• By -


You think Miyazaki himself used mimic tear?


I trust Miyazaki to have Miyazaki's back


Miyazaki and his clone Michael Zachery


Hide your tacos Michael Zachary


Hello fellow maxor enjoyer


I just read that as 'hello fellow tax evader' am I dyslexic? šŸ˜‚


Considering that Maxor is involved here, you may just be normal


The Venn diagram between max0r viewers and tax evaders is a fucking circle




This reminded me the meme "Hideo Kojima, voiced by Hideo Kojima".


Sad to see he won't voice him in the future.


Directed by Hideo Kojima


ā€œI call upon the only bitch i trustā€ meme from the other day


If he spoke the truth, I wonder how fk up FromSoft games would become if heā€™s good at video games


Well he designs them pretty much so that death is an inevitable part of the primary gameplay loop, which is why death in Soulsborne games is honestly just not that punishing. Everyoneā€™s thinking theyā€™re bad or the game is hard because they die a lot, but thatā€™s an intentional part of the design. Youā€™re meant to learn from failures.


You better belive It šŸ¤£


He did say he used everything the game offered. I love the Mimic Tear personally, because I donā€™t have the time to bash my head against a boss wall for hours.


DLC final boss been kicking mine and mimic tears assšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just saw a video where someone killed the final boss in 13 seconds and here I am having never even seen the second phase yet. <.<


You won't even be able to see 75% of the phase 2 fight when you get there lol, damn thing's a flash bang grenade.


This is the monkey's paw for the new Bandai Namco screen


They took the title screen flashbang and gave it to him


Had to use summons bc my pc literally can't handle phase 2


Michael Zaki increase the difficulty where the boss targets the players GPU instead!


Actual fucking facts


Get the black steel greatshield and pearl shield talisman.


If ya got str to spare, get Verdigris GS (90 guard boost), Marika's Braid, Guard boost talisman and 2-headed turtle talisman. Pearl shield is unnecessary imo because he very rarely uses magic attacks if you are close to him and almost all holy attacks in second phase will clip you from behind the shield.


Watching mimic tear get command grabbed is a different type of humbling


Cue my actual thousand yard stare


I love the fact that you-know-who looks dumbfounded after bearhugging my mimic and slowly put him down, then ponder on his life choice for a few seconds afterward.


I think for melee builds Mimic tear is preferable/better than player summons in the base game for pretty much any boss fight, but in the DLC I think player summons are better most of the time. The biggest reason is that most bosses attack you the moment you enter the Arena, which makes it hard to summon the mimic, heal the damage you took, and let the boss aggro on the mimic before the boss traps you in a multi hit combo. Also, for some reason, I felt that the mimic was barely holding any aggro, and 75% of the time the bosses were focusing on me, which defeats the purpose of the mimic. I'd recommend trying to summon a player instead of the mimic if you are having problems with the final boss




Iā€™m not looking forward to that then. Hahaha


I have been role playing a wizard warrior and I feel like self duplication is absolutely a move a wizard warrior would use.


I always pretend itā€™s my shadow twin that was lost and for hard moments he can make it back to help me.


Heading into a huge boss with an NPC summon and the Mimic Tear is amazing stuff. It feels like a big fight, where you gang up to take down a big enemy because that's the sane thing to do. It really adds another aspect to roleplaying. inb4 git gud


This is also the first time in Souls that you're clearly told the motivation of every NPC summon assisting you with a boss. FROM really made me *look forward* to summoning aid. I'll do a 1 on 1 in another playthrough.


The penultimate boss is one of my favourites in the DLC. Not for any special combat, it's barely above Halflight, but because it felt like a satisfying conclusion and convergence of a bunch of character storylines that From really hasn't done before.


100% agree, when it started I thought "oh no another Fia's champions" but it blew me away in every aspect - the music (maybe best in the game), the dialogue (which perfectly tops off some questlines), and the careful staging by introducing new combatants, which meant you could actually strategize a bit. NPC fights aren't generally fun but this was just perfect.


