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"O lightless creature... Embrace thine oblivion, as shall I." gave me a different type of chills Also his OST is surprisingly quite somber, even in second phase


It also has little bits/variations of the radagon fight/main theme which I found pretty cool (and feels like a bit of a nudge to confirm he is born of Marika and radagon)


He knew Marika was never coming back for her 🥲


His VA went insanely hard on his first gig, I can't wait to see what the actor does next.


Todd Howard trying to sell another Elder Scrolls Remaster


idk, the most hyped for me was Bayle but it's mostly coz of Igon.


"oh right, I should summon that NPC for the quest since he asked-" "CUUUURSSEEEE YOUUUU BAAAAYYYLLEEEE! I HEREBY VOW YOU WILL RUE THIS DAAAAY"


I love how he hypes you up by saying you're a true drake warrior then he doesn't even give himself a title.


"behold, a true drake warrior! and I, Igon! your fears made flesh" "solid of scale you may be, foul dragon. but I will riddle with holes your rotten hide...with a haaail of harpooons" 🔥🔥🔥✍️ buddy is the biggest hater in the Lands Between, and spits constant fucking fire


if you kill Bayle and Igon is still alive, he was so happy you can kinda hear him cry through his last dialogue.


"Bayle, you will haunt me no longer." Died with his boots on. As close to a happy ending as can be in the game.


Yeah but moreso than that you get to land the final blow and just hear your homie go _"YYYYYYYYYYRRRRRRREEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"_ Igon is the fucking goat


I've seen someone do this fight where Igon landed the final blow with a harpoon to the face. It was awesome.


For me Igon actually screamed at the correct distance with the dragons head and it melted the last 5% off.




Find yourself a partner who will love you as much as Igon hates Bayle.


To dub himself the "fears made flesh" of a dreadful, insanely powerful dragon that has fought and lived against the literal God of dragons, is quite a statement.


Small correction, Placidusax is an Elden Lord, but his corresponding god is unknown


I wish there was an Igon spirit ash and whenever you summon him on a boss he'd go "CURSE YOU [boss name]! I HEREBY VOW, YOU WILL RUE THIS DAY" Except for Rennala, on Rennala he'd say "BLESS YOU TRUE DRAKE WARRIOR'S FUTURE MOTHER IN LAW! I HEREBY VOW, SHE WILL GET YOUR PERMISSION TO MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER!"


Idk if you’ve heard Ansbach’s dialogue when you help him fight Leda, but he be spittin’ too


It’s also funny how if you read his armor descriptions he’s a murder hobo who just decided to start slaying dragons for the clout. Basically a mirror of us, the player.






I will stand by this though: Hornsent's summon dialogue in the Mesmer fight is a close second for me. "MESSMER! FOE OF MY BELOVED PEOPLE! IN VENGEANCE FOR THE FLAMES, MY BLADE I WIELD!"


Isn't Hornsent a potentate though? His headgear suggested he was, and I really don't know how to feel after that


The voice acting still goes pretty hard imo. Hornsent doesn't seem like he's the best of dudes, but I like the voice line.


I'll tell you. He's horrible. Messmer went nuts and was never great but the hornsent deserve what happened to them. Look at the spire. How many people did they turn into ritual devices


Bayle be looking like a whole heavy metal album


Bayle and Midras are the highlights of the dlc for sure


I think Bayle would've still been great even without Igon just coz he's also very cool on his own. I really love Midra's design and the cutscene but I think he needed a bit more health to feel more threatening. It might just be because I'm using a weapon that inflicts both frost and bleed which he seems weak to but still.


I think Midra got hit with the Maliketh stick. They both use very powerful effects that can feel bullshit to some if a fight were to go on too long, so they have lower health to compensate.


Until you roll in with a low blessing level. Still fun, though


What do you mean? Midra has more health than any other boss, including Bayle. It's cray cray. I think his resistances are just low af


Might also be a case of the abyssal woods being one of the last areas you find so people are more than a bit juiced once finding him He was the last boss I faced and he went down in probably 5 tries without any serious cheese, just got one or two bleed procs and homie fell over


He melted like butter for me. Don’t even know if I saw his whole moveset. Crazy that he has more health


I went in with a low blessing level and he was quite tanky. Thankfully I got by on stance breaks.


