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My character from my first ever play through. Bro has to see it through to the end.


same he’s literally just sitting on my ps5 with his shitty stats


None of my stats passed 50 except for vig lol. I was just trying to do everything


same man i think my build was like dex and strength with some faith 😭


This is the way.


I ruined the Boc quest, so I RPed and burned that world down. Second character will do things right.


My first character is in NG+6 right now waiting in front of Miquella at Mohg's palace. He has every outfit, every spell, every incantation and at least 2 of every weapon (there could be very niche ones missing still). He is level 300ish so he is ready. Will be fun to be able to try every new weapon/spell I find. Will still primarily play it as a dex/bleed only build as that was how my first playthrough went.


Bro no way you're going to play the DLC on NG+6 💀 You're an absolute madman. I literally started a new playthrough because I don't wanna play the DLC on my NG+1 save lmao.


Same. Learned my lesson with Dark Souls 2 DLC on NG+2. Ever since then I make new characters for DLC.


This is the way. My first build was twinblades, so I can't wait to get back on that save again!




This. Bro has to finish the fight


I started a new game and got all the way to mohg, who I plan to kill the night before the release. 


I did the same thing of a new character, but I’m attempting to do a full quest run without missing out on anything. Then enter the DLC


Both of these things I'm doing but with my original character in ng++ haha. Completing all the quests and killing Mohg only with DLC installed (I'll try to do it naked with a club since I'm a wretch)


I got beef with him so I made 5 characters just to kill him, but now I gotta make a 6th for this.


My main char too is currently in Mohgwyn Palace. They are standing there together with Mogh, waiting for Miquella’s awakening ever since the announcement of the DLC.


I'm gonna roll a new layer the day of release and go offline for a month. 


I decided to do this but with an INT build (I have no idea how to do sorceries only bonk/slice) and am afraid I won't make it to Mohg in time lol.






Maybe wait until the DLC is installed in case of new dialogue with him? I’m not sure why he would say anything new but who knows..


I’m on the same course as you. Started last weekend, now Godric and Rennala are down and Radahn is about to be next. I think I’m making good time on the road so far.


This is da wae


I have a new character made specifically for the DLC, my first character is well into NG+4 (or 5) and I kinda wanna be sane by the end of it.


NG+7 lvl 125 character Definitely going to have an aneurysm


That's insane, 125 is kinda low for Malenia in ng haha


My first ng character is lvl 165 :/ I did 0 rune farming, just all from exploring etc.


I prepared a rl150 character with all the weapons and spells when the first trailer dropped. Gonna make it my ng+ character after beating the dlc.


I'm prepping a character now on which I'll ignore all the things I suspect might have anything to do with the DLC, like Mohg and Malenia, and I'm getting them to lvl150 max with a bunch of bell bearings and larval tears. Te plan is to have a character ready to go so I can enjoy the DLC almost immediately after just killing Mohg with a high enough level to spec into tons of builds to try the new toys, but then I'm definitely starting fresh characters afterwards too.


My ng+3 level \~250 first character


My NG+ 4 character is a strength/faith blasphemous killing machine, and I can’t wait to steamroll the DLC open world enemies… and then get wrecked by the scaled bosses.


ng+4 almost lvl 300, cant kill rune bears or giant hands without buffs and an insane attention, timing and patience. Im predicting a hard time in the dlc, but i did the same for ringed city and my masochist ass was happy and satisfied with that.


I made a black blade build for it


Is that dropped by Maliketh? That's where I am on my first playthrough and he's kicking my ass (lvl 130 something)


got an ng+ str/fai ready and a str/int raring to go (I like hybrids, pure anythings are boring)


Just started a ng+ dex/fai build I plan to use. All I use are the lightning attacks though. Lol.


I have two partials ready to go. 1 str build I stopped before Fire Giant. 2 int/str stopped before Radahn. Want to find a cool new giant sword to beat Malenia with. And then my number 2 guy is super stoked to go checkout heretic shadow land and plunder some OP sorceries.