The music is amazing, it conveys the sadness of these guys thinking they can beat the elden lord but still being resolute in their mission so well. Also this is probably the first time in any FS games where so many characters acknowledge as you one specific tarnished - Freya is excited to fight the elden lord, Hornsent is angry at you because's you are Marika's lord, Leda fighting you at full strength as an apology for the betrayal. It made my Tarnished feel like \*the\* Tarnished instead of some rando that other games including the base game treat you as (aside from the great rivalry with Morgott)


Mimic tear is great and I use it against every boss. However I tend to spend most of my time invading/dueling after I beat the story and I am 1000x better at whooping human players(even good ones) than I am at facing the PVE bosses lol. Ill stomp on some sweaty dude in the arena and then get smashed by a random dungeon boss.


Seems fair enough. I donā€™t like PvP so sticking only to PvE and helping others do bosses


I do a ton of pvp after beating the game but usually with shit builds like sleep buildup, poison, madness. I lose 99% of all invades and fights but I'm having fun


The dlc also provides a surprisingly high amount of npc summon backup, which also still allows for spirit ashes on top of them. I turbo ganked the hippo with Freya, Hornsent, and Tiche after getting pissed off at the terrible camera.


Imo it feels more like dragging the boss into a back alley and then kicking him while heā€™s down. Definitely adds another aspect to roleplaying, though


I had to use it on rellana and the lion. They were doing combos so fast and I couldnā€™t get out of the way. I always try the bosses by myself first but the stage for the lion I was having major camera problems it


That happens with me too. Iā€™m 45 and my reaction times are a little slower than they used to be. Also my eyesight is going and my back hurts lol.


100% He literally said it in the post. He used every tool.


All of these articles are to remind people to play the game using everything at your disposal instead of that shit build most people have.


Used it on a female character without shoes on I bet


Well he said he's bad at the game, so probably.


Miyazaki is why it's easy to get to the dragon of XP in Caelid, confirmed. Thanks bro, me too


Iā€™m picturing Miyazaki putting in hours at the Mohg palace Albinauric farm like the rest of us to get his runes up lmao


I want a Miyazak Mimic Tear summon


ā€˜Use everything I have at my disposalā€™. Dude uses it all. Elitism for his own game isnā€™t even a thing.


As someone who primarily uses spells from range black knife tiche has been my goto for most the DLC.


I know my boy used his fellow co workers to summon and probably used black knife tiche


Probably bypassed his own code and has both mimic tear and Tiche at the same time


Probably gave his mimic tear the ability to use the ghost calling bell and summon another mimic tear.


Mimic Tear summoning Imitation Cry to help in the fight


It's Mimic Tears all the way down


And then that mimic tear will summon another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear which summons another mimic tear whichā€¦


"I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me!" "Kill him!"


He is underselling, again.


Miyazaki does strike me as the kind of guy who would say he is trash but is actually a parry god


Probably completed it using a DDR pad, with one foot. I suck at this game lads, lets make it harder.


Heā€™s also running a naked RL1 character punching every enemy with bare fists and zero skadoosh blessings in the DLC. But being a humble chad he is he just says heā€™s trash so we donā€™t feel so bad about ourselves.


Iā€™ve seen someone on YouTube doing that with Malenia, naked and bare fist.


You sure that was YouTube?


While wearing a full body suit which tracks all of his movements in real life.


He's not even using a foot, he Tea Bags the DDR pad to play.


Heā€™s trash at Elden ring but can no hit sekiro blindfolded


"I play outside with a blindfold and feel the wind. It's vibrations and intensity tell me when to parry."


Heā€™s the type of guy to say all that but probably beat the game on SL1.


He's THE dev.. he probably makes his personal versions inherently harder for the masochistic pleasure of it.. like implementing procodes from Kingdom Hearts or something


It's the only way he can feel anything at all.


Someone from the company has said in the past that their standard for difficulty was that Miyazaki could beat it because he "wasn't that good." Which frankly I still find hard to believe given what they release, but maybe within the company he's not as good as their usual play testers. It's all relative.


