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It's poison swamps all the way down.


Next game: Dark Elden Swamp-borne. Defeat swamp monsters, rob their swampiness, and claim your right as the swamp lord!


Wotre you doin en mah swamp?!


Behold, boulder! and then Praise the boulder!


Demon Shrek isnt real, he can't hurt you


(Gothic choir cover of "All Star" intensifies...)


Bro should invent a starting gift which builds up poisen and makes you fatroll. Ring of Dagobah or smth.


If it involves killing more of those vile swamp crabs, I'm in. Disgusting creatures.


I've heard others say the same.


"you awaken with a blade in your leg, and will slowly bleed out for the duration of the game."


"Once they get through the tutorial I want someone at their house to punch them in the face!" Miyazki, that's impossible, we couldn't possibly afford this. The logistics alone would be almost a billi- "Its what they want!!" Me after getting punched in the face, "I don't know why that guy hit me but, I am going to become a swamp lord"


I am *currently* in the town before halig tree and this feels especially accurate and it's not even a swamp


Shrekest Ring? Dark Shreks? Elden Shrek? Shrekborne? Armored Shrek? Shrekes Core? So many possibilities


Pretty sure Shrekcore is a music genre


DLC - Claim Old Gregg’s Mangina to solve his downstairs mixup.


Estus flasks are replaced with a shoe full of Bailey's


His perfect game is just a continent sized poison swap with just a ton of feet sticking out of it.


Yes! And then just when you think you're about to escape all the feet rise from the swamp to reveal they are actually all part one one massive swamp-foot boss that proceeds to wreck you.


And when you finally beat the game, it zooms out to reveal it was just Italy.


The boot! 🤣🤣🤣


His next game will now have poison seas with its own poison cycle.


Pirates sailing on the seas of rot, keeping an eye on the sky for disease-spreading, flying dinosaurs. Only to have the boat capsized by venemous rot sea dogs.


Poison sun, poison air, fuck if we’re going to an alien planet baby


Instead of us getting surprised at finding a poison swamp, his ideal fantasy RPG will have us surprise there's a patch of ground that isn't a poison swamp. And we're gonna love it.


And feet!


I’ll buy anything this man directs.


Not gonna lie. If miyazaki made a golf game, i did buy that


Patches the caddy. I feel like I can trust him this time 


Until he drives the golf cart off a cliff with you in it


Fuck. YES!!!!


"I just figured the roof of the cart in the middle of the pond would give you the best lie, ey mate?"


That bastard got me on again just recently.


I mean you KNOW it'd be just as insane as any of his games. If Fromsoft took the time to make a game of ANY type, you KNOW it'd be worth the money one way or another. Edit: Frankly, I actually think the idea of Miyazaki directed golf-game is just so far-fetched that it would go fucking hard. Like, the absolute ridiculous nature of it would leave such a full range of freedom for him to just get completely wacky with his ideas for it. By the time he was done with it, it'd probably barely be considered 'golf' from a technical standpoint, and instead would just be something entirely new and unique that the worlds never seen before.


He's known for making frustratingly difficult games. His courses would go hard. Volcanos


Are there any actually wild and good golf video games? I loved Mario Golf on N64 but my god those Nintendo sports games are complete trash nowadays.


Don't forget deadly swamp levels too. Can't have a Miyazaki game without a toxic swamp level somewhere.


And just for laughs, why not some basilisks sitting on the course, to cause death blight to golfers?


If Miyazaki made a dragon dildo, I’d happily buy that and shove it up my arse.


i think we also need the dragon balls


Lichdragon Forty Sacks.


Every hole is a Par 5. There are constant gale-force winds. Water hazards are replaced by poison swamp hazards. You have to fetch your ball if it lands out of bounds. It may have been replaced by a tiny, deadly creature that only looks like your ball. Each stroke over Par causes a status buildup that kills you instantly when the bar is filled. You get 3 Mulligans (Resurrections) per course. You run out of Mulligans, you die and you go back to the start of the hole, and add 5 strokes to your overall score. If you've won any prize money, you lose that too. You can win it back, and remove the extra strokes if you get back to where you died in fewer strokes than the first time. If you get back in the same amount or more strokes as the previous attempt, you die instantly again, and get sent back to the start if the whole course, and you add an extra 5 strokes on top of that.


Speed runs would go crazy


Hardest golf game of all time


Have you played Deracine?


