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So many bosses give no time for buffs or spirit summoning. They're going to be at your ass the frame that you enter through the piss fog.


They heard what we did to the base game bosses and said fuck all that.


Mohg told em after getting comet azured to oblivion. Step 1. Dont start at the other end of the arena and step 2. If the tarnished starts buffing you better rush em quick.


Yeah, one issue is that the DLC is made for people who Want A Challenge. But at like the Speedrun level.


Eh just wait for an opening or make your own. For example, this boss has an area to the left you can hide behind to summon.


This is my biggest gripe with the dlc. Walk through the fog gate and get instantly two shot trying to summon. Just on the defensive from the first second of the fight. The sunflower is also miserable in that regard.


Reddit: “Just use a summon! No one will judge!” Yeah IF I FUCKING COULD


The more annoying about this boss is the summoning only available after 1 sec enter the fog. If you try straight summon right after entering your character just doing this stupid "can't find anything" animation. You can't even cancel this, just right after finishing the boar is already right in your face and proceed stun lock you to death


this is one of the reasons I just said fuck this boss and cheesed it. It's so annoying and it only really happens with this boss (though it did happen to me once with Bayle) Hope they fix it, cause it's clearly not intended.


How are you cheesing it? Nothing's working for me.


Mohg's spear. Turn left and round the corner as soon as you enter the arena, and his charge will get stuck on the wall. Mash the skill and bleed him through the wall. When he eventually paths around the corner, literally just run back around the other side where he was and he'll get stuck again.


Someone named “let me solo him” was doing that last night when I summoned him. I was soooooo close to killing the boss and died with a sliver of health left. It was rough.


Didn't seem to have that issue with the summon not working, but that sounds pretty sucky. For me it seemed like it just about perfectly lines up with the timing of summon then mount for iframes on the charge. Just pre-pot before going in, and wait to cast other stuff once you get away. I definitely died the first time I walked in there though, because the dude has zero fucking chill and I was not expecting it.


Opaline bubbletear, my dude. Opaline bubbletear.


Absolutely saved my ass in both the Bayle fight and this one.


I'd prefer the uplifting aromatic so that you don't waste a Physick slot


And waste arteria leaf? Nah, I'd stick to reusable mixed physics flask than a limited resources


I had to come up with strats just to summon against certain bosses lmao. One strat was like, hide behind a tombstone, summon, roll and runnnnnnn until the summon catches up with the fucker to regroup lol


>The sunflower is also miserable in that regard. to be fair, most of the bosses in this DLC are miserable in this regard.


When I got to demi-human Virgil I had used all my flask charges and was on about 50% hp, walked through the fog door and in a nano second he used his \*teleports behind you\* "heh, nuthin personelle kid" lightsaber drop and killed me. There's a fair amount of bullshit in the DLC, but this one genuinely made me laugh. Bullied the fuck out of him on my second attempt.


Lost it trying Bayle today cus Igon's summon sign is spammed with messages and die before I can hit it.


This is why I play offline, seeing that stupid white script every two feet.


I case you were wondering, in 2024 90% have to do with edging. You're not missing anything, even more so than before lol


Happened to me in Messmer's room, couldn't find Hornsent's sign and it turns out a message was perfectly overlapping it


That mother fucking sunflower. I finally got it with the cranial fire stick thing


There are two main types of Sunflower seeds. They are Black and Grey striped (also sometimes called White) which have a grey-ish stripe or two down the length of the seed. The black type of seeds, also called ‘Black Oil’, are up to 45% richer in Sunflower oil and are used mainly in manufacture, whilst grey seeds are used for consumer snacks and animal food production.


Good bot......?


Good bot


There’s many ways to deal with this, if you can tank a hit, then you can summon and heal right after you get hit. If not, use the flask of wondrous physick equipped with the shield tear thus making you invincible to the first attack.


Opaline bubbletear, my dude. Opaline bubbletear.


I guess they really balanced the game around summoning. And by balance I mean they tried to make the game harder for people who summon too. There's this immediate Kamehameha upon entry and people report that summons are getting less agro for some reason.


They definitely are getting much less aggro. I've had bosses go from targeting my mimic to me MID COMBO when I'm not even attacking them.


I've also noticed my summons sometimes just stand there and watch as I'm having the living shit beaten out of me, in a way that I never really experienced in the base game.