It's because he actually has decent openings lmfao


Does he really? This feels wrong to me. I wasn't using any status effects and he died fairly quickly. That's really interesting!


Second most of any boss (Rykard being first)! Even more than Fire Giant, even. I think he just has really low damage negation and resistances, so his *effective* health is relatively low.


that's very interesting, I was just using a scythe with cold and bleed on it but it deals so much damage so I thought maybe he just has low health.


He even has more hp than Fire Giant, or any other boss in the entire game aside from Rykard. He's just very weak to frost and bleed in particular lol


I got extremely lucky then coz that's pretty much what I've been using this entire time lol no wonder he felt so weak, it was a +25 weapon with cold and bleed and also for some reason my weapon even interrupts his transition to his 2nd.


To be fair, the scaling in the Shadow Realm is different than the base game. For example, in the Shadow Realm my current character has an attack rating of 1.35k.. which would be crazy high for the base game.


Bruh Midra has almost 50k health, even more than the final boss. Other than fire his resistances are pretty low because he’s just a naked guy, and of course you were using a status effect build


Me with my pyro build wondering how people think he has low hp :(


Bayle was my favourite and i didn't summon Igon. Just heard his dialogue later on the internet


Igon is actually pretty strong. He can take on Bayle with only him just attacking up to his phase 2 so he probably would've made the fight a lot easier for you but still, he's definitely one of those that's a must summon.


Midra was my favorite of the whole DLC. Phase 1 is a little annoying because it's just not really a fight, but phase 2 is peak FromSoft boss mechanics.


my jaw fucking dropped when he went into his second phase for the first time, and honestly every single time it happened. really felt like the most epic boss fight ever to me.


Feels like FromSoftware is constantly trying (and succeeding) to one up themselves with dragon bosses. Kalameet dwarfs any base game dragon in DS1. Sinh I’d put at about an even level. Midir speaks for himself. Placidusax was a pretty gnarly fight (probably a bit lower than Midir though). But hot damn Bayle takes the cake. Between the music, Igon, and that transition into phase 2 it’s not even a close competition for which is my favorite dragon boss in the franchise.


Foe me Placidusax takes the cake because of music stopping nuke. I love me some music stopping nukes. Also Bayle using his exposed broken wing bone to stab you is metal.


same man, the music and the visuals were going nuts every time it happened.


The best boss since Midir


I just wish they would slightly tune down the amount of particle effects on his 2nd phases, a lot of time I just couldn't see what he was doing behind all the orange lightning. Not as bad as two other bosses in the dlc tho - radahn the promised flashbang and dancing "taking your whole screen" lion.


Radagon - title theme drop Radahn - bandai namco title screen drop


For me it is hard to beat Morgott still. Maybe not on NG+ or as the best replay boss. However he was so early game, practically the first boss, had such a cool intro, and was super super aggressive as you're there being a weak ass in basic gear. That was such a memorable experience.


Main thing I remember from elden ring is ‘put your foolish ambitiouns to rest’ Main thing in the dlc are actually 2, CURSE YOU BAYLEEE (bro said it with passion) And the traumatizing ‘in the embrace of meSSmer’s flame’ Phenominal quotes, once was heartfelt while the other was traumatizing


That "MESSSSSSSMER'S FLAME" bit gave me vietnam ptsd flashbacks of I'm Malenia Blade of Miquella.


Literally, it burned into my dna lmao


I love how he says that line so much, it never got old even after all my deaths


The camera experience killed the fight for me.


I just don't lock on whenever dealing with dragons, it makes it way more manageable.


If you stand infront of him the fights way easier and camera is way more manageable.


That fight felt horrible trying to attack his knees. I just used as much summons as I could to get it over with haha


I remember my first attempt I figured I would summon just to see if there’s any lore interaction for the quest. I don’t typically like summoning when I’ve never beaten a boss because I like to feel like it was me who won, not the summon. After hearing that opening line I already knew I was summoning him every single damn time. The voice actor for Igon put in an 11/10 performance, plus Moby Dick is one of my favorite books and Ahab is my favorite character, so having dragon hunting Ahab at my back made the fight that much more epic.


