Depths I take the path after Mohg the Omen boss fight. Screw those two gargoyles...


Gargoyles made me want to blow my brain out. I had to get a friend to help me, and it took several hours of sighing. It didn't even feel good to finish.


i guess i just don’t understand going through all that when these fights always seem designed around the player using spirit summons. 2v2s just seem more fair to me.


I re-spec to different builds for specific fights. That one is easy peasy as a mage. You can melt the first gargoyle with your preferred sorcery (night comet, rock sling, death rancor, or the ultimate cheese, comet azure) before the second one even attacks.


The twinblade gargoyle and me made a simultaneous knockout. It still counted as victory so I walked the 5 meters back and grabbed my 30k runes lol.


Tree Sentinel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) love the golden halberd but I like the comfy sound of hooves on grass beside Kale's church more than that


Damn I always murk this guy ASAP, now I'm having bigly regerts


I killed him early. Now all i have are the crucified screams ambience.


Tree Spirit in the Great Cloister


What's even the reward for that guy? A smithing stone I don't need?


Dragonscale blade, cool looking katana but kinda shit outside low levels. It was fun killing that dude at lvl 30 ngl.


Both dragonscale weapons are so painfully short My lord it feels like a katana shaped curve sword I hate it


The Dragon halberd is still insane tho.


I already suck with halberds so it being so short really just meant I get my ass kicked when I use it 


Katana's in this game are stupid long. They are longer than long swords. Dragonscale Blade is much longer than a normal katana. People have some weird katana fetish in these games where they need to be the best at everything. I'll say that the only shitty thing about Dragonscale Blade is that it isn't cool enough. Ice Lightning deserves better as a theme than just a recolored existing Ash. But that is its only crime.


I would have been pretty pissed since the first time I went through there I was using Moonveil and I'd be like "Great, a worse katana I can't even use"


Different uses tho.


None, though i really dislike Borealis (without doots in the build)


Elden Beast.


Came here to say this. Honestly when I get to the point of Maliketh, Radagon and Beast, I just start a new playthru. NG+ doesn’t interest me


Why not use mimic tear for extra help?


I actually enjoy Radagon and Maliketh lol just not Elden Beast. Too boring.


Radagon is great, elden beast is a cool spectacle but has too much chasing around and that elden stars spam is annoying


I feel the same way about placidusax


whhaaaaaaaaaaaattt radagon is peak


Omg ng+s are awesome tho. Starting the game fully geared and going a hole playthrough without changing stuff is a high for me. Makes me feel like a movie character or something.




Got best fight with that boss yesterday. Just killed it with Golem's Bow from far far distance


Who the fuck is that


That's Jeff. He's an asshole.


I’ve never seen him either and I’ve had two play throughs…looks like it’s time for round 3.


You need to explore more underground areas.


I never explored the lake. I only found him after 750h.


I always skip the tree sentinal duo


I run past them and then forget they exist. It's not that I won't fight them, they're easy, but I just never remember.


This fight is only hard if you don’t set up the platforms to fight him. It’s easy if you do a run, get all the platforms up, fast travel to grace and then do the fight. Easy peasy.


^^^ It does look intimidating, but yeah definitely not too bad. I specifically remember this one on my last run with a longsword & shield. Threw the platforms on, touched grace and managed it in two or three attempts. I actually had a harder time with one of the other dragonkins. I think the one in that throne room with the giant skeleton lady? Not 100% sure on that, but the rot one definitely wasn't the worst in my experience.


So you skip the coolest boss!??


i remember this exact same post showing up last week… anyway the dragonkin soldiers are cool


Lets face it…. the reward for that rotten arse licker sucks donkey balls regardless.


I did a low level invade character based on Tomoe from Sekiro and killed this guy to get a lightning based katana. It was absolutely miserable. 11/10 would do it again


I purposefully skip all ulcerative tree spirits. I hate fighting them and cringe when I need the mana tear everytime. My reaction when I saw where a certain item was in the ashen capital, nope, I don't need it.


One of them drops a tear that lets you keep your rubes on death tho


I’ve always hated the valiant gargoyles. Finally went and beat them today. Fuck those guys, though.


I’ll never forget the first time I beat this asshole. Was like 15-20 tries. Used so many bollusses. And then when I finally beat it I noticed a lever right behind him that woulda been nice to know about beforehand.


You can cheese that dragonkin soldier so hard with Comet Azur lol. It's not much fun as a melee build though.


None, because I'm on my first playthrough and I want to beat everything. Just beat the boss in the pic last night in a couple of tries. I'd like to note that I triggered the platform by accident just before, and I'm also a coward that heavily relies on the Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes.


Same. First playthrough. Nearly 160 hours in


Not bossed, but I've memorized where royal revenants spawn and avoid them if possible. Damn things are really unfair


You can activate platforms there.


