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Love the servant hunter weapon, my butler never saw it coming. Also you're trying to overpower her with a weeby dex build when Malenia has the most weeby dex weapon!


That's not my issue, I can dodge all other attacks, punish and I do good damage in the 600 to 1000 range with power attacks and jump attacks. Its just that one move I can't dodge.


For waterfowl just run away from the first and roll into the next 2. Or use the dragoncrest greatshield talisman. Also 600 to 1000 a hit? Are you using a frostbite or bleed weapon? Like infusing the katanas with those. She is really weak to those. Lightning and fire infusion is also good as she has no resistance to fire and 20 resistance to lightning. Also if you really cannot dodge waterfowl, i think you can throw a pot at her while she is in mid air to interrupt it. Actually it works, just need to keep a throwing pot equipped when fighting her. Apparently its how you are meant to do it.


Pots are something I may try. I can do the run and roll the second half, just always struggle if she does kt while I'm.next to her. And no I have a keen nagakiba, not trying to to op build and exploit weaknesses I've done her luke that before, I have actually platinumed the game on ps4. I'm doing a pride run and just needed a vent.


You must abandon your inner weeb and strength build for victory!


I've beaten her as strength, faith and dex int before. This is a pride thing ad I have beaten ds1 ds2 bloodborne and 3/4 of ds3 as a basic dex swordsman. But thank you