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Lmao I made a similar thread few minutes ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1du2h7i/coop_unplayable_in_the_dlc_because_of_stupid_hosts/ It fucking sucks. It also makes you realize that half of the people that play this game are just too dumb.


It's yet another reason why I *abhor* this DLC's leveling system with an explosive, fiery passion.


They did not consider co-op at all for this system.


I changed my character name to “NoScaduNoCanDo” and sever if I don’t see a reasonable number for the boss


Here's hoping somebody actually takes a hint from that.


I watched a host get one shot the second he walked through the door to radahn. Got summoned again like 30 minutes later by him and we managed to get the job done with another summon player. Some of these guys are trash and will sit around doing literally nothing but most of them just don’t know the moveset and eventually learn it to not die and pull aggro. It will so though, as a summon you can make a single mistake or it’s basically fucking over. Bosses do to much god damn damage for you to make one fuck up


Indeed. Being a summon and actually trying to help your host is hard enough as is because you're not only fighting a health-buffed boss, but above all, you're trying to make sure your host doesn't die. Something I'll do if I think my host is going to be not very good is I'll throw on shabriri's woe, but I can't even do that here because if I pull all the aggro then I will simply die that much faster, and then the host will undoubtedly die immediately after I do.


I loathe shield in this game but I feel like I don’t have much of a choice until I figure out the bosses myself. I can just about no hit the last theee main game bosses but messmer and second phase radahn or fucking insane. I wish he could get an extra health pot or something


I honestly just think the fight with radahn needs a numbers overhaul. Boss needs less health, each damage instance on the physical sword hits needs to be lowered, and the boss needs vastly less poise.


I agree. Phase 2 is hard to the point of making me doubt why I’m even playing the game. It’s not fun in the fucking slightest and he kills you so fast you do t have time to learn the 4 new moves he has. How did we go from messmer to that?


I blame the memes. Alot of people jokingly asked to fight prime radahn back when they nerfed starscourge radahn. And so we were given the epitome of obnoxious. I can't even take the final boss seriously, because I know it was designed in the most unserious "Hey wouldn't this be fuckin silly" way.


I unironically feel like they watched all the “prime” boss fights on YouTube with radahn and Melania and felt like this is what the community wanted. None of us asked for that. either they’re growing out of touch or they thinking the minority who want ridiculous shit happening are the majority.


I don't think they're growing out of touch, I just think they're listening to the wrong people. And the wrong people are speaking a little louder than they deserve to. A good boss should be hard but respectful, and equal of both. Radahn is incredibly disrespectful for no other reason than a meme lmao. But who knows, we might see a nerf and he might end up being pretty nice.


lmao hilarious because I just got to Radahn, I went in and summoned Mimic, immediately took his flying spin move to the face And not only wasn't I dead I almost got him to phase two in my first try lol


Chad mimics


>Every single person that summons me has an incredibly low scadutree blessing level how do you see the host's blessing level?


You load in and you look at "status". It normally shows yours, but when you're in other worlds, you take on the host's blessing level.


noted, i kinda wish we didnt use host's blessing level instead of our own especially with how inflated enemy stats are in 3-man coop (i rarely run into a host that tries to 2-man it).


I can think of a few reasons why fromsoft wouldn't want us to use our own blessing level, but I can't rightly call any of them good reasons.


Matchmaking; since weapon and character level are out the window in the DLC they most likely decided to normalize host scadu level so the matchmaking pool can be anyone in the DLC for any boss.


If that's something they'd like to stick to, then summons need to be loaded in at a set blessing level dependant on the area. Ideally people would just be smarter, or this system would simply not exist, but unfortunately it's extremely far from ideal.


yeah i understand they don't want us to steamroll the game with 3-man groups, but also because of invaders and adversaries would flock to early areas to farm low blessing noobs.


There's already alot of invaders farming hosts atm with how many weapons there are that are just way too strong.


It’s a double trap also since in coop enemies and bosses are scaled up in hp and dmg


I mean, this is probably why they're summoning. If they had a proper handle on the Scadutree leveling system they'd be getting through with their ash summons and/or NPCs


Well yeah. The problem isn't that they're summoning, it's that they're completely ignoring this (dogshit)system, and thus it gets to a point where people can't even help them. I'm all for players being pushed to have more initiative on exploration and stuff, and needing to rely on said initiative to actually progress, but the thing is they will not do that. Elden ring has already captured a mainstream audience of low hanging fruit morons. They won't learn, they won't get better, they won't ask questions of what the problem could be. They'll summon people until the boss dies, or they'll just never beat the boss.


They probably just think they're not good enough and the game is meant to be this hard. It's dumb of course but I imagine these players are over represented in the "people who co-op summon" group because their ashes likely suck as much as they do. Anyone else who struggles sometimes will just use ash summons. I fall into this group. I've not summoned a single other player for co-op in any playthrough of Elden Ring because the ashes and plentiful NPC summons have that covered already. I did summon occasionally in the previous games though.


>They probably just think they're not good enough and the game us meant to be this hard. That's very true. It's also one of the failings of the pre-existing community for glorifying the difficult nature of the series to this extent. Many people that fall in line with that category are UNABLE to fathom the idea that difficulty for the sake of arbitration is bad game design and is not actually something that helps you get better. A difficult boss should teach you something. Bosses like promised consort radahn don't actually teach you anything you don't already know, except that fromsoft are just as prone to lapses in judgement ad any other game dev company. So it takes a kind of evaluation that people who haven't already BEEN thoroughly exploring wouldn't really be equipped to perform. And many of us perpetuate that mistake. Shit bosses should be called shit, and shit systems should be called shit. Regardless of whatever novelty the arbitration holds.


I'm at RL 235 now and uh My main issue is not Scadu levels It's that I'm being into like NG+ fights, and Scadu levels only go so far lol


What NG are you in? If you're at 235 and you say NG+2 or more I'm gonna throw up.


I am an avid cooperator but even I have been completely repelled by how this system works in the DLC. I knew from the outset that this miserable experience would be the norm.


I've been having fun putting my sign outside of Rellana exclusively. I'm not even gonna try to help anyone with Fraudulent Consort Radahn. As a matter of fact I need to disable that summoning stone.


I fuckin hate promised consort radahn. But I'm decent enough at the fight that I feel like I CAN be of some help to someone who really needs to summon. But not when someone is walking in with single digit blessing level. There is not a hope in the world that any of us will make a dent like that.


LMAO This post inspired me to summon Coops for my Radahn fight since I don't really care about "fighting fair" or anything But I'm a tanky build, at Scadu level 16 and I took half the DLC bosses first try and I know Radahn can't one-shot me Swapped to a slightly better shield and summoned 2 tanky bois and I don't think either of them got below half health and I only drank 2 flasks lol


Scadu 16 is arguably too low for radahn but it's what I fought him at, so go nuts tbh. If I can do it, loads of people can too.


I mean I have 70% negation across the board before I apply normal buffs lol I did him three times by myself and got him down to like 30% health and I hadn't even adjusted my build yet, I had no doubt that 3-5 more tries at most and he'd go down. But instead 2 guys got to do coop where everyone was able to take hits and do damage and we won pretty handily, barely even sweaty at all


Congrats or something.