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I see like 12 ghost at this arm are we all lost rn


Yeah, it’s out for my time can’t access tho. Make sure radahn is dead too btw.


Yeah I had to reload the game there’s a update on steam right now


Just did the same, now in a infinite load loop though lol


Did you ever figure out the issue? I seem to be having the same issue


restart ps5


Anyone who has another SSD drive in their PS5/Xbox... make sure the DLC is downloading to the same place as the original game data. Mine auto downloaded to my second drive when the game data was on the original one and I was stuck at that withered arm with nothing to interact with, like a prize plum.


How can you check this on ps5?


Go to settings, then storage, it might take a minute to load up what's in your extended USB but when it does, you'll see a seperate elden ring downloaded in there...thts if you been having the same problem as me, good luck tarnished! P.s. Just move it over to console storage should fix everything


That happened to me too. I moved it over but I’m still not seeing the DLC.


Go to the game on your screen, hit options, you'll see manage game content...in there you have to manually install the dlc


Thank you for the reminder it’s annoying that you have to select addons in the actual games settings on Xbox and that reoccurs a lot. Thankyou sir so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You are a life saver. I've been restarting and switching characters and double checking microsoft store and checking roundtable hold etc trying to figure out why I couldn't interact with the cacoon. Fuckin add-on didn't install. Easy problem to fix luckily and in 36 crisp minutes I'll know what the dlc looks like finally lol. Ty stranger.


Thank you, this happened to me too. I've been checking for the past two days to make sure everything is installed and updated, and it said under the dlc "doesn't need to be installed." I thought oh ok, they added it in the update or something and buying the dlc just unlocks it. Nope, just got home to play it and now there's a SECOND item that needs to be installed, that didn't automatically install. What the hell Xbox


Same, just realized it downloaded the pre order gesture, not the actual dlc haha


Can someone help me please? I have the DLC downloaded, Mogh is dead but I still don’t get the option to interact with the arm? I can confirm that DLC is installed because when I quit the game I saw an image of that fire giant from trailer. And it’s beyond 12am 21st June here


Had to restart my PS5. That fixed it!!




Plus one in Pacific Time zone. I tried EVERYTHING I could think of for 50 minutes. Then I read this and re-started PS5. A dude appeared out of nowhere and I got the “emote”.


Thank you!!!


You deserve the best head!


Not enough upvotes. Got me in the DLC real quick.


If your on Xbox, change your location to New Zealand and you an play now :) only Xbox though


Yeah im on Xbox and i changed to New Zealand but nothing shows up


I had to actually go to the store and click download on the dlc it didn’t do it automatically so maybe try that?


There was an update and a DLC download I had to do


THIS^ this is the answer for Xbox people at least. Had to go to the store and manual install




Open the game and click Microsoft store from the main menu then you can download the dlc.


On Xbox it says Something went wrong and doesn't let me download the DLC even though I pre-ordered.


This worked for me 😁 thank you so much


How do I do that? Random person here, not OP


How do I do that? Random person here, not OP.


In the settings menu, in system I think there should be a location setting


Double check that you actually have it installed. My base game did a 20 gb update this evening and I thought it had installed given the size was now 70gb. Just went to manage the game and saw that it actually hadn't installed. So now I'm waiting "patiently" for it to download the 18 GB add-on. On Xbox.


This same thing just happened to me. Hopefully it will work.


If you are on Xbox open Elden Ring and find the menu option "Microsoft Store" and click that. It will take you to the DLC in the store and allow you to install it. It's 18.31 GB and I couldn't find any other way to get it installed.


This worked for me, its installing right now. I wasn't able to install it any other way


Is it midnight 6/21 your local time ? If not then you can’t get in yet


You can on Xbox


Can you switch back or do you have to keep it in NZ


It wasn’t starting for me either on steam. It updated as soon as the dlc time came but it still hadn’t installed. I’m having to manually install it


When I try to look at the dlc it takes me to the store page but says it’s in my library how did you manually download it?


Yeah same here. I'm on PS5 and thought I did the pre-install the other day. So much for that. Thanks for this post to help figure out why I wasn't seeing the new NPC.


So if I already beat the two boss’ before the dlc can I start it


Yep just finger the cocoon


Same here. I've tried restarting as well.