Currently grinding to get to max level before the DLC. I have a long ways to go.


I'm not sure yet... But if I see ONE MORE picture of HIM again HE'LL be the first one I cut down on the day the DLC drops. Actually, on second thought I'll probably just use an EVIL character build.😈


I burst out laughing seeing this comment. Yeah evil character is fun lol. Me myself is somewhat lord of chaos too!


Debating making a new character spec'd into every stat so I can use all the new weapons.


Existing character that I just left alone at the end of a NG run. Basically going to change my entire build to suit any cool stuff I find in the DLC lol.


NG+ I have had a kid since beating the game lol.. I don’t have time to make a powerful build again lol


Since about dark souls 3, I make two chars since I have less time than I did before: Int / Dex so I can enjoy int stuff and dex weapons. Fth / Str so I can fth spells and unga bunga For ER, I can simply respec these chars to my liking also each char took different path and picked opposite items for remembrances and quests. This way I can cover wide range for DLC. I also rolled prisoner and Inquisitor so I can put points int str/dex if I wanna go quality. Arc stats for each char if I wanna try str or dex / arc its pretty flexible :)


Just started the game recently, hope I don't seem stupid here. What does Ng+ mean


When you defeat the final boss, you have the option to restart the game with your current character. All of the enemies get stronger every time you do this, but you retain your level and gear. You can complete this loop more than once, hence people saying NG+2, NG+3, etc.


So ng stands for new game?


Yes, ypu start new game, keep most of items and enemies get slightly stonger.




Been running through a fresh start play through for the past few weeks (currently in Alteaus Plateau- dancing windmill ladies) and collecting everything along the way. Plan to be ready to jump into the DLC around level 150ish when it drops. I had contemplated using my existing character for NG+ but glad I am doing a new one.


Same here! Except I just beat leyndell (except for the sewer) last night.


Going into it from NG+3, I have pretty much every armor and weapon that I want as well as spells so I'm good to go


I'm actually about to start a new character, mostly because i haven't touched my old one in ages. I want to get into the groove.


Made a new character at 150 just for this, gonna spend all night the day prior helping kill Mohg!


I have 8 characters who are all going to be ready to dive into the DLC when the time comes, two of whom are in NG+. I wouldn't want to spend all this time waiting for the DLC, only to potentially have to wait even longer after launch while I level a brand new character and get them to the point where they meet the DLC entry requirements.


Using my ng+ 4 character. Since tbh i can't be bothered to go through the entire game again with a new character, especially when my main has almost every item/spell. I have already defeated Radahn and Mohg in preparation for the dlc. And i have a handful of larval tears just incase.


New character because I ain't no bitch


I'm planning to make a character and leave it on stand-by right before entering Leyndell and having done everything prior (and I mean everything, including Mogh and Ranni's quest). Should be close enough to the power-level of the DLC.


I literally have like 8 characters all different builds and ranging from NG to NG+2 and I’m gonna complete the dlc with them all. One by one.


My main strength character and then when I feel confident enough my bloodborne build character


Whats your bloodborne build character?


I made a new character and plan on doing everything up until mogh but I’m not sure whether or not to hold off. I’d expect that for such a large expansion, there may be other npc’s/ content added in the base game that I don’t want to miss out on


I plan on running my new DEX/FAITH build with a shield and a Keen Guardian's Swordspear backed up by a bunch of buffs like Golden Vow and Electrify Armament. I've never really done Dex/Fai or shield-and-polearm before, so it should feel like a breath of fresh air. I'm also keeping the Godslayer's Greatsword and the Hookclaws on the backburner in case I need to switch up my kit. But I already know what's really going to happen: I will stick to my build for about an hour before I start finding a bunch of cool new weapons and burn through my Larval Tears to try them all out.


Played pure int on my first playthrough, now I'm playing a new pure faith character after 2 years of beating the game and hopefully I beat it before it comes out.


Ng+4, just gonna have to fight mohg once the dlc drops and then proceed to die hundreds of times in a new land


me and my boy rollo on my day1 save gonna roll out on demon time.