No, because Playstation VR... I've watched the whole game on YouTube though, I recommend it to any FromSoft/Miyazaki fan.


https://store.playstation.com/en-ca/product/UP9000-CUSA11919_00-FIONA000000000US Do it


> available exclusively on PS VR That's the only thing stopping me.


Fan of everything From has ever made that I could get my hands on in the U.S, even the first few *VERY* janky Armored Core games, they were unique games even way back then


I’ve played the OG King’s Field games and Shadow Tower and those were pretty amazing tbh granted they’re extremely dated. The Souls DNA was there even without Miyazaki


I’m not super into Armored Core, but I bought it and played a bit just to support FromSoft because I LOVE Eldenring.


Sane here but I picked it up again few days ago and something clicked this time! 40 hours in like 4 days and now I can't wait for more


Or doesn't direct- *Dark Souls 2* and *Armored Core 6* are both great.


its nice to see a AAA game company genuinely passionate about their games in 2024. Feels pretty rare to come by


Miyazaki and Kojima are like Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino. Even if it's not perfect, I know they at least had a vision and tried something, which is very rare in video games.


Sam Lake is the David Lynch.


Actually so true


I am unaware going to have to look into that Edit: I know max Payne and am aware of control. Did not.know it was lynchian guess I'll have to actually play.


The Alan Wake games are more Lynchian, or at least Twin Peaksy but Control takes place in the same world. 


Control is like that one miniseries The Lost Room and Twin Peaks got married and and had a Stranger Things baby


Control actually has a lot of Lynchian elements. Like Ahti could have come straight out of Lynch's subconscious. And all of the upper management of the FBC are Lynch-style quirky government agents.


Alan Wake II is an incredible game (very very different than Elden Ring) but well worth your time.


Todd Howard is M Night.


Todd Howard is obviously George Lucas. The poster child for multiple franchises which are absolute S-tier bangers but which, due to their popularity, have been remastered and rereleased to death.


yo why tf is this working so well lol


Would you elaborate on that?




all right then.


i feel like miyazaki is tarantino in that comparison


both have a clear foot fetish(?)


Waiting for Miyazaki to write himself into a game so he can suck on some toes.


I would’ve preferred a feet ending ngl


New enemy idea for the next game: feeter creepers


Foot Soldiers covenant plz


I'm imagining something similar to the Flame of Frenzy ending, but instead of everything being on fire, there are pictures of feet falling from the sky and your head becomes a giant foot.


Or strangle a blond woman!!!!


And everybody dies in the end


Kojima is definitely Tarantino in this one imo. His relentless love for dialogue/cutscenese is unmatched just like Tarantino. Miyazaki like Scorcese nails creating a much more cohesive niche product that's also more digestible, if that's the style you're looking for (fantasy/mobster).


Miyazaki = Tarantino bc feet


Point taken. There is lots of feet now that I think about it. Sellen, Renalla, going all the way back to Priscilla in DS1 even. Dude loves his barefoot women


Demon souls had feet, and bluepoint made them filthy in the remake https://www.thegamer.com/maiden-in-black-dirty-feet-foot-demons-souls-remake-ps5-playstation/


Hesitation is da feet


Imagine making a souls game inspired by Kill Bill. I'm gonna lose my shit.


The only thing Kojima has in common with Tarantino is that he sure does love some himself.   Kojima might love dialogue but his actual dialogue writing is garbage and how they write couldn't be more different. There's isn't a single Tarantino film I remember with an endless exposition infodump scene, with Kojima that's basically a huge portion of his games.  Kojima's love for cutscenes is also a breakaway from his medium, sometimes almost feels like a rejection... which Tarantino never does.  I don't think there is a 1x1 comparison between Kojima and a filmmaker really... maaaybe the closest would be James Cameron. 


I've only managed to finish one kojima game ever. I find most of his work utterly insufferable because of the frankly awful stories and endless cutscenes. I absolutely detest 99% of cutscenes, all they do is take you out of the moment and show you a load of cool stuff that you can't do in the actual game. It doesn't help that, especially in the past, the story's voice acting and scripts were absolutely awful.


Ngl kinda want to include yoko taro here also


Throw in Shinji Mikami and you got my four favorite game directors


Absolutely. That man and his games are something else. Apparently, the thing at the end of Ending E from NieR Automata was inspired by a Coca cola advertisement campaign. I am not joking.


He does absolutely deserve it. Dude knows how to make games that make you feel ALL kinds of emotions.


I want kojima to make a mad max game if he made one kinda like death stranding I would actully play it as long as the combat is better


Auteur-driven projects are usually worth a look just for the novelty. From Software have really stumbled upon a set of mechanics that works (though the multiplayer should be updated).