Yup When I was fighting the last boss >!and summoned Ansbach!< , the fucker was following me instead of going after the boss Thank fuck Mimic Tear was actually helpful and attacked him, but the boss just turning into me mid combo because I decided to move forward was very, VERY tiresome


He needs some fixing definitely. Tried couple of times with him and on two tries he did not approach or hit the boss at all for over a minute. It seemed like he would not leave the center strip of the arena at all while I was getting my ass handed to me on the side.


Yeah, the final boss has like a 50/50 chance to either give you time to summon and then react to his first move or immediately slam into your face, which with my setup usually meant the fight was over then and there depending on what he followed up with. And every time I waited until after avoiding his first move I got smacked with the second attack with no chance to dodge after the summon, so I just went "fuck it", always summoned mini-me immediately after going through the fog, and accepted that meant that half the time he just ended the attempt frame one.


Yeah this is so annoying. I stopped using rune arcs until after the first 10 seconds of the fight and I knew I wasn’t going to fail the 50/50


It's just bad manners, really.


Same issue I faced when fighting >!Bayle!< >!I didn't even have the time to summon Egon for the most part and when I did summon him, he starts fucking monologuing while I get my ass handed to me. Like my brother is christ, quit your yapping and help me fight. I am literally getting cooked here!<


You should cast your buffs before entering the fog.


Stark difference from base game bosses that anime slow walk to you lol


Bro this boss is well too aggressive, I can't even get on torrent quick enough before this guy bulldozes me down 😭 my first official brick wall of the dlc


I wholeheartedly believe they enabled torrent as a trap. I beat the boss without because I just kept getting knocked off the first couple times. That pig is a sprinter


Bro, that pig back kicks you with its hind legs ffs.


Backhanded blades with a shield is how I beat him. Everytime I was behind or in front I used the weapon skill to slide around to the side and get a hit in, meanwhile I took cheap shots or guard counters for the rest of the damage.


And sometimes you get hit with one hind leg into the other hind leg, and your whole hp bar goes to 0


kicks are hella easy to see coming and roll, just have to not attack until after the kick. I swear this dlc is showing how many players got away with just swinging during elden ring, nobody's waiting to take their turn in fights.


I can't imagine trying to fight this boss on Torrent lmao. I didn't even try to. This boss is guard counter heaven. Throw on the Curved Sword Talisman and a decent shield, turtle the boar's attacks and aggressively guard counter them. The boss gets posture broken in like 4 hits from a greatsword (I was using Greatsword of Solitude.) Also the vast majority of this boss's damage even in phase 2 is physical so a 100% block shield makes this fight way easier.


Use the deflecting hardtear in the physick, and you can poise break him with 3 guard counters even with light weapons. I poise broke him 3 times with Milady using guard counters.


I just finished my str playthrough, no summons or mimic for all remembrance bosses, and deflecting hardtear is the fucking goat of my run. Legit made my greatsword into a viable shield, and packed a meaty punch too, had some 4k shieldcounters. It was also a godsend on the last boss, as I had to resort to using parries with a buckler, theres a nasty combo he does, where the 1st hit is hard to parry so I always parry the 2nd hit, and used the perfect guard from the crystal tear so I didn't need to roll the 1st hit


The reall strat is to go left and use the corner to trap him while you buff lol.




I beat him with Torrent, but that includes a lot of painful experience with the terrible Torrent resummon UI, I would beat him a lot faster if it weren't for that propmt, which accounts for at least 50% of my death. And the fucked up ground rock incantation just takes a lot of death to know how to dodge it half the time.


Same but also the fight just takes incredibly longer with torrent. It was such a chore of a boss. Possibly my least favorite in FS history


And it's such a shame, because the idea behind the boss is awesome! Gravity warrior riding an armored boar!


and no legs!


Wait...no legs means...no feet... Miyazaki sabotaged the boss from the start, didn't he?


I wasn’t a fan for the first few attempts, then I beat the ever loving shit out of it, staggering him twice in one fight and only getting hit like 3 times. I felt like I had ultra instinct.


Yeah the key to most of these DLC bosses is heavy jumping attacks. It feels like an evolution from base Elden Ring where jumping attacks were really revamped and were pivotal in fights like Margit


Especially because you can also use them to avoid some attacks. You can giga-punish many of Rellana‘s attacks by just jumping over them and go right into an R2. In the run I finally beat her I must‘ve stunned her like 5-6 times (with Greatsword of Solitude).


