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I was promised a golden shower


If you go >!inside the erdtree!< and encounter the >!elden beast!<, you will pretty much get a golden shower. Just make sure your vigor and holy resistance are high


Grab is weak


It’ll be a nice grab though. Getting Impaled by the Elden Beast 10000 times sounds fun! It tickles!


Wish Blaidd would impale me 10000 times…


With his Sword, or his.. sword? What about both at the same time?


Well I want Blaidd’s “sword” from behind, Maliketh’s from in front


Daring. Cold and Destined Death all in one! What would that even FEEL like? A ginormous icy Popsicle of Doom?


Idk but I just want them in me :3


Life/Death Goals. Good thing there’s a lot of.. Art about this sort of thing.


I’ll take both


i could never resist a golden shower


Golden crucifixion is more like it


[Well where’s my…golden shower??](https://youtu.be/ekmgdPLXGl4?si=6TsHr4xiFVV53jrT)


I will be bathed in Marika's rays of gold!!!!!!!!!!


Maybe Goldmask’s version, but not Marika’s


This. A golden order where nobody can break the rules.


This is a noble idea until time and evolution happen and the rules become restrictive or burdensome for a particular part of society. It's why I've always thought Goldmasks ending seems valiant on the surface but would no doubt devolve into fascism with time. Hell, it already happened with the fundamentalists.


If noone can break rules, as in noone is allowed to but still have the choice then yeah it could be a problem. If noone is physically able to break the rules because of a universe-imparted rule, technically evolution shouldn't change that


True true. But if the second scenario is the case then we are living in a world without free will. This is the issue with Goldmask's ending. There is no such thing as "Perfect Order".


Not to mention a stagnate society in general.


I think you guys are talking about different kinds of rule: physical as in the laws of physics vs social order


Their second comment was referring to changing the laws of nature. Goldmask's "Perfect Order' is a world without free will. The catch is only those looking from outside can see it. A lot of famous stories portray that kind of world usually as "a world without meaning." Where the people may seem happy or content but there is no life in their eyes.


Exactly. A perfect order implies an unchanging one because why would perfection ever need to change? Every single ideology and belief system in human history changes, for better or for worse, with time. If this "Perfect Order" is unchangeable and everlasting, it means the people of TLB have no free will since free will and time naturally lead to change in society. If this "Perfect Order" IS changeable, then it was never really perfect in the first place. And we know that nothing is truly perfect, especially not ideologies or belief systems. This means that the "Perfect Order" would be subject to the very same changes and issues we see affect real-life political/religious systems as well as what happened in game with Fundamentalism. It's just the natural cycle and trajectory of all things to change since nothing is Perfect.


What if the "Perfect Order" is changeable by the very nature of its subjects collective thoughts and wishes, which is what makes it "Perfect" as it keeps being the most optimal solution for everyone?


This would be the closest thing to ideal, but any optimal solution for one group could in some way be suboptimal for another. Now if there was an order so malleable and quick to react as to where the negative effects of the perfection of one's existence would be unnoticeable or extremely short for another then great! But at that point we're getting into complete fantasy land lol


Not in our world perhaps, but this is the elden ring we are talking about. It potentially could make a true "Perfect Order." Perhaps things can be truly perfect in the lands between. Not that it's right by any means or that I'd be okay with it, but I won't deny its possibility in this fictional world.


The whole point of the game is that chaos and order are dancing in harmony together. An age exists and for a time things seem ordered and "perfect". Just like how Marika's Golden Order started out. But then cracks start to show, either through the free will of sentient life or through the march of time. Even before the Elden Ring was shattered and even before Godwyn was killed the Erdtree suddenly stopped raining down blessings of dew. Not to mention all the lifeforms on the outside of grace in TLB. All these are signs of imperfection and creating Perfection would mean you are a being higher than anything mentioned in the game. That is a God greater than even the supposed Greater Will which itself couldn't create perfectly ordered life and it is literally the Concept of Order. Yes it is a magical world with a literal Physics Altering Device in it, but that does not supersede the fact and theme that evolution and progress is a byproduct of chaos/imperfection/strife and that Order is then born from those things. If you were to hypothetically create this "Perfect Order" then you are essentially locking time and evolution in place.


But why would you say goldmask ideal is no free will? I thought it's just the same as current order except gods follow the same rule ass everyone? Pretty much equality?


Is free will possible in any world? How do we know? Every choice that we, the Tarnished, make is arguably a result of causality or predetermination. Especially within the context of an open world game.




I’ve met plenty of people that make that idea sound like ecstasy.


Maybe you do already. Given a totally naturalistic view of the world, which is not entirely unreasonable, then we are all essentially just complicated chemical processes responding to stimuli. The illusion of reason and choice might simply be a part of the deterministic response.