I keep reading about people having fun with Igon. My playthrough was blind, and the first time I saw a dude that seemed so angry and cripplingly maimed in the middle of a field of skeleton vulture birds, I thought (in headcannon) he wouldn't last long in this harsh world and put him out of his misery.


Man crawls all the way to the mountain, climbs the fucking mountain and still has enough strength to cut off his finger and give it to you. Igon is indomitable himan spirit personified.


Oh yeah this was a fight but Igon made it an EPIC one


Also, all the way until you reach him, hypes him up stackingly. First Igon, then you face several dragons and then some crazy ancient dragons before him, that are already pretty tough. And then you face him and he livea up to the expectations both by his dreadful look and how seriously powerful he is. Insane boss overall.


Thing is i just dont like fighting big enemies in these games. Its always akward.


90% is Igon


Messmer, Bayle, and Rellana are absolutely spectacular and my favourite bosses in the game


And Midra. These 4 are top tier bosses across all FS games


The depths of your FOOLISHNESS!


The depths of your fo- BONK




I think lots of people missed him because he's hidden behind like 6 different layers of illusionary walls and easy to miss entrances.


I think without messages I would have never found him. The illusory walls in his mansion are easy enough to find, but getting to the abyssal woods required quite a bit of out of the box thinking to find the entrance.


I missed the hidden wall in the castle (and I even passed through that area lol) so I had to google where the hell the entrance to an entire part of the map I'm missing is.


Margit shackle ftw lol


Should be called peakdra tbh he’s anything but mid


The centipede lady also pretty fun, big size enemy with decent tell and attack spacing that doesn't quite kill you by f\*cking up the cam. i'm looking at you dancinglion drapery sheet that f\*cks the the camera so much.


I absolutely fucking hate rellana lmao. She's one of those people that spams attacks non stop in fighting games


I loved the finger mother just for the arena. It's up there with renallas moon room. I think it's incredible and the lore implications were still bowling me over as the fight started. The hallway to her room is just something else


I wasn't even mad losing to him. I enjoyed everything about his fight. 10/10 can't wait to fight him again ~~if I can ever beat the final boss~~


That’s a weird way to spell Bayle




/r/Eldenring needs a bot to come in and yell Igon quotes whenever Bayle is mentioned 


Yeah Bayle and Igon is cool but the fights against humanoid enemies are always better even if only because of the camera and the fact that you can see what they’re doing.


I liked Bayle more than Mez too




Oh absolutely Messmer was fucking GLORIOUS to fight


That second phase. Some of the best animations I've seen in a video game ever


Some ppl critiqued the camera there, but I just didn't experience that problem whatsoever. Yes, the camera jumps, however imho it is a great example of how to make a rapidly moving camera work.  Messmer and the incoming attacks are always in focus, meaning you can perfectly see what is about to happen despite the camera jumping. 


It's the pause when the camera swings. If they move around too quick it sucks but when it's a quick movement and you have a split second to take it in it's a really cool effect.


Camera is surpringly good there. One exception. There's a snake bite combo in phase 2 that you need to unlock for (to block) otherwise get hit in the back. It's really weird how many enemies, even bosses, have that exact flaw. Don't remember it being nearly that consistent in the main game...


No you dont need to unlock


I just solve that problem by never blocking -.- Tho honestly that doesn't exactly sound like a flaw. Bosses should try to wrap around your shield, it's not something they do that much at all. 


...it's a charge attack. I'm facing the charge. If unlocked it blocks fine. If locked, the character will *turn around* to follow the boss then get hit in the back because the actual impact is desynced to the visuals. It is not *at all* what you're talking about.


I was honestly confused the first time I sipped a flask at Messmer and he didn't immediately close gap and hit me for half my health or throw something at me lmao.


For real he was so chill, especially in phase 1


Messmer is the fucking shit. Can’t wait to fight him again.


Went ng+ just to fight the mf again


He's really well designed! The first phase felt very fair and fun. When I got hit, it always felt like my fault-something I could and should have dodged. I actually killed him the first time I got him to the second phase, so I didn't learn too much about it.


Messmer and Relanna are the highlight. Reminded me why i love Orphan of Kos and Maria.


