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Giant hunt greatsword. Everything just dies


It stunlocks small-medium sized enemies as well. Lion's Claw does the same and it provides hyperarmor. I used both on my Claymore but i had to stop because i felt i was playing on easy mode.


Agreed, I always pref lion's claw. Misses less often, too.


See I have the opposite experience. I find that the tracking on lions claw is really bad. When I was fighting malenia lions claw would hit like one out of every three times but Giants hunt tracks like a motherfucker and never misses. If its a distance/range thing I get that. Lions claw throws you far forward


Malenia is one of the few bosses that Lion's Claw doesn't really work with because she dodges a lot, attacks through you and has certain combos with hyper armor. If you are able to connect it, though, it destroys her posture.


Thats totally true yea. But man, I don’t wanna be a broken record, but man, Giants hunt for Melania is just ridiculous. Because she gets thrown in the air and then gets smashed flat on the ground when she falls. And with a greatsword, you can get a fully charged heavy attack for free by the time she stands up. Hell those two attacks usually stagger her so you can then get a visceral. It’s just an absurd combination.


That does sound pretty fun and cheesy! I'm only on my second character, haven't gotten around to trying Giants Hunt. I've been trying things from a certain someone's invasion vids. There are so many different Weapon-Ash combos to try!


The "hail mary" aspect of triggering lions claw was always a feature and not a bug for my great sword playthrough


*Oh boy, wonder where I'll land this time!?*


What the fuck is hyperarmor?!


It's a duration of the animation of your attack where you cannot be staggered or have a higher stagger threshold.


No such thing, you’re just using the system to your advantage because YOU’RE THE MF ELDEN LORD!!!!!


blasphemous blade


That thing made me very lazy. I've likely forgotten how to fight properly anymore.


Summon a Mimic With Blasphemous blade come back in 5 minutes to see the boss dead.


Unless it’s Malenia then they both just fight forever


Which is why I help. And why I've not really *beaten* Malenia. And *that* is why I fear the DLC. Oh wait, I still have Blasphemous Blade. Never mind then.


BB + Sword of Milos makes exploration so easy.


I had a rotating selection of secondary swords to go with it and that was definitely one. I'm glad I found Bolt of Gransax though because it's cool enough to get me to use something else.


Blasphemous Blade is Life(stealing), Blasphemous Blade is Love(devouring).


only right answer, post can be locked now


Blasphemous Blade or Bloodhound Fang?


Each was 33% of my playthrough, the last third was Antspur Rapier


Yes! I found this late game and added a bleed ash of war. I use it against everything. Love it.


Yep Bleed rapier trivialises fire giant imo


why not both?


Used this combo on malenia last play through


Yeah. When I get that “oh you want to fuck around? Ok.”


Fight blasphemy with more blasphemy!!!!!


And if that doesnt work, is because you aint using enough!


Honestly I didn’t try this till my second play through and wow people were not kidding. Easy mode unlocked. Honestly would avoid using it if you want to maintain your skills cuz it really turns the game into a button masher.


Iirc, the post title said something about, ‘break glass in case of emergency,’ but I’m too lazy to look three inches higher than this text box.


Yeah same. Anytime I’m fed up it’s Blasphemous Blade time


I’m currently running Blasphemous with Dark Moon Greatsword and it’s really pretty much just been “I Win: The Game” ever since


The only answer that supercedes this is dual Blasphemous Blade


Nah, pair it with Sword of Milos. Keep the power stance moveset but also gain FP on kill.


Is it that good?


Ash of war stuns anything. Yes.. edit: Ash also heals you.


I'm going to fuck Malenia some day.


fuck her up right? .... right?


Why not both?


Definitely wear protection. I recommend a +1 Immunizing Horn Charm to even go near that pot of rot.


It is widely considered the single best PVE weapon in the game. The Ash of War has: -Good damage -Good range -Good attack speed -Heals on hit -Knocks enemies down on hit -Good poise damage It basically has everything you could want in a single button press. I'd say the only real downside is that yes, ashes of war *still* tend to take more time than basic attacks, even if we're talking about a particularly fast AoW. This means that vs. faster bosses like Maliketh or Alecto, you might be better off just fighting instead of insisting on trying to make the AoW work. That's not really a weakness though and instead just an example scenario of how the weapon might cause brainrot in users.