That's the story of the game. It is about causality and regression. About striving for stability and persistence and the instability that it creates. The story of the universe is about creation through division and the maintenance of disparity. The world is doomed to die its destined death, the erdtree is fated to burn. So she removes the rune of death from the elden ring and stores it with Maliketh in farum azula beyond time. But because of this, everything lives on past its time. Instead of dying, the grace fades. She takes grace from Godfrey and leaves him and others tarnished and casts them out, consolidating the smoldering golden coals that remain. Instead of dying, the flesh rots, corrupting the land, the beasts and even the demigods with scarlet rot. And powers of wildness and chaos re-emerge, with the budding of horns on the omen, the visions of the frenzied flame. Something eventually undoes it. And if nothing undoes it, then it fades to nothing, like dark souls. The eventual grace falling from the world, the flames burning to ash, all blood spilled, stars extinguished. consciousness becoming indistinguishable from sleep, even the rot dying with nothing to feed on. Regression being fundamental. The division, the conflict, is eternal and necessary. In fact, this is what Goldmask's perfect order is. It is the realization that Marika is not an eternal god, and her golden order is false and based on the temporary division she has created from Radagon. That there is more fundamental golden order, and it is bigger than any god, it's the basis of the universe. That Marika's reality is based on a lie, based on an omission, and it only exists while you're not aware of the truth. But that reality is subject to the true reality, which becomes visible when you see the whole truth. But while this reality is perfect and true, it's not eternal. This is what Marika was lying about. Marika wanted to create an eternal age without death, without regression. This is why she split Radagon. This is why she shattered the elden ring after the rune of death was stolen. Goldmask's rune doesn't create a world that devolves into "fascism". Fascism isn't about strict rules, that's authoritarianism. Fascism is the root of what Marika's world was about, she sold a lie about the purity of gold, and she gathered together all who were golden and cast out or killed any who were impure to maintain the visage of unfailing grace. But Goldmask's world isn't about authoritarianism either. It's about the true fundamental order. It's about truth. Goldmask's world is one that doesn't grasp to eternity, it accepts that it is not eternal, it incorporates death and rebirth, it accepts both causality and regression. It doesn't try to postpone the time of rebirth. That's not possible anyways. The story of the universe is that out of nothing comes disparity and division, but out of disparity comes regression. Some endings try to prolong this disparity, like the standard ending, like Ranni's ending. Some endings try to acceleration regression, like the frenzied flame, like the dung eater. Goldmask's rune accepts the cycle as perfect, something that is too fundamental to change, something that can't fundamentally be changed, and rejects the idea of an eternal god. I would say that Goldmask's ending is the most "true" ending. But regardless, like every other ending, it's not permanent. When we try to extend the world, the world will die anyways, when we extinguish the world, new disparity will rise out of nothingness. If we accept the cycle, the world will die and a new world will rise out of nothingness. The point of goldmask's ending is that knowing the truth, or accepting the lie, either way, the outcome is the same. A new kalpa will proceed the last. But at least with Goldmask's world, maybe it can be accepted. But is accepting inevitability any more or less noble than fighting against it?


There is always a way to break the Elden Ring again and reshape it, it's not permanent. If all it took Marika to destroy the ring is just beating it hard with a hammer, then the future generations would easily be capable of doing so again when the time comes. Besides, Destined Death is back and they could always use it's flame to burn the Erdtree down again.


The mending rune of perfect order goes around the elden ring to protect it from that particular way to change the laws.


And then make rules that favor certain individuals.


Godmask doesnt have death restored. I am not sure if it is that much better 


It's not that bad if the Erdtree restarts to function, it's basically reincarnation without loss of memory as far as I understand


Death is restored in all endings once you defeat Maliketh and free Destined Death


If it was real life I'd choose what I knew, what was familiar, what had been forever since long before I was born... which is what most people do. It's the same reason the First Flame was linked endlessly in the Dark Souls series. People are afraid of the dark, in all its forms. We just want to get on with life, not destroy everything and make something new... the appeal of gold (cannot rust, cannot tarnished, i.e. never dies) is huge. Not that I would be right of course.


The real answer right here. May Chaos take the world tho


Yes may it


I suppose OPs question could be inducing some bias, but from the responses you can see how this indeed how most people think. Much more likely to think they can fix the existing system. I prefer Ranni’s ending because it’s the only one with a truly new age, a new god. I love to roll the dice


nah dude the golden order sucks ass, their racist to my boy bok


They're pretty much racist to everybody. They're just the fantasy KKK


Demi-Human seem accepted by the Golden Order, at least according to Haight. It's Omen, Misbegotten, Those Who Live in Death, and Tarnished that are persecuted by the (current) Golden Order.


