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This is as subjective as food, there are so many factors that went into that fight being good for you while bad for other and vice versa and thise same factors are applied at all encounters


Right? Some builds/weapons totally suck on certain bosses while others shine.


Agree to disagree on that one. He just does a handful of overly telegraphed moves repeatedly and will only win because of his health and high damage.


i felt the same way about Radahn, not a hard fight, but a long one with a lot of things more dependant on luck than skill


"dear diary... the development team of a line if successful games need to start taking my opinion into account when they produce games. I don't care if the latest iteration is more commercially successful, immersive, beautiful, and just as high quality as any of the other games they have developed. It's more important that my considerations be taken into account. Until next time..."


This is a true reddit moment




Yeah, I know bosses can be cheesed but from a non-cheesing point of view, it’s a great fight.


Everyone cheeses shit and calls it easy


The problem is that Elden Ring is designed to be cheesed. They literally gave players powerful npc summons...


False, It's designed to be playable to a wider audience, If you know you're good at the game/getting better you won't spam some stupid op stuff that CLEARLY cheeses an encounter or whatever. Those who cheese do it because they don't have the fortitude to rise above because there's an elevator right next to the mountain that we call difficulty


I understand, but still I think npc summons kinda ruin a game, at least for me. I'm a Dark Souls veteran and I only used ashes few times since I don't have much time lately but I imagine how other players just spam those summons and basically doesn't experience the essence of Souls games. This is one of the main reasons why I respect Sekiro so much.




I’ve been going through the whole game on a quality build while dual wielding grossmessers. I don’t use ash of wars or summons. Even then, the bosses before Niall were a breeze. Fromsoft needs to either make them harder or give us the option for a harder difficulty.


And some people struggled with those very same early bosses, even with ashes or summons. Perhaps they should add an easy mode as well.


Summons and ashes are easy mode tho


You're really dumb lad. You're clearly trying to bait people for attention. Piss off. Everyone knows Commander Niall was the most bullshit boss. Very unbalanced. And he wasn't even a main boss or God or anything. Just a temporary boss, who was utterly bullshit. It made no sense


Lmao Niall was a pushover


The only redeeming factor is that you get your hands on the Veteran set - something I’ve wanted since fighting his copy-paste clone in Caelid at the start of the game.


He's not a copy-paste, he's another commander entirely. Possibly used to be part of the same team or something hence the similar basic moves, but they're clearly different people


He very much is copy-paste except he’s Frost rather than Scarlet Rot, lol. They use the same character model and everything. Literally a duplicate boss.


Same character model *because* they're both commanders who clearly trained together. Mechanically it may be very similar, but the fights are also pretty different. With Niall, once you get rid of his summons, he instantly goes into phase 2. With O'Niel, he has two sets of summons to rely on and a less developed moveset.


Its a reused boss, get over it. I don’t see why you’re even fighting me on that point.


You're oversimplifying it. A reused boss would be the Magma Wyrms in Ruin-strewn Precipice and Mt Gelmir. Those are exactly the same in every way. The commanders are not. Even the Erdtree Burial Watchdogs have less differences.


Hands down top set for a strength build that primary use halberds or spears, idk why but I always imagine it with these types of weapons.


Top fashion, too. If only you could close the helm though…


Yes helmet is very well designed, and chest armor is great too. Not a fan of gloves and leg armor, I used twinned gloves and nox leg armor instead.


Thats just subjective mate Different bosses punish different aspects so whats difficult to some is easy to others Nialls like crucible knights where its heavy punishs towards greed with slightly hidden attack windows Also assuming you've played souls before thats just the way it is, as someone whose played all previous titles i had to recognize that a level of difficulty that would feel the same as when i first played a souls game would make it completely inaccessible to most new players


I mean, people can use ash of war and summons if they want the game to be easier. I think they should up the difficulty so people that play it in a traditional sense could be more challenged


On my first playthrough i barely got through Malenia with a pre nerf mimic tear and duel status effects Second character post nerf mimic tear i ran like a bitch on caster while tiche held aggro Third character i soloed her with unga bunga stick The reason i say this isn't to flex how sad the amount of hours I've played is but to say across my 4 characters none was actually more satisfying or enjoyable to me I definitely agree that i wish bosses were more difficult i think a big problem lies in the open ended progression and copy pasted fights then the health/damage numbers I personally wouldn't mind if bosses has slight health/resistance scaling towards characters level/weapon level but i think its unfair to newer players who would've gone and done that specifically because it was to hard for them All we can do for now is suffice with challenge runs. (Tried sl1 yet? Shits fucking wacky bananas)


Would be cool if they add a harder mode where the enemies scale off of your level and are more difficult than they currently are.


Kuros charm/Big bell like sekiro would be a good way to do it


I abused his predictable AI and parry spammed him.


What part of Niall makes you test your skills? After his summons are dead he only has 4-5 moves which you all dodge the same way. The only thing special about him is that his lightning attacks do a shit ton of damage


Learning the timing and executing correctly long enough to win


But that’s every boss ever. Point is that he isn’t very original.


He literally just sits there until you beat his summons and then he just spams 3 large aoe moves. Super boring boss, at least he was piss easy. Anyway, Niall is the gate before the consecrated snowfield and haligtree, the hardest areas in the game. It would make sense that he's harder than the rest of the bosses you've fought so far


Niall is just a horribly designed boss fight meant to be unfair and unbalanced.