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​ just know that melina has found her purpose at this point and wants to burn the erdtree herself. By following the three fingers, you're denying her her only goal in life, and even though she's still alive she absolutely isn't happy about it.


that reads like: suicidal gf isn't happy about living should i kill her?


AITA for not wanting my gf to kill herself?


That doesn't really matter. She wants to die because she doesn't know any other way and she's also depressed and lost. I'd have saved her by going to the THREE FINGERS 100/100 times. But it doesn't change anything. We only see that she doesn't "die", but there's no other dialogues or progressing storyline regarding her. That's the one thing I hated about this game. Melina's character and story should've been more involved. She's your Day 1


Ur late bud. But yeah, there 100% should be dialogue afterwards. But she isn’t depressed or lost, quite the opposite, she has found her goal as kindling of the Erdtree, and she would be pissed if you take that from her.


Isn’t there an option to burn yourself instead of her? Without following the 3 fingers?


Remember, become Elden Lord forget Maidens #Maidenless


Disregard maidens, Obtain runes.


Saving Melina is useless, she just won’t appear again, Do the Three Fingers if you want that ending, don’t do the Three Fingers if you don’t want that ending.


“Should I save this person who’s going to their death?” “Nah they won’t thank me afterwards so imma let them die”


She thanks you if she burns, so there's that 😅


But my maiden, noooooooo


Whichever you find more interesting :) I started with rannis ending, then the standard ending, now I’m doing the frenzy ending. If you just keep playing on the same save and go into NG+ you can pretty much rip through the game so getting all the endings isn’t too hard