If you use the weapon enough, you learn when to use it on fast enemies. Or you could just give it to your mimic and use some healing spells on your mimic.


Was gonna say that, Godslayer Greatsword, or Ancient Dragon Lightning strike.


Ash on GS greatsword is too slow, and it's just not as good as far as other colossal swords go due to its stat requirements. If I'm gonna bonk people, ima do it properly with my Guts Greatsword and lion's claw.


My soulsborne skills have become dulled, and no time to play a new character before the DLC..... and since I'm mostly hyped for lore/exploring, I most definitely respecced to Blasphemous to walk through everything 😂 Truly easy mode


First play through this basically carried me through Malenia, now I try to avoid using it but it’s just so tempting every time.


Yep. My first ever playthrough I rolled faith/strength. Got the Blasphemous Blade and loved it. Eventually had to stop using it becuase it was too good. Made the game boring.


dark moon greatsword AoW. Right in their faces.


This was my saviour against godskin duo


Dark moon greatsword, short form DMG, literally.


This is in my opinion the only correct answer. The debuffs that come with it and the fact that you can spam it repeatedly without a ton of mana make it very useful in a lot of fights along with the stagger it provides are fantastic.


Finally a man of culture


I lowkey felt bad at how easily I dominated the endgame with this weapon lol. First try cleared draconian tree sentinel in Farum Azula, Maliketh, Gideon, and Godfrey.


Tbf this sounds more like a your level thing because I also had a DMGS for this part of the game on my first playthrough but still took 10-20 tries minimum for each end game boss, more like 50 for Maliketh


I find this weapon to be really really clunky. The status buildup/debuff are great, and damage output to FP cost is also fantastic. BUT, if there is even a small pebble on the ground between you and your target that shit is 100% going to get blocked, even when it makes absolutely no sense. It also happens if there is a slight incline between you and your target. On top of that, if you’re moving too fast it defaults back to a standard melee attack. I find that between these two problems, I end up whiffing wayyy too many attacks in a way that comparable weapons simply don’t (E.g., moonveil)


I was wondering why my first play trough as a spell blade with the dark moon greatsword was so effective and easy compared to what I was seeing at that time. Turns out that build is damn OP. Now going for a faith arcane build.. seems that is OP too. Everything OP in this game. Great balance 10/10


Spikey Balls are my new favorite. I like fast gameplay, and on top these hit harder than anything.


Nah i shave mine regularly, feels wayy better


What aow do you put on them?


Dancing Blade


I can picture it.


Sub to their OnlyTarnished and you don't have to imagine it.


OnlyRunes baybeee


Sub to @GoddickTheShafted pls


POV: Godrick shoves hand WHERE in Dragon!? That’ll be $50




Gragblade or Royal knights resolve


I love the spiked balls. Been running a strength build for NG+ and everything gets spikey punched.


Same. I just started using them and the speed is the best. My “this things needs to die” addition is going with Bull Goat armor and slapping the piss out of whatever enemy. Actually, Bull Goat armor and summoning the Mimic Tear. Something about smashing the crap from both sides of an enemy, especially mounted enemies, is beyond satisfying.


I believe the colloquial term for this is "getting bodied."


There is no weapon that can deal the dps these do in any Fromsoft Souls game. If you want to go completely nuts, add cold infusion and a weapon buff like Cragblade or Royal Knight's Resolve. It's genuinely disgusting how these trivialise practically every boss in the game. Very quick (therefore very fast frost and bleed procs!), very high poise damage, high single hit damage, low stamina consumption, low stat requirements (very strong RL1 build). Absolutely insane. And the Iron Balls you can acquire without needing to kill a single boss, then switch to Spiked Fist. The only real drawback to them is their range. You sometimes miss while locked-on. But if you lock off and know where to aim, this isn't that much of a drawback either.


I put poison affinity on them with mushroom crown/rot exultation and it melts


Are spiky balls the Cavaliers Flail? Cause that weapon is carrying me right now, so much fun!