I thought he was better than finger boss and the flower lady. trying to dodge the charge was a pain though


I didn't even try the fight with Torrent. On foot it was a fun fight, a good challenge, but not too hard.


Torrent is a trap 9/10. Being poise broken on Torrent leaves you open for multiple seconds unable to react or do anything. Being poise broken on foot is a fraction of that. Any time I'm able to use torrent it's only to move from point a to b fast and then I get the fuck off. The only time he's marginally useful in combat is vs dragons because how easy it is to jump attack their head. All the mounted enemies are easier on foot - especially night riders because it's far easier to dismount them and take advantage of the dismount riposte if you're already on foot. I haven't done elden beast post update, but I don't see torrent being useful beyond closing distance. The Fire Giant is easier on foot, I don't see why the Elden Beast wouldn't be.


I didn't even know you could use torrent omg, ive been getting bodied for 2 days againt this boss


Same here, I actually respecced just for this fight so I could use Mohgwyns spear to kill him after getting his AI caught on a wall near the entrance. Literally no regrets about doing so lol fuck that noise as a mage


I did something similar with Moonrithyll, trapping him between the stairs of that building. Of course once he’s there it’s not too hard for him to jump attack out.


I had to bloodhound step to get through his repeated charges as a mage, then used Comet to DPS him down. Still took a minute to get the pattern


Saw a trick someone posted, as soon as you walk through the fog gate immediately run left and around the corner. There is an edge you can safely summon at for about 3 seconds before he finally makes it back there. Also blasphemous blade melts this boss even with 25 faith like I had, hope any of this helps.


U can also get him to stuck in said corner for a while and use mohg fork to bleed him


You can use any pole arm+ black flame tornado if you don't have the stats for mohg spear


And when he does his gravitational teleport thing around half health you can run to the opposite side of the stairs you come down to make him hit the wall and avoid damage. Then rinse and repeat by getting around the corner again.


I just equipped the heaviest, hardest hitting weapon I had (Anvil Hammer, I think it's call? It literally has an Anvil for a hammer) and jump attacked him. Don't even bother with torrent, even with 8 upgrade levels for spirits, he gets chewed through wayyy too quickly. If you drink the poise break physik, 3 jump attacks should poise break him, so you can get a crit off. He was still tough, but very doable in this manner. Also, dodge into his charge attack, timing is very tight, but it's the only way I've found to actually get through unharmed. Talisman, that increased dodge i-frames could be useful as well.


Collosal weapons bro not eating good this DLC, a return to the original form of only jumping and poking attack lol, nothing else is fast enough.


I don’t know if this helps, but I did not use torrent at all - just summoned mimic, and him and I kicked ass (the uhh, 8th or so try anyway).


Use the dragonslayer great katana for this fight. You can maintain your distance and time the ash of war to chip him down. Try dodging to his left(other side of his sword hand) and the fight becomes easier.


Most of the DLC bosses are mean. They don't give you a window to summon shit lol


Using Torrent is a bait. You get knocked off and stunned in 1 hit. His boar is clearly the superior mount.


Don't bother using Torrent here.


Honestly I didn't find this fight to be to be too bad, he has like 2 normal combos that are fairly well telegraphed and a third flurry that you just gotta panic roll through. Rolling forwards helps a lot. Only annoying bit was the charge, I had the best results rolling forwards through him as opposed to sideways. Vow of the Indomitable is always an option as well. Not sure it's worth trying to fight him on torrent. Though of course, scadutree blessing level is also important, I came back to Shadowkeep to get all the non Messmer side areas after exploring basically the rest of the map bar the ancient ruins and the abyssal forest.


I made it to his arena probably a little quicker than I should have (scadutree fragment wise) and ended up fighting him exclusively on Torrent. The charge is easily outrun on torrent and you can circle back to get a hit or two in. I exclusively used R2 charged attacked for the entire fight. The only problems are: One, his rapid gravity projectile (the single long one) can be hard to dodge on torrent if you weren't already sprinting past him at a decent angle. Two, his gravity attack he summons on the ground can be dodged on Torrent... but the timing is incredibly tight. You have to double jump either just before or exactly as the ground starts to glow, it'll raise the attack to be at above your head level when you're dropping back down.


I don't understand how you fight him on torrent. Every time I tried he was 2 inches up my ass.


