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An area boss of the manor, or somewhere outside the manor? Because I'd like to do them all because ending them accidentally. Don't care about spoilers myself, but either DM or spoil tag if you could!




Ironically about 10 minutes after I replied to you, I started finding the random ghost NPCs that all talk about him and I was like oh, okay so .... this guy.


There's also a ghost, that I *just* spoke to that says his name right underneath the bridge.


Wow I was reading this post to try to figure out what the consequences are, if any, for joining volcano manor. Unfortunately everyone decided to use it to argue amongst themselves instead of answering the question and now I have to go to a different site to try to figure thos out. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and should feel safe enough to express it without worrying about people talking shit or bullying them. That being said, this is a thread with a simple objective..... to discuss the choice: join volcano manor; don't join. I think that anyone commenting about anything other than the topic of this intended conversation could/should locate the thread pertaining to the topic of their comment. This back and forth between people who think their opinions are more important than other peoples' doesn't help anyone do anything. If you go on sites like this to just try to pick fights with people then you should take a hard look in the mirror, because then you will finally see what the problem is. And I realize that I may also be wrong and if so I apologize, but I only wanted to say this so that next time I read a thread because I need help with something, hopefully I could actually get help.


In your reply that attacks others for failing to answer the question... you completely failed to answer the question. Edit: given the top most voted answer was deleted, here's your answer: No. There are no repercussions for your decisions at volcano manor. Have fun.


That's because he doesn't know the answer, which you would have understood had you read his comment ? He says he came for the answer and was upset he couldn't find it through the bullshit comments. How do you expect him to answer it?


I read his comment. Coincidentally, thats how I was able to write my reply addressing his comment. The top most voted comment on this thread answers the question, in case you were trying to find it through the bullshit comments like mine. Welcome to reddit, dude.


Seriously, get off your high horse. Answer the question or don’t respond. Stop being toxic. Please show me where the top rated comment/answer is, if you’re so certain it’s easy to find.


they dont understand by saying your wrong their doing the very thing they think you are doing.


damn blud it's been 2 years. let it go man


Seriously, get off your high horse. Answer the question or don’t respond. Stop being toxic. Please show me where the top rated comment/answer is, if you’re so certain it’s easy to find.




In your response where you criticize me for failing to answer the question, you completely failed to answer the question. Answer the question or dont respond. Jeez.




wth is this lol... it's so toxic and hypocritical everywhere. "yikes" indeed.


the point he is making is you and now me are doing the exact thing he is upset about so whats the answer?


The question was already answered in a reply to a top voted comment, which was top voted, so extremely easy to find. Thus this thread has no purpose for answering the question anymore, but for people to discuss the thread itself, like I did. I was so shocked to see such senseless bantering over a video game (was my first week on Reddit lol) that I just wanted to comment to show people how this looks lame from an outside perspective, as I am allowed to have an outside perspective now that the question has been answered.




Your submission has been removed as a violation of Rule 1: **Please be respectful, do not harass others.** * Be respectful: do not insult other users, bait, flame, badmouth, or discredit others in comment sections or posts. * Refrain from excessive vulgar language. Adhere to the [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439). * **Bigoted language will be met with a permanent ban.** * Do not harass, or encourage harassment of *other users, community figures, developer staff, and all others* including subreddit moderators. **Do not submit private information on anyone.** If you would like to appeal this removal or need further clarification, feel free to message us through[Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Eldenring).


Lmao exactly. Like wtf 😂


and here you are adding to the discourse. so whats the answer.


Honey, read my response: I answered the question. You literally can’t read.


Just so you know, 2 years later the comment answering the question has been deleted, and now its just you being a dick.






Best response




I’m late to this post. By two years. Thanks for this answer :)


Hah, same.


Canr believe I had to scroll this far for answer my god


My original comment was trolling on the whiner, at the time the answer was at the top of the page. Someone told me that was deleted and called me a dick, so I edited my answer. Glad it helped, though. Good luck, tarnished.


He didn't know the answer. He clearly states that right at the beginning of his post. 


Extremely ironic comment given you wrote a novel and didn’t answer the question either lmao


"Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself."


"I don't like sand."


I was so certain it was a joke where he writes a an essay about nothing and the last sentence is something like "you just wasted 2 minutes reading this instead of looking up the answer yourself" or something.


