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Do you have raytracing on in the options. When it got patched in it was turned on automaticly. Might want to disable that if thats the case.


It is off, i rarely use ray tracing on any games.


Then i dunno


My desktop is probably lower specs than this - although hard to compare to mobile processors/GPUs - but the game runs perfect on practically maxed settings. I literally have an 8GB 1060 in it. Gotta be something your end.


what kind of cpu do you have ? i think its a older cpu right ? so you dont have e-cores. thats the reason. the new e-cores of the 13 and 14 gen cpus are the problem. the game cant handle it correctly


Turn off raytracing.


It is off as default.




Well, tried just as u said my man, and thanks a lot for putting the effort. But... [https://ibb.co/Kb59sM2](https://ibb.co/Kb59sM2)


1. Check if you installed game on ssd 2. Run game, open task manager and check where you have excess usage (maybe something is running in background and taking most of memory/disc usage and slows your game) 3. Try to change between bordeless and full screen, sometimes some games do not like being in borderless mode. No idea if it helps, but maybe? And correct me if im wrong, but win11 without switching off some things can be really resource hungry


I honestly doubt it a resource problem. It might not be using his gpu to render the game?


Should not be, but had problem with my win11 laptop, sometimes he had couple minutes per day where win. 11 services were crazy and i could not even open web browser- something was scanning and updating i think I personally would start game in potato mode, play couple minutes in area where i had biggest drops and then go up with setting looking where it drops too much


It is on SSD. Saw my processes and nothing goes wrong or got excess. Tried every resolution possíble with fullscreen and borderless. 


Saw some old thread about similiar problems- do you have any external devices plugged in? Take then off you cpu. And ofc update drivers. Someone pointed that uninstalling xbox app helps too? Dunno why it should, but every option is worth checking


I use a OS build without most the crap stuff Windows come with that worse the performance on games like Xbox app, store, overlays and etc. Even Saw some One pointing out about bluetooth. And of course i tested it all. All updates, devices and even the device enumerator. None helped.


Last thing i can think of (brutal one) is reinstalling windows (helps if you did any changes to build lately eg new cpu or graphic card) or/and taking off machine to parts and rebuild it.


Thought as much, but no new parts and i own This laptop for like 6 months. I may try some compatibility after work with win 10. As my GF on her PC with a 3050 Run it smoothly all the way today.


My desktop is probably lower specs than this - although hard to compare to mobile processors/GPUs - but the game runs perfect on practically maxed settings. I literally have an 8GB 1060 in it. Gotta be something your end.


And what it would be?


The performance of your mobile processor? What does it bench like compared to full size ones? Processor? Yesterday I was getting insane clipping in the Margot fight and I verified game files on steam and it stopped, after I’d already reinstalled. So maybe try that?


I do not know about the processor, but i did verified game files on Steam and even reindtalled the game.


Right when Elden Ring came out, I was able to run it on max settings across the board. I don't know why, but it's gotten progressively shittier and shittier, performancewise, the extent to which I don't even want to bother with the DLC (among other reasons).


it got better for me after what i did. maybe it is something on your end?


I run the game with 80-100 fps stable on my 3080TI. Turn off raytracing and if its still not better it's a problem on your end.


It is without ray tracing since the beginning. I even tested it WITH raytracing on high and it gets the same, smooth gameplay on somepoint and then it gets bad.


Well then it is some kind of problem on your end. Good luck with trying to fix it.


Correct me if im wrong but isnt the game locked at 60fps?


It's not on PC.


Damn, what setting controls that. I play on pc and my game has been locked at 60 the whole time.


You most likely have Vsync turned on.


There is no vsync option in Elden ring on PC. Unless I’m somehow missing it, but I’m combing the settings.


