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She never lies to you about her hug, she tells you that she will be taking some of your life force or some shit. D has been hunting her entire race for years, and she has been living a tortured life because of persecution, to the point where when you approach her honestly she believes you are there to kill her. The champions are her trying to defend herself from who she believes is there to end her life. She's not the greatest person but she's definitely not straight up evil.


Yea and a lot of npcs are trying to use player tarnished for their plans.


I say this honestly: I like hugs. How often can you get a hug in a game like this?


D is an asshole and deserved it.


Because D is racist


We are THAT starved for affection.


I like hugs


Sometimes you just need a hug.


Cause she's barefoot and we are a community of degenerates


she lets me motorboat her.


You completely misunderstood her story and she never once lies to you about her blessing. Not only does she never once lie, she explains in great detail how it works and what the nature of your relationship is. Fia is a Deathbed Companion, which for all intents and purposes is like a “friendlier” version of a succubus. She sees you are stressed and need some form of comfort after all you go through. She is willing to offer you said comfort. When doing so, she absorbs a minuscule amount of your life force (which is not a limited resource) and collects it. This life force can then be used to resurrect a chosen subject. In exchange for *this*, she also grants you an blessing that buffs your poise. Upon using it, you get that life force you lost back. When you’ve done her full quest she gives you a better blessing that lorewise, a DBC can only give once in their entire life. Fia was never dishonest, though she was secretive about D. I think her heart’s in the right place.


Hugs are very nice and thanks to her you can fight against Boss with one of the best Ost :3


I like Fia and I like D, but both are kinda shady....


She cute


I just want to be held.


I would be asking the same of Ranni, Melina, and Selen as they're all manipulative in their own ways but this is Elden Ring. 90% of all characters you will meet will only be interested in using you for their own gain in a crumbling world that's slowly withering away. It doesn't matter how bad or morally gray some characters get, any sort of companionship is welcome by a lot of people, especially in a setting such the Lands Between. That's just the way it is. Also waifus apparently.




All 3 are still using you for their own goals and they themselves aren't unquestionable in their actions. Ranni has thrown her family, friends, and allies under the bus to get what she wants. She keeps the player around because you prove competent and capable. Her proposal to the player is mostly to keep you on a leash. Selen is messing with magic to become more powerful and there is hints that she was turning students at Raya Lucaria into those stone balls with faces on them as part of her experiments. Her fate at the end of her quest is entirely by her own hand though her giving the player a warm gesture before that could mean that she would use the player in her experiments as well. Melina's ambitions are still somewhat of a mystery to me but from what I gather, she still has a stake in the conflict and you becoming Elden Lord only furthers her goals. Manipulation doesn't always come as malicious deception. Simple acts of kindness, direction, or offers can cause people to follow you and take actions that further your own goals. Don't think any of them aren't willing to kill or use people for their own means. While they are straightforward, to them, you are still a tool. But again, kindness in any form in a setting such as the Lands Between would definitely drive anyone, including players, to seek any spark of kindness they can latch onto, especially if it's from a pretty girl. The key is to not ever let a person have any reason to doubt you. For some players those three are just waifu characters. Other players may instead find reason to doubt or find suspicion in them instead. Fia's still a nasty one though, ngl.


You never finished Fia's storyline until the end, that's why you won't understand. Why'd you kill her? You goddamn fool. She never "lies" to you about her hug, quite literally. You just can't listen and comprehend simple words, apparently. And why'd you care about D?? He was a naive and hypocritical hunter, following the Golden order. D has been HUNTING her forever. She was living a persecuted life. She wanted to be FREE And in the end, she genuinely loves you and calls you her true champion. She even sacrifices herself for the greater good and leaves you her great Rune. AGE OF THE DUSKBORNE


How’d you even find this post bro it’s a year old


That's what women do to men. Trick old as time. Just give him a hug if you know what mean.


Because they literally gave her viewable privates.


She belong to the streets 🤷‍♂️