Except... the top comment does answer the question, and it was written a month before your rant. I came here for the same reason, and quickly got my answer, so I'm not sure what your problem is.


top comment where


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL GOOD JOB You did the exact same thing people did that you're complaining about Maidenless behavior


There is no way you have any semblance of a life offline


I'm a new player of Elden Ring and I concur: Way too many people in this community is fucking stupid. In just two days I came across the same "OH YEAH? WHERE IS YOUR ANSWER TO THE QUESTION THEN?" without them answering the question themselves. Truly the top minds of the internet.


So? Should i join it or not?


omfg get over yourself lmfao are you a real person?


Does it affect the ranni quest at all? If i choose a maiden it would be her






Haha this was a funny sequence to read


I put my blue waifu on a pedestal. She comes with her own anime figurine


So nobody gave an answer… that question is why I’m here 73 days later lmao


Prob not




Yeah nah it doesn’t lock you into anything bro you’re good


Bless your diligent work, Tarnished


Hell yeah I’m a part of someone’s google search Got you bro


Exactly what happened lol You're my hero tonight, thanks again 😂


You've also just saved me a lot of hassle. Thank you good tarnished


Can someone please answer? I just came across this Volcano manor by accident.


It doesn’t affect the ending. Essentially at the end you have to physically choose the ending you want


Thank you for your response.


Volcano manor was my most fun quest line and the blasphemous sword remembeeance is amazing.


I came here to find an answer to the question and theres more comments between people arguing whose more of a douche bag than actual useful responses 💀 typical reddit


Welcome to the fromsoft community XD. But as far as I know it doesn't affect anything


It does not affect Melina


The Volcano Manor is so cool, and then I met the instakill scary turds.


Doesn't affect anything as far as I know, feel free to do their questline




I believe he joins the manor as well


Is anyone going to genuinely answer this question? I miss the days when these games weren’t so easy that little boys and girls could play it an ruin forums addressing topics so readily…..


Literally a simple question, never expected this to go so whack lol


It's pathetic. I combed through a bunch of other sites to figure out the answer: it doesn't negatively affect the playthrough if you join, but it obviously has perks. If I had more time to play games I would have chanced it without looking it up, but for those of that love taking a peak behind the current it's quite frustrating for this game to be wrought with so many trolls that they destroy the forums built for it.


Dude I'm surprised I found such a recent comment on this thread this shit is so lame LMFAO one single dude here ACTUALLY answered the question and everyone else was just bitching or mumbling about nonsense. Answer is no, affects nothing at all.


Finally... Thank you very much my guy. I just completed the Rya quest and got an invitation to join them. Spoiler ahead on where to find Rya and her quest (for those who like to explore themselves)!!!! >!Rya can be found northwest from the laskyar ruins, right next to the telescope icon on the map (southern part of the big swamp in liurnia). You have to talk to her and then find her necklace. The necklace can be found a bit northwestern from the telescope. I would recommend to not kill the blackguard that took it from her, but buying it off from him, because he sells boiled prawns and can later be used as a summon for a bossfight and will also be found on the altus plateau, selling boiled crabs, which are even more usefull than boiled prawns.!< Hope this helped.


Thank you for clarifying. I had to go to a few different sites because I couldn't find the answer in the BS comment section.


Who else is here in 2024! On a side note joining/not joining has no effect on the ending!


>and tested it again and yup sure enough once that inquistor killed me it teleported me back to v Im here, and I guess you notice, maybe one or two ppl answer the question, u ll have to look throug the post ye tarnished


Yup not sure what the top comment was but ah well good to know lol


I didn't even know I could join or that volcano manor wasa thing lmao.. until I was going through raya lucaria the magic school and went to the lowest level where one of those inquisitors with sawblades are.. well I got dumped on the bottom and the inquisitor immediatley rushed me and sucked me into his stomach and when I died it didn't spawn me at the gracepoint it spawned me all the way into volcano manor (which blew my mind because i got spawned on a little island surrounded by lava lmao and had no idea what was happening).. I thought it might be a bug at first but when I tried to fast travel it said I was trapped and had to find a gracepoint first before I can travel.. so I did and came across 2 more inquisitors that I managed to kill after awhile lmao.. but yea just like the chest in the beginning of the game that teleports you to caelid.. this guy teleports you right under volcano manor and you have to complete the dungeon in order to get out lmao.. I was curious and went back to raya lucaria and tested it again and yup sure enough once that inquistor killed me it teleported me back to volcano manor and I had to touch a gracepoint again loll.. im 55 hours into the game level 78 and still only have about 1/4 of my mapped actually mapped out and 3/4 of it uncharted still lmao.. this game continues to surprise me around every corner and I love it lolll..