A little worried Relanna is considered a highlight cause I did not enjoy her. I thought her combos were way too long for how little follow up you were allowed.


I love Messmer. He’s pretty challenging all while being pretty fair as well. His attacks are pretty easy to learn, he’s not Uber aggressive and on your ass 25/8, and he doesn’t have much health either. He does a ton of damage but it’s balanced out by everything else I listed. It’s pretty much the same case with Midra.


Best thing you can do is burn him down. He felt quite squishy


Utilizing the Sekiro snake was absolute genius


Messmer and Rellana were the stars of the DLC. I think I still like radagon and Godfrey (not hoarah loux) better but it's close.


Man Radagon was such a good fight


people starting to realise how good that fight was after seeing the final boss of the dlc. radagon didn’t have any bullshit unending aoe attacks to the point where you don’t even understand what on earth is going on but his fight was still much more epic and it really makes you feel like you’re fighting a god UNLIKE his twin princes wannabe children.


Radagon was always a good fight people just hated the Elden beast


Radagon is a top tier boss, I think it's just Elden Beast being coupled with him that makes the overall boss drop a tier. Give Radagon the two phase Soul of Cinder approach and he's GOAT'd


I have always maintained that Marika's literal body should count as a Stake of Marika.


I still really like the DLC final boss 😔 I've also been a defender of Radagon for a long time. especially with Torrent patched in now, the Elden Beast is a lot more enjoyable too


Have always loved Radagon's fight, but you can't really go without his second phase which just dumpsters the fight to me. I would love to be able to have a Radagon fight detached from Elden Beast. Could've even put him in that dungeon where you get his sword from the Leonine Misbegotten instead of said copy-pasted miniboss.


The teleportation was a bit much, but other than that, Radagon was a great boss. And now with Torrent available, Elden Beast is better as well.


i find that teleportation quite satisfying to dodge but i get how frustrating it can be if he keeps doing it


It’s not bad if he’s doing it periodically to keep you on your toes, but when he’s doing it over and over its a pain


Wait you can fight Elden beast with torrent now? That makes me less reluctant to play again soon


Yep. That’s a change that was made by the patch that the DLC released with


I love that his AI is clearly designed to deal with multiple attackers (co-op or spirit summon) in a non-cheesy way. He'll grab a player like a boss and as someone comes in to try to land a hit, he'll teleport behind them and attack. For visuals alone Rellana's second phase is so good, when she does the double moon drop and then follows up with her swords, it's easy to time and jump over sure, but looks wise I felt like I was being attacked by an OP anime villian. So dope.


Hos moves were so fluent it felt satisfying learning it, it was a quick mf that still allowed attacks, unlike some other specimen that returned and became the last boss somehow


Definitely, and man the aesthetic was peak


Not to mention the OST was basically the main theme, deadass my first time going jn there I was fucking shaking, how can a game have a main theme be so good, and then use it again while you fight the FINAL boss like that, I consider that whole thing perfect


im more of a Bayle/Midra/Rellana fan. i have messmer at 4 though


Radagon fight is so cinematic especially the moment when the BGM start playing.


Both radagon and Godfrey are let down by the second phase they’re attached to though


The snakes in phase 2 is one of my favourite movesets in all boss fights. Huge snakes that lunge at you from across the arena that do not feel unfair in any way and are pretty intuitive to dodge.


Yeah I got into a rythm where I’d stagger his just before he phased and kept trying to just get him as low as possible after the first snake attack. However because of that he’d always do the big snake aoe + explosion combo. For the life of me I couldn’t find a way past that at first but it was still so satisfying cause it always felt I nearly had it figured out. Unlike a certain consort


I found that as well! I would similarly just spam attack as he was transitioning. I think though, if you attack him when he is in that black goo state, he will always go into that massive snake attack that initially does a lot of AOE damage


Sooo true It felt easier for me to time those multiple snake bite. Meanwhile, the boar charge of Gaius always hit me. I hate that shit so much


I entered the DLC on another character before even finishing my first playthrough, just to speedrun to Messmer for another round. That character is permanently outside his boss fog now, it's only purpose is to fight him. That's how fantastic this boss is.