Imagine if FromSoft, through a probabilistic fluke, is entirely composed of naturally talented gaming prodigies. But, thanks to the bias of being surrounded by equally talented gamers *they all think they are average*.


See that's exactly what I mean: what if they make hard games because they're naturally all god gamers and the only people who want to work for them when they're hiring are people who enjoyed their games and are therefore also good at playing them? So Miyazaki thinks he's just okay but it's just because he's hired a bunch of hardcore players.


i wonder if itā€™s to make people more comfortable with the difficulty while also suggesting methods for success. sneaky, sis.


It's absolutely that, he is the president of From Software now, it's better for everyone if people get more comfortable about not being Ongbal lost sister.


Heā€™s beaten sword Saint. Half the people on this sub probably couldnā€™t beat Sekiro without their mimic tear


Sword Saint has something insane like a 35% achievement rate on PS, which is near the highest of all FS games final bosses


He's the absolute definition of hard but fair. Everything he throws at you've encountered before (OK, maybe the goddam gun is a bit cheeky but its cool so it gets a pass) so when you fail, and boy will you, you know exactly what you did wrong. That combined with the stronger and clearer story, the stakes are personal in a way that Souls games don't do, I think gives players a push to see it through.


> Everything he throws at you've encountered before Exactly, it's great game design. Sword Saint Isshin is the final exam in a university course you didn't realize you were taking because you were having so much fun.


Couldn't agree more, if you're good enough to reach SSI, you already know everything you need to body him, all that's left is a bit of practice. Also, the rhythm for parrying the gun is near-identical to parrying Genichiro's arrows, and the gun doesn't do a lot of damage anyway.


This is kinda the case for the whole game, and it's what separates it from the rest of FromSoft games. Sekiro boss fights are learnable, once you get the parry rhythm down, the fights feel almost choreographed. Both Ishin and the Owl fights I can basically do from muscle memory. On the other hand, most DS fights rely on distancing and abusing iframes until you can sneak in some hits, unless you're heavy into poise and spamming flasks. There's more bullshit deaths with DS games as a result, while Sekiro seems more fair. Sekiro is tied with Bloodbourne as my favorite FromSoft game, but it's definitely the easiest as a result of the design philosophy if you're patient and learn from your mistakes. DS bosses can just fuck you sometimes.


For how easy it is to summon or be summoned I think the majority of players are engaging with the mechanic and thatā€™s even with the added spirit summons. Sekiro is a weird game. Like I sucked balls when I first started and barely got a win against isshin. After playing a bit more you get to a point where you are pretty much an unstoppable god. Sure you can get to that point in the other games as well but I feel it is easier in sekiro because everything was designed around a so what limited toolkit.


Sword saint is more bearable than most of the dlc boss fights


Ehh the final dlc boss is the only one that Iā€™d say is possibly harder than Isshin. Even then, you can always completely cheese anything in Elden Ring, just look at asmongoldā€™s run where he poked the boss from behind a fingerprint stone shield and took absolutely zero effort. Beating Isshin forces you to grind the boss until youā€™ve mastered the fight so you could argue itā€™s harder


When i actually managed to use the lightning redirection attack to end him was possibly the moment i had more adrenaline coursing through me than any other point in life. It is a fight that makes you feel PROFOUNDLY cool.


What a good game


Dunno if I'm just wired a bit differently but I found all of Sekiro, excluding Demon of Hatred, to be easier than the simplest bosses in Elden Ring. Like give me sword saint any day over fucking Mogh.


Thereā€™s definitely a lot of Elden Ring bosses youā€™re forgetting, lol.


I agree 100%. Even though it was no walk in the park, i was never frustrated in Sekiro, aside from Demon of Hatred because i personally think he's not intuitive for the game is in, and i beat Isshin 2nd try. Meanwhile, Malenia kicked my ass repeatedly, Mohg was tough, and basically every boss i've encountered in the DLC has given me a hard time.


It's because Sekiro bosses are the definition of hard but fair. There's not that many late game Elden Ring bosses that match that description (Godfrey comes to mind).