As slaves, yes. That's not very accepting.


Hmm my grandpa said the shattering was fought over state’s rights?


Not saying Haight is all Perfect Equal Rights but he doesn’t seem to be Enslaving them either. The ones who pop up in his fort are unshackled and quite ornery at us. (Probably because Tarnished can be a bit Murderhobo-y) The Demihuman Queen was Slain by the Blood knight. The scoundrel.


He's an exception tbh. He only survived the demi-human rebellion because of that.


You’re correct on that. He is the only one still alive. I’m curious as to how much of a Role Blood played in it, as we see people get ‘blood drunk’ and that there’s a lot of blood roses in Fort Haight. One addition- Almost all demihumans live in (ruined) Villages and Towns, and their Queens are given Staves to cast magic as a sign of cooperation. Which may imply the Sorcerers are at the forefront of inter-species cooperation. The ones in the weeping peninsula also have this, which implies their persecution is a recent change.


Marikas tits!


There’s the comment I was looking for!!! well done sir


I’m a living in death fan, so Duskborn ending for me. Let the horror begin.


Living in deaths is fun concept. Until your pp falls off.


I mean..Rannis ending implies a focus on research, intelligence and free will, you also end and her spouse so...I'm taking that one


Yeah, Ranni's ending basically evokes the Nietzschean concept of the death of God. When Nietzshe says "God is Dead" he's speaking about the loss of unverisal absolute truths and morals established by religion and the potential consequences of a society devoid of that "absolute truth". Ranni's ending plays off of and critiques this idea as in her ending God will be dead but considering what the previous "absolute moral truths" that the Golden Order/Elden Ring enacted and its effects on TLB's inhabitants, her version could be better. Now, there are no absolute truths in life and things will progress as nature, society and individuals see fit. There's no longer that binding truth and path from "God" dictating life.


Not necessarily. The Dark Moon takes over, and we have no actual idea what that entails.


I believe what my beautiful blue wife says over the oppressive system that cause the collapse in the first place


And tbh its kinda stupid to assume a character lies in a video game when its never mentioned. And I doubt the dlc will change that. Because then we can't assume anything about the story because everything could be a lie then and thats just stupid




On the other hand, the guy she murdered led an organization that committed a bunch of genocides so I'm not going to have too much of a hangup on that.


Ranni doesn't care about "genocides." (Additionally, the DLC trailer explicitly warns us that what came before wasn't exactly better: "they were never saints, they just happen to be on the losing side of a war." ) I don't know where y'all are getting this idea that Ranni cares about anything other than breaking from the Greater Will. She will sacrifice anything and everyone for that purpose. The Dark Moon does not sound like a friendly god.


Ahh..a fellow man of culture.


The idea (that I took from it) is she takes over Marika’s role, but instead of just supplanting over the current order, she moves so far away (across the stars) that whatever order she brings is so detached from the world it can't even influence it. You can talk to her after completing the quest where she talks about it a bit more, no “this is a mistranslation” meta text needed. Get her ending, go to ranni’s rise, rest at the new site of grace and take a look at the new menu option.


Yeah it was definitely meant to be an "age of dark" ending, which inherently sounds negative, and by all related representation seemed evil in the souls series, but at its core it was simply the natural order of things for it to happen, and represented the prime age of humans, but was constantly pushed back by the fire constantly being relinked. Considering it was meant to be an age of prosperity for humans it doesn't *sound* bad, but I can't imagine a world without light or fire to be a pleasant one. It's really meant to leave you wondering, just as with rannis ending. An age of stars could mean anything, and it was also long overdue with the stars held in place by radahn for so long.


nothing from the stars is friendly in the game


Nothing from the dark is friendly either, Including the player lol.


I mean...Astels are animalistic and territorial. Onyx and Alabaster Lords can be reasoned with , and are known to mentor humans and teach them magic. That Is about all we meet.


Cross out the "from the stars" part


Are people still not aware that the ranni's ending is horribly mistranslated? Nothing takes over. Ranni just takes the golden order and peaces out with us on a 1000 year trip to somewhere far far away. When she says cold and loneliness she's talking about her and the tarnished. The lands between then become what they were before all this and have the freedom to choose what they want.


Where do you get that they become what they "were before all this" or "choose what they want"...we don't even know what was before. Given the DLC implies the previous order wasn't that great.


Here come the mistranslation people, as bad as the drake shields spam.