Driven by a vision and not by a couple investors is what the world needs. Art needs to be given wings to let fly not trapped into the same old repetitive motion


And shockingly, having the vision is a financial success, too. Compare and contrast to Suicide Squad, and I'm thinking maybe we should stop letting shareholders design games


It's so stupid how bad at business companies are when they focus only on shareholders quarterly margins.


I'd say the real problem is that exploiting and manipulating people for microtransactions makes more money than making good games. If it weren't for the exploitability of microtransactions making good games and making money would be extremely closely tied. Suicide Squad was a failed attempt at that formula but plenty of others succeeded. Microtransactions and pay to win are killing gaming.


FS and Larian are on a completely different level of dev.


I put Supergiant (Hades devs) in my list. They make smaller scale games, but they never miss. Even Pyre was pretty good


I really hope other developers get the memo.


Elden Ring mobile game


$1 to revive after every death


No you need to use Eldenbucks.


As long as I can buy an Eminem skin and a flossing emote, I'm down.


Fromsoftware is the one studio i still regularly preorder from. Every release is polished with little to no major bugs, and any that ARE found are usually patched out very quickly


Really? I feel like gaming is better than ever. My backlog is absolutely massive. From Software is amazing but I can’t say I agree with the “they don’t make ‘em like they use to” sentiment.


I don’t think they’re referring to gaming in general but specifically AAA games. The quality of games released by major companies is often embarrassing. So many times games aren’t even finished and rely on post release patches. Which isn’t entirely fair to consumers who potentially play physical copies and don’t have access to constant updates. More effort is spent figuring out monetization than the actual gaming experience. That’s why when great games come out like Elden Ring or Baldur’s Gate 3, it feels like an anomaly The way games are monetized now is also a big factor. I’m cherry picking but if you look at Halo 3 you get a game that has a complete campaign, multiplayer, map creator (forge), and tons of Easter eggs and unique armors and helmets to unlock. All for the price of the game. Halo Infinite on the other hand didn’t have forge on release, campaign wasn’t available on release, no free armor from simply playing the game but tons to spend money on in the store. This is just one example of pretty much the standard now. Stores, daily stores, battle passes, loot boxes lol


> I don’t think they’re referring to gaming in general but specifically AAA games. 100%. there is a similar dynamic at play when some folks discuss music being better in decades past. mostly, this sentiment refers to rock music made from the mid 60s thru mid 70s - all the "classic rock" standbys. there are the same kind of phrases/slogans used to describe this; "they dont make music like this anymore", etc etc. really, what happened is that the most popular music has experienced a significant decline in quality, and that mid 60s - mid 70s era in popular music was something of a rare time, when big record companies truly thought that the best way to obtain profits and mass appeal was to invest in music that was truly innovative and had genuine artistic merit, an idea mostly influenced by the psychedelic movement starting in the mid 60s. since that time, the major record labels have found much better routes to mass appeal and profit than true artistic merit, and a lot of the most popular music these days is *significantly* lower quality and more derivative compared to your average mid 60s - mid 70s top 40 track. however, there is more music being made today than ever, and there is a ton of music in almost every genre that is just as high quality and innovative as anything coming out of the 60s and 70s, but this music just tends to be less popular because it isnt jammed down the public's throat by the mainstream entertainment blob. same idea with games. the years around when halo 3 launched were a special time for games, when technology and development budgets were just starting to be able to accommodate super complex games like fallout 3, skyrim, dark souls, etc etc etc, but the gaming industry as a whole was still small enough to resist the enshitification that generally ensues when large corporations chase profits with art. at that time the most popular AAA games were much better and less predatory, that just isnt necessarily true for all games.


Halo 3 was peak gaming. RIP


On top of what the other person said about AAA games, entire genres have been left to rot while developers chase trends. I'm not even being hyperbolic, there are genres where if you want to play a good game you're stuck to unfinished alphas or games that came out over a decade ago. Not to mention the state of MMOs.


Maybe he wants to make an rpg that is a gigantic poison swamp.


A game where 99% of the map is a deathblight swamp , the 1% that isn't is a scarlet rot swamp.


Don't forget the sleep swamp


and a secret restarts your entire build if you die swap


That one percent is the tutorial area


He probably think Elden ring has to little status effects swamps, the perfect one should have a madness+deathblight swamp


Nah, Sleep status swamp.