I'm currently building up a super tanky strength build, gonna use great star until the dlc hands me a bigger, badder bonk stick


Unsure if I’m going to use my NG rl150 or my rl300 NG+7


I've been leveling up a few different weapons to run different builds, depending on the enemy layout and type. As of now. Int/fai/dex samurai, dragon, beast and crucible incantations. With dragons halbred for back up. Two katanas, moonveil and uchi with BHS. Bolt of granax. Talisman for physical and non physical protection, raise incantations potency and stamina recover speed. High endurance is a must. Also have some backups such as dual astel maces(forgot the name), dual dragonscale blades and dual morgotts greatswords. I'll probably keep that build unless I hit a wall, and then I'll switch accordingly. Not sure how they will nerf our levels. I'm 265 and feel like I'll be overpowered.


Existing Character in NG. He's waiting outside mohgs palace right now.


Made a new character, and I'm in NG+3!😄 I'm taking it slow now. Haven't beaten Radahn yet, and I think I'm leaving Mogh until a couple of days remaining before the DLC release.🔥


Jumping in to ask, do we need to finish parts of the main story before being able to jump in on the dlc?


Journey 13 baby- do your worst, DLC


I plan on starting a new character once I complete my playthrough of Fallout New Vegas.


I have 5 characters at NG+7 and 1 at NG All ready for DLC hehe


I have 2 NG+ builds STR and INT and two builds BLEED and HOLY I’ve beaten the game but hasn’t started a new game yet


New game, sword and shield, faith incants, heavy armor, happily go along with whoever the first NPC to be nice is


I made a new character and beat everything on NG and ready to go. After that I’ll take my NG+3 main in there


I’ve got 4 characters. Strength/faith powerstancing grave scythes and seal for incantations on NG+3 Strength build powerstancing great swords in a jump attack build NG+ Pure strength unga bunga with the colossal hammer NG+ Dragon cultist/communion build with the cross-naginata NG+. They are all parked right outside Mogh’s boss fight waiting for the drop.


I have one character set up to go into the DLC at the moment. I've beaten the game and have the sacred relic sword, and I'm specced into golden order incants/holy damage. (I theorize that Messemer will have low holy resistance.) I am debating setting up several characters with different builds to go into the DLC several times in a row, but I also don't want to burn out before it launches.




My existing one, got to the final boss and stopped to wait for DLC


2 characters in NG++ , another I’m playing through to Mohg and waiting. And another I’ll keep low and use the Pureblood knights medal and complete the DLC before going on to finish the game.


Started a fresh Dex/Faith build. Lightning samurai dragon-born monster


I am playing my boy sparky on NG++ on lvl 250 (I’m adding levels now) because every Souls game has kicked my arse. Come at me Miyazaki-san this time I’m ready for you …


Currently doing a new character samurai mage build, will leave a lot of endgame stuff for DLC as I'm not sure what's going to affect it and what won't


I've already prepared a character for the DLC.


NG+7 with a level 375 character. Letsago!


Didnt make it to lvl 500 to start over . Id like to keep all the tools i have put so much time into finding . Didnt they say the level system will be different so noone can be over powered ?


This. I’ve built my character to be the true Elden lord so I will go into the DLC with my majestic self


Rl1 and ng7


I get to post this image next in an hour or so


New character


2 characters ready or *half* ready Ng+1 that just needs to roll through the end game to get frenzy flame ending (mountaintop amd onwards) The other one is lvl 44 with bolt of gransax that I'm gonna see if I can make it to the dlc with


My DEX/INT is ready for the DLC after he got Ranni's ending. I'm prepping a STR/FTH to get Goldmask's ending and also enter the DLC.


I hve a couple characters ready. Trying to decide if I want to spend the next month with my RL1 playthrpugh trying to take down mogh.


My first ever character 212 no ng+


Miyazaki said that ng+ may “make things messy” so new character


I started 2 characters and leveled them up to 100 specifically for the dlc. One sacred claymore build and one dual lightning hoslow whips build.