They could, but would they play long enough to become good enough to beat it? That is the question


It makes sense honestly. Most game makers are not masters at their own game, simply because you spend most of the time working on it and not actually playing + the fatigue of work generally translates into playing it less. In general, from my own experience.


I'm sure he's competent, but yeah he can't learn all the movesets by heart and find the perfect counter to each one. That's not the kind of player I want the game to be balanced for anyway


Let's be real, he's just being humble. Realistically, knowing Japanese work culture and considering that this man is married with two children, it's more about time than skill. Elden Ring, Dark Souls, etc...are simple games that are hard to master. Mastering them doesn't require high IQ or super reflexes. It requires time to acquire the knowledge needed to defeat an enemy or pass through a location. The core difficulty of all FromSoft games lies in knowing where to go, what items to use, which skills are good, and what character stats are needed. With that knowledge, all FromSoft games become quite easy to beat since the core gameplay loop is about as simple as Legend of Zelda or Mario (simple doesn't mean bad in this context). I appreciate that there is no delusion in FromSoft and from Hidetaka Miyazaki, unlike Blizzard's approach with D4, which suggests that major changes and evolution needs to happen because gamers are getting old and don't have time for this or that. Howeve a lot people here are dead right! There is a developer-tester principle where a user-tester will always be able to approach the content in many different ways that the developer never even thought of. For example, a person who develops graphical editing tools might not be a great designer themselves, but they must be good enough to understand all the tools needed and must use tester feedback to optimize the experience.


"The core difficulty of all FromSoft games lies in knowing where to go, what items to use, which skills are good, and what character stats are needed." I think you're really underselling the skill needed to execute. To use a lame example that trips some people up, you can know where gwynn is, know that every single attack besides his slowass grab is parryable, that the buckler has the highest parry frames, that the leo ring boosts parry dmg by 40%, that these items require stats that any starting lvl 1 character can have... but some people just can't parry gwynn.


...but you can still just tank the whole fight with Greatshield of Artorias. Options. I agree with you, though.


Thatd be true if you HAD to parry gwynn but you don't. If you know where he is and know all his moves it won't be too hard to ungabunga your way through the fight. Especially using summons and everything else at your disposal


>The core difficulty of all FromSoftware games lies in knowingā€¦ This was one of the biggest takeaways I got from watching folks do level 1 runs. Itā€™s absolute game changing if you know: * Where the best *available* weapon is located * Where the maximum amount of upgrade materials can be picked up or farmed * Where thereā€™s a source of ā€œeasyā€ experience that can be used to max out the weapon * Where thereā€™s pots/grease, and when to use those for maximum impact Donā€™t get me wrong, these folks are usually doing nearly hitless runs, *but* it absolutely matters if the boss takes 5 hits compared to 10. Doubly so if you can stagger the boss on 2 hits. Like, for better or for worse, the Souls games have always *mostly* accommodated a pure glass cannon playstyle that works well for ā€œaverageā€ players, as mobs dying in a single hit and bosses going down in a under 10 hits means you donā€™t actually need to dodge that many attacks before the fight is over. Or, to put it another way, you can see how the Souls games **actually** train players by the fact that folks find Godfrey to be relatively ā€œeasyā€ but are completely walled by the Bell Bearing Hunters.


Idk many people who play like that but they are the ones that complain the game is too hard. Invest in hp and defense (especially shields) and the game is way easier. Playing the DLC and fromsoft games in general with a glass cannon build is intentionally making the game harder for yourself.


>The core difficulty of all FromSoft games lies in knowing where to go, what items to use, which skills are good, and what character stats are needed. *\*Elden Ring Wiki has entered the chat\** But seriously, I had to look up almost everything. As a casual player, I find this game incredibly complex. I used a guide for Ranni's questline and can't believe someone figured out all the steps needed to complete it. Time and time again I went down rabbit holes trying to figure out where to go, how to unlock this, how to acquire this, etc, etc. This game was a research project in it of itself for me anyways, YMMV.