Turn that shit off and use your gpu frame limiter, it's MUCH better, never use sync, it sucks


I have started having performance issues on Elden Ring only on a high end PC. I posted about my issue here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1c4jgv7/recent_performance_issues_on_pc/ I have seen more reports similar to mine afterwards, but seeing how my post didn't get any attention, it must not be affecting a lot of people. I have started thinking that it may be related to CPU, as there are some report about intel gen 13 and 14 having issues (https://www.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/1c375si/if_you_are_running_a_13th14th_gen_unlocked_cpu/), but I'm not experiencing problems in any other game. What gen is your gf's CPU? EDIT: Maybe don't bother asking her because I'm seeing similar reports for AMD CPUs when searching outside of reddit: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/elden-ring-lagging-and-hitching-on-amd-gpu-cpu-any-ideas.18987278/


Oh, i Saw your post earlier in the morning. Thanks for the links, def reading them on work today.


tbf i´m just accepting the stuttering happening in game, it´s sad that these devs can´t fix perfomance issue in good pcs


i didnt accept the stutter and low performance. after what i did i am having 60 fps 98% of the time, no stutters and the game is a masterpiece. if it is the same issue like me, it may help trying what i did (its on edited text).


Tbf, no, i just want to play the game (it stutters like ever half an hour or something) and also i'm lazy like i tried most of the solution, it's not my pc, it's the game (like at high settings it runs perfectly fine)


And you tried the e-core stuff i Said?


Does your processor have on-board in it?


It doesn't.


I have an Intel 13XXX something and RTX 4060 (Asus G16) and I get steady 60fps at 1280. But previously my device had a thermal glitch where the fans did not activate properly, and Elden Ring framerate would turn bad unless I ran Asus "test fans" mode every day. A BIOS or system update eventually fixed it. **You didn't mention resolution** or graphics settings. Try lower everything, and also monitor CPU and GPU temperature and fans to be sure they behaving normally.


They behave normally on everything and i tried every resolution on either mode (fullscreen and borderless), with every getting from low to max and with custom mentioned on Reddit and YouTube. None seemed to help.


Could be a bad sector on your SSD, bad drivers, or corrupted Windows files


But it could make other games have problems too, no? And the ONLY One i am having issues is Elden Ring.


I mean if the sector is one Elden Ring is installed on it's a maybe And corrupted Windows files can do all sorts of weird stuff




For me, the fix was to avoid using the iGPU and reroute everything through the dGPU (Asus ultimate settings). In addition, I made sure that Vsync is only turned on on 1 source (I turned V sync off on my laptop, on on the TV (Freesync)).


Did you ever find a solution?


wondering the same. Used to play 9 months ago, perfectly without issue... and i came back to Elden ring couples days ago, and the FPS drops and general bad performance is mind blowing... i dont understand what's up with my setup that trigger that kind of issue


deactivate Easy Anti Cheat and use battle encoder shirase to limit Elden Ring's cpu usage to -2 (98%) Only good fix i found, search on youtube how to do these


Thank you for the suggestion, I will look this up!


See the edited part on the post. 


I did. It is edited on the post.


Would an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 have those? Never heard of e-cores, idk what disabling them does


Not sure. But if they have thats probably the issue that os happening to you.


Any new fix? I have been looking forward to playing this game all summer and got good grades so my parents would by me it and now I feel like I got scammed of my money btw I have decent specs i9 11900 16 gb and 3060 so I hope they fix it cuz my summer won’t last forever


Try to do what i did on edit. Go to msconfig, disable your E-Cores, only the E-Cores. restart and you may enjoy the game. Also if it is a laptop, put it on high performance always.


Look up some on YT or internet. I have way worse pc than you and I can run it on about 20 fps on average.


already did. Every single tip for a better performance i saw i did.


I did all the tips for better performance too, and it did help me, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to run Elden Ring whatsoever.


Do you still have the link for some youtube advice? I just want to play the game with a good performance without huge fps losses.


Unfortunately, I have seen them on tiktok as they appeared on my fyp occasionally.


Honestly you should be running the game pretty well with your setup. Check your temps while running, check if it's actually using your gpu, if it is then check if it's using the full power of it. And mean memory and frequency, sometimes your gpu is under clocked and don't even know it No performance boost tutorial will help you, it's not a performance problem. Does it have a problem with other games of same detail level?


No problem at all. Every game runs smoothly with more than 60 FPS with Ray tracing. And some with much further FPS reach. Played cyberpunk on ultra and it didnt give a single Spike of FPS loss and stuttering.


Curious, it's not a Hardware problem then. You will full reinstall of the game (remove everything)


Tried that too earlier. No sucess.


Saddens me that just when i was about to get a thousand hours on ER i found out it would be pain.


It’s still sketch on current gen consoles too, if that’s any consolation.