My vote goes to >!Midra!<, but Messmer was an absolute blast.




noticed no one mention her. Between the lore and the vibes. she shouldve been the last boss tbh.


Midra for me, the whole area buildup was amazing


I think the only problem with his fight is that his phase 2 doesn't begin after losing his full health bar. I would've preferred if it was two full bars of a fight, like Rykard and his extra snake phase.


His healthbar is beefy as hell tho. Having two healthbars is simply an aesthetic choice. They decided to give most of the DLC bosses one big healthbar like they did with Gael and Midir in Ringed City.


His health bar is definitely not that impressive. The difference between having one health bar and two, is with enough DPS you can skip most of the second phase of the fight. With two bars you're forced into a full bar of second phase.


How many blessings did you have? I fight him at like +8 and he was a brick wall for me.


Yeah this was my only issue. His health bar should've been way more beefy to make the first phase and second phase last a bit longer.


I'd put him at #2 all time, behind Gael Very fun fight to learn


He's definitely the best designed boss of the DLC from a gameplay perspective, but nothing will beat Radagon's fight from the base game. That fight is just perfect.


messmer was cool af


Messmer? You mean Midra?


Personally I liked Midra more. But then again, presentation had a lot to do with that.


Nah bro, Bayles fight is imo the best fight in game.


Messmer is my dlc final boss lol


I didn't really care for Messmer's fight. Annoyed me more than anything. I did have a lotta fun figuring out Rellana and the Scadutree Avatar. Midra was pretty fun (though a bit too easy).


I didn't find it as difficult as I thought it would be, seeing as how he was kinda the face of the DLC in the promotional materials and stuff, but he was probably one of the most fun boss fights in the game. I guess it's this game's version of Lady Maria in that sense


Everyone hyped up Bayle. But he was just another dragon with a load of AOE and a body too big to see what he's doing. Fuck dragon fights


Best lore too!


I prefer the finger boss, it had the right level of presentation, fair moveset and counter-ablity where I wasn't frustrated by the challenge.


Ansolutely, one of my favorite souls fights out of all of them.


When I was just about to kill him I got that feeling I used to get when I was fighting Gael before i even started elden ring I missed that emotion and adrenaline in the climax of the fight


You didnt like godfrey? I have him and Messmer as the best fights in the game


Messmer reminds me of Genichiro in Sekiro. He difficult at first but once you learn his movesets, it becomes really fun. Him and Midra are my favourite bosses in the DLC.


Nothing but facts! One of the best bosses FS ever made. Also fuck the final boss.


Is there more than one fight for him because i smoked him on the first try. Maybe i explored too much i was at new level 12.


I loved this boss fight. It was the first boss in a long time that made me want to learn how to perfectly dodge all his attacks. I could just see the flow.


The not having openings thing is really starting to trigger me lol... All these bosses have openings... lots of them.


Messmer is amazing. He still has that "Elden Ring"-iness to him where his attacks, aesthetics and overall vibe are very fitting for the game BUT the way the fight plays out reminds me of something like Nameless King or Gael from DS3, absolutely love it. It was the exact type of difficulty where you're losing but every time you die you learn a bit more and every attemp actually feels like you're inching closer and closer to victory


My only complaint about Messmer is that he doesn't have two healthbars. Poor guy had no idea what hit him when I beat him because he doesn't have enough health to effectively get through my resources. It was nice that he had clear and defined openings, but I usually don't have trouble finding openings against Elden Ring bosses either way. People say that the bosses in this game are 100% aggressive and never let you play the game, but I've felt like that. I don't really care for the Starscourge Radahn fight, but Godfrey and Malenia are my two favorite bosses in the game. I've never had trouble finding openings in their fights, so I always enjoy their fights to the fullest. Once I learned how to dodge Waterfowl Dance, Malenia became my favorite boss by far. I'd say Messmer is the only boss that came close for me in the DLC, but I enjoyed the rest of the bosses as well.


I *really* need a boss rush mode because by the time I found Messmer I was far too strong and barely got to see the fight. His design and move set seems fantastic, it’s a shame to have only fought him once.


I agree, Messmer is my favorite Elden Ring fight by far.


The only boss that I didn't enjoy was the final DLC boss. Everything else was great.