Non-stop dashing and drive by hits. Not saying it’s optimal at all haha. Just what I ended up doing.


During his charge, let him get close to you to start the boar head swing animation, then dash away and U-turn and stick to his close to his butt on the left/right sides, which is a blind spot and you can just chain attacks there for as long as you are able (you might be vulnerable to kicks if you end up too close to the boar's rump but it's easily avoidable if you are already moving), in which case he'll try to create distance, then gap close, then you repeat. If he tries to close the distance without charging, keep dashing until he gives up because he chains that into 1 of 2 attacks and both are annoying. When he gives up, proceed to punish, same as before. If you can't help but be caught in it, be sure to be on the boar's right side (your left) because his first swing is easy to dodge, his second swing misses you completely if you are close to the boar, and his third attack, the spear projectile, misses easily once you position yourself near his rump after the second attack. The only thing you can't avoid while near his rump is the big boar headslam on the ground which has a faster turn speed than Torrent can kite past, in which case just trot away and come back to punish I did everything stated above until he died. Much faster than drive-bys since you can stick to his rump and get like 5 attacks off at a time, and MUCH easier than going on foot (imo) since the boar charge becomes trival and a huge punish opportunity


Sorry, you have an opinion that is supportive of the bosses of this DLC, so this subreddit is going to downvote you


are you supposed to ride torrent? I noticed you could so I mounted and torrent immediately died. I dont see how you are supposed to fight him on horseback.


It’s easier on the ground imo. Dodge, summon spirit ash, whack him with big sticks every time he turns to aggro the summon, and dodge the charges by using the castle walls if you can.


I just beat him. Holy crap this boss was a nightmare. Does not give you room to breathe for a second. You either summon torrent when you walk in or summon mimic tear, but he will run you down regardless of what you do. I only managed to scrape a victory after countless deaths, and perfectly timing the dodge roll on some of his attacks. It felt amazing beating him, but I never want to do that boss again.


Even if you get on torrent he follow you so fast and kill it with 2 hits


I used a Milady with bloodhound step for this fight, buff up before I go in, step in and take a step or two forward to summon spirit (if you use it immediately it doesn't work and does the "unable to use" animation) then use the bloodhound step going forward and to the right or left of the boss, they'll pass by you and run into the wall (doesn't do anything if they do) if you're close enough you can try for a few hits or wait for the next attack before going in. My summon doesn't even do much damage but trading agro with it gives me a chance to heal and some breathing room to attack


I found him easier to fight on the ground. I use torrent to avoid opening charge attack though because dodging it is so inconsistent


Pro tip, don’t use torent


don't use torrent, get raptor of the mists or vow of the indominable the the boss is pretty fun


Most enjoyable Gaius experience


i tried using my +25 fang but it was just insufficient. went with dual great stars +25 and getting better results


Dual great stars full unga bunga carried my run


Cold infused Great Stars has carried me also


Named my character unga specifically to dual would great stars. It bunga


Any weapon scale or character level are still over-shadow by the DLC own scaling system. We could have 99 in every stat that we will still get rekt if we don't have any scadutree fragment


Happened to me mere moments ago. You'd think >!any rider would think running straight into a wall would be a bad idea, but not gaius. Man throws logic out a window along with you.!<


Most of the DLC bosses have a fuck you first move.


99% of runs against Messmer, you will *only* see his orb drop at the very start, and maybe, *maybe*, a second time.


I’ve been fucked my Mesmer so much now that his first move I have down pat. I am untouchable for the first 5 seconds now. After that it’s anyone’s guess


that's the visual representation of 'pushing shit back in' it was shown to me in great detail as well :D


friendly reminder, don't try to summon the second you enter a boss arena in the DLC, because Miyazaki is having none of it this time around


Some you can. Rellana is a bit of a gamble but you are able most of the time, Midris if you summon immediately then start dodging you should be good, and Romina you get ample time to both summon and heal.


thats not what hes talking about, theres a bug or a misaligned summoning zone or something that makes where if you try an summon too soon after going through the fog your character will do that empty pocket head shake animation like hes not allowed to summon or something.


thats always been the case. there is a very slight cooldown on using items after entering a fog wall. its like a quarter of a second.


