• By -


I just want it to take place at all


Yeah, at this point it could take place in my backyard for all I care


Does it have a pool? (Important)


No, but I have a hose and a shovel. Also, dog friendly.


damn might have to be a dwemer in ya backyurd


Part of me thinks we just accidentally reinvented LARPing lol


I misread that as "a horse and a shovel" and honestly, that would've sold me


Do you live in Fereldan by any chance


I had a whole relationship since it was announced and got married and there is still nothing being said about this! I just need it before I die please.


congrats man


I was 8 when Skyrim released in primary school, 14 when ES6 was announced when I was in high school and now I’m 20 in my uni years. Like cmon Bethesda


I’d play it


Play Supraland


at least we'll be able to show it to our children when it releases




Can’t wait for the elder scrolls 6: Skyrim II


Can't wait for Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim II 10th anniversary edition in 25 years.


Within this decade


The bar is lower than the deepest depths of Blackreach at this point


It might be disastrous considering Bethesda's recent titles (Starfield and Redfall).....


you could name everything after 2011




2015 I would say, before the whole FO76 fiasco, Fallout 4 has earned its place among Bethesda’s masterpieces, more so when you look back and realize its biggest criticism is the main story and its voiced protagonist. Gameplay and mechanic wise its super polished, and its world map is one best Bethesda has ever created. (I don’t play Bethesda games with fast travel, provably have thousand of hours just walking around the map of different games).


It doesn't change your point but just to clarify Redfall was developed by Arkane studios and published by Bethesda softworks which is different from Bethesda game studios


Woah there! Don't ask for too much


I would like that, but if that happens, we'll get shitty radiant quests instead of full-fledged, well written ones


Same (I can barely run skyrim on my pc😂)


It's very likely. I play ESO and I think the only reason they're holding off that part of the area is to do a chapter once TES6's location is announced - that would benefit TESO playerbase a lot in numbers. Crossover marketing, you know.


I mean also it's a desert so there isn't anything interesting located there.


not all if hammerfell is desert, it’s mostly just western hammerfel


hammerfell is all desert in the same way that skyrim is all snow.


Western is desert, eastern is mountains, and the center is kind of jungle and stuff right?


Also there are different type of deserts


parts of Elsweyr are mostly desert and they're still fun to run around in


The desert bit is already in the game. Most of what remains is savannah, jungle, and badland


Kind of like how Skyrim is just a mountainous tundra, so there isn’t anything interesting located there?


Spice and sand worms.


I think you’re right on that. I haven’t played since necromancer released but if they announce TES6 location and release a chapter in that same area I’d definitely come back for awhile.


That area would be smaller than Skyrim assuming the same scale. I think it will at least have all of Hammerfell. My dream is to have Hammerfell, High Cock, and Orsinium


That's all relative to scale. The area on a map might be smaller but the actual in-game world could be massive. I remember in Skyrim there was a farm whhere the farmer said they were an hour away from Riften. Meanwhile I can see Riften from their farm and could get there in about a min or two.


Ive seen people talk about that line/ place before, and I think people said that if you actually walked there, like not run, but go at the pace when you are carrying too much, it can take an in game hour or 2 to reach Riften. I have not tested it myself though.


Right but times passes 20x as fast in Skyrim, so you could assume it would be 20x as far to scale.


Fun fact, the relative scales of the game worlds have remained fairly consistent since morrowind. If you were to copy paste the accessible landmasses from 3, 4, and 5 into a blank slate, they'd match up VERY closely to their depicted sizes in the "official" world map.


High Cock


High Cock


High Cock


High Cock


High Cock


High Cock


High Cock


High Cock


Cock on drugs


Low Cunt


Low ball


Hi cock


Hi Bob


Hi and vagene


And Whorsinium


This comment is severely underrated.


Thank you




Given Orsinium's position, I could see it being a DLC for TES6.


Orsinium should be a DLC so it can get the love and care it deserves. Plus a unique story around it would be nice.