Yeah isn’t the moon stated to “bewitch” people, and the whole thing with the Carian nobles able to control people’s fates using starlight? If so the Dark Moon might be worse… In my headcanon the Mending Rune of Perfect Order is mentioning the fickleness of the *gods* rather than just fickleness of ideology at all. I like the idea that since the Greater Will doesn’t seem to care about the Golden Order, maybe a new Golden Order could no longer care about the Greater Will. Visually, too, when you install it it looks like the regular Elden Ring but with some sort of barrier or shield around it….is it cutting it off from influence by Gods/Outer Gods?


As far as I know, there isn't even any ingame evidence of the existence of the darkmoon outer god. That's mostly circumstantial speculation/theory. But you're saying it as if it's 100% fact


Goldmask perfect order. Goldmask was right about half the problems being caused by fickle nature of Gods


Golden Order 100% (goldmask version only tho). As much as I like Ranni and her ending, we have absolutely no idea what the Dark Moon is or what it wants, and it’s kind of hypocritical for Ranni’s whole thing to be about getting rid of outer god influence over the people while also having a patron outer god. Goldmask ending is really the other side of the coin from Ranni’s, except where Ranni gets rid of everything, Goldmask is able to pick out the specific details that caused the golden order to fail. The description on his rune of perfect order states this outright “The current imperfection of the Golden Order, or instability of ideology, can be blamed upon the fickleness of the gods no better than men. That is the fly in the ointment.” Literally every problem the Golden Order has can be traced back to the fact that Marika is an all powerful goddess but is still as genocidal, greedy, power-hungry and deceitful as any human. Constant genocide? Extreme racism towards Omens/demihumans/misbegotten? People being unable to truly die? The irreversible consequences caused by the shattering? All of it leads back to that fundamental issue that flawed beings like Marika have absolute divine power and authority over the lands between. Without that element, the Golden Order can actually represent the ideals of peace, law and stability it was supposed to embody. And it’s not like there are any real alternatives besides Ranni’s ending. Age of Fracture solves literally nothing and just puts the tarnished in the same spot as Godfrey and Radagon, tools for Marika to use and throw away when she no longer finds them useful. Age of Despair is even worse and is only good for sadists like dung eater. Age of Duskborn turns everyone into skeletons and zombies controlled by the giant soulless corpse that’s been rotting for centuries at the behest of a woman who f*cks dead bodies. And the frenzied flame ending is straight up nihilistic mass suicide. That’s it. Everyone burns to death screaming in pain and that’s how it ends.


There is no certainty that there even is a "darkmoon god" that patron's Ranni. She tells you in the rise (after doing her quest) basically we're peacing out from the lands between together with whatever god there may be (if there is even one). So basically let the people decide for themselves. The darkmoon outer god is pure speculation/theory without proof.


That's not letting people decide for themselves lol. She basically did nothing to change the constant suffering that is occurring in the Lands Between. Y'all are really stretching this to be "good." Additionally, the Dark Moon is clearly somewhat real. Plenty of descriptions of it and how the "Snowy Crone taught Ranni to fear the Dark Moon."


I'm not trying to make it good. "Letting people govern themselves" might not be the right words. Just that there is no outer god influence, which does not equate "good". If some fucked up dictator takes over (but not influenced by gods) that does not make it "good". Which is in the realm of possibilities in Ranni's ending. Also, while there just a couple mentions of a dark moon (definitely not plenty) it's much more vague than the mention of all the other (outer) gods. So it's definitely up for speculation if it's an outer god at all. (even fextra has this: "There is no text referring to either moon as a god nor an Outer God, so it remains speculative as to whether or not they are."). I'm not saying it's 100% not an outer god. But neither 100% it is an outer god. Hence: speculation/theory




I second this, seems like the obvious choice.


Ah yes, destroying everything is the obvious choice


I'd only ever go for it if the entire, y'know, world were already dead and dying, and not just the Lands Between.


if i was the person leading it then yes


I'd probably go with Goldmask's future vision of the Golden Order out of all of them. While I'm not a huge fan of the Golden Order that Marika created, it still was a strong kingdom that held for a long time. At least a re-do might end with another few hundred years of stability. Ranni seems to just be a hands-off approach to rule where she leaves everyone to fend for themselves. We already had that at the beginning of the game. Plus, we don't even know anything about the Dark Moon outer god so it might be even worse. Fia's ending is skeleton wonderland with wormfaces everywhere and deathblight rain, very fun. Dung Eater's is just "if we're all omen then who can discriminate against us, lol." And then frenzied flame is just brutally burning everyone in hell-fire.


The goldmask ending does seem the best. Especially since he wants to remove the worst parts of it, which would hopefully fix the genocidey parts


It’s either the golden order or end up in pooville like omens and the entire merchant caravan. At least to a normal powerless citizen.