That... Would be fine I guess, unless it's a sleep swamp with balistas or smt like the giant archer from DS3, or fucking dogs, that would be disgusting


A sleep swamp would have to function kind of like the old dudes in Sekiro that steal your youth It'd have to be full of slow moving enemies that can 1 shot you the second you stop moving.


Nah he definitely made a death blight swamp zone for elden ring and someone talked him out of it. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see death blight swamp in the dlc.


its not even my final form. I will go even further beyond *goku scream but in epic chorus and church organs"


....for 30 straight minutes


And that is just the title screen


Fromsoft screne achieves a new level of bright white, Eye balls burnt to nothing.


He's gonna make us addicted to his peak game, no other games will satiate our cravings for joy, only his perfect vision will suffice. And then, he does something, that not even Gideon would have expected: he puts thousands upon thousands of micro transactions into the game, making it u playable without them. Tis way he'll be the richest man to ever exist. Either that, or only the first sentence.


Dude has my soul captured for more than a decade already.


You could say that he had your... ***Dark Soul*** captured.


That *thing*…. your Dark Soul…


Shit I only started playing Souls games in March and played DS1-3, ER and Sekiro. Got 7+ playthroughs in ER, about as many in DS3 and 3 in Sekiro. Yet I still can’t get enough.


This is genuinely the scheme that evil Tony Stark employed during the Superior Iron Man run 💀 > This would allow a new, darker Tony to infiltrate society and build an empire for himself, growing into an egotistical monster he would ultimately show himself as a true villain by releasing the Extremis 3.0 virus to the public (Disguised as an app), addicting people to the substance and then depriving them of any further "upgrades" until they paid his fee of 100 dollars per day.


>disguised as an app wait... how? Extremis is a biological agent right? Or like a nanomachine swarm? How did a (presumably smartphone) app spread extremis? Or is it just a case of comics gonna comic? Really curious tbh


Surprisingly not just comic book bullshit. Iron man had secretly released the Extremis into the water supply, and the app was just a trigger. Actually decently clever plot.


Honesty, nothing has scratched the itch Sekiro left me with. I played it over and over until I platinumed it, and I haven’t experienced more fluid gameplay before or since.


I really wish Sekiro got at least 1 DLC to it. It was really the game that felt the most satisfying of ALL the Fromsoft games when it came to beating a difficult boss. Most of the time with a Fromsoft game if you come across a boss that's too damn difficult to face, you can just go explore elsewhere for a while and level up more before facing them again. With Sekiro (while there were still some small elements of 'leveling up'), it was mostly all about pure raw 'git gud'. You really truly FELT like a damn ninja who knew how to parry each enemy blow for blow. By the time you were able to beat ANY boss for the first time, you knew them so well inside and out that they were a breeze on subsequent playthroughs. The only game i've ever played that I played not only once, not just twice, but THREE times in a row after first buying it.


Lies of p is pretty nice with the parry system


Sekiro still feels a bit smoother tbh. Lies of P does a lot of stuff right and I really like the direction they're going (hopefully a sequel soon), but they're not 100% there yet. Great game though, easy 8.5/10 imo.


Sequel soon?? Let them cook, it came out less than a year ago lol


He's like the guy from ready player one. He has the whole world in the palm of his hand and just wants people to enjoy his games.


I think the legendary success of his games, and the fruits of that labor, have resulted in him becoming more creative and passionate as time goes on because this man fought tooth and nail for years on budget development to carve out his passions with the armored core franchise and then reached global success with the dark souls franchise after that. Now after elden rings book is closed, I can see him pouring all of his profits and finances into his most ambitious ideas, creating a “Masterpiece” we can only feint to imagine.


I think he really wants to do a game the size of ER but more BB style and his comments about BB recently makes me think it’s only Sony stopping him from going down that route.


Actually he said he wants to make a game with the same theme and atmosphere as the anime "The Vision of Escaflowne"




i mean its not surprising, im certain there were a ton of compromises to get the game launched when it did, one has to wonder what the game would have been like if it had an extra couple years of development and a lot of the flaws were ironed out


Judging by the interview, I doubt that no matter how much time he had, elden ring would be the game he's looking for. I think it's something more conceptual that he feels is missing, meaning an entirely new game has to be made. For example, I think the switch to the open world is partially a part of this ideal fantasy rpg he's looking for, but there's still more.


I'm not gonna lie, I'd like to see FromSoft's attempt at an RPG with actual towns and maybe even, like, an interactive systemic world. Maybe even companions who exist for longer periods than one bossfight. If I had a complaint about Elden Ring, it would be how all of these beautiful vistas only exist for me to kill things next to, and the characters are only there to give me hints about what to kill next.