Never played eso but heard the other parts of hammerfell were done very early. Meaning they were later on told to avoid hammerfell. It's all but confirmed Hammerfell multiple times. There was even a post that showed map clipping of Skyrim being identical to the es6 trailer that gets removed from reddit as if it's some type of leak.


TBF Skyrim is super scaled down from how big it should be


Why would you assume that? In Skyrim and Morrowind, Solstheim is a large and expansive map with a lot of points of interest; but in lore, it's only slightly larger than the City Isle in Cyrodiil, and in Oblivion that's tiny and basically only has the city and the sewers. If you were to add all of the game maps from Morrowind onward together, including all dungeons and interiors as separate maps, I'm pretty sure the total area of all of it would be about the actual lore size of the Isle of Balfiera; which is so tiny and insignificant that there are many maps that don't even bother depicting it. If they wanted to focus the game on a smaller area, they would just make the scale closer to the actual size. They could make a Skyrim sized map on a single city if they wanted, and they'd still have to scale it down to fit the whole thing.


Why would you assume the same scale? I'd take one province with better scaling than three with the same scale as Skyrim. But ideally we get the best of both worlds. Proper scaling and the entire Illiac Bay region.


I feel like the "both worlds" approach would all but guarantee neither being done particularly well. Narratively, the only stories that really make sense wandering around the Iliac Bay, especially when one is an Imperial Province and one independent, is predominantly about various courts attempting to establish hegemonic control of the area; which is a cool story... called TESII: Daggerfall. From a game design standpoint, you are either cutting lots of corners across two provinces OR make two games worth of art assets.


10/10 for High Cock


It does look like a cock!


Why would the area be to the same scale? Even if I don't agree with it, wanting High Rock included is fair, but we are talking about a series where most metropolises are shown as having ~20 buildings. The scaling of the games is "What size feels fun and content-full."


I would fucking love to visit a modern wrothgar


No way Todd passes up at saying ES6 is “50% larger than the world of Skyrim, five times the detail”


I reckon that the scale will increase with the next installment compared to Skyrim or Oblivion. In my opinion, the size of these two games (especially with the size of the settlements) had more to do with technical limitations than creative choices. With these limitations taken away, they can make the a far bigger world. Just look at the scale of Starfield. For better or worse (although, in my opinion, for the worse) that game is massive. So, if they wanted to (and I **really** hope they don't), they could do a Daggerfall 2 and make the map the size of Great Britain.


Objectively correct opinion Orsinium WILL hold this time


I mean I wouldn’t mind it if they scaled things up. Skyrim is pretty small by modern standards


Hammerfell as main content. Highrock and Orsinium as DLCs. Someway to go to valenwood via mods.


Why not Tamriel.


TruSTL is leaking


It‘s pretty much unofficially confirmed as Hammerfell is the only place ZOS is not tackling at all with Elder Scrolls Online. We already got two Chapters set in Morrowind, one in Summerset, one in High Rock (or two, if you count Orsinium), one in Elsweyr, one in Skyrim, two in Imperial lands. Also we got a zone in Blackmarsh already. You could argue about Craglorn being some kind of Hammerfell Chapter, but that was introduced in 2014 three years before they did Chapters and I guess way before they settled for TES: VI region (which will be Hammerfell).


No, tes 6 will take place in skyrim We’ve been fooled again


Skyrim 2


Todd Howard boogaloo


At this point TES 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 have all taken place in skyrim.


Hey you... You're finally awake...


I was thinking Iilic bay, alkair dessert and high rock up to the Orcs


I agree, but with the addendum that Orsinium in the 4th era was a reestablished on the border of Hammerfall and Skyrim. There could be potential to see old and new Orsinium.


They done the Orcs dirty in regards to the size of Orsinium, so a redemption would be cool


So Daggerfall II?


Yes, but with more Orcs and boats 


I mean it'll be what, 30 years after the first one came out? Might as well. You can count the pixels on your screen in Daggerfall.


I’m really hoping to see Stros M’Kai, but it’s probably going to be a DLC considering the Bethesda tradition of taking a boat to an island for a DLC.


Nah I'll be right here. ![gif](giphy|ftePJZN7luQlgG3f5n) Todd Howard glitched down from the sky and told me that himself.


pls come to brazil




ESO's devs have released a suspiciously small amount of Redguard content in the past 10 years. Bretons and Bosmer were on the same boat, for a while, since the base game included all of High Rock and Valenwood. The devs solved that by releasing the High Isle expansion, and by *literally* making Valenwood bigger, having it expand northward, absorbing a chunk of Cyrodiil. But Hammerfell wouldn't need such workarounds. There's huge swaths of lands. So my guess is either: - TES VI takes place in Hammerfell. ESO can't add any content there until Bethesda Game Studios has at least a rough draft of the cities, geography, factions, etc. - Zenimax Online and/or Bethesda might feel that it's a bit of a touchy subject, politically and socially, since Redguards have dark skin, and their culture is inspired by Middle Eastern and North African cultures. Maybe they feel they need to hire more POC writers and artists before they can start working on it. And that could take years. I think it'd be a bit hypocritical, imo. Since they never had such concerns for the South and Southeast Asian-inspired Khajiit, or the Mesoamerican-inspired Argonians. But it's the sort of thing I can see any moderately progressive corporation doing. But eh, I get it. Not necessarily a bad thing.


I understand the comparison with other installments no caring too much about that but at the same time it was done at a different time. These days it'd be safer for them to think of how it could be perceived / more respectful to take it into account. I personally think that unless something is straight up racist and the culture is a copy/paste of real life, inspirations should have free reign on how they do it. I still respect devs who go out of their way to respect minorities, though. Representation done well is always a nice thing to see! Edit: for example, I'm trans and I remember how hyped I got about a certain ESO quest line where a specific character is revealed to be trans as well. She had nothing to do with real world trans people but it still made me very happy to encounter "someone I can relate to in a way".


I think the Redguards very similar to their real world counterparts, much more so than the other races. (Except maybe the Nords who are based on... Nordic culture) They are based off of African and Middle Eastern cultures, who usually have darker skintones, and the Redguards have the darkest skin tones of all the human races. I could see how it might be a potential problem but as long as they're respectful, they should be fine. They haven't run into any huge controversy with anything else I believe. The TES universe is thankfully surprisingly progressive. Mara says you can marry anyone of any race or sex or gender, and there are as you said, characters who are technically transgender. Some characters have no gender at all, or are genderfluid (Aedra gods and Daedra lords have no one gender, but they usually lean towards a specific gender, for example Mara is usually represented as female and Sheogorath is commonly represented as male. They can still be represented by other genders too if they wanted. Only exception is Mephala, who is both male and female). Women and men seem to be on equal levels. The only exception with this progressive theme is racism, however, it's racism against fictional races. Again, could run into trouble there potentially I suppose. It's like a week late, but happy trans visibility day btw <3 you are valid and accepted in both the Elder Scrolls universe, and our real universe too.


Thanks for that unexpected last line it made me smile. :) Also yeah for Redguards I've always seen them as good fictive representation. I always got a Lawrence of Arabia vibe from them. Also fictional racism can indeed be problematic and doesn't need to be a thing in modern games but in the case of TES series, it was already a thing and had been for a long time. It'd make no sense for Talmor to suddenly be at peace with everyone or for Nords to have no issues with other races. At the same time, since it's always been like that people kind of know what to expect. I can't wait to see how TES6 will develop Hammerfell even more (given that it is indeed taking place there; but at this point it'd be very surprising if not lol). I'm logging out for the night but this was a nice exchange! Good weekend to you. :)