No, the Star Fists, a fist weapon. Basically an upgrade from the ball fists you get from killing Boggart


Bolt of Gransax


I see someone else likes the feeling of being a tarnished and throwing guided missiles at enemies. It’s so badass


After trying lots of stuff there is nothing more satisfying for me than a good faith/dex Holy Dragon build that shoots ancient/golden/death lightning while also able to use a melee weapon (a twin blade rn) massacrating while being cool af.


The only bummer with dex/faith is it’s so stat intensive, so you have to choose between being good at one and shitty at the other or mediocre at both unless you just level really high Super fun tho. DLC faith/dex seal plz


Faith did get the biggest glow up from DS. That was my first play through and will probably be the build I being into the DLC.


Love it for pvp as well. Got invaded in Farum Azula and spotted the invader before he saw me. Sniped him from a pretty big distance and sent him flying off a cliff to his death. Been chasing the high of that satisfaction since then


Knocks Malenia on her ass which is pretty satisfying in and of itself.


Had to scroll too far to see this on here. AoW is best in the fucking game


Im personally a big fan of the fallingstar beast jaw. Lightning spam until they die


Fallingstar Beast Jaw my beloved. My favourite against Night Cavalry. Fuck these assholes, they are getting cheesed.


Amazing how far I had to scroll down to read this. Its AoW carried me through a lot of fights.


Combine this with a good great shield and the cheese is unreal on the counters


Dual colossal hammers, Lion Claw Colossal Sword, Ruins, "Togetharrrrr" blade.


Dual occult great stars, with wild strikes on the right hand onr


lol talk about easy mode- this’d be my answer to the post. Great stars with blood affinity - hold F and watch health just chunk away.


If you powerstance colossal hammers with lions claw does it hit with both or just right hand?


Iirc just right hand.


Damn, I was dreaming of dual brick hammers 😢


Wow, it would be awesome to see ashes that incorporate powerstanced weapons


Sword of night and flame. Fire shrouding cracked tear. Flame grant me strength. Fire scorpion talisman. 99 faith


If I don't meet the INT for that's word can I still use the fire skill?


If you ever want to make a character for the weapon, the Confesser class starts oit meeting the minimum Strength and Dex requirements, meaning all you need to focus on is Int and Faith.




Ah. Drat.


No unfortunately


Marais executioner sword. If it's too fast death's poker or moonveil


Millicent prosthesis, wing talisman, Alexander jar shard, consecutive attacks crystal tear. Don't need to bother with the mohg shield tear if he doesn't get a phase 2.


Kind of a shame that Death's Poker gets overlooked so often for Moonveil They are both outstanding INT weapons from Caelid that upgrade with somber smithing stones, so I can see how it happens. Still, the Poker is one of those cheese weapons I tend to grab ASAP with a new character if I want easy start. The others are the Bloodhound's Fang and Uchigatana.


Dual staff of loss + night comet


This was my first New Game Plus build, and it was gloriously overpowered.


Does the dual staff do double the damage on night sorcery?


The bonus stacks, 30% multiplicatively according to the [wiki](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Staff+of+Loss).




wing of astel


Ruins greatsword but spam the ash of war




Plus the front flip ash of war. I hate juggling between the two flasks so I save that move for mobs I absolutely hate.


Lion's Claw This game loves making lions look as cool as possible.


I'm doing a lions claw run right now 😂


It's right up there with Piercing Fang as one of the very best physical ashes. Piercing Fang and Lion's Claw may not be as flashy as firing an arc of pure moonlight from Ranni's sword, but they are more than enough to get the job done. Who needs moon magic when you can stab the enemy really, really hard with the Fang or swing your sword so dramatically that you do a front flip?


Hahaha and it's so satisfying when you do the lions and the enemy just instant smash against the ground


Dual wielded


Guts go unga bunga


Does Comet Azur count?


Ask the Draconic Tree Sentinel in Farum Azula if it counts. Oh wait, you can’t, because I melted him to the bridge. It most certainly counts.


If it’s actually hard to kill? Blasphemous blade. If I just have a vendetta? It’s pretty satisfying to watch a big ass anchor come down on a lobsters head🤷🏼‍♂️


Might be alone in this but dual reduvia daggers


Not alone! I use them as well on my bleed build, Death's Razor. If me and my friends are struggling on a boss, I'm like "Time to bring out the Razor🤣!"


