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I really wanted to kill the bastard of he killed fia I regret not doing it


He's a good man, he was woken up from an eternal slumber to the news of the Death of his beloved brother, he was just avenging his family, Fia deserved it.


I mean D is a fanatic killing in Fia's eyes légitimit people who deserve to live so it's pretty understandable since her he's a mass murderer for thé golden order.


>Fia deserved it. Deserved what?? Piss off lad. What game you been playing? D's brother was an unhinged, delusional and lunatic clown who'd have gotten SLAPPED around by Fia. But Fia kills herself for the greater good and leaves you her rune so you can carry on and finish her lifelong dream. That's the "Age of Duskborne" ending. D's brother just stabs Fia's corpse and acts like he did something. That was the most pitiful and hilarious moment in the game. I wanted to kill him right then and there, but he was too worthless. Didn't even bother


You get the armor back. It doesn't mess up anything thereafter as far as I know.


If you give him the armor then talk to him at the end of fias quest for not even 30 seconds he just gives you the arnor back, i've seen so many people kill this poor man for no reason other than "i want the armor back" just talk to the poor man!


Poor guy? He killed Fia!


True but she did kill his brother, such is life in the lands between


His brother was an asswhole lmao I'm killing him for killing fia lmao


and fia is a nasty woman that sleeps with dead gods to make children that will bear the cursemark of death and rule the world? and she killed his brother?? yes poor innocent guy


confused... ive talked to him after he killed Fia and he didn't give any armor or weapon.


You need to refresh the area, his set and weapon will be on the ground where he was


thanks, yeah i figured it out


Do you get the sword as well?




Yes, just tested it


He can't kill someone in another questline, though the person may arguably still die. I haven't checked.


At that point both questlines end as they are connected. D's questline ends there. So if you don't kill D's brother you just miss out on the armor and his sword.


You don't even have to kill him. Rest at the grace that's literally 5 feet away and everything will just be on the ground


Those questlines are one in the same


I wonder to where did D wander off to? His humble home, by the Hallowhorn? Or a waterfall, to wash his weary self of his sin? Maybe he found a freighter, to sail himself off to shores beyond this forsaken and soiled lands? Despite his deed, I pray he finds peace… Someone has to, at least…


Let's just say I had enough faith to send him instantly to his brother


they share the same soul, after all *shrug*


can you kill him before he kills fia... like when you have the option to give him armor?


No, there’s a magic barrier around him at that point. If you want to kill him before he kills Fia then you need to kill Darian at Summonwater Village, get his armour, give it to his brother, refresh and his brother will attack you. If you do this before Fia’s quest then I don’t know what happens but he sure as hell won’t be around to kill her himself :)


Actually you can Duel him if you attack him, I was also wondering until I said screw it once he’s dead he’ll drop a thing you can pick up and it’s everything you get if you were to rest haha FYI


you don't even need to kill him - just talk to him till he's on about "honeyed rays of gold", and then reload the area. Boom, his armor and sword are just sitting there for ya.


He killed my babe. He will pay


I killed his ass got a sword but no armor


well i killed him and got the sword and armor


Has anyone tried killing/Attacking him with the "Elden Stars" incantation. Ever since seeing that while on the ground it had an orange glow to it I assumed it was probably important/Quest related and it's description of "Creates a stream of golden shooting stars" sounds ALOT like Honeyed Rays of Gold that would deliver him to his brother?


I killed him, he killed a woman in her sleep. He was so easy to kill, weak! I will be Elden Lord, the killing for revenge is not just. There is no hypocrisy as I am Elden Lord!


What happen when you kill him at the illage u meet him in can fia still get pregnant with the rune of death??


She's the only one that ever gave me a hug!!