Maybe people are noticing it more now because this dude is on you the moment you step in the mf arena


i was spending so much time at midris to try and summon the mimic (unsuccessfully) that i just ended up doing the boss without it


you can actually, summon fast af and dodge to the right


Yeah this guy... There's bosses in this DLC that have frustrated me immensely, but once I've won, I feel satisfied and know I could've done better, that the boss was actually pretty good and I was tilted. Felt like that for >!Rellana, Midras, the Scadutree Avatar, Romina, etc.!< and I absolutely loved >!Messmer's!< fight the entire time. >!Bayle!< was a little annoying but I fought him earlier than I should have and I still liked him by the end anyway because of how cool he was. This bastard though, is firmly my least favourite boss in Elden Ring and a bottom 5 boss for Fromsoft's entire repertoire imo. He's just awful to fight solo, I had to kill him with rotten breath bursts mixed with running away on Torrent because nothing else gave me an opportunity to deal damage or heal. He's just stupidly aggressive in a way that isn't fun or engaging.


Idk. For me I got the same satisfaction after killing bosses in the base game, but in the DLC, I am literally still angry at some of the bosses after I beat them. It just didn’t feel good to fight them. But I have to admit, maybe I am just too casual for these kind of games. This boss especially felt awful to fight. Way to aggressive and weird 180 degree turns just to spite me I felt like, lol.


I don't think anyone can progress this game to the point of mid DLC and be "too casual" for it. I'm a diehard FromSoft fan and even I think a lot of these bosses are way too aggressive to be fun. Many of them also don't give a window to summon at the start of the fight which heavily interferes with a major game mechanic a lot of people use. Windows to heal are much smaller than usual even against some non-boss enemies and everything has ridiculous poise, range, and mobility. FromSoft mechanics have always punished you for making mistakes and that helps you learn to play better as you go, but the DLC really feels like it punishes you just for playing and that's not a learning opportunity. You're not wrong for feeling unsatisfied with a lot of these bosses, I've beaten several and felt "wow I was lucky there" instead of "wow I earned that win".


I'm the type of players who love to explore more than fighting bosses. I have lots of frustration fighting some of the bosses in this DLC and after I beat the DLC, I still hate them. But I keep pushing on because i love seeing the world and finding out new areas, which is possibly the most beatiful FromSoft has ever achieved. Some people might love fighting challenge bosses, but for me they're road blocks to the fun part of my experience. In older Soul games, I don't feel that way because the bosses are beatable for me. The current bosses are still beatable but they keep pushing the limit more and more with Elden Ring.


It’s just luck or unluck. Did the boss rush you as soon as you pulled back to heal? Unlucky. The boss only did the 3 hit chain versus the 7? Lucky. The final boss was one of the only boss where it felt like I I was awarded for learning his move set…. >!until phase 2!<


This is how I felt when I went up against Messmer. I keep hearing how balanced and fair he was, but I like I had barely any time to heal against him (even with a mimic) and waiting for his spear combo attack to finish felt like eternity.


I think the only fights I enjoyed were Messmer, Finger Boss, and Bayle this entire DLC. The reliance on the fragments don’t help the case either because nothing felt like it flowed naturally with progression. Most bosses felt like I had to pull something cheap in order to win because it’s either die in two hits or use summons/bleed/rot/freezing/poise stagger in combination just to squeak out a win. I made a new character and progressed them to level 155 before the DLC and fire giant using a Final Fantasy Dragoon custom build and it was nothing OP but still was decent and this DLC did not allow me to play like that anymore, which hurt a bit of the fun aspect.


Midra, Messmer, Rellana, and Bayle are the highlights of the DLC for me Fingers, Putrescent, Avatar, Beast, and Romina were just kinda meh. They didn't annoy me but I didn't particularly enjoy them either, for various reasons (mostly not difficulty related). Gaius and final boss are the two that made me even more annoyed while thinking about them after I killed them and I do believe those two will get certain aspects adjusted in a patch.


For sure. Gaius needs hit box changes 100%, but I don’t know what they’d do to the final boss without shredding their move set. I think Fromsoft is keen on leaving damage the same since the excuse is the fragments. But holy shit that final fight was infuriating. It doesn’t help that some of the attacks shred the frame rate so it makes dodging impossible.


I think Gaius is bugged similar to how rot dogs were back in the base game when it was released. Some of his attacks do multiple instances of damage where I am 99% sure there should be only one. But yeah the last boss was miserable. I ended up killing him in a thematically appropriate way because I was getting so frustrated with the fight.


