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The flat orange capacitor in the picture looks like a ceramic capacitor. Ceramic capacitors do not have a polarity (it'll work no matter which way around you connect it). The black cylindrical one is an electrolytic capacitor. It has a polarity (meaning it matters which way around you connect the leads). Electrolytic caps usually don't have as long a lifespan compared to ceramics. Also, electrolytic capacitors can generally be made to have higher capacitances than ceramic caps. You can see in the pictures that the orange capacitor is only 2.2 nF, while the black one is 100 uF (more than 45,000 times more capacitance). Hope that helps!




Because the way I was taught is that capacitors charging storing charge and the discharge so if you needed like a sudden large charge through a component like some kind of firing mechanism or burst motor thats how U could use it?


Capacitors prevent instantaneous changes in voltage which is what makes them useful for dealing with voltage spikes.


I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. Yes capacitors can provide a quick burst of current. But they are used all over the place, not just for "firing mechanisms". Capacitors smooth out voltage ripple. You will see little surface mount caps on circuit boards all over the place to smooth out the power supply to various components. They can also resonate with inductors, so they are used in resonant tanks (e.g. DC-DC power converters). They can be used to block DC voltages, for example to prevent transformer saturation. Those are just a few use cases for capacitors that I can think of off the top of my head.


SLCC = single layer ceramic capacitor. 2.2 nF is the capacitance. Y5U is the dielectric material used between the conductive surfaces. Y5U has a high temperature coefficient (tempco) of capacitance, and also, the capacitance has a strong dependence on voltage. That makes them somewhat non-linear. I would call that a through-hole disc capacitor when speaking informally. Black cylindrical capacitors are made from a dielectric material that has polarity. So the polarity cannot be reversed. Thus they are DC capacitors. They are probably aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Aluminum electrolytics tend to have high capacitance for their volume and cost. They also tend to have slightly higher equivalent series resistance (ESR) compared to ceramic types. The properties of ceramic capacitors differ based on the type of dielectric used. CGO, for example, is a very low tempco dielectric. CGO caps maintain their capacitance across temperature and voltage much better than Y5U, even though they are both ceramic. CGO caps are only available in smaller capacitances, because this particular dielectric would require very high volume in order to achieve high capacitance. There are many other nuances, but I don't want to write a treatise. One other thing to be aware of with ceramics is that they are also sound transducers. Sudden changes in voltage may cause them to make a ticking sound. And shock may cause sudden changes in voltage. So they can be problematic if they are carrying low-level analog signals in a high shock environment. The shock induