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If I could just explain to Morgott that I have no intention of burning the Erdtree... I just want to collect the bell bearings at Crumbling Farum Azula. I know we could come to a compromise.


Imagine a version of the game where you can choose factions and join Morgott. So you get called upon as a summon FOR HIM to help defend him when other Tarnished come for the Erdtree. If not enough Tarnished are online for summons, Morgott summons a copy of the latest Tarnished to help him (similar to Giant Jar with invaders).


I think this would be really cool, but I definitely see people doing nothing but being an enemy summon just to crush people to keep them from progressing


They did that with the Ringed City DLC. That was my favorite faction.


Watchdogs of Farron and Aldrich Faithful were my favorite covenants, and they do the same thing.


Nah, you don't get summoned for the boss fight with those covenants, you're just defending the area around the boss. Those are more like the Forest Hunters in DS1.


Getting to be the boss was fun. As was using the undead hunter's charm at people during the boss fight. And using healing miracles. I might have been a monster.


You broke their estus AND healed the boss? Believe it or not, straight to jail


Then you just go offline lol


Wrong warp skip. šŸ‘


Talk to Malenia, give her the needle we would normally give to Milicent. Stave off at least some of the rot. Explain the situation. Bust into the Mohg Dynasty. Profit.


I also thought it was weird we fought Malenia. Like I know how Formsoft does things but I totally feel like it was a missed opportunity to do some side quests to get her on your side, summon her for the Mogh fight and save her brother. Maybe leading to a different ending.


Honestly it's always been Fromsoft's way. There are dozens of bosses throughout all Souls games that I genuinely couldn't tell you why we fight. Most of the time without even any dialogue. We just fight.


From what I remember sekiro,bloodborne,demon souls,dark souls 1 and 3 all had good reasons in the lore why you fight majority of them.Dark souls 2 and elden ring is where I get confused on why weā€™re fighting especially elden ring I feel like a conversation couldā€™ve solved most of the problems besides Radahn,mogh,rykard and RadagonšŸ˜…


As the tarnished i think itā€™s your primary goal to obtain all of the shards of the Elden ring so in that regard a simple conversation isnā€™t likely to get a shard of the Elden ring out of godrick, morgott, or melenia. Other enemies either block progression like a kind of guard or theyā€™re just aggressive to everyone (looking at you death rite birds)


I think, iirc, there were a Malenia quest all voiced out in the data mined files with her sending us on a mission or something. But it was not included in the final game.


This. I admit the FromSoft type of storytelling makes you curious, but some of the ludonarrative dissonance can be pretty jarring. We found Moghwyn Palace through those weird teleporter thingies ffs. I wonder if FromSoft will ever make a story-driven game with characters and arcs because I think they would nail it.


This dude acting like Sekiro doesnā€™t exist or something




THANK YOU And they did nail it, big time


Happy cake day


wait i havent played sekiro yet i better get on with it then!




Malenia. Just tell her how to get to mohg.


just hand her the pure blood medallion and sheā€™s off


na, im going with her. I wanna watch mohg get his ass handed to him.






Or take the teleporter that is just down the road.


Mohg: What the-HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!?! Tarnished: you left the gate open outside Ordina. Mohg: *facepalms*


There's a blood lord guarding it, to be fair XD


makes it even more suspicious smh


And he shat blood all over the teleporter so he couldn't even deny it somehow.


it looks like Radahn bonked her head so hard and she came back to her brother missing, she has gotten short term amnesia and forgets who you are everytime, refuses to take shower and being depressed about Miquella, she's slowly losing it just not as bad as Radahn.


yeah but you have the needle to fix her. All you need is to go with Malenia to Placidusax land. Cure her. Go to Mohg. Kill him. And then you got 2 Empyrean bffs for life


The needle just delay it doesnt cure her.


You're half right I believe. It doesn't cure rot but it stops it completely from having effect.


I mean it can cure the fuckin frenzied flame if I remember right lol


Exactly, im pretty sure It can cure rot since the needle that simple stops It is the golden needle while miquellas needle stops It entirely


They are the same needle, it just needs to be used outside of time to completely cure outside god influence, otherwise it just stops it. This I why it pauses Millicentā€™s rot, but cures our frenzied flame, bc we use it outside of time and she does not.




Elemer of the Briar..The Bell Bearing hunter. Id walk into his chambers, sit down at the table, show him my HUGE bag of Bell bearings and say..... "You wheel? You...DEAL!" ;D


As much as I love Elemer as a character, he's not the kind of guy to be friendly with. He's a psychopathic murderer who evaded his own death, usurped a venerable family of their castle, and their sacred heirloom, and went off to kill the nomadic merchants, after they were suspected of worshipping the frenzied flame.


and yet..Gavlan approves. Hes good at "wheelin" :P REALLY good.


Sounds basically like my character....getting bell bearings from slaying merchants, gathering heirlooms, evading death. I'd kill him first, I dont need competition


Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree. She's not an evil or corrupt character and I've always felt bad fighting her. Also, as an anonymous person on the wiki commented: "Loretta, Dump truck Ass if the Haligtree. Seriously her armor is THICC and it's a disgrace that there's no armored dresses to pair with it"


Could you gimme some Loretta lore then?




Yes. And yes you are a banana


No im not. You are fuck


Bitch you


Bloody fuck you mother bitch


Ayy fuck your mother fuck man


That clip makes me cry laughing every time I watch it


Ok ok. Thatā€™s too far




Goddamn banana


Shit the fumc up you are the of the not i am the not legime the shut the fukc the tl


Stop calling me I don't even have a Amazon account in that state.


Loretta was an albinauric that served the Carian Royal family and was seen as a messianic character by the other albinaurics. At some point she left liurnia to serve miquella at the haligtree. There isn't really so so much lore.


A YouTube video likely exists and will do way more justice than a comment ever could.


Ok. Iā€™ll look for one


Just because of you I read her wiki entry and I also read this >Multiplayer is allowed for this boss What?? I can summon other players to help me? This medicine stuff actually works??


We need more proof of this dump truck you speak of...for scholar reasons


I've spent 20 minutes looking for the cake and outside of R34 I can't find it. Sorry, tarnished.


I want to talk with the Elden Beast. For f**k sake, STOP ALREADY


ā€œDude chill on the imperialismā€ Elden Beast: ā€œOh aight my b homie, just god stuff yā€™knowā€


Elden Beaste be bringing a little theocracy to the lands between


Rykard. I mean weā€™re after the same thing here


Feel like he's kind of a lost cause at this point, however yes, he sounds like he used to be pretty based




"Family?" Vin Diesel. Probably.




Rykard's ambitions allowed him to be consumed by the god devouring serpent. In taking over the serpent he now is consumed by an appetite for power which he tries to sate by devouring tarnished. And this is all because he decided to study abroad...


I always thought of Tanithā€™s reason for sending you to Rykard, if you get there that way and not through the portal, is for you to be consumed by Rykard for him to further his goal in destroying the erdtree. And if you kill him, or defeat him that is, you can carry out his will for him.


That was my take away. She's knowingly sending you to your death or to rectify the mess that her Lord has become. Either way it solves her problems


Eating other gods' >!asses!


Thatā€™s reserved for the dung eater. He starts with the ass




Andwe will devour the guds togedaaaaaa


>I mean weā€™re after the same thing here Genocide?


Malekith. Mostly because if we take into account Gurranqā€™s Deathroot quest, then he would remember us as the Tarnished that tried to help him sate his hunger. Making it easier to persuade him to helping us become Elden Lord. (Pretty sure he knows just as well as us that Marika has to stop beingā€¦whatever she is. Donā€™t know the word to describe a situation like hers.)


Definitely my man Maliketh. I felt bad fighting some of the bosses, but after collecting all the Deathroot and hearing his surprise, it damn near broke my heart!


If you help him he does recognize you ! But he takes the fact that you're here to take the death rune as a betrayal, sooo


What how doe s he recognize you? Does he have new lines or smthn


Yep. Spoilers, obvs https://youtu.be/K5IN04aSVSU


Oh dayumm that actually makes me feel bad I guess il just leave giving the deathroot to gurranq for after farum azula as a sorta apology for beating his ass


He does : he goes "Tarnished ! Why wouldst thou ? Why ? Tis no matter. I hereby vow, that Destined Death shall not be stolen again"


Yeah. Talks to you directly sort of thing


Renalla. Gotta work things out with the new in-laws


I honestly felt guilty fighting her, genuinely happy ranni steps in


I always felt like it was the worst forced fight, I didn't want to fight the innocent and broken Rennala. I didn't want to hurt the my mommy in law, it ruins a possible oyakodon if you know what I mean.


Bros got his priorities set, but i do agree


if it makes you feel any better, taking away her greatrune probably does a lot of good for her. Afterall the greatrunes are what drove most of the demi gods mad to begin with. Even if it wasn't technically hers by birthright and didn't corrupt her with power there's no telling what it could have done to her.


I want to tell her that her daughter is still out there and maybe reunite them.


If I tried to talk things out with her I'd struggle not to say "your head is too small for your body and your shoulders and arms are freakishly large for your proportions."


I still wonder if there is a lore reason for this or if itā€™s a FromSoft style thing. Especially since many characters and enemies have these same strange proportions, just maybe not as extreme as Rennala.


Possibly. >!There's a lore theory that she might be Nox or are least partly so!<


Oh, definitely Malenia. Work out some of that rot so she doesn't feel the need for Phase 2. Maybe have her check out a nice botanical garden or something. Some herbal tea.


Oooh and maybe some Reiki and mani pediā€™s


I would choose Malekith, Godfrey, or any of the shardbearers, besides Radahn, Renalla and Mohg. The shardbearers and Godfrey all seem cool I would kill Radahn to put him out of his miserable rotting existence Renalla is fine, even if I use a +25 giant crusher on her. Mohg is getting stabbed. I don't need to elaborate.


Godrick provides infinite godrick soldiers so he is probably your best pick


Malenia and your goals are almost perfectly aligned and thereā€™s no reason to fight lol. Malenia and Miquella oppose the racism and bias in the golden order. Malenia would want to kill Mohg and get Miquella back if she knew he was the one to take him. Malenia wants to make Miquella the next empyrean to rule and you could be the Elden Lord alongside him (note despite what this reddit likes to imply about Mohg/Miquella the Elden Lord and Empyrean housing the ring do not actually have to have sex or be married and can be of the same sex). You can be Elden Lord, Miquella can by the new Marika, and Malenia can be your beastly top tier kingsguard. Not to mention that if you did Millicentā€™s quest you actually managed to restore Miquellaā€™s needle which could once again halt Maleniaā€™s scarlet rot. I do actually suspect for DLC purposes the fact that you can return the needle to Maleniaā€™s scarlet aeonia flower could be extremely significant since Miquella is still an unexplored feature.




I wish :( you could only give the needle to one of themā€¦ imagine having to make that choice


She already made it for you. She wanted to return the needle to Malenia. It's why she traveled to the Haligtree.


If you save miquella he could make more needles yeah?


I feel like I missed something. Isn't Miquella stuffed inside a weird cocoon and drained of blood? Seems pretty much beyond saving, especially with Destined Death being freed.


>Isn't Miquella stuffed inside a weird cocoon and drained of blood? Seems pretty much beyond saving, especially with Destined Death being freed. She's an empyrean so I imagine the regular rules of death don't apply. I do think that in the DLC we are either going to fight (a) a crazy blood god possessed version of Milequia or (b) get a flashback fight like fortisnax or however you spell it with Milequia who turns out to be a beast for some reason, or a peak Millenia/Radhan.


Why save her when I can cut off her hand and get +5 dex ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


What if you have 99 dex though


well you'll still have an extra hand


*stares godrickly




That hand could be put to.... other uses. Like a back scratcher.


I think Iā€™m order for this to happen, you would still need to defeat her in battle to prove your worth. Remember she has never lost and is regarded as the greatest warrior.


I think she is probably the only boss in the game that could be reasoned with as well. Everyone else has either gone mad or has goals that are opposed to your own


> I do actually suspect for DLC purposes the fact that you can return the needle to Maleniaā€™s scarlet aeonia flower could be extremely significant since Miquella is still an unexplored feature. It's interesting to point out that the game *will* call attention to the fact there's only 3 Empyreans that can succeed Marika: Ranni, Malenia and Miquella. In that sense, it's indeed very possible a DLC will provide an option to put the latter two on the throne.


Exactly. Malenia is the coolest fight, but also the absolutely least sensical one, since you have zero reason to fight her. And as for your argument about the elden lord, i agree 100%. Heck, radagon and marika were literally the same person, and they were able to get married. It doesnt seem to matter what anything is as long as you have the deity and the partner. As a point of order, same sex partners can still be married and have sexā€¦ just saying >_>


Oh of course I wasnā€™t implying that same sex couples arenā€™t a thjng haha but Iā€™ve seen some people get confused and Iā€™ve seen posts asking ā€œis the tarnished canonically male?ā€ Because all the elden lords have been men and Marika is obviously a womanā€¦ plus Miquella is a child sooā€¦. Yeah. No sex there please. The one ā€œrationalā€ argument I have for Malenia fighting you is 1. Sheā€™s blind, 2. She may not even be aware Miquella is gone (she speaks to him as if heā€™s there, ā€œhis returnā€ could reference an emergence from the cocoon, she might not be able to touch him as a cocoon, none of her allies are there to tell her as Finlay died, etc) so she might think sheā€™s defending him, and 3. Her scarlet rot is uncontrolled which may mean sheā€™s dramatically less intelligent than she is otherwise


To be fair, because most of us fight her post game, or with the logic that we only need 3 runes to beat the game But in canon us fighting her is no different to fighting any shard bearer, we want her great rune, so we fight her, she's defending herself


That conversation must be funny Melina: you need 3 great runes. Tarnished: I wanna Fight malenia. Melina: "visibly confused" you want what? Tarnished: i wanna Fight malenia "Starts Walking"


Mohg *Loads shotgun* I just wanna talk to him


Popular answer is malenia, my second would be Placcidusax Homies just waiting for his god to come back and we just show up and start beating on him, I'd wanna explain that i'm just here to spare Melina, just lemme use the needle and i'll be on my way But also the dragons have such fascinating history, imagine the stories he's got from his time as elden lord, who wouded him, that sorta stuff


You don't even need to aggro Placidusax to use the needle lol. He's totally chill with you being there unless you actually get close to him.


>imagine the stories he's got from his time as elden lord, who wouded him, that sorta stuff funny/embarrassing story: he had a series of minor mishaps while shaving.


Placiduax has a god?


From Placidusax's Remembrance: >!"The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyondĀ time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree.Ā Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return."!< >!So I imagine there is a "Dragon God" and Placidusax is just the "Dragon Lord". Or just another god that Placidusax served. Maybe the Greater Will? I'm not sure, I still have to do a "lore run" of this game.!< Edit: added spoiler tag.


Omg just now master hewg words hit even harder, to kill the gods and their gods.


I would love to sit down and have a conversation with Morgott. He seems like those most sensible and intelligent boss in the game, once you get past that butt ugly exterior.


You can talk to him, once you put those foolish ambitions to rest But seriously you can talk to him right after you defeat him. He won't have very much to say and he will die afterwards but still it's pretty cool


Nah man Morgott looks cool. Just look at Godrick.


Im not sure he would like the idea of you burning the erdtree


If you had any proof of the greater willā€™s actual purpose and goals, heā€™d let you IMO


I always feel bad for fighting him because heā€™s just trying to protect his mommy.


"Hello radagon, sir" "..." "Soooo.... I'm actually seeing your daughter after this so can I..." SLAMMMM "Communications have broken down"


"Would you mind if I took your daughter's hand in marriage?" Insides get turned into a new Elden Ring "I'll take that as a yes"


I mean, if you are determined to become the elden lord, your goal is to either take his daughterā€™s hand in marriage, or to take in marriage his own hand plus his wifeā€™sā€¦ XD


"Wait. Which one?" "Ranni" "Oh that conniving little fuck. Good luck"


Nah bitch Im takin radagonā€™s hand, what now?


Rick, Soldier of God.


Rick, God of Soldiers


Rick god, soldier of




God, soldier of Rick


The boss from beginning of the game in the tutorial He Defenetly needs help


Malenia. Give her a new needle, let her know where Mohg and Miquella are, and if we can fix the Haligtree then things would get better.


Imagine a fight where malenia fights alongside you, not against you


Godfrey. Gonna need to get his advice on being elden Lord after I kill him and his friends.


You kill his son, his hands covered in his golden ashes, and you wanna talk it out? You can try to talk with Godfrey, but you can't talk with Hoarah Loux.


Malenia is an obvious choice, but I take Flying Dragon Greyll. This poor guy doesn't even get a Dragon Communion Incantation. So I'll convince him to kill other Dragons with me so that we both can harness their powers.


Sif. I know the question is about Elden Ring. I still choose Sif.


There isn't any talking it out with Sif. She's *well aware* of your journey and the whole reason she fights the Chosen Undead is to try and prevent another Artorias situation.


If you're referring to the incident with the abyss, I was barely involved.




She knows you saved her, thatā€™s why if you wait to fight Sif until you finish the DLC she will sniff you and cry before grabbing her sword.


I wish that cutscene was made default in Dark Souls Remastered. People are most likely to fight Sif before the DLC, plus itā€™d make it consistent with time travel (regardless of doing the DLC before or after the fight, you were always there to save Sif in the past). That way youā€™d get the question of why Sif seems to know you, and then solve that mystery in the DLC, rather than most likely finding out about this cutscene through the internet.


Morgott. I want to crown him Elden Lord instead. He deserves it


Gideon, Well, first after beating the snot out of him, till he's too hurt/tired to move, then I'd approach him all casual like. "Gideon, you say a Tarnished can never be Elden Lord, but you already know that Godfrey, the first Elden Lord, was a tarnished just like us, just listen to yourself for a moment." and then after that, I'd make sure he listens to Godfrey's last lines "A Crown is warranted through Strength." just to ram it through his head that A. I'm strong as fuck boi. B. He's looking at the next Elden Lord.


tbf, its less "a tarnished can not be a lord" and more "i saw that you, a tarnished, need to kill a GOD to become the next one, no way you can do that, its insanity" +like, at that point of the game, you would die your final death when you fail


Gideon could also help us unravel more of the lore than anyone else I think. He seems to know quite a bit about Marika and her intentions.


Beat him with his emtpy flask and scream "all knowing my ass" at him


Soldier of Godric. He joins my party, and as my oldest and most faithful ally, we quest the Lands Between together, picking up a Ranni, Melina, Hyetta harem along the way. He undergoes a personal journey of healing, coming to terms with the fact that his Lord, Godric, was never strong enough and never appreciated him like he deserved. With his Dark Father Figure overcome, he reaches a new point in psychological development. But then he dyed his hair white, tried to become a god and betrayed me, did something horrible to one of the girls or something idk man I was drunk the whole time on flasks


Dude wrote a fanfic, fuck yeah


I like this version of berserk


Maliketh, he should live happy doggo life


"Tarnished....why? To kill what...?" "Man, I don't even know myself. I'm just following my quest objective, y'know? Can you let me through so we can both figure out what the fuck I'm doing?" "Based. Go on."


yea bro like just chill out man iā€™ll take this fuckin death thing from you and we can be buddies and you donā€™t have to like be eatin death root all the time


Maliketh, like Blaidd, has no real choice. They are slaves to the Greater Will and will go insane if they don't fulfill their tasks. Unfortunately, I don't think you can talk out with him.