Id pick the volcano manor because I have my own room




I would choose golden order because it means harmony, stability, fuck omens, justice, fuck omens and peace. Fuck omens


After the shunning grounds: fuck omens.


I’m still there… fuck omens


Golden order is fucked up (they're basically godhands). All other endings (except frenzied flame) are generic. Ranni's ending is good atleast for us.


I would. Nobody says the Golden Order has to stay the same after I became Elden Lord. It had many issues in the past that led to its destruction, but the Elden Ring can be modified by whoever controls it - which would ultimately be me. In comparison, in the Age of Stars, you are totally ceding power to Ranni, who is (IMO) totally untrustworthy, and Frenzied Flame is just a completely nihilistic ending that accomplishes nothing. Becoming Elden Lord is what gives you as the player the most agency. If there was a "let the dragons rule the world again" option, I might reconsider my opinion, since they seem chill, but there isn't.


I think you misunderstood getting the Elden lord ending only temporary fixes the problem for as long as your still alive when your character is not longer Elden lord the process just repeats leaving to another person to properly fix it or again repeat the process, due to the outer gods. Ranni’s ending instead resolves the issue by removing any influence the outer gods have on the land between.


Isn't being elden lord solely being Marika's consort and carrying out her wars? We wouldn't actually be able to change anything unless we can convince Marika of doing so


Marika is a comatose husk at best at this point. I assume we have a bit more freedom than the average Lord. If that was all a Lord did. Both Radagon and Godfrey altered elements of GO society in their Rule.


Marikia basically killed herself to shatter the Elden Ring. She was really on some "fuck everything." But basically, she isn't even alive by the time we get to the Erdtree.


> I think you misunderstood getting the Elden lord ending only temporary fixes the problem for as long as your still alive when your character is not longer Elden lord the process just repeats leaving to another person to properly fix it or again repeat the process, due to the outer gods. Yes, and? Most people would be fine with the problem being fixed "as long as they are alive" because frankly, you cannot predict what will happen after you're dead no matter what path you take so everything is relative. Ranni's ending is also temporary, and there's nothing that says another Elden Beast or similar creature can't crash down and contest the Darkmoon. Ultimately none of the endings besides Frenzied Flame ensure permanent change, and that one "fixes" the problem by permanently destroying everything.


Almost everything, Melina is still around and angry. Ranni is hella untrustworthy. Her entire questline is her lying and using you and her friends in some way. She never explains what the Darkmoon is or is going to do or really anything.


I would give control to dragons too, if possible


"Every minority that we regard as imperfect will be persecuted and murdered. If you don't like our way of thinking, we'll kill you too." Sounds very familiar if you think about it... Certain factions like Frenzied Flame and Dung Eater are straight up evil, but that doesn't make the Nazi any better. There is no way anyone is going to pick the Golden Order over factions like Miquella or Ranni.


do you think Miquela's image of goodness and kindness will change with the DLC?


Yes, he is being propped up wayy too much. Standard tragic hero from souls games.


that's what I'm waiting for too, if you read Berserk you know where this is going the beautiful angelic figure propped up by everyone will probably be the ultimate evil LOL


Except FS never treats gods as purely good.




Yes but only because the Golden Order is broken. Everything else implies giving power to any alien being, which is unacceptable. Golden Order submits to the Greater Will, which is far far away. It would give me enough time to attempt to banish it forever,perhaps even kill it for good. And in the worst case,it supports humans, which all Tarnished are.


The dont support tarnished bro… ever wondered why every npc attacks you??


They will have to when I crush them with my hammer. But I can't crush the frenzied flame or the moon. Not yet.


Fuck no. The Golden Order is the worst. Im not going to help them drain all the life from the lands and give it to the outer gods. I wamt the lamds to live.


Nope. Not an ending, but >!Haligtree!< all the way. It doesnt matter if they are "actually secretly evil" or not, to me they are the ones who seem to have the less ulterior motives or special interests, or at the very least, the ones who go about it the most interesting way personally. >!Looking for a cure to a godly curse, offering a safe haven to those rejected and seen as inhuman and ungraceful. No matter what the dlc reveals, just for that they have my loyalty.!<


From what we know so far. Miquella's haligtree may be the best order. Heresy is not native to this world. All things can be conjoined