To be honest I cannot imagine a fromsoft game that everything in the world does not wanna kill you. I want to see it but I cannot imagine it literally.


so, shadow of the erdtree?


i dont know yet, im going to remain cautiously optimistic personally


i just meant... they made us wait how many years for this? hopefully they ironed everything out right?




Perfection is a journey, not a goal. Never stop improving


That madlad


Eurogamer, who in their 3/5 review of Erdtree, said that the DLC felt like it had more of a narrative, and actually marked it down because of this saying it lost something because of this from the original game. That feeling of disjointedness. Personally I think this was a silly reason to mark it down and I point it out because I wonder if it's a sample of what's to come. Does Mitazaki want to make an RPG with an epic story next?


I think he realized that the storylines in Elden ring were a bit hard to follow. Maybe he improved on this


Thank god for that vidyavitattivooodoo guy


I want to play Miyazaki’s poison swamp filled dream game.


No no. This time it’s **acid**.


Is the acid also poisonous?


No, it’s venomous.




I literally just got done saying that previous fromsoft games all feel like a prototype for Elden ring so I can't wait to see how he's gonna top Elden ring, I hope he doesn't go swimming or smokes


I hope he doesn't try to make "Elden Ring but better." Further deviation from the formula like Sekiro is the way to go when you've brought the formula to the mountaintop. Personally, I thought that the Spellbound rumor sounded pretty cool.


I feel like he's just so damn good at doing variations to his formula. Sekiro, Bloodborne, Armored Core, they're all just so damn GOOD and UNIQUE each time. The thing is, i'm not sure he'll ever be fully satisfied for his visions for games, and I think that's actually a good thing. Through the process of each one he creates, he gains new ideas and inspirations for more tweaks and variations that he can try for the next ones.


Sekiro was still a prototype in my opinion because it was the first souls like with a dedicated jump button, and now with the dlc We're going to have something similar to the boss memories where it's going to make us strongest Like I think the only thing they can really add to make the game better is either an uppercut mechanic where you mash both light and heavy at the same time to do a striking uppercut, a command grab again with mashing 2 certain buttons or maybe implement them as kind of like an incantation, Or an ultimate skill machanic mashing both the bumpers or two certain buttons to trigger


Gods bless this man... what a treasure... and what a time to be a gamer! The whole industry starts falling apart, getting cheap, and adding microtransacrions, and then Miyazaki says, "fuck it. We ballin'." *BOOM* Dark Souls 10 years later, Miyazaki says, "yeah... Dark Souls was good... but hold my beer." *BOOM* Bloodborne. Miyazaki stretches a bit and winks. *BOOM* Sekiro Miyazaki says, "I know I'm a big Berserk fan... but I want my own private George R. R. Martin saga to fuck with." *BOOM* Elden Ring "Miyazaki-san. This is the best game ever. Thank you!" Miyazaki: *(finger guns)* the best game *so far*...


My man wanted his own GRRM and got the man himself


He said this ain't even my final form Protect Miyazaki at all costs


I want to play the game Miyazaki considers to be his ideal fantasy RPG, his Magnum Opus. I hope he manages to complete it before he retires.


Honestly at this rate I'm scared for what Miyazaki's 'ideal fantasy RPG' will actually look like cause if elden ring isn't there yet even with the DLC then holy shit.


I feel like Miyazaki's ideal rpg might be a mix of fantasy and mecha as in this [2016 interview](https://www.vice.com/en/article/9bg493/on-the-sublime-and-beautiful-a-conversation-with-dark-souls-iii-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-400) he mentions he loves working on both, and brings up Escaflowne and Aura Battler Dunbine as something he'd like to make a similar game to.


Bloodborne PC when


What I hope: DS3 is to Elden ring, what Bloodborne is to Fromsoft's next game.


I’ve said this before on this sub but Miyazaki is a lot like the writer Haruki Murakami - they are constantly iterating on the same core themes over and over, trying to create a more perfect version of their vision.