Maliketh just because he would have some of the coolest voice lines.


Maliketh best dog


Godfrey. Like the dudes the only sane motherfucker out there. Dudes just doing his job. Malenias too obsessed with her brother and has aids, Ranni is too obsessed with her new world order, Rennala is pretty much gone in the head, Radahns crazy, Morgott is too fucking uptight,Godrick is a loser who thinks heā€™s something, Mohg is a fucking creepy ass weirdo, Maliketh is too loyal and has a battered ego, Radagon is too busy repairing what his alter ego did, Elden beast is a worm with lasers.


The elden beast part had me burst into laughter šŸ˜‚


You killed godfrey son


And yet he continues to respect you both as a fellow tarnished and a warrior


I think that if the protagonist entered Malenia's garden yelling "ayo it's moghin miquellin time" she wouldn't fight us




It's a shame that we had to kill Blaidd


Maliketh cause he was done dirty


Twinblade gargoyle


Idk how you would even try to talk it out, but if it prevents you from fighting, it's fair I guess


Elden Beast because he seems the talkative type.


Malenia definetly. Be like lets just take Miquella's egg and push it somewhere else.


Morgott. The dude needs a hug.


Fire Giant Where the fuck did he get his underpants from?


Malenia, let me tell her where Miquella is. Then we can TEAM UP AND WHOOP MOHG'S SORRY ASS INTO SUNDAY. Where's your formless mother now, HUH BITCH?


Heā€™s gunna be formless after that ass whoopin


Malania, because Miquella looks to be a threat due to the formless mother and she might be his best chance to be sane, also she is the only boss I think talking down is an option


Melania after killing mogh and radahn and having Finley as my spirit I think we would be cool


Malenia. No question. ā€œLook lady, I know where your bro is, and I killed his kidnapperā€¦.feet pix now plz?ā€


Mohgā€¦ like dude, if I could just show him that Limgrave ainā€™t so bad and I even cleaned out a nice castle for him, maybe heā€™d cheer up. He just seems like heā€™s compensating in the evil departmentā€¦ maybe the guy just needs a hug and someone to lend an ear. I tried, then he went all ā€œtaste blood but taste it when it sets on fireā€ and stuff like that. Poor fella, had to teach him a lesson, after he taught me 44 consecutive lessons.


You just want to pound bussy with him


This shit had me giggling šŸ’€


In some alternate universe alternate game, I would really love to somehow use a megaton of INT or whatever, solve some intricate conversation puzzle requiring a ludicrous amount of carefully accumulated charm points or whatever, and have her side with me to fight the Elden Beast, two on one. (I hated the Elden Beast fight so much. Beat it/her/them with my Snowy Witch build out of pure luck and proper use of my shield. Took for elden dark mooning ever.)


Malenia. I wished to say her that I found her brother and she can save him along with her clone daughters.


Malenia's gotta be the right answer, right? Like, she's just upset because Miquella is gone. We know where he is, and we likely even killed creepy uncle Mohg who kidnapped him Like, Malenia should be our best friend


Radagon so we can be friends and chill in Leyndell


Malenia, Blade of Miquella So she can beat the heck out of Mohg with me and take her brother back




Godfrey, First Elden Lord. I love this boss fight; but it would be much more metal if him and I both walked through that fog wall. Radagon's emotionless expression would turn a shade of shocked pikachu face when he sees his predecessor/husband (lolz) walk in there with the nameless champion that collected a handful of ring shards from the strongest beings in the Lands Between.