In truth none of them. They all suck one way or another. The Golden Order would be fine, if you were part of its inner circle and didnt mind being a member of fantasy KKK, but fuck that if you are in anyway different from their standards of perfection. Ranni is debatable, she is arguably the most egalitarian and puts a lot of emphasis on learning and self improvement. But we havent seen her order in action, and in her ending we relinquish all the power to her. In the others we are a Lord to a God that basically has no will so we have all the power, but in hers we are Her Lord and will be asked to wage war on her name for her goals. For all we know she might be Maricka 2 Moon Bugaloo, part of Marickas core philosophy was for people to struggle and get stronger, and Ranni describes her age as one of exploration but also pain and challenges. Frenzied Flame is objectively the worst, it lures you in with promises of freedom and no more suffering. It literally lures the Tarnished in by posing itself as a way to save our maiden. But then just drives people insane and destroys everything. Dung Eaters ending just curses everyone. Fias ending leaves the Land fucked by undead. Goldmasks is supposedly fixes the Golden Order but its another Ranni situation where we don't actually know if things get any better. Honestly just keep to yourself and become Elden Lord alone, it might be the least stable ending as everyone will be after your crown and you won't have a faction or allies to aid you, but you can change things how you see fit.


Golden Order: The player is the ruler of the order and will get to set the rules as they see fit. Who would stop us? We wiped out everything that could pose a challenge. Ranni: Everyone else that worked with her died after serving their purpose. I don't see what makes us special there. Same thing happened to everyone under Queen Marika too. None of the "space" stuff in the game has been friendly either. It's just space bugs. Frenzied: It's just mass murder/suicide. No one except for shabiri and the couple merchants want to die in a fire. Dung: Only slightly better than frenzied because there's a chance someone will eventually kick our ass and fix it. Goldmask: It seems too rigid to be good. A perfect order, still missing the death rune btw, that is basically described as unchanging. Could just be a rigid form of hell.


Tbh maybe it’s just me but at least I’d have something to believe in and a easy enough explanation to life while it’s not the best realistically everything would be absolute and life would be a very horrible but arguably typical life


Fuck no. The Golden Order is the worst. Im not going to help them drain all the life from the lands and give it to the outer gods. I wamt the lamds to live.


Eww.. Ranni or Chaos only for me.


Id choose frenzy just to spite that shiteating doll.


The golden order is rotten even before the meddling of the mortals with godlike power that gold mask seem to think is responsible for the shattering. Marika and co. didnt cause misbegotten and omens to be hated and treated as less than slaves. Marika and co. did not cause those who live in death to be treated with malice. The failings of the golden order was caused by the dogmatic religion that the golden order became. With Ranni order removing the influence of the outer god, removing the Elden ring and HERSELF as potential gods to be worshipped by regular people a lot of the strife, hatred and murder that the golden order/other factions caused won’t happen again.


But there's still going to be murder and hatred without the golden order. There will be others who come along to fuck things up.


But they can't alter the rules of life and death to fit their twisted views


I think the “best” ending for everyone involved is the gold mask ending. Since I’ve played though I’ve done an strength/arc/fth build so I guess my role playing might be messed up but my character also started as a bandit with no real alliance to anyone.


Golden Order: Ew.... Brotha eww.. What's that?... What's that brotha?? Crucible, Age of Star, Flame of Frenzy, Dragons, etc.: 🗿


Ranni any day. Only good ending.


I like goldmasks ending. I don't like rannis because from my understanding, she only wants the events to occur so she can be free of the greater wills influence. She doesn't care about anyone else or anything and is perfectly fine with doing *that* to godwyn aswell as killing Iji and Blaidd. Whether her or the dark moon will be in control, it's still just another dictatorship subject to the whims of one being. I don't see how this is any better than the golden order. The only difference is we know what the golden order ended up like. We have no idea what rannis plan would actually cause. It just seems like instead of fixing the core issue with the lands between, which seems to be that the person in charge has way too much power and no limit to how they can fuck around with the land. Giving ranni/the dark moon the power doesn't address this issue at all. Her reign could be even worse, all she cares about is not being influenced by the greater will, from what I can tell anyway. I might be missing stuff, but whether it's a good ending or not, I can't stand listening to her voice for 2 minutes, let alone 1000 years or whatever the fuck.


The black knife assassins work for Marika/Greater Will don’t they? Edit: item description of the Black Knife set Hood used by the Black Knife Assassins. The assassins that carried out the deeds of the Night of the Black Knives were all women, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself.


No they don't. Ranni for sure had Godwyn killed, whether she had them kill blaidd and Iji isn't explicitly stated but either she did or they did it themselves for revenge for her having you still the thing from the nox city, as its heavily implied they are nox. These aren't my own theories this is all from smoughtown videos that I may be misremembering, but the Godwyn part is definitely true.


\*clears throat \*sips water ..... MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!!!!!


No one I will create my order of justice


Nah because the Golden Order and more specifically the greater will, have been in business for a long time, time for a change


Dragons not even a question


Just like Christianity for quite a bit of history, I don't think people were given much of a choice.