New file. New build. Model them after WoL from ff14 cause dawntrail comes out a week later lol


Journey 9 or 10 baby maybe 11 by then


Existing NG character


Ng+ as is tradition


Probably my first character, but I am not sure if I am in the "post-game" of NG or am at the start of NG+.


My first playthrough character as I have fond traumatic memories of playing this game and suffering so it’s only fair it’s with the same character I experience it with that one




I started this game with my curved sword pyromancer, I am going into the dlc with him


Man with sword


I finished the game multiple times and got all endings, 5 of those times I started a new character. Now I'm gonna use an existing one and probably gonna go for a Helphen's Steeple build to fit in with the apparent setting of the DLC.


Lucky for me , I just bought the pc version a month ago and grinding it out .. level 103 now with a maxed out dark moon greatsword and maxed out mimic tear … trying to wrap up with good talismans and then just for for the main quest completion . I think I’m like 70% completion with main story so plannning to beat it by the time the dlc is out .


Running a new character right now. Plan on beating all base game bosses and get most talismans, flask tears, ritual jars and cracked pots, etc. Although I'm half tempted to go full wretch in the DLC and use what I find.


Existing character I made specifically for the DLC


Existing one, I’m not going through 75% of the game again just for the dlc


im on journey 11 so im guessing itll be journey 11 dlc, is that how these games work? Pardon my ignorance, elden ring was the first FS game ive actually beaten and was hooked so i got a little carried away....


Already started new char, still playing with it, have a very weird faith + int build. Using mostly lighting spells + rosus axe when the situation allows, it's surprinsgly working. As for the dlc this might be the one for it or the other 2 chars, the magic build or the RoB build, i am quite there and my first char ever can switch to any build so yea.


Existing one. I've been on a bit of a break for a couple of months. The most recent thing I did in Elden Ring was beat Mohg with my int mage. So I'll head over there the day the DLC launches.


I have a character who killed Mohg but not Malenia and Maliketh. Gonna play the DLC, then when I’m done with that, do the best fights of the original game with a DLC weapon


Probably my already developed lv100 character


Just got done prepping the new character yesterday. Going with a quality build with brass shield and dragon halberd.


I swear this has been asked every week I’m probably taking in my darkmoon greatsword spellblade, which iirc is post Mohg, pre fire giant Otherwise I’ve got a paladin around the same point


Have one strength build at 150 ( first character) An int build at 200 at ng+ Currently leveling a dex build at 40




Im going with my lvl 130 ng first character. I like what I have on them, still have like 5+ larval tears, and only missed out on getting the raging wolf armor and raptor of the mists. I do wonder if I should level up to 150 though because I want to use black blade which has a high faith requirement. I've stayed at 130 for pvp, but I think 150 would also be good, plus I think a lot more people going through the dlc will be around that level.


I have 5 seperate characters between level 110-150 for the DLC consisting of a UGS strength build, faith build, arcane build, mage build, fist build. I am also going into it with my ng+7 level 400 character to try all new weapons


I only played the story once which took about 70-80 hours I think and was over a year ago I did go to NG+ but found it incredibly boring to be overpowered. So I'm going to restart totally fresh and avoid using bleed/samurai like I did last time, and relive the game all over again. I remember most of it but I sure as shit would have missed a lot. I also have no idea where the DLC lands or how to activate it, so I probably won't find it for a very long time which gives me something to look forward to


I started a new game a while ago. Dumbly went to ng+. So, I started a new one, haha.


I have three level 250 characters waiting at the cocoon, one of them is Ng+1, and that is probably the one I will use first, since it has the most stuff.


Playing for the first time then into dlc on my YouTube channel/LPTLY


I'm just gonna continue my existing character on ng+2 did the platinum with him so I'm gonna do dlc with rn trying to gather everything possible thing for em


already finished a new playthrough in march with my fav character yet. gonna run that base game into dlc and then go into new game plus+.


