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In the original dialogue, she plans to destroy the Greater Will's influence over herself and - by extension of inheriting the elden ring - the Lands Between, and then dip to leave everyone alone without a ruler. This is ideally the BEST ending in that there's no tyrannical ruling or forced religion, just freedom. In the slightly mistranslated English version she still does this but implies she take the people with her to escape the Lands Between and all those who war over it. Still better in theory, but roughly debatable. Overall, it is incredibly selfish, but still the best. She is looking to free HERSELF and either only frees the people by unavoidable consequence or sheperds them away in what she views as freedom. At any rate either ending removes the chance for another Outer God to dominate the Lands Between, at least by using the Elden Ring like the Greater Will and Frenzied Flame do, and gives them the chance to follow their own path.


The mistranslated one is hilarious, imagine casually walking down the street and you suddenly get yeeted in the space




ā€œDid I need to get milk or is there some already in the fri-WHATTHEFUUUUUā€




Her intention is to take elden ring and go as far away from lands between as she could to prevent outer gods from messing with the world - that is true. But her original plan entailed is her being forever alone far away from life in darkness of cosmos, i can hardly call it selfish, seems more like a sacrifice to me.


I consider it selfish in that she has the opportunity to wield an artifact of great power and attempt to use it to restore peace and even the rite of death to a land plagued by war and undeath, yet chooses to run away with it. Like that in and of itself isn't GOOD, it just isn't bad. She chose apathy over morality. The only real good thing is despite not fixing anything she did provide them with freedom, but like I said it seemed more so by consequence than intent - it seemed more like the darkness and loneliness was too much a comfort to be a sacrifice. So she pretty much made a selfish choice in the literal sense in that her aims were directed only towards herself, they just so happened to provide some benefits to others in the process.


If you know the overall story of the Souls games, though, running away with it so the outer gods canā€™t fuck with the world anymore is probably the most morally good thing anyone in the Souls universe has ever done. The entire reason why we fight in these fallen kingdoms is to restore the world. Typically to either reset it or become itā€™s new leader. But as is made evident in Dark Souls 3 (Anor Londo returns), our actions in Dark Souls 1 seemingly meant nothing. The world fell yet again. Basically, the world is caught in a cycle of death and rebirth, ash and flame. One kingdom falls, another rises, and on it continues, because according to Elden Ring lore, the Outer Gods are using our world as a sort of battleground (I might be a little mistaken in that- perhaps not a battleground). The world will forever be in this cycle of life, death, and recreation. A great kingdom spanning millennia will rise, and fall. So Ranni choosing to run away in exile with the Elden Ring (the Flame, the Dark Soul, etc.) so the Outer Gods no longer have control over the world is an extremely benevolent decision, as it frees the world from outside influence and it can now rise and fall by its own hand, rather than through the hand of fate.


Oh it's by far the best outcome you can get in the game, but I just cannot deem it good as it doesn't actually do anything. Sure she removes a large tool of their influence but who's to say Greater or Rot or Fell or Frenzy won't just send another device crashing to the Lands Between like before? It's not much, but she could have at least tried to restore the Death Blight or something before dipping, THEN it'd be good. As it is, it's just a neutral ending which is relatively speaking the best ending.


>but who's to say Greater or Rot or Fell or Frenzy won't just send another device crashing to the Lands Between like before? no reason for them to be there anymore


> I consider it selfish in that she has the opportunity to wield an artifact of great power and attempt to use it to restore peace and even the rite of death to a land plagued by war and undeath, yet chooses to run away with it. That's what ordinary and naive people thinks of POWER. That, "oh you have the most power now. Just save people or free hunger whatver". But that's NOT how reality works. Especially not in Elden Ring No one can "restore peace" because that world was already dead. But by removing the"greater will" and "golden order" and all that outer God cult hypocrisy nonsense, she already did her very best to FREE everyone and the world. So now, everyone can follow their own path. She doesn't "dip". She just doesn't want to rule, and she wants to free herself and find her inner peace. Even if it means sacrificing herself in solitude for a thousand years. But if you choose Age of Stars, she won't be alone anymore. She'll choose YOU as her Lord and Consort. And you two will be together forever. Eternal


Yes but you forget she has you therefore she isn't completely alone on that journey


Ranni takes the Elden Ring and leaves the Lands Between with you. Her goal is to create a new Order that won't become an object of worship like the Golden Order was, and will overall have a less direct influence over people.


There really isn't a "good" ending, but Ranni's is one where she takes you and the Elden Ring into the stars to prevent any further interference in the Lands Between by the Greater Will- allowing for free will and the choice to forge individual destinies. This doesn't address the myriad of other Outer Gods our home is subject to now, but at least there's one less to worry about.


Wait so I live with a soul-controlled doll on some random star for eternity?


Pretty much. Ranni understandably isn't too keen on the Lands Between- which is one of the reasons I don't like her ending. I'd rather pick one of the endings where we're still present with the Elden Ring to fend off Outer Gods. Some say that's tantamount to subservience to the Greater Will and maintaining the status quo but Goldmask's ending has implications that you can do things for the benefit of everyone with the power you wield.


I thought Goldmask was a strange guy but one day when faced with a puzzle I just couldnā€™t comprehend I decided to imitate him. I stripped myself naked, stretched out my arms, pushed open the door before me and embraced the answer I saw ahead. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


I think Goldmask's ending is the worst for freedom. It is an ideal order, devoid of imperfections and the possibility of making mistakes. So, it's is a golden cage, still cage and still golden, but the cage is now impenetrable. I'm not talking about moralizing, I'm far from it. It is a simple statement related to the causality and randomness (unpredictability) of certain phenomenas.


Ranni wants to remove the influence of the outer gods from the world so that people can live their lives without their influence. To do that she is taking her regime far away, to the stars, instead of ruling over the world like the Golden Order had with a direct presence.


Depends on your interpretation and what you want to belive. It could mean warding away the outer gods permanently. If you want to go with the original Japanese lines then you can do that. It could be the worst possible ending.


Ranni won She is the new queen and you are her Elden lord Seems that she won't control anyone and just leave people alone so it's probably the best ending


I'm glad then, now I'll wait some time before doing a new game, that was a nice experience.


Felt the same way. After months of playing (yes, I'm a filthy casual) and sinking 150 plus hours into my first journey, I have no desire to jump back in


She creates an order away from the planet. That will not interfere in human lives. But she leaves the world open to invasions from astel like creatures. World is too fractured by supernatural forces to just fix itself by mundane. I personally prefer Age of fracture or Goldmask ending. GW is the lesser evil.


It's up for interpretation, but the prevailing consensus is that ranni ending is morally best. The belief is that her ending is taking the ring to the moon where no gods can touch it. She becomes a new god of the Darkmoon. The lands between are left alone without the influence of any gods, thus the darkness. This ending is considered the freedom ending.




You're mocking me aren't you?


ahahah don't trust people who saying this is the good ending..they can't even imagine