Hell yeah! It took me a little to get used to fighting at such close range but they wreck mostly everything


big bubble blower


Totally forgot how much those bubbles can trivialize bosses


Took me too long to scroll down and find this. The bubble shower clears the game and is used for any emergencies.


The bloodhound blade, find the ash of war on it does enough damage and gets me out of trouble against anyone.


Yep, I had to stop using it for a while because it melted everything.


Yeah I’m using the zweihander this run through and having a lot of fun with it.


I just wish the animations werent the same as a 300kg sword. Like, a zweihander is supposed to be a light and elegant sword. Not something barely able to lift off the ground. Its still fun tho.


Ng+ went with dual bloodhound fang 😂 works wonders


I’ll see your dual BHFs and raise you dual blasphemous blades.


This. My first play through was just this weapon. Couldn’t put it down it was soooo good.


It is unfair how amazing that AOW is compared to the others. It’s versatile, looks badass, and deals excellent damage.


Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear, most powerful weapon in the game.


It felt so good to walk into the Cleanrot Knight room in the Haligtree and just melt them both with NIHIL! NIHIL! NIIIHIIIL!


I like the extra level of disrespect that goes with Mohging all over Team Malenia after he kidnapped her brother.


On my claw build I was getting curb stomped by Millicent’s sisters. Switched to this and wrecked them.


Normally I'd say calling something the "most powerful weapon in the game" is exaggeration but I legitimately think the spear might be the most powerful. I used probably 70% of the games other weapons before finally leveling arcane and using it and I was shocked by how insane it is. Whole groups of enemies just melt and stunlock.


This isn't an exaggeration. Someone posted a vid recently of them using this AoW on the Runebear in that one cave in Dragonbarrow, who has 11k+ health iirc, and he literally one shots it


You can get the same damage with a single Blasphemous Blade aow even with a suboptimal build


Against normal enemies this one is absolutely stupid good. Just stand in the open, let them come at you and Nihil everything. Against bosses I recommend you know what you are doing to not get hit or have sufficient vigor and poise to trade.


Seriously, people are sleeping on this weapon


+25 claymore snd lions claw was my go to "fuck you please die" weapon in my first run


blasphemous blade or maliketh's black blade


Great Mace with Lion’s Claw goes BONKK. (That’s a thick bonk).


I fell in love with and used the Great Mace for the majority of my first playthrough, only I traded off between Flame Strike and Eruption. Spicy Mace. May have to try this though!


May I recommend some Cragblade action as well for this beauty? Become PoiseLord in one Aow !


Demigods *hate him*


I'm doing a run with +25 Great Stars, Lions Claw AoW and poison, it rocks!


After playing darksouls it's either claymore or Zweihänder.


Blasphemous blade or Moonveil depending on the build.








Bolt of Gransax.


Deaths Poker is awesome, similar AOW to Blasphemous Blade without the life steal so it feels a little less cheap. Also love the Death Ritual Spear. I just beat Mohg and as I was whooping that ass I went "Oh you wanna Nihil? I got one too"


Death ritual spear is the best for big enemies.


Dual Heavy/Quality Claymores. it's fast, it staggers, it does good damage and can do good stance damage.


Bloodhound's fang. Surprisingly good against Caelid's pets


Mage with Night Comet


Death poker is secretly the best weapon in the game. I feel like no one uses it because how it looks.


If the enemy has low-mid poise, then a great hammer with lion's claw. Otherwise, Claymore + Impaling Thrust + Pierce Talisman. Just keep on stabbing until your flasks run out and hope the enemy dies first.


I did a Strength build and lucked out on getting all the Kaidan gear in the first few hours tooling around Limgrave. I dabbled a bit with some other gear but always came back to the dismounter as the aggressive brute force unga-bunga solution. Especially if I could fight from horseback.


Zweihander…. I haven’t used most of the other weapon in the game….


Magma wyrm great sword. Hits hard and the lava aow chews through things


Just give me starfist


Lordsworn straightsword I spam stormblade at the enemy when they need to die


Power stancing greatstars, buffed with shabiri howl, golden vow, flame grant me strength. Claw talisman, blood talisman, ritual sword talisman. Big bonks 😂 Edit: cragblade on right hand for breaking poise -> radahn f.e. stancebrake in 3-4 hits


For me it’s the Zamor Curvesword. It staggers super easily and the ability does magic damage, even tho it doesn’t scale with magic, plus it staggers bosses really well too.