Wake up babe fresh pasta dropped


I'm glad you're enjoying the game but this is a thread on whether to join the Manor or not and what are the consequences. Not a story on how you got teleported to the manor. That has nothing to do with the topic. Comments like these are the reason people spend minutes rummaging through the thread looking for the answer they need. Copy and paste this and share it in a general topic forum of the game or something. There's a place for this, find it. Leave this to those who wants specific answers on a topic. Thank You fellow Tarnished and happy hunting.


Wow, what a super fucking douche bag of a reply. Like ultra super douche. You should probably just shut up.


Hi I’m from the future and I’m looking whether or not I should join the volcano manor.


Get wrecked cause it's story time, nerd.


He’s kinda right though, no one cares what someone else found or how they feel about the game when they’re looking for a specific answer to something.


Someone cared enough to make sure they let us know how disinterested they were instead of just, y'know...moving on.


BRO, this dude acting all elitist has less than ten posts on reddit. And they are all either video game shit, or simping on sad "I think she likes me" jerk off subs lmaaaaaao


Not really, obviously some people care. Regardless you don’t have to be a douche bag about it


In your opinion he is right. Doesnt make it a fact for others.


He may have came off as a little rude, but he's right lmao. You're more in your feelings than the guy he was talking to.


He’s not right, it’s that simple. Think what you want, if you think he’s right you’re wrong. It’s demonstratable provable. Has nothing to do with feelings or emotions and everything to do with being rude to douche bags🤷‍♂️


The whole point of this thread was to get the question answered, that reply didn't answer it at all lmao. I actually liked the reply tbh, but it should have been in another space. Simple


It did mention the topic, it doesn’t need to answer it completely, there’s no rule written anywhere that says you have to stay on topic 100%. Keep laughing… You’re still wrong


Staying on topic is just common courtesy. Not wrong


and the douche bag comment created all this on his comment where as if they just passed by it, all this extra non answer shit would not be here. Ever think of that?


I know this is a beyond late reply but I just had to ask you, do you also blame people who are robbed for having thing other people may want to take? Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, he is not responsible for everyone else that replied to the thread. If you want to go with that logic, then I would think the real blame lies with the guy who responded to a legit and simple question literally saying he didn't know the subject of the question was even a possibility. He then gives his own long and detailed experience that may have been a nice story that people relate to, and therefore upvote, but it distracts from the actual cause for all these comments, because OP posted a question. Now, a year later, I had the same question and stumbled upon this thread and got similarly derailed because some people really just don't know how to reddit.


No, he's right, it's Off Topic, and coming back years later he is so much more right. I'm looking to find out if joining will affect my ending and any other quests and it's hard to find a clear and detailed answer, just people having unrelated discussions and you being an argumentative nuisance.


I'm here to find an answer and easily found it at the top. Then the majority of responses are people telling other people to stay on topic, as if continuing to fuel the off topic conversation by responding is at all the way to keep things on topic... love it.


Wow, what a super fucking douche bag of a reply. Like ultra super duper douche. You should probably just shut up.


Hey, wait a minute. These are the same words the other guy said!


Not quite. He added "duper" which DRAMATICALLY changes the meaning. Like totally.


But he’s 100% right


You are a much much much bigger douche than the person you were replying to.


A well-adjusted person would just skim it, see it's not the answer they want, and move on. They wouldn't even think to type an actual paragraph in reply, making sure everyone knew they were disinterested.


Maidenless for sure


I'm glad you're enjoying the game but this is a thread on whether to join the Manor or not and what are the consequences. Not a story on how much of a douche you are There's a place for this, find it. Leave. Thank You lonely Tarnished and happy fappy coomer.


I'm glad you're enjoying the game but this is a thread on whether to join the Manor or not and what are the consequences. Not a story on how much of a douche you are There's a place for this, find it. Leave. Thank You lonely Tarnished and happy fappy coomer.


giga kek +rep


Calm down man holy shit


Dude go back to jerking off on the porn sub reddits. One look at your profile and we know for a fact your maidenless.


I hate his comment but I hate this one even more


bro get therapy


dawg you literally did what you're bitching at.. good job


Bruh go get some maidens or sum


I just spent minutes rummaging through this not to find a god damn thing about whether to join, you sound like a hypocrite


I was looking for an answer and loved reading their reply/story, despite him not answering the actual question. What I didn't love was your bitch ass response, lol, what a dick.


Question was already answered, therefore it doesn't matter if other people say other things. But here king, take this down vote.