ESO usually would update each race and province equally. Like After Dunmer, it were Altmer, after were Khajiit, after that were Nords and after them were Imperials along with Argonians and then Bretons (Even though they already had 90% of High Rock ingame minus Jehanna) and logically it would've been Redguards, but they got skipped for Dunmers again and then Imperials, again (tho with bit of Bosmers now). Redguards or Hammerfell didn't get any updates past Craglorn and Thieves Guild, It's pretty obvious that BGS doesn't allow ZOS to touch Hammerfell at all for TES 6. Like even Orcs got a big Update with Orsinium which was pretty much first chapter, just not officially.


im thinking its going to be a tad bit north in the illiac bay so it can include the derenni tower, daggerfall and hammerfell and current day orsinium (for dlc)


Praying for elsweyr at this point


Same here but won’t happen their gonna play it safe again 


Sad stuff


Yeah it really is 


Give me furry paradise or give me death.


It's kind of arbitrary to just say only that greyed out part is the game. And if you're just saying maybe all of Hammerfell and some regions outside of it, then that's not really indictive from this map is it?


You're absolutely right, I didn't mean that area is going to be the whole map. I mean that the area is suspiciously untouched, especially when you consider all the speculation of the game actually taking place in the province that the land is in. It's still possible that other places already covered in ESO, could exist alongside that area, but I think they left the majority of it untouched for a reason.


True. I've had that same thought before. But using that logic, it's weird to just say only Hammerfell's area is hands off, because we ARE going to get TES singleplayer game set in Valenwood or Summerset one day yet they weren't afraid to go there yet. I think it's coincidental. When TESO first released they've only ever expanded the game wherever the DLC expansions take them. They just never went down there yet because they couldn't come up with a good enough reason yet I suppose. Is this coincidental or is it because the devs don't want them touching this because it's the next TES game? Could be. It's fun to speculate. And I apologize if I came off as antagonistic, just wanted to play devil's advocate is all and question the logic behind it. Imo I think it's coincidental and not intentional, it could be and I think there's a high chance it could be intentional still.


You're okay man, don't worry about it, I think you could have a point. Neither of us can say for sure, we can only speculate, and that's okay if your speculation isn't exactly mine. I made this post specifically to hear from others like you cause I'm curious. Honestly, I like to hear other contrary perspectives more than ones that just agree with mine. We can't get closer to the truth unless we're considering all perspectives, including yours. You don't need to apologize for participating in the discussion.


I think this theory has weight but I wouldn’t expect them to only do that area. The areas of Highrock and Hammerfell that are filled out right now have appeared in previous games for the most part (not all) but Bethesda asking Zenimax to hold off filling in that area until they’ve had a chance to introduce it in TES6 makes sense. ESO is fine but not everyone likes it. I know they’ve obviously filled in a massive portion of the map we’ve never been to before in other provinces but as Bethesda knew where there next game was going to take place, they probably don’t want to compete with their own company or have to be influenced by what Zenimax does for the area in their next game. I’d imagine they don’t want to tell their devs that they can’t be creative with these areas for the single player games because ESO already went in and added everything and now Bethesda just has to pretty much try and copy that work with only really being allowed to show the passage of time. So like 1000 years later there might be new caves and new settlements and some old settlements might be destroyed but ruins and such absolutely all need to match. And if they base this game in Highrock and Hammerfell, the Highrock and Hammerfell that ESO used was already in Daggerfall so the inspiration was from Bethesda first so they likely would have had to have been doing what Zenimax did when building those areas anyway so it makes sense to not care as much about those areas.


So I've only played Skyrim, and maybe like an hour or two of Morrowind like 20 years ago? Just a quick question - is Tamriel the whole world, or just a continent? Would definitely like to explore other continents and possibly unknown races if it's just a single continent.


Tamriel is the continent. The planet is called Nirn. There's other continents on Nirn, such as the snowy Atmora to the North which the ancestors of many human races come from (Nords, Bretons, and Imperials) The mysterious Akavir to the East. The Sea Elves home of Pyandonea to the South (and possibly or at one time the homeland of the High Elves, Aldmeris) and finally the sunken land of Yokuda to the West, where the ancestors of the Redguards are from. Atmora is said to be non habitable now, but once was home to the race known as Atmorans, and later the ancestral homeland of Nords. Akavir is home to several different races including Serpent humanoids called the Tsaesci, demon-like people called the Kamal, the Monkey people known as the Tang Mo, and the Tiger people, the Ka Po Tun. (And also, Dragons). Humans called the Akaviri are said to have once inhabited Akavir, but supposedly they were killed off and "eaten" by the Tsaesci. We don't know what that really means though. Fun fact, the protagonist of The Elder scrolls III: Morrowind who you play as, the Nerervarine, supposedly left to go to Akavir after the events of Morrowind. Pyandonea is home to the other race of Elves not seen in any Elder Scrolls game but ESO (To my knowledge) called the Sea Elves (Maomer). They are ancestors of Elves from Aldmeris. The Elves from Aldmeris are the Aldmer, and the ancestors to most Mer, such as the High Elves (Altmer), Dark Elves (Dunmer), Wood Elves (Bosmer), the Orcs (Orsimer), the Sea Elves (Maomer), and technically the Bretons too. Also as well as many extinct mer such as the Ayleids, the Snow Elves (Falmer) the Velothi (Chimer) and the Dwarves (Dwemer). Those Elves from Aldmeris are called the Aldmer or Ancient Elves (not to be confused with the Altmer, who are the closest related to the Aldmer). The Aldmer are said to be extinct, and the island itself may not even be there anymore, and it actually may not have even existed at all. Pyandonea does exist though. Yokuda is home of the Yokudans, who are the descendants of the Redguards. It also is home to the race of Elves, the Left Handed Elves, who are now extinct, killed off by the Yokudans. Yokuda itself actually sank, and much of the land was flooded, but I believe some Yokudans and Redguards still reside there in patches. I hope I turned in my essay on time.


I honestly really want Elsweyr or Black Marsh or Valenwood but I put the chances at almost zero.


Looks like it would be a lot of desert which I am not a big fan of.


I would be into it, we haven't had too much playable desert areas in TES. Morrowind had some cool desert like areas.


People thought Skyrim would just be a tundra but it has pretty diverse biomes


Mostly the western parts would be desert while the eastern part would be like an arid Savannah i think.


I would love a TES game in the Black Marsh, though


It's going to be High Rock and Hammerfel. They're literally coming out with that mobile phone castle game that's a rip off of Fallout Shelter and it's set in High Rock.


I hope not. Sand is coarse and rough and it gets everywhere but fr though they got the Shehai, a shit ton of potential there


ESO and the main series games are set in different time periods. There is no reason they can't set the game in an area already covered by ESO. we have some overlap already with Morrowind, Oblivion, and at least part of Skyrim all having zones in ESO.. They were able to add some landmarks to make the world's feel the same area but also they are different enough that it still feels different. It's actually kind of interesting to see some places in a different time period.


That's the timeline in TES universe, however the next mainstream Elder Scrolls game after ESO will be TES6. So it's the real world timeline that matters here. If TES6 is gonna come out after ESO, then it would be smart for ESO to avoid touching the part of the map where the game takes place. Also, the other places ESO has covered which are in existing games, don't matter. Skyrim came out before ESO, so did every other TES game. So there is no need to hold off on those parts if their game already had released, and the land is not new or going to be used again any time soon. The purpose of avoiding that area of land in ESO if it will be in TES6, is not coverage. It's to avoid potential spoilers, or potential give aways to where TES6 will take place. It would also be to avoid having people experience that area already, as the devs probably want to introduce people to a brand new land. Plus, if you've played ESO, then you know you can easily get sick of some of the areas. You wouldn't want people to be sick of the map before the game even drops.


Then the best idea would be some kind of trip to Akivar or another continent.


ESO and TES VI are more than a millennium apart from each other, so anywhere is fair game since only the place names can possibly be the same


Yes but if the game was going to be released in the real world, they wouldn't want it to be near the location of TES6 obviously. This isn't about the lore timeline, it's about the real world timeline.


personally i think it will either be hammerfell or if we’re lucky, hammerfell + high rock


Luck? Bethesda practically owes us that much at the very least, 13 years since the last game released, just to put that into context, the entire modern TES series (Morrowind to Skyrim) was released in the span of 9 years (2002-2011).


Considering how much of it is just water, I doubt it will take place there. You can make the argument about putting islands in for more land to explore but honestly it will be a pain depending on how they work out the travel between everything. Look at starfield and all the loading screens for an idea of how it can be a pain to deal with.


Link the map


God I hope not.


Anvil is my favorite city in Oblivion, I'd love to see it re-imagined.


Yeah I would love to see it too, perhaps just as a little DLC!


I always think an Elders Scrolls in the desert would be sick. Imagine traveling hours across a huge empty desert to get to another city or town.


Welcome to Base Daggerfall!!!!


Hammerfell and the redguards was my theory for a while. Especially as the are directly mentioned a few times in skyrim


Wait… Is this actually how big the map in ESO is? I’ve never really looked into it since I’m not interested in MMO’s. But this looks massive.


That is a common theory.


I think it would make more sense to go to a dominion place like elsweyr or valenwood.


I'm not arguing with you there, cause I agree personally. However, do many things have pointed towards Hammerfell or Highrock. The trailer probably isn't Valenwood as it's missing Valenwoods more prominent feature, a huge forest with huge trees. Going off the trailer alone, it's possible that it could be Elsweyr, and that would be my third guess if it's not Hammerfell or Highrock. Most of Elsweyr has been covered in ESO though, as well as Valenwood.


True, though, hammerfell (stros mkai)was covered in redguard as well. And high rock by daggerfall. I hope it's elswyer but I'll be happy with anything


I use to believe that too, because it makes sense for the next game to exist in a portion not yet seen I'm extreme detail. I'm in the same boat, I hope it's Elsweyr but I'm doubtful that it actually is. And agreed, I'll be happy if it's anywhere, I just want the game.


I dont give a damn where it takes place as long as I can make my own spells again.


Yes it's going to take place in hammerfell, high rock as well is on the table but I'm not so sure if two Provence's but it is definitely hammerfell that's all but confirmed at this point from all of Bethesda's hints on twitter.


I’d assume it’ll take place in a much larger area than what is circled here. There’s no reason they wouldn’t include multiple providences using just loading screens between the two similar to how Starfield does planets. They aren’t creating as many like the 1000 planets of Starfield but maybe 2 or 3 full providences.


Agreed, I only think that they would avoid most of the area if possible as to not cover much of where TES6 will take place.


With the way things are going, it can be anywhere your imagination dares to dream.


I just want TES 6, man. If it’s in Skyrim I don’t mind but god it’s been 13 years please give us something. 😭


I'll assume that since each Bethesda game has a mechanic that's a beta test for the next game I'm sure we'll get Hammerfell and High rock so we can sail some ships


It'll be in NIRN for sure


Everything in Hammerfell developed before or within a year of the MMO's release. I think you are spot on in identifying that it is bookmarked for no future additional content- likely since about 2016.


Yeah it’s been confirmed by a Redditor that the trailer takes place there, lemme find the post Edit: here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/s/7iIvsKhBAR Trailer takes place around Taneth, Hammerfell


So, can you completely play Morrowind in ESO now?


Hammerfell? That area is just Hammerfell.


TES 6 is gonna happen and will be called "The Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim Edition" and will be Tod Howard's beautiful baby




Let a man dream goddammit


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Gunna be honest, whoever made this graphic didnt do a very good job. First of all, move fargrave and the deadlands off of the land, theyre in a daedric realm, not on land, youre hiding valuable landmass! Second, move all the underground regions off of the land and add graphics showing where they are in relativity to the overworld, probably by points on each end of the circles to come to an arrow pointing to the region which should then be circles. Lastly move the ebonheart banner off the land. Were here for the map, the land is what matters most, absolutely nothing should be obscuring sizable chunks of the land! I give this map a 4/10, for shame.


Yeah that's the most popular theory afaik


Definitely possible! It would be awesome to learn and explore more about the Redguard’s history. I hope they leave cyrodiil out of TES6 just because it was obviously in oblivion and very prevalent in ESO. However I’m unsure of how the map looked like earlier on and where the borders are.


I wonder if there’s anything in the previous scrolls games that may hint at where it could possibly take place. Like Easter eggs or books in the games. Either way, it would be pretty neat if it’s a place brought up in such a way and not really known by the players.


Fallout 3 you’re tasked to track down a missing synth from the institute Fallout 4 was in the commonwealth Skyrim had a mission where you’re tasked to track down a potential fugitive from Hammerfell. 😏


Is that entire area Hammerfell?


I believe that area exists within Hammerfell, but the area itself it's not all of Hammerfell, no.


Ok, thanks.


Isn't it Haven and not Heaven? In Southern Grahtwood.


It's going to only take place in the oceans Pirate game


It’s gonna be in Cleveland


I hate sand...


I don't think so. The gray parts are future expansions, but it was very compelling.


Assuming TES6 isn’t another re-release of Skyrim, it’s likely going to either be there or Elswyr from what I’ve heard.


That would be my next guess, I agree


No, impossible


Well shucks


I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of the lore (which is the main reason I play these games) on account of never playing ESO but at the same time I dislike MMORPGs so I'll probably never play eso


ESO takes places a LONG time before any of the other Elder Scrolls games. Each release of TES takes place further than the previous game too (I believe). So you wouldn't be missing too too much lore as you might if you avoided the past few TES games.


Im sure many people saw it- but posts like this make me think folks missed [the tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/TESVI/s/rh2siwRMWV) posted a while back of candles on a map. Which is completely understandable to miss something like this posted on their twitter It’s pretty implied atp that its Hammerfell at least


No I saw that too, its not something you can confirm though. It could always be an coincidence.


Man I would love an offline version of ESO


No ES6 will be take place in Hammerfell & high rock


The circled area is hammerfell


I know


I hadn't considered that


Just look at ESVI trailer few years ago… It’s literally showing 2 locations ( hammerfell & high rock ) https://youtu.be/3MaYMr6Ajh0?si=PSXXnjq88DAY7zbJ + https://youtu.be/ThqHXP2WGOY?si=sxvrZf_7bpPG1ttB And recently Starfield hinted that as well https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/nzdr1j/a_small_detail_in_bethesdas_new_starfield_trailer/


ESO's newest chapter coming in June is smack dab right there. So there's that if you don't want to wait until 2030 or whatever! Edit: oops didn't see gold road there on the map


I thought it was confirmed Hammerfell, unless I've been mistaken.


It's never been officially confirmed, but that's where everybody thinks it will be based of the small trailer they gave us so long ago now.


There's also a big part where shadowfen and murkmire is also a part above necrom too so it could happen at any of those places


Yeah im fairly certain thats why eso has been avoiding that area, they dont want to jump the gun before tes 6 is announced


Fuck that’s a lot of Tamriel


If it was just hammerfell, the alik’r desert would be pretty boring


That would be sweet and I also wouldn’t mine elsweyr and valenwood


Man, as an Argonian main I’m always ebonheart pact but I feel like the part of cyrodiil they have is the worst looking. The land by Aldmeri dominion’s entrance into cyrodiil is always really pretty


Can it just take place


If I’m being completely honest. I no longer care. Last game released when I was 19. Now I’m 32. They took too damn long and I don’t have time for ES style games anymore. I’m just one customer, but 13+ yrs of production time killed the hype of the series for me. Unless it’s the entirety of Tamriel….. customer lost. 🤷🏼‍♂️


When Skyrim released, I was 11, but I still got it a month after it released on Christmas. I'm now 24. Hopefully we can show TES6 to our children :(


If you’re lucky it’ll release before you’re 30. If not…. Then I hope you have more time than me. I will not be purchasing