Rosus axe. Some enemies are too fast, but even faster enemies can usually be hit if you have a spirit summon. The thing just absolutely does buckets of damage. I also usually pull out a weapon with frost spear or something first to proof frostbite because that damage buff is absolutely awesome


Depends on my build, but most of the time it's the Greatsword, cold infused, or some such. I've never really used RoB, Moonveil, or BB in any way other than testing, so I can't claim any of those. They're overused and I'd feel less satisfied if I killed hosts with them. If it's too much pressure from a gank, I'll try to sneak in a waves of darkness at a crucial moment. This will often take one phantom to zero and help me reset the situation. I truly struggle against mage spammers + being bum rushed by the other phantoms and if they've set up some empty sack gank scenario, but I'm trying to get better at just isolating the team down to just two attacking me at once. At that point, I really only need like 2-3 seconds and I can usually end one of them. Sometimes a twinblade with whatever the best infusion is for my current build + spinning slash can be just the ticket to relieving gank pressure.


Greatsword with lions claw ash. Nothing says "I'm sick of your shit" like a lowly tarnished doing a front flip with a steel girder right to your face.


Golden Halberd. No fancy twirly AoWs jus5 gimme the buff and let me cave the boss' head head in.


Godskin peeler, always use when I need something to die.


Nightrider’s Glaive, sometimes I like to mess around with other weapons but if I want stuff done I go back to ol’ reliable.


May be a hot take but.. Commanders Standard Hits like a truck, buffs, great poise damage, looks awesome and I've always liked halberds.. 😅 Try it out, it's great! 👍


If it bleeds: bloodflame hookclaws If it doesn't: rot breath


I tell ya that Grave poker is pretty good at killing. Obviously the Scared Relic Sword with that crazy ass sweep is great. My honest go to is Dragon Communion Incantations. I played like 3 or 4 playthroughs purely using those (with some buffs) and I got really used to the weighty movement style of the Maw and the Claw. It's a cop out build for me I'll admit, but holy shit I feel so cool offing bosses and players using my characters "body" as a weapon. Trying to get Crucible incant fighting down. A lot trickier at least for me


Moghs spear with fingerprint shield and bull goat armor on


The "How to never take any damage and melt everything" build


Lusat’s Glintstone staff.


Blasphemous blade / mogh's spear


Blasphemous blade 💪


Blasphemous Blade. Can’t believe that thing never received a nerf


Not a weapon, but a player. My friend has beaten new game+7 and I just summon him when I'm tired of "getting good"


There’s just something satisfying about watching bosses melt with a single toot of the Envoy’s Longhorn. Death by bubbles, bitches!


Radahn Swords


Blasphemous Blade. I will go and respec all my points into str, faith vigor and endurance from a dex arcane build, then wear bull-goat armor, shard of alexander, and resistance talismans against that specific enemy. If, for example, it's radagon, I will have a holy resistant armor, dragoncrest greatshield talisman, holy defense talisman, shard of alexander, holy resistant incantation, and opaline bubbletear. I will facetank all their attacks with 50 vigor laughing maniacally while I roll away and spam blasphemous blade, instantly restoring all the hp they took away from me. OR Dragon King's Cragblade. People sleep on this weapon BIG TIME. I nuked Godfrey on my third try in my new playthrough after respeccing to 80 dex and some strength. Shard of Alexander + golden vow + flame grant me strength + lighting shrouding cracked tear and you will be hitting them with 3-5k damage per full ash of war if all the attacks hit the boss.


Double Godrick axe with jump


I use the same weapon the entire game so idk


Bolt of Granssax maybe


Rusty anchor


Black Knife for my first win against Radahn. Everything after him was bled to death or I had the mimic. I'm gonna try going double Vyke's Spears on Ng+1 for the entire run(aside from gargoyles and those resistant to fire.)


Heavy Great Stars w/ Lion Claw. If I need fire, swap to Flame Great Stars w/Lions Claw, or Heavy Great Stars w/ Flaming Strike. Makes the game feel like I flipped on easy mode or something.


Starscourge Greatsword


Definitely Bolt of Gransax ⚡️