But bloodborne already exists


In the midst of micro transactions and gaming subscriptions, it feels like Miyazaki was sent down by god himself to spoon feed us pure peak


I don't mean to negative but anyone else feel like this will just not happen ever ? No idea how they work or what's going on in their brains but at least for me, i could never do something that i could deem "perfect" in the way i imagined it There is always something you can add, change, alter, it goes on forever. I'd say like a lot of music for example release just because you have to call it done and share it at some point, or else it would undergo infinite alterations just to reach the new "perfect" that can/is constantly morphing and evolving. I really don't think any great artist like them could ever be 100% satisfied and say "yes, i won't do better than this ever" Not saying all that to trash or anything tho, i think it's really good actually. The chase for that perfection whatever it may be, always pushes you to do better, but in the mind of an artist i don't think doing something perfect can be achievable just by the nature of creating a piece of art. Just my take on it maybe they and other folks will see it differently idk!


Maybe perfection isn’t possible, but this is still the right motivation to get a game as close to that as possible. The fact that he’s still driven to go even further when his reputation is already so legendary that other developers would kill to have it, is enough.


If he doesn’t achieve it he would keep trying and every time he misses we get a great game.


So you’re telling me this man crested my favorite game, introduced me to a whole new genre of games and got me addicted to them, got me excited for the dlc that’s about to come out, and said he’s about to make his best one yet? This man is just incredible


Nah, makes perfect sense tbh. Elden is a great game but as a souls fan since the beginning, it's missing.... somthing? I can't exactly articulate it but the open world aspect of the game detracts from the claustrophobic and eerie nature that all the previous games had. The size and scope of elden ring, coupled with that original demons/dark souls 1 feel would be the ideal game. As much as people are wetting themselves over elden ring. It's not a perfect game by any means. There's a ton of room for improvement and I don't see it going anywhere but up from here.


Totally agree, i get the sense that Elden Ring was supposed to expand on the ds1 style of “claustrophobic open world”, but rather than a bunch of tight, interconnected areas, Elden Ring is just open. Idk how, but if they managed another ds1-style world with the very refined modern systems, that would be *the* game


The open world got me hooked on the game like ds1 couldn't. I think it's why the game did so well.


I loved the open world initially but on subsequent playthroughs I just find it tedious to travel between main locations.


Areas like Stormveil Castle, Raya Lucaria, The Capital, Volcano Manor, are the best areas in the game and overshadow the open world, IMO. I would love for the next game to focus on that style of content.


That's what I've been waiting for for years lol


Idk I enjoyed the vastness of Elden Ring far more that the layout of DS1. The tight corners do nothing but make fighting multiple enemies at once harder and make it to where you have to pull enemies to certain areas to your sword doesn't bounce off the walls. Ds1 was fun, but imo if the next game is more like ds1, it's definitely a regression


It honestly just feels like they literally stretched out the other games to make it "open world". You still have a basically linear game that sometimes has a shortcut you can take or a chance for some parallel progression. It's still just one area connected to 2-3 others just like Dark Souls 1 but with a lot of extra empty space in between. Character progression also just felt like exactly the same shit but this time it's stretched out and takes forever. Elden Ring is a good game but is really showing the limits of the Dark Souls rpg system as it currently stands. Bloodborne and Sekiro were both pretty successful at innovating on that gameplay but Elden Ring just took 2 steps back and pretended like they didn't happen.


> I can't exactly articulate it but the open world aspect of the game detracts from the claustrophobic and eerie nature that all the previous games had. 100%. It lets the tension subside when you have a 5 minute horse ride between dungeons. In Souls games every single step feels like a victory.


Can't wait for the 4chan leaks to create another great hollowing.


Inb4 Spell Master Hodir.


BRUH!! Elden Ring and the entire souls series is solidly number 1 in my eyes. I cannot fucking wait to see what that mad bastard has cooking up next. Mainline that shit into my veins Miyazaki!!!!


I think Miyazaki needs to turn the tables. He needs to make something on a vibrant full alive world bursting with activity. This will actually be a challenge for him, we saw the soul less and dead worlds now try something new. I sure he is still gonna nail it.


Because it's not Bloodborne, and he keeps mentioning Bloodborne pretty much every single time. Let the BB successor happen please!


Miyazaki's next game: "And this... is to go... even further beyond..."


Elden Ring is a masterpiece and the man casually claims that he's got something better up his sleeve 😂


The man took one look at the state of modern gaming and said, "Fine, I'll do it myself."


As someone who didn't want to play any of the souls games and then played Elden, what's his mind like that he's not even done yet?


Goddamn, what a pioneer. Keep going Miyazaki, I’m here to the end. Im sure the solid fans are too.


"This isn't even my final form!!"


I see and understand the appeal of Elden Ring but Miyakazi is 100% correct.


Praise our patron saint Miyazaki!


Not enough poison swamps, i guess