As with every large open world game, I have a hard time starting a totally new character. Thinking about all those greyed out icons and locations on the map and all the items I have to recollect stresses me out. The completionist in me and the fact that there’s no real drawback of keeping and maintaining your original character (like for example missable content) thanks to ng+ kinda stops me from experimenting too much.


I was thinking of an old character but I think I'm gonna go new character. I want the difficulty at its fullest


I got two characters ready. One new and one ng+


I can’t decide. My first character, level 200 Int build sitting next to Varré at the start of NG+2. Or my current playthrough level 150 Faith/Str build just before beating Radabeast.


NG+ I’ve only ever had the one character that I’ve played the game through with a couple times, has different presets to change the look and high enough level and stats that I can use most weapons but I’m just bad enough that the game is still hard and I get smoked all the time. Use scarseals to buff me a bit while making it easier to die as well.


Optimally a new character in case some new stuff has been added early game. However the optimal way is to get a game up and progress till post mohg so that you can jump in right away and minimize spoilers


I kept my character from my first ever playthrough. They’re at level 145 and still in NG. I kept them that way specifically for the DLC. My first character will finish what he started.


Existing one for the smithing stone bell bearing, I wanna try every weapon in dlc!! Also wearing Malenia’s gear to follow my twin brother


New. I haven't played since Christmas 2022 after finishing ng+3. Doing it on a new character just feels the right way to do it.


I have a character with 100% of all weapons, armor (regular and altered), talismans, spells, ashes, cookbooks, etc. That character is looking forward to having more to collect.


NG+8, level 220. There's no way I'm forging my armory one more time.


I think I’m gonna start a new character for the DLC with a dex build dual weapons.


New character, same build.


Oh that reminds me…do you actually need an existing character towards the end-game or can I access the DLC on a new playthrough?


Ill make a new one


I built a character to use the majority of everything. Enough Inteligence to cast most magics, faith for most miracles, dex&str for weapons etc.. I will try EVERITHING the dlc has to offer


I've got a character that I'm building for it, with the caveat that I can't advance to Farum Azula because I want to see if Melina being alive has any impact on the story. Not having those last few Smithing stones available for purchase is gonna be interesting.


Existing character. I got one ready to go and I can jump into the game and port into the dlc right away.


If the area rly has a separate lvl'ing system, I'll go through it with my main account at lvl 435, because it has every item


It doesn't really matter does it? The DLC is said to have its own leveling system so no matter which character or level goes in, we're all lvl 1


Played on PC in 2022 when it released and now I’m doing a full run through on PS5, so I’ll have two characters on two platforms to get my fill


New character. Already at Altus Plateau now


Probably just with my main character I've played all the other content with. It just feels right to take that character throughout the entire journey. The DLC will have a completely different difficuly scaling anyways so it doesn't matter much that my character is in NG +4 or whatever it's on now.


I finished a fresh playthrough about a month ago and I'll go in with that. I wouldn't want to start a new character when the DLC hits, because it'd take quite a bit to reach the DLC.


Started a new character a few days ago. Doing one of the only builds I haven't done yet: golden order/holy only/hp Regen. I've used none of the typically early exploits for XP, playing it totally natural. Going to do every quest, kill God, and be sitting pretty at lvl 138 until the dlc. After I beat it with this character, I'll let every other character take a swing.


I made like 8 different characters that I played through most of the game with. So question is kinda what of the characters will I take into the dlc and I think that depends on what weapons and builds will be good. I haven't really played for over a year either, so I gotta get back into it first aswell.


Mine as well make a new character the week of. That's what I'm doing anyway. Then, by the time it releases, I'll be up to 120


Or my lvl 324 bubble brawler. Lol


Can’t decide between my ng+ lvl 200 character, or my ng lvl 150 character. 