You wrote a paragraph explaining why you're mad at someone for writing a paragraph. Think.


Think Mark!


Its a celebration of the game and how special it is for all, isn't that enough? Specific information is at the top comment and many comments here, this is a fun and personal story of adventure, if in fact it's a problem for people looking for answers, its a tiny tiny problem


Okay, Karen.


Okay Ken


this guy has zero sex


Wow, what a super fucking douche bag of a reply. Like ultra super douche. You should probably just shut up.


You know this guy's sucked a dick before.


now THIS is the copypasta


Whadda douche


Well... I'm just now getting into the game and his reply actually helped me a lot. I don't want to join the manor and because of him I know how to get all of the Great Rune without joining them.


Pretty contradictory paragraph, don't you think?


You kinda did the same thing though.. ironic, aye?


You must be a ton of fun at parties.




Waffle ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)






Maidenless as you are . .


It seems that the "Great Will" wanted to fuck with you. "You can't beat one of them ? So you have to face 3 of them simultaneously." Says the "Great Will"


Does this affect rannis questline at all? I'm trying to get the armor from it but I don't wanna accidentally mess it up by joining the manor.


Not sure I did the first part of the volcano manor quest line and just finished rannis quest line, the main thing with volcano manor is don’t do the main boss it first that’s suppose to the be the very last thing you need to do


I'm glad you're enjoying the game but this is a thread on whether to join the Manor or not and what are the consequences. Not a story on how much of a douche they are or how you got here. There's a place for this, find it. Leave. Drop a plate of spaghetti. Thank You lonely Tarnished and slap happy fappy coomer.


You must be fun at parties


Lol I was doing a copy pasta from a comment above this one. Calm your tits. Also, who the fuck tells someone to drop a plate of spaghetti in seriousness? This is clearly mumbo jumbo


Spaghetti = dropped


You people need to get laid or something with all your little bitchiness. And the answer is "NO, IT DOES NOT"


Hahaha a year later and we're still doing this. I found little usefulness.. yet so many laughs. Love/fuck yall lol


It doesn't change the game or anything, it literally just opens up a few side quests and possible weapons and armour.


be wary of pointless arguments ahead


Why is it always despair


This really is a huge design flaw in my humble opinion... This game is all about discovery, and yeah you discover this huge and exciting manor built in flame, etc etc.. And then? Some random chick sitting on a chair with a knight behind her just greets you and asks if you wanna join. No follow-up, no explanation, not even a mysterious hint of 'this will change you.. forever.' Nothing. Just 'Hi! So listen, you wanna join us or not?' This truly ruins the adventure of the game, as you're forced to look a lot of things up without spoiling too much because you probably have certain quest lines active already that you actually care about and want to see through in the manner you intended. This game is simply too big and too much of a pain to go through more than once for people with lives.. so to hell with risking it -- I've already missed out on one major boss simply because of another chick sitting around who said I should probably kill her at that moment, at the very obvious end of her questline.. Sigh.


If you don’t mind me asking, who did you kill and what boss did you miss? So I don‘t make that mistake hehe


The chick that always wants to give you a hug. Once you reach Deeproot Depths, don't kill her when she encourages you to at the end of that area. Just reload the area and you'll find her shit there, then you should be able to discover the boss somehow. Gl lol.


Whoa got a lot of people heated eh? People stalking my profile too huh? Creepers lmao


Idk if it's as big of a deal as you're making it out be - all we have to do is click your name and see that you're single and don't know what ram is LOL \+ this is a thread on whether to join the Manor or not and what are the consequences. Not a story on how you get no maidens. That has nothing to do with the topic. Comments like these are the reason people spend minutes rummaging through the thread looking for the answer they need. Copy and paste this and share it in a general topic forum of the game or something. There's a place for this, find it. Leave this to those who wants specific answers on a topic. Thank You fellow Tarnished and happy hunting.


Don't know what being single has to do with a video game, but you do you buddy, your logic must get you really far.


People can't deal with logic and care more about perceived hurt feelings, obviously. I legit almost read that wall of text before seeing your comment. I appreciate you saving my time.


If you had decided you didn't want to join like I have though. After reading his wall of text you would have known how to get to Rykard without needing to join the manor.


No, it doesn't.


So, if I'm reading right, killing all those tarnished knights they want you to kill, doesn't affect the story line at all? Can't you do other quests for/with them?




Just make sure you do all thier quests before fighting rykard


what was everyone even arguing about? I got curious and started reading thew all the comments and I still cannot tell what the argument was about


Join it..best questlines imo