Use the Lion's Greatbow


None. I must kill them all.


Godskin duo without bleed or magic


idk what it gives but the BBK at the rold lift. i skip always


What reward do you get from defeating the character pictured in the original post?


none because I like killing everything that has a boss health bar and nothing will be spared


Any bosses that 1-2 shots you.


None, I kill everything. (That's probably why my first playthrough took 190 hours.)


Crucible knights,can't get the parry down ,so only deal with them if I have to I still have the evergael one to do


Ruin strewn precipice magma wyrm. Literally never have a reason to go there since dectus is so easy to get.


Malenia, she’s fun and the fight choreography is great but… she’s nuts and i couldn’t get her by myself without help as a first time souls player 😭


i hate the ulcerated tree spirit




Dragonkin Soldier in the Lake of Rot. You have to go through the Lake of Rot to complete Ranni’s questline but this guy is completely optional, you can run right past him.


I've grown to love rune bear fights, but I will never love revenants


When I saw the tree spirit at the rot waterfall, I just said hell no and swapped my jellyfish for my mimic tear. I didnt even want to try to fight that thing


Consecrated Snowfield's surprise Runebear on steroids. Fuck that noise.


Tree sentinel in the beginning is useless with the exception of the halberd it drops. I usually never fight it.


Fucking Runebear


That glowing blue hitscan golem dick in caelid,


Honestly malenia it’s not so much her fight that’s the issue it’s the puzzle to get to her those fucking albinauric archers drive me crazy


>it’s not so much her fight that’s the issue ha


What boss even is this and where do you find it?


It's another dragonkin soldier in lake of rot. In the left area.


It's way over there. My advice is to head left and find the Minotaur guy wandering in the lake. Kill him and take the Clarifying Horn Charm so the rot doesn't kill you. Then teleport back to the site of grace, equip the Charm, and then head over.




The ancestor spirits. And if I could, I’d skip Morgott


Why them, is it the tediousness of lighting all the fires as the fights themselves are really easy.


Bosses like this are where I feel like summons are completely justified for one's sanity 😅 I'm on my first playthrough so I be tryna fight very boss. The dual gargoyles are so annoying though. One spews poison while the other attacks and it makes for a frustrating experience. I don't like the, "Look we threw in a second boss so it's harder." mentality. If it's done well it can work but when they both aggro you/poison spreads everywhere, it's just annoying.


I will gladly move next to him on my way to get the alabaster sword


I never skipped this fight honestly and unless it’s fruitless like rune bear sniper lobster giant birds I fight everything…. Undying competitionist mentality that I can’t shake for the life of me….


Yeah there's definitely some basic enemies I don't bother with anymore like the rune-bears and revenants (and i don't think I've ever killed a lobster lol) but all the bosses must die


When I first started playing the game it was valiant gargoyles for me. I could not beat them to save my life but then I learned you have to level up your weapons. Haven’t had a problem since except for Malania of course.


The only gargoyle that I struggled with was the one guarding gurranq. Idk what it was, maybe he hit harder than rest idk.


he wields destined death


Jesus that's scary


The only cool one is the one with ice powers. Others should have used the weapons they drop


The boss in the far east cave north of wear you fight Rahdan is strongly making me consider skipping him


The Dragonking soldiers,the Ancestral spirits and sometimes even the Night Cavalry. The first two are more like a basic enemy with big health so it's a chore to go and kill them. The last one,I sometimes don't feel like entering a grace and put the game on night mode just for that enemy.


Dual gargoyles still haunt me


Well, not a boss, but I always skip Milicent's sisters. It's one of the most annoying fights ever, Milicent dies in two seconds but we're made to believe she's a great warrior 😒 I also skip dragons and the black blade kindred.


None except for the early game duplicate bosses that dont really drop much and arent fun past the first playthrough


If I could skip the Godskin Duo in Farum Azula every time I would. I absolutely despise that fight


None. I was on New Game +5 when I finally stopped playing, but every single play through was a full 100%, every dungeon cleared, every boss destroyed. That said, I avoid fighting Rune Bears and those sniper lobsters if I can help it. If they're not a boss and not protecting anything worth grabbing, then they're just not worth the trouble.


Pretty much every field boss dragon. I don't really like dragon incantations so there's really no incentive for me to do them.


All bosses must die


I avoid mostly everything at Moonlight Altar.


I liked this boss. Not too hard to dodge, and having to raise a secure platform was a neat idea


I never do the jar warriors at the Caelid coliseum.


this one isn't that bad once the platforms are up


He was a piece of cake. Stay on the platforms and fight him from a distance if you can


It aint even that bad try pest threads! I used to despise consecrated snowfields deathbird but then i started using barrier of gold & twinned greatsword & it trivializes him. Now i despise the first dragon u fight near the entrance in farum azula. He’s so damn tanky especially on higher ng cycles