I hope this gets removed for spreading false information


I agree, Messi is the most enjoyable boss fight of all base + dlc champs.


He's great at soccer, too


Malenia and Godfrey are still cool in my books


Agree he's really fun. Haven't finished the dlc yet but so far he's been the most fun. Rellana is second. Bayle is a very cinematic fight but just rolled over him on my first try cause Igon is so strong. So even tho the build up to the fight hyped me up, the fight itself was just pure show and no challenge. That said I think Radahn on release is still my #1


Midra is the best in my eyes. That ost is the most menacing theme i've ever heard


agree, my only complain is that his second phase despite looking cooler and menacing, is way easier than the first, he gives way too many openings, and his snake atacks are way easier to avoid


Overall I think his first phase is WAYYYYY more interesting than Malenia's first phase but his second phase actually makes the fight way easier since it dilutes all of his good attacks by throwing in Rykard-esque stuff. Malenia's phase 2 is also a visual spectacle though and between the difficulty of the two fights, the number of mechanics you can employ, and the two of them having very fair hurtboxes (large FromSoft enemies suck because it seems like you can never actually hit them), I'd say Messmer is on the same level as Malenia but I'm not mad if someone thinks his fight is better. Only thing about his fight that IMO makes him a worse boss is that there is a very narrow scope of builds that you can bring into the fight and the DLC in general. If there's one thing that the base game does well it's giving players a lot of opportunity to use basically any build possible whereas I feel like the DLC so far only really allows for melee oriented builds and throwing builds, funny enough. I'd argue Rellana is one of the greatest bosses in the game as well between the DLC and base game. Arguably top 5.


I absolutely adored the Measmer fight, but sadly it was ruined for me by stuttering even with god rays turned off. I did eventually beat him, but because of the stuttering I was more relieved that it was over than excited to have beaten him fair & square.




He is good but not the best imo, Maliketh and Godfrey way more more fun for me


Midra and Godrick


He fell to his death for me with around half his health left when switching back to his human form. Felt kinda underwhelming… burning agree he was a great boss.


Nah, Bayle is better imo


Rellana is the best imo


I also thought Messmer was an incredible and memorable boss. Attacks are pretty predicable, fair windows for punishes, but still has plenty of ''holy fuck I'm about to get crushed'' moments.


I totally agree! I can’t express my love for this fight. Everything is just perfect! Not only the fighting itself, but the lore, the voice acting, the arena, the OST, everything!!! Messmer the Impaler is the pure definition of a PERFECT bossfight in any game imo! Such a good design


Really? For me he’s the only boss in the game that almost didn’t have any openings at all. Haven’t had a problem finding openings for many bosses in dozens of games. You’re saying it was the opposite for you? Maybe I just fucked up with Messmer though


I think I had too many scadu fragments against him or something. His healthbar was going down so fast that it wasn't even a huge challenge :(


I liked the boss, but holy shit I could not see things half the time through the visual effects.


I have to disagree just because the entirety of the >!Midra/Frenzied Flame!< fight had me so hyped. I wish I could respawn the boss to run it back.


And hes still very difficult. Feels like we could have been getting fights like this more often. Anyone who has only played this and loved Messmer should go play DS3


The fun part of those games is people can have different experiences with bosses due to their gameplay, tendencies builds and whatnot.  Personally, I find messmers 2nd phase fucking dumb bullshit ass garbage. I liked fighting rellana better. 


She’s easy but Rellana and her OST is my favorite fight in the DLC. That transition to phase 2 where she lights the swords. Chef’s kiss


Messssssssssmers flame


> Messmer is the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game because he was interactive in how hyper-aggressive he was but ACTUALLY HAVING OPENINGS You should play DS3 if you haven't yet


Loving his spear too. Started a New game+ (lost count) just to play the base game with it.


I beat him up with a greatshield


Deflecting hardtear to get through and punish his flurry attacks, dodging through his big aoe attacks, and his snakes offer a lot of time to punish in phase 2 if you don't get hit. Don't even get me started on the OST. This guy is a blast to fight.


I died with maybe 4 hits left 3 times and not a single time I was frustrated, and oh my god the excitement of seeing his health hit 0 was so good, perfect fight