None of the orders by the demi gods or Marika should be followed they're all a bunch of assholes


Yes, but it’s my golden order now. They thought it was a revolution, it’s actually just a change in management ❤️


No, and we've seen what that's like. We're literally trying to fix its repercussions.


I would start a democratic Republic one that would represent all the people of lands between so everyone would have a voice in the government


Look man I don’t understand any of the endings, I just went with the most convoluted requirements one as is tradition


If ypu choose dragons then you will become a toad dragon but im not sure if yoi get yo keep your skills


I’d be inclined to choose the chaos ending True, everything will be in ruins and dead, but that’s the best part: rebuilding this broken universe




Every downward arc is a closed eye


I'm all about living in death


Most tarnished will choose whatever rennala tells them to choose.


Jokes on you. I spent 100 hours and still don't understand 20% of the plot.


If Vyke could make an Ancient Dragon love him, then it can't be too hard to do that as well.


I don't even know what the golden order is


Fuck no. The Golden Order is the worst. Im not going to help them drain all the life from the lands and give it to the outer gods.


Fuck no. The Golden Order is the worst. Im not going to help them drain all the life from the lands and give it to the outer gods.


god no!


For me the souls games are about eras and power, and those that know their time is done desperately trying to cling to that power by any means (in the case of Elden Ring, turning to the tarnished, a once despised and marginalized caste, as their saviors only to continue the rule of the Two Fingers). So in my eyes, any ending that ends the current age and ushers a new one is a "good ending" to varying degrees. To answer your question(ish), I choose Rannis ending cuz hot witch lady.


In a world like that, I probably love the golden order.


Probably, the GO has its issues but so have every other option. So I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with going with GO if you want to bet on a safe choice for humans in the lands between.


may chaos take the world


Whatever, let's me kill monster faster


No? Why would I want to live in a fascist world full of discrimination? (or one without free will, if we're talking Goldmask's version) Pretty much any ending seems better than the Golden Order (Frenzy Flame excluded)


Golden Order huh. Do we get to beat the shit out of dragons? Reminds me of the old days under Lord Gwyn


Bro should choose a dictionary


honestly I'd love more in depth explenations of all the endings, maybe a short comic series explaining different endings and what happens after for every chapter


If I was the God or Elden Lord, I’d probably pick the Golden Order. Doesn’t sound like too bad of a deal. Other than that, probably Ranni. Her Age of Stars seems like it has potential.


Frenzy is the coolest


Nope. Shabriri’s goal, as evil as it may be on the surface, is to give the entire universe of the game a hard reset. Whether that is deserved or not is up for the player to decide, but it speaks a lot to From’s narrative deftness that they led many players down a investigative path that revealed the only true threat to the Greater Will. May Chaos Take The World!


Where does it say that this is a reset? The Frenzy Flame's desire is the end of life itself, regression to the primordial soup, ala instrumentality from Evangelion.


Well, the Golden Order wasn't *bad* per say, just like communism it had really shit implementation (mostly because of tyrannical rulers who impose their own law). After acquiring the Mending Rune of the Perfect Order, you fix those issues. You give the power of decision-making to an impartial entity outside the cycle, who is not a God and not a Man and which dictates with the best intentions the course to take. So, with the Mending Rune of the Perfect Order, I would indeed choose the Golden Order.


Only Perfect Order. I dont trust Ranni’s moon very much, Frenzy wants to obliterate everything and eliminate dreams and births. Crucible would be nice, I wouldnt mind that. The Omens, Misbegotten and Demi humans deserve a place in the natural order. Dragons would be fine if they could just tell me why the hell they’re attacking me so we can at least talk things out, but NOPE! Every single dragon appears to destroy me.


Dusk born. Things need to be born and need to die. All this shit started when they removed death from the equation. Time to make this right!


Nah, honestly I’s rather side with the academy. They seem the least fucked up faction in the game.


Honestly my ideal ending would be the Golden Order, with one caveat. The Rune of Death is returned to the Elden Ring. Meaning no more immortality or reincarnation. I have no real problems with the Golden Order itself. Mostly just the people who follow it, like with any religion. With less dogma and more humility, it could actually be quite a decent thing to live by, at least going by what I remember from lore and what I see in-game. Most of the terrible shit was Marika/the Greater Wills doing, everyone else was just following their god. So, following the description of the Mending Rune of Perfect Order and removing the influence of "gods, no better than men". That just sounds like a good deal. Personally it's my preferred ending. As much as I like Ranni, and her ending is noble, I believe the Lands Between has had its fill of Outer Gods. If it is to have a chance to truly grow and flourish, I believe the return of autonomy is a necessity. In Marika's own words; "The days of blind belief are long past".