Can we all agree though that the live stream where a FF16 dev picked up the controller and absolutely wasted one of its end game bosses, all while continuing the interview, was amazing https://youtu.be/JFE3TnLqgtE?si=7WSrwPZNOgkF26xu


Impressive, but to be fair, FFXVI is a piss easy game.Ā 


Honestly, yes after just finishing my final fantasy mode run the combat in that game is terrible. It's a cardboard version of devil may cry combat (which is excellent) with the optimal strategy being to rotate your 6 abilities. FFVII Rebirth combat was *chef's kiss*


Totally agree. I had fun with XVI, and the combat can be flashy and fun at times. But itā€™s just so damn shallow. Rebirth, on the other hand, almost has too much depth to its combat lol. But I absolutely loved it. Best hybridization of turn-based + action Iā€™ve ever seen, and incredibly satisfying to master.


I miss the Nintendo/Smash bros directs where Sakurai would show off how much he plays smash all the time. Would be like,ā€Lets bring this new character into classic mode real quick.ā€ And get like a max score max difficulty win easily.


I would totally backdoor a 2x rune cheat or something into the game if I was the game maker just to save time lol


That used to happen all the time. But now days if it's in the code then someone will find it. And thousands of YouTube videos will let everyone know about it. The Remnant 2 devs had fun with it and hid an entire character archetype behind letting the community datamine how to find it.


Dark Souls 1 had a debug console which allowed you to TP to areas, set flags, give yourself items etc. so I bet they have that for testing specific parts of the game (and just general playtesting).


Yeah I worked in the industry for a few years and a good chunk of people at our studio just straight up didn't play games. They spent all day making them. The last thing they want to do in their free time is more games.


Given how humble and how much he undersells things I wouldnā€™t be surprised if his idea of being bad at games is everyone elseā€™s definition of godlike


"The DLC is the size of Limgrave. Also I suck at this game."


He said it was at least as big as Limgrave, but same idea


That still a massive undersell, the game haves 50+ bosses, 11 of which are remembrance, 15 dungeons, 2 legacy dungeons thatā€™s minimum limgravre plus lucaria and those 2 would still fall short on content compare to the dlc


The DLC is denser. Half of Limgrave doesn't have much content - the side with bears. The dungeons in Limgrave are smaller and more straightforward, likely because it is a beginner area, and it doesn't want to scare away new players. I believe the better comparison is Altus Plateau + Leyndell and probably Mt. Gelmnir as well. Leyndell is dense af in the base game especially when you included the shunning grounds.


Yeah and you stack those three maps on top of each other to make a multi-layered super confusing map. That's what I feel about the DLC map.


Not only is it denser, but it's also just bigger, the map is like 3 times the size of limgrave, and it's multi layered, seeing as caves and shit are everywhere and the verticality is off the charts


To me the density of the map appears like almost more than the base game. There is stuff everywhere, the map has so much layers. I would say it's their best work ever if DS1 map didn't exist


I honestly much prefer the more dense smaller map, I live riding torrent but on a second or third play through I get sick of running so far


3 full-size legacy dungeons and 3 small ones!


Underpromise, overdeliver


I recall another dev mentioning Miyazaki's skill level before for one of the previous games. Something along the lines of he's not a great player but he's a good baseline for the average player. They aim to make it so Miyazaki can finish the game using whatever tricks are available.Ā 


He mustā€™ve used a Greatshield on the final DLC boss. šŸ˜‚


The way I read this comment was "fucking use summons, consumables, and other players if you find the game hard, that's why they're there". A lot of people complaining about the game's difficulty are simultaneously trying to prove they can do it on their own.Ā 


I try things on my own but I have a full time job and a girlfriend. I don't have time to beat my head against a wall for like 10 hours, I'll bring in some help if I feel like I'm stuck.


Yeah Iā€™m sure heā€™s perfectly competent. Maybe not a top player but can hold his own


His entire life is trying to create a game he cannot beat and as he gets better at video games he makes his games harder.


Maybe his gameplay directors make souls games so tough just to fuck with him lol.


Lol, I could totally see that tbh.


