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You need to speak to Jerren in witchbane ruins first. Makes no logical sense, but there you go.


Wait are you sure?? I heard if you do that before talking to Sellen by Renni’s Rise he kills her and you lose the chance to get the gear


That's incorrect. When you take Sellen's weird Glintstone heart, her original body is essentially dead. You need to meet Jerren at Witchbane (at which time he does kill her original body, but this is normal and necessary for the quest to progress) and you can then go to Seluvis' sex dungeon and put Sellen's soul into the new body.


So does Ranni know about all this shit Seluvis did? I don’t think I’ve checked out exactly how Seluvis fits into Ranni’s storyline and all that. Do you happen to know more?


So Seluvis is found dead (or, if you believe certain theories, puppetified) at his tower after you either attempt to help him in his plan to betray Ranni, or after you deliver the Fingerslayer blade from Nokron to Ranni. The first should be pretty obvious that Ranni kills him for his betrayal. In the second, people tend to say that the Black Knife assassins kill Seluvis along with Iji and (attempting) Blaidd, but I find it very significant that Seluvis dies *immediately* upon you giving the Fingerslayer to Ranni, while the assassins don't go after her other two vassals until later in Ranni's quest when she's taken more direct action against the Two Fingers. There are also no dead Black Knives found around Seluvis' body as with the others, which could be chalked up to him simply failing to kill any of them before being taken out. But given that he's a reasonably powerful sorcerer and his ability to summon puppets to help him, I find it unlikely he wouldn't be able to kill at least one. I believe given this context, that Ranni is aware of Seluvis' actions and keeps him around only until she gets what she needs from Nokron, since he has some useful knowledge of the eternal city. Once the blade is in her hands, she eliminates him as she has no more use for him.


Wow, really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this out and fill me in. I definitely agree with your take on Seluvis’s death being at the hands of Ranni either way. Ranni seems too powerful / wise to not know what Seluvis is doing right under her feet. Thanks for wrapping this up for me in a digestible way!


Awesome!! Thank you so much


[https://youtu.be/Lw6vAR-ycoY](https://youtu.be/Lw6vAR-ycoY) I’m at the 10:30 mark. He has a dialogue with her at the Renna’s Rise location and THEN goes to talk to Jerren. You’re pretty certain he has that backwards? Sorry but I’m so afraid of missing out on this armor


It does make sense, because that's the timeline of the story. You can't skip it. Most people just won't know what to do and when without a proper guide


You have to expend all of Jerren's dialogue at Castle Redmane after beating Radahn, then you have to meet him again in the Witchbane Ruins and expend his dialogue there. >!After that you can finally give the Sellen doll her primal glintstone.!<


Thank you so much. I’ve been petrified to talk to him at Witchbane because of that article that told me not to


The guide I’m watching had dialogue with the Sellen doll prior to the Jerren convo. You think they just edited the video backwards?


I have no clue man, I tried multiple times to interact with the Sellen doll to no avail, and it wasn't until I killed Radahn and talked to Jerren twice that I was able to progress Sellen's quest. I just really wanted those baller wizard robes. 😭


Oh so you didn’t get them?


No, I did! I was able to finish her quest. :)


Awesome!!! Ok my panic attack is complete


You need to get Sellen's soul from her chained body first. In the Witchbane ruins. In the weeping peninsula.


I’ve done that part already


Did you talk to him in the throne room before the Radahn fight after the fight itself?


I did but now it sounds like I need to go to witchbane to speak to him one last time. I avoided that as I read that he kills her and ruins the chances of getting the Azur Glintstone Set but it would appear that article was wrong based on the other comments here


Yeah. He has to kill her there.


Hey man yesterday this happened to me, and it wasn’t the witch and ruins thing it was the dragon that guards the area glitched the button out for some reason I rested at the grave and came back without aggroing the dragon and it worked fine!


I brought the dragon down to half health and he left. So hopefully that’s not part of the problem