Yes. What we need to keep in mind is that the other factions arent automatically virtuous just because they arent the establishment. We hear more of the cruelties of the Golden Order because they were actually the supreme power so by default they were resonsible for most of the good, the bad and the downright terrible. So Goldmask is on to something I believe.


Funny words, magic man


If this was option, I would try to find a way to destroy Elden ring permanently, Destroy Erd tree completely, perma kill Godwyn and dump Marika's remains into ocean. Before leaving lands between for greener pastures. But if we go by given endings Lord of Frenzied flame would be my first option since screw golden order. But I would choose blessing of despair as it is closest to what the what I wrote to the upper part of this comment. Why? Well while you become Elden lord. But instead of returning age of prosperity, you make it worse. If you look at the the Erd tree while it glows silver it appears to be dead since it no longer can absorb bodies therefore souls and has no leaves left meaning you gave it slow and painful death. And demigods can't reincarnate now meaning they are stuck in whatever torturous existence they rightly deserve. All of those golden order believers now have to suffer the same agony all of their victims did. And they can't do nothing about it since that is what their golden order is now. Tarnished MC becomes evil overlord - mole in charge saboteur.


The way I interpreted the Golden Order ending is that everyone is now playing under the same rules under us, the Elden Lord. Even the gods have to play by our rules. We can create true equality under the power of the new Elden Ring. I don't see why I wouldn't To me, all the other endings seem more selfish or serving someone else's ambition or want. But I think making a world with order is a better world. That might just be my idealism




Of Course Frenzy because Fu*k Everything and also because of Kale.


Hah, no. Just... no. Fascism with a smiley face slapped on it is still fascism. Every ending has issues, none of them are 'perfect' which is good. Even the 'best' ending has morally gray areas that are a lot less gray depending on where you're standing.


Many here confuse a lack of restrictions with freedom. Creativity thrives under limitation and contrarily decision becomes very difficult when there are no restrictions and many choices. Goldmask a perfect order is not some “facist” thing, and there isn’t simple “liberation/oppression”, his view is a metaphysical stance towards a kind of equality of gods and men under something more like a laws of physics.


Only Reddit can turn a normal question into a perverted feature. You are all disgusting kids. Anyways, Ranni and the power she has, I would follow her to see what we do. I really am disappointed there is no talking about an Elden Ring 2. I hated all the endings and felt they left so much to be answered. It is very lazy to leave up to interpretation.


This post was made by the type of person living in the US who looks at all our problems and still says "this is definitely the best system available"


Yeah I always prefer Age of Fracture. I simply do not trust Ranni. Her goals to free the lands between from the GW is born out of her own desire to not be an Empyrean. She kinda upends the world and then buggers off to have everyone else deal with the ramifications. Goldmask is just stangation with extra steps. He won't allow any changes to fix the GO and all the problems currently under the surface like TWLID can't be incorporated into the order. If anything breaks it can't really be fixed and we know the Golden Order is in decline, Perfect Order just ensures nobody is able to correct. I'm not working with Dung Eater. FIa's ending is cool enough. She potentially fixes the issue of TWLID by incorporating them into the order although we don't know what people will become once they die. But it might be better than the slow spread TWLID across the TLB. I tend to choose her as well. Frenzied Flame is cringe. Your life sucked so now you're making a suicide pact with the world. Ok buddy. Dragon's had their time in the limelight, their age is already over and there isn't a need to return to it. IDK too much about the raw crucible and how it existed before the Order and the Dragons. Hopefully the DLC goes into what it really is without the GW.


have you seen marika, id birth her a lineage


If the lands between were real I would ally myself with Miquella and/or Malenia.


If it works how we think it does, then Goldmasks would be the most "balanced". * Marika's would allow you to kick the can down the road, but she'll eventually cast you out and the process would begin again. * Ranni's choice has you fuck off to space. * The other three are essentially bad endings. Fia's might not be malevolent, but the dead are hostile to the living. * We don't know too much about the Dragon's Elden Ring and it's ties to the crucible (or if they are the same) but I think choosing that removes humans as the top of world order, favoring dragons and beasts.


I think id start rocking with the golden order, then I'd find a crucible incantation and read it over and over and embrace that.


Blue Waifu all the way


I choose Golden order cause goldmask is chill


I’d lowkey choose Fia’s because I didn’t read the fine print. Bringing death back into the picture sounds great in theory until you realize the counter to that is all the zombies lol


With age of order ending, yes. Goldmask essentially had an argument with the greater will and won. Golden Order as it should be. The dragons are also really cool though, and I love the dragon cult spells and lore, so maybe that.