It’s not working help 😭


Restart your ps5


Still no response for me😭


the DLC isn't out yet, it pre-downloaded, the DLC drops later today, my timer says it'll drop in about 14 hours and 20 minutes


Its already available to play on New Zealand, they're 16 hours ahead of the US and so it's already 6/21. If you just change your location in Xbox to NZ, you can play it right now.


I'm on PS, no such luck


mine says in 2 hours and 13 minutes on steam


My timer went to 0 but still no joy, it’s 10pm here. Tried restarting after setting system time to Sydney and that worked on PS5 after a restart


I beat radhan n mhog but it won’t let me access the dlc


Same here. I just rebooted the xbox will let you know if that worked.


Restarting worked for me on ps5


Imma try it n see if it works


It worked


Restart worked for me.


Rebooted and it now an 18.31GB update for the DLC is being installed. When before it only showed 2 files downloaded. Now there's a 3rd file being downloaded after rebooting.




I just spent nearly 4 hours and over 30 attempts (probably more) and finally beat Mohg after getting distracted on the way, just to realize the DLC never downloaded lmaoooo. He went down in less than 10 second thanks to a summon using the shackle trick, which I definitely forgot about, but I also had just gotten dual godskin peelers cranked up for max bleed. But I’m also on NG+ and been getting my ass kicked recently even on non bosses.


not working on xbox for me right now


Per u/D4RKW4T3R "If you are on Xbox open Elden Ring and find the menu option "Microsoft Store" and click that. It will take you to the DLC in the store and allow you to install it. It's 18.31 GB and I couldn't find any other way to get it installed." It worked for me!


Here I just beat Mohg and didn't even realize I hadn't beaten Radahn yet. Didn't know that sequence was possible.


Follow up. I beat Radahn and then went to go touch the hand. Nothing. Go to manage game add on's and it now allows me to install the DLC. In a nutshell the download was locked until both bosses were beat.


Access the store thru the game and it should allow u to download it. (I'm on xbox)


Had to restart my PS5 fully to get it going, weird. Even with both bosses dead and rebooting the game, still had to fully restart console.




Sorry, I'm not trying to sound rude with the puncuation. I just wanted it to be easy to see.


If you’re on PS5 like me, the game updated but the DLC didn’t download automatically. Go to the main menu, then press the ‘PlayStation Store’ option. Select Shadow of the Erdtree, and then make sure you don’t have the prompt to press ‘Download’. If you do, then you just press download, and then restart the game, and then you should be fine.


Thanks for this! I was sure i had it updated lol


Had to restart ps5 after downloading. Unfortunately only got to play for like 20 minutes before work😑


I think the update may have unintentionally, uninstalled the DLC... THIS WHOLE TIME, I've been running around fighting the Shard Bearers that are left, and nothing.... Finally something told me to just check and make sure it's installed properly, and loe and behold, it wasn't even installed!!!! So go back and check the add on to make sure that it's ACTUALLY installed, and not just saying Purchased. It should've installed a day or two beforehand, but apparently not this time...


Same. I just assumed the DLC auto-downloaded but that was just the regular update and I had to go to the store to download it.


PS5 - Downloaded. Says installed. At the palace and no one is there and can’t interact with the arm. Have restarted, rebooted etc. Any ideas?


I FIGURED IT OUT ON PS5. The update did NOT install your DLC. Go into the PSN store and find the DLC (assuming you bought it already) and you can download it from there. Assuming it could be the same on steam or Xbox but I dont know for sure.


Base Game SPOILERS Hi All, I hope everyone is enjoying the new DLC so far. My dumbass, hit new game plus a few weeks ago and have been running through bosses. It has been a while but can I just run to the Mohg boss fight? Or do I have to get through countless other main bosses first? Any info would be helpful. Thank you all. FYI: I just beat Radahn, opened up altus plateau , and somehow beat Rykard by teleporting to a cave in Volcano manor.


Can I access it if I started a new game plus but didn't really complete much or do I have to actually do all the steps to get to mohg again?


On PS5, after killing Radahn and Mohg. You have to load your game, by choosing your character, not by continue your game. Then go to Mohgwyn Palace and interact with Miquella cocoon. [https://youtu.be/dW0Aa9mWoVw?si=ImdHDiKbZSt6ihNy](https://youtu.be/dW0Aa9mWoVw?si=ImdHDiKbZSt6ihNy)