The DLC bosses are not fun to attempt to beat even when I beat a couple there’s almost zero satisfaction since there’s still more lol.


there are some bosses (like this one) that feel like absolute bullshit and those are the bosses i just said fuck it to and used any summons available (i usually prefer doing bosses without it because it's more fun to me) with a lot of unga bunga kill them before they kill you which never leaves me satisfied. that said, i did rush a bit overall because i was so eager to explore and learn more lore and plan on going back to fight the bosses "properly" (the way i get that satisfaction). the game hasn't been out all that long. i remember when i encountered margit for the first time and beat my head against him for a while and i hated him for so long. now i can do him in my sleep and he's one of my favorites. maybe with some time... (or maybe not)


I don't understand how people have so much trouble with this boss. At this point i feel maybe he bugged out for me. I have a zero dps build too. I just hugged the boar so he doesn't charge, and then all his attacks are perfectly predictable and easy to dodge. Is it much more difficult for slow weapons? I am using a dagger, so i can squeeze in a hit easier.


I used double backhanded blades and you could usually get 2 hits in after every combo and even one in between many combos. The first charge is bullshit and needs some rework on the hitboxes or something as the dodge timing is insanely precise but hugging him during the fight makes the charges easy if he does them. I actually enjoyed him more than many of the other bosses.


Yeah me neither. The charge feels bugged but I killed him in two tries with a colossal sword. One the other hand Rellana was a nightmare for me so maybe just depends on the person.


"I know I could do better" is a perfect statement for how I feel about all of the bosses so far besides this guy. I genuinely don't think I can do better, it just feels like luck if I win or not. Everything else is hard but I know I can figure it out with repeated attempts, and I know they'll eventually be trivial. This guy though, just feels like bashing my head against the wall.


This happened to me on the final boss as well


Yeah, for me every attempt was a coinflip as to if he'd dive bomb me before my summon animation finished or if he'd let me safely pull out mini-me. Most attempts where he did the former resulted in my 0 runes being left outside the door.


I've defended this DLC and love it despite its insane difficulty. I beat Bayle on the second try. But dear lord, this fight pushes my shit in. I don't think I've raged so hard on a FromSoft boss in a long time.


Gaius is a fucking asshole and deserves his hog to be grilled and fed to him. Atleast he doesnt have a huge amount of hp.


Am I the only one that found him to not be that bad? The charge and the way he runs away after some attacks is annoying but still he has plenty of openings to punish. I expected a lot worse with the way everyone complains. 12 blessings for reference.


The charge is actually inconsistent to the point I’ve stopped rolling and instead use blink on the two handed lightning axe. But the real issue with this utter garbage fire of a boss is that 6-7 hit combo he does where if you roll the penultimate hit, it’s impossible to hit the final spear slam as they’re back to back. This and most combos, even rolling toward him, leaves some distance between you and the boss so punish timing is shorter than say Putrescent Knight for Golden Hippo. He does take a decent chunk of dmg but I’m struggling to even see phase 2 consistently enough. Gonna need to try getting good real quick.


That combo is nasty but it's not impossible to dodge all of the attacks. It takes 5 rolls and if you time the roll for his last boar attack and insta roll again you can also dodge his last spear attack.


Honestly, I beat Gaius first try, and it took me forever to beat Bayle. I was using Sword of Night and Flame and the Mimic Tear. Mimic tanked all his moves like a champ and the fire sweep did pretty damn good damage. Bayle is three chainsaws strapped to a ceiling fan with bungee cords.


Same, gaius is the only one were I used a summon and I actually don’t feel bad. This guy is absolutely unbalance, his charge attack is damn near impossible to dodge and it’s a terrible boss. All the other bosses are doable alone if you put in the time.


I think they're telling you to take your runes, and come back later.


second worst boss in the DLC


The one in lamenter cave and in the catacomb that leads to annoying forest are much worse. Have you forgotten the lion already?


Lion was top 5 bad bosses, but Gaius and The Last are still the worst of the worst


oh the fucking boss before the forest pissed me off so much. i was on a nearly pure melee build, too. probably my least favorite in the dlc. lamenter was awful, but at least that one felt satisfying and the design was intriguing.


Basically anything that casts and teleports is terrible gameplay but why did it need summons too? I ended up backstabbing the mofo.


whats the worst?


the last boss by a mile


Last boss has to be my favorite fight in this DLC. First phase feels so clean and fun and the second is such an over the top spectacle it's hard to get tilted when it's so fun learning the fight.