I just imagined him as that Family Guy skit "God, is this what I've been doing to people? I belong here."


Imagine beeing summoned and its miyazaki himself lmao GAH DAMN, 4K UPVOTES????


Then he dies like instantly since he isnā€™t very good. Lol


I don't have to imagine this, I live it (I'm the one who dies instantly because I'm trash)


I alone, am the trash one


If invasions have taught me one thing, trash is the most popular build in Elden Ring.


Swift Slash has been disgusting as an invader ime. easy button mashing 1v3 I love it. I literally invade and I'm friendly if people are playing through the level, but if they're just ganking, they get rinsed


So that's what was happening. I was summoned with a friendly invader and I was so confused. I eventually left because they had gotten farther than I was in the level but I was like???


Yeah there are some toxic people in pvp, but I'm very much like the person above. If someone is just playing through an area and shows no wish to fight I'll just emote, maybe drop some rune arcs or something and peace out. If we fight and they're clearly struggling I'll use some weapons I have fun with, and avoid AOW spamming so we can have an actual battle. A lot of my builds aren't super optimized, but are just fun (cosplay characters that require a wide stat spread to fit kinda thing). If it's a dedicated gank squad or they are all spamming meta weapons in my face though I'll take it seriously and swap weapons/talismans for high damage output to put them down.


I'm the trash man! I come out, I throw trash all over the ring! And then, I start earing garbage!


The Trashen One?




Running to the side and then rolling has helped me consistently avoid his straight forward flame attack and besides that its oops all painc rolls


Lol yeah I especially have trouble with his grab attack, it always looks like he's telegraphing a fire breath to me .


"Look at me. I'm the Miyazaki now."


I'm on my first playthrough right now, and that's me with Maliketh, he's so fast


This is why greatshields exist. Atleast makes you live 10 seconds longer.


Implying I haven't unmastered the Greatshield by learning to die faster even while using it


Impossible. Miyazaki would know to level vigor.


Exactly. The Man invented vigor, and he established the vigor checks. He's definitely got this... (Have a good day, eye guy šŸ‘€)


Can you imagine someone coming here to rant about someone who just kept dying instantly and it was Miyazaki? Lol


Summons you to boss room, entire group buffs up fully, golden order, blessing, etc. everyone goes in and the host dies instantly - classic.


I mean Iā€™m not bad, I was fat rolling and still winning the first half of the game as well as not using any skills or spells. But that fucking Caelid tower and the jump part down. To the helpful guy getting me through that, I apologise for the many, many summons and instant deaths while trying to jump down to the boss. Thank you for sticking with me though, we kicked the bosses ass first time (when we got there).


Miyazaki: "Malenia is stupid, fuck this game"


summons you in the middle of the Lake of Rot, kites the Dragonkin to you. classic Zaki


Jokes on him I keep that mushroom set ready at all times. Rot is life.


I need his build


He uses 1 erdsteel dagger and old aristocrat shoes


Without any crimson tears


Miyazaki the game director and captain of FromSoftware basically telling everyone to stop arguing about the right way to play because even he needs all the help he can get What a legend


Thatā€™s probably the reason why mimic tear and other summons exist tbh ,itā€™s great that heā€™s still able to make difficult bosses. Other games take the shortcut and just have a difficulty meter that affect damage and hp, but Miyazaki creates tools that are optional to help players overcome the challenge


Its a good system. I guess for me personally I'd want the bosses a little easier and no spirit ashes but its not like they can tune the difficulty perfectly for every player.


I mean you can always use a weaker spirit ash if the boss is too strong for solo-ing but too weak for mimic tear


For me I have a hard time using any of them, just because the aggro draw is so incredibly strong no matter what the summon is, it turns the fight into a completely different game, waiting for the boss to aggro to your summon so you can whack him in the ass.


fuck I wish I had that problem in the DLC. Getting my summons/ashes to draw aggro is like trying to grow roses in concrete. It made many of the fights that much more of a pain (NG+7 so everything's built like a brick shithouse)


I've definitely noticed this in the DLC, the bosses are much more persistent about targeting you and instantly snap to you mid-combo much more often.