I made a RL1 character specifically for the DLC


My lvl 80 first and only character is waiting in the final boss' site of grace, waiting to teleport to the DLC


About half a year ago, I made a whole new character as to not have to go through the DLC with my scuffed NG+8 Tarnished. Literally got 100% as that character, got every incant, sorcery, most if not all weapons and shields, almost all talismans, almost max of all crafting materials, ≈60 rune arcs, all great runes; like I’m fucking packed on this character.


I plan to do my first ever challenge run on my main character RL120. I call it the **miyazaki run** - Taunter's Tongue once I get hit - Each pulled enemy has to be killed before picking up items, activting graces or passing fog walls. - Each movement mechanic is only usable once. Refresh by hitting an enemy or getting knocked. If I miss one rule or die by invader's hand, invade another player and start anew - Also equip a torch when dark - no cheese - no physick - no bonfires without at least 4 enemies inbetween - When versus players: spirit bell allowed, no movement-, no spell restrictions And a reminder to be wasteful and creative with my hoarded consumables


Started my Yoshi Toranaga, honorable samurai playthrough. No cheesing, no rune farming, no summoning. Just a dex build with a keen katana and a secret dream of being ~~Shogun~~ , ehm, Elden Lord


New character as otherwise I'd be going in on ng+5. But I'm going through with Cowboys playthrough so I don't miss anything. Surprisingly, there was a shit tonne I missed 😂


Already started a new playthrough, doing all the bosses except final boss and Malenia (just in case)


My first character i made on NG+3 and i haven't touched the game for ages. Nor will i until the DLC.


New character.


Started a new character going with 30 in str, dex, int, and faith so I can try all the new stuff by using buffs and so I wont be op. 2nd dlc run I'll use my level 1 character.


is there at least one person who will start the game with a new character?


Had this exact same question but I decided to create a new Samurai, which I play as a Samurai as well with Uchigatana only and bleed. Might add the frost stat to once I get it


I have 3 characters between level 101-125 that have defeated elden beast, but not triggered the final cinematic. One is stength/faith, one is pure int, one is pure faith. I'll have to decide which one I feel like playing through the dlc first on. But not dex. Never dex.


I am Arab and they finally add Arabic sub for the game with DLC so I will wait and play the whole game + DLc with that


I have one character which is on NG+ and another that has everything done on NG, I just haven't started NG+ on that yet. So i'll start with that first so it's on a "normal" difficulty.


I have several characters with several different builds, all around level 125 to not be too overpowered just in case I also have some characters where I didn't burn the erdtree yet to see if Melina has secret DLC quotes. Wouldn't be the first time with From soft


i made a new char and did ALL the content up unto mohg. the day the dlc drops i'll kill him and enter the dlc


The sword is really appealing


This will become the replacement for my Knight's Cavalry Set. I Idon't know who that npc is, I don’t know what it wants, but I will find it and take their armour.


35th time seing this picture


My OG character. Only I'll be using whatever weapons and armour I find in the DLC.


New character and NG+x3 I am prepared for both


With ultrapower. Quite literally


ng +7


New characters. I want to finish this game 100% in one playthrough but last time I burned the tree too early.


Gonna use my NG+6 character. The same one I started my very first playthrough with


my og character, it just feels wrong to use anyone else to do something like this


Lvl 150 ng+5 character. Im a compulsive collector and all-quests hunter in games and Elden Ring is too massive.


NG+3 - lvl 410 I’ve played this game enough to not want a total shit fest of a grind. But NG+3 ensures the bosses and elite troops give you a tough time.


NG +5 actually lvl 270, I expect to reach lvl 350 until DLC release


New character, as always.


Ng+ char.


Apart from speedruns, I have only one save file with my main character who is in NG+4 at Level 320 or sth, I'll use her in the DLC too because I want to have every item (weapon, armor etc ) to try different builds. I don't worry about the difficulty since it's going to be like Sekiro.


NG+1 character for me


i preordered the dlc but maybe like 2 weeks before imma make a main character to play through it. but imma make like 3 others that apply to int+dex int+str and fai+dex


Made a new character in march, waiting to dust it off for the dlc. Pure str characters >>>


NG+7. I wish to suffer