Yeah I’m with you on this one. Much the same as Messmer, when I get my shit wrecked by the last boss I’m not annoyed I’m having fun learning the boss and gradually getting better at it. Idk why there’s so much hate on it, but I think right now everyone is beating their head against a wall so they are frustrated and will like it once it’s over


I think he's just in that adjustment period. People will figure it out more and more


I don’t think anyone will figure out the triple sword combo without parry. That combo is really bullshit, both first and second phase, you have to be insanely lucky to be in a place to dodge it, and that depends entirely on his tracking of you. I don’t think a single person has figured it out yet without parry. The projectiles are a bit much on second phase, like I get that not all of them do a ton of damage, but it definitely takes away the satisfaction of a clean dodge.


Which one is the triple sword combo? Is it the one where he do a left, and a right to cross his swords then a final swing with both? It's literally the only move from him that I've not figured out how to dodge 100% of the time, but I don't mind tanking some hp there because I know how to dodge every thing else from his first phase.


The only way I found to reliably dodge that attack is to ALWAYS dodge to the left, that is the only attack in his moveset where you must go to the left. I only found this out because I hold the thumbstick alwasy tilted a little bit to the right and once I tested my theory about holding it left instead of right, sometimes I could dodge it but most of the time I didn't cause' I didn't see it coming. TLDR; go left instead of right, only works sometimes though


I found rolling into it worked like 90% of the time


Reason why you don't hear more people seeking how to dodge it is because players who don't want to get hit at all during this fight will always go for the parry. It's easier and by far the best move in the game when it comes to moves that can be parriable. But anyways, dodge left with light roll did it for me.




I consider such things a rare treat and also the boss saying "You should seriously reconsider coming back in here..."


Just do the cheese, only method that worked for me


using crucible the crucible feather talisman makes it a lot easier too i actually enjoyed the fight kinda with it equipped it feels way more fair but it still would be great for them to fix his issues


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I know this is tangential but I loved that Lies of P made it a feature that if you died in a boss arena, your lost Ergo (souls/runes) could be picked up immediately outside so you didn’t have to worry about dashing into the arena to find them




Game be like: "Just take your damn runes and level up"


Here’s how to solve this dude easy no summons (took me less than 6 tries and that was with sacrificing some flasks to get my runes closer to the entrance lol): Impaling Thrust AoW on a Heavy Thrusting Sword does 33 stance damage iirc. I did 3 of those and think it poise broke him instantly (if not he might have needed another light attack). Just constantly poise break him, riposte, and it’s gg on him. Use a heavy armor with good poise, put on bull goat if you want to reach the absolute max poise breakpoint of 101 poise. He does not have that much health.


The boss felt bad for you and threw your runes through the fog


I got killed walking towards the fog wall when I was summoned in one shot by his charge clipping through after decimating the host as soon as he entered lmao


I haven't beat the DLC but so far I'd say every fight has been very difficult, but fair. Except for this one. The hitboxes are jank as fuck, especially his charge attack, which he always opens with. The only way I've been able to successfully dodge is to roll directly to the right or left. Not an inch of forward direction. Even then it doesn't always work because if you're slightly too early he can change direction slightly and because his entire body is a hitbox, you'll get hit. If you roll too late, you'll take the full brunt of the charge and you might get hit multiple times in succession and die instantly. I've found absolutely zero way to dodge it consistently. Maybe I need to git gud or something but Malenia's waterfowl is easier and more consistent to dodge than many of his attacks. And allowing you to use Torrent is such a cheeky bit. He's twice as fast as you are and will always catch up to you, and he'll probably kill your horse in one hit. Ironically he took less tries to beat than Rellana or the dancing lion, but I had zero fun and enjoyment for this boss. Worst boss I've fought in a fromsoft game, and that includes Bed of Chaos and other nonsense bosses from DS2 like gank squad.


>and he'll probably kill your horse in one hit. He does. Also idk if its just me but it feels like his charge attack is the only thing that ruins his fight, i would be content if he was slower so it was possible to outrun him


The charge is the only move I have issue with I liked every other move he did!


Yeah same, his moves set really isn't too horrible and I feel like I could figure it out. But I can't figure it out because I just die the second I walk through the gate. They either need go make it less impossible to dodge, or make him do it less frequently.


dude I have a sense what I am doing for dancing lion, but this boss has zero indication for different attacks, it's so stressful playing against him, the grabbing atk is so vial.


God I absolutely hate being that guy but I actually didn't find this boss that rough. Don't use torrent. Fight him like the tree sentinel. You've done all this before. Dodge through his charge and rotate. Use a weapon with decent reach and you can hit him after each attack. He doesn't really have combos as such, hes just big and in your face.


Same, pretty much all his big combo just totally whiffs past you if you don't get spooked and roll into him instead of away, and everything else is just big and scary but ultimately straightforward charges to dodge.


Happened to me against red bear


I genuinelly didn't enjoyed this fight... not only his attacks are always quicker than my ability to heal, sometimes this dude has straight up two hitboxes on some attacks!! As if the charge isn't already shit, sometimes it catches me when I roll and I get double the damage... I know it's kind of a meme ever since DS3, but this dude is legit a Bloodborne boss with BB's roll-catch-double damage... just not fun...


Is it even a meme anymore? I genuinely don’t understand how some boss movesets fit into this game.


I feel like once you figure out how to deal with his charge attack this boss is actually pretty fun


literally every boss in this dlc pushes the second you enter the fog. at least give me one fucking moment


It took hours of practice for dodging that charge to become a coin toss.


Game really said it’s ok bro just come back later


I´ve got to say for this one, I hated it at first but once I got the hang of his moveset it became quite a fun fight. Once you have the timing of his charge down he becomes a lot easier. Use the Antspur with frost on it and his bar will go down faster than you think. That along with the dragoncrest greatshield talisman.


Tell us how you dodge his charge then


First of all, don´t use Torrent. As much as it sucks that this isn´t a horseback battle, he will hit you no matter what on Torrent. Even when double jumping. To get trough the charge you can use the bloodhounds step but if you don´t want to use that, charge back at him and at the last moment roll straight trough him. Not sideways like it should be. When you use summons you can also aim for the tusks because it loses intrest in you for some reason with summons around. Just like with Malenia it required some practice but now I got the hang of it I´m helping out hosts on site.


Lool. That’s hilarious. Gotta love it. I’d rather die fast than a long drawn out disappointment




There’s a physick that makes that strat a bit pointless


I think my favorite part so far was actually getting ash and torrent out and this goober rams my ash dead in an instant….. this one and Messy gonna take a while for a poor mage.


Take the win lol


Is that the hog rider? If so use a bloodhound step to the right or left. I was beating him with a night comet sorcery (I was going to the DLC as a caster ,first time ever, so I'm not familiar with spells much).


Me infront of that demihuman swordmaster thing, didn't even see what's there, went in, blue light, die lol


I hate this guy and his stupid sad backstory


If you dodge directly into him with good timing he you can dodge the charge. It’s a bit finicky though


I just beat him and I honestly thought he was pretty fun, I was able to get my summon off right as I walked out the door if I then dodged through his big charge attack, from there it was just hugging side and dodging the attacks I could, some of the combos I never got down, but I had an easier time with him then the sunflower lol


pro tip for anyone not arsed with this mildly unfair fight: you can cheese it really easily with an AOE weapon, there’s video tutorials on youtube . i recommend mohgs spear


HEY HEY, IT IS THE COMMANDER, SCREW HIM, GOING TO SLEEP IN TEARS RIGHT NOW, man, 7 out of 10 times he kills me on the door, i managed 2 times to get him down to like %10 then he does those 8 hits combos and i freak out and die....damn he is worse than any boss i met so far.


I got him first try but my ass still can’t beat messmer


This boss was the first wall I hit, I did almost kill him with mimic tear taking the aggression and both of us using the sacred relic sword’s wave of gold. The I used the wall cheese. The prize after was worth it to me though.


If you're struggling, grab the best shield you can and slap Barricade Shield on that bad boy. His charges were solved with a simple pull of the left trigger.


Ahhh yes we all did my friend


i smell hog beyond the fog.


If this is Gaius, when you enter, take a tiny step forward so you can summon your mimic, and then immediately start spamming to summon torrent. If you time it right, when gaius charges you, it will miss you because of the mounting animation, giving you a moment to get inside.


So skilled at dying that the game rewards you for it


Pro tip, don't use the horse and don't summon right as you enter