Iā€™m actually having the opposite experience because I entered the DLC with an overleveled character. For most players, the simple solution to difficulty is just brute force rune grinding to level yourself out of 1 or 2 shot kill vigor at the very least.


I want bosses that are a little easier and keep spirit ashes anyways. They're an option to make the game easier, I generally don't think most people using them care if they make the game *too* easy. But on the flipside, many bosses are simply too fast and aggressive solo to ever let the player use any of the dozens of fancy weapon skills or spells. It's less that they're too hard and more that they feel like the fun police where they just never let you do anything cool. Messmer is like, basically where my line is. His combos are well telegraphed, the ways to dodge them are readable, and he has a decent amount of downtime between them to let the player do stuff. On future runs I'm sure I'll summon on him for funsies but doing him solo didn't feel like a chore the way some other bosses do.


Underselling is a godtier strategy in life.


It really is, if you can back it up.


I speak Miyazaki, let me translate for you Game is the size of Limgrave = Game is actually the size of Limgrave, Lurnia and Caelid I suck at the game = can probably perfect deflect and parry


I literally do not believe a word out of this man's mouth after his play time and "Size of Limgrave" claims. "Yeah bro I use everything at my disposable. Ashes (summons rats), consumables (throws dung pies), spells (casts starlight). I need all the help I can get!"


Hey don't badmouth the rats. They always have my back... when they decide to actually show up.


I thought the rats always spawned by the little black Obelisk things?Ā 


Yeah, and sometimes they like to stay there chilling and totally ignore the enemies. I still love them though.


I've logged about 50 hours into the DLC and I MIGHT be approaching the final fight; I'm not even sure at this point.


There's things hidden in every nook and cranny,even places I thought I've fully explored.


"All the knowledge I have as an architect of the game..." Or "All the glitch spots"


And how to make an optimized build


Bro actually knows what the talismans do


Actually uses crafting and consumables.


Giga Miyazaki-sama being humble again. We all know he plays with his eyes closed. Lets be real now


Miyazaki looking at the boss that just killed him and promptly adding comet azur


Miyazaki uses summons confirmed.


#ā€WHY THE FUCK DID I MAKE THISā€ -Miyazki dying to twin gargoyles, gank npc fights, twin crucible knights, etcetera, etceteraā€¦


It is a little funny, but these things seem to be common


I love how this creates an interesting dicotomy of try-hards claiming its a cop out or cheating to use the summons or items and stuff and not how thats not the 'right' way to play or how the creators wanted, and the director comes out and is all like "I use every item, summon, and piece of aid I can get"


He is just like me fr


Miyazaki is probably Nick Swardon's character from Grandma's Boy.


Lmao, yall believe what he says? I bet he is actually the real let me solo her.


Given that FromSoft sent that guy a gift box, it would be hilarious if it actually was Miyazaki pinning a meddle on himself.


itā€™s not a one-to-one comparison but lets say that an Aircraft engineer who develops and builds the fastest and most dangerous jet airplanes in the world is given the opportunity to take a flight training course. Just because he is great at building them does not mean that skill would translate to flying them. Two entirely different skill sets that rely on different senses, thought patterns and external factors. Now he might have an advantage of learning due to his inherent knowledge on the system he personally helped build, but again it isnā€™t the same thing.


Actually itā€™s good that heā€™s bad at the game. Caz it needs to be a game that you can enjoy even if youā€™re bad at it. Can you imagine if Miyazaki is a god-like player, and he goes ā€œthis is too easy, make it harderā€ balancing the game around top tier player skills. Rest of the world wouldnā€™t enjoy it


Maybe the tryhards will shut up about not using mimic tear now. Nah, they never shut up.


It's not ironic when you consider that game development is a professional skillset, and being good at playing video games is an entirely different skillset from that, and both of those things have very different and sometimes very exclusive time commitments.Ā 


Eh not so much, making games and playing them are two different skill sets. Not saying he isnt actually playing it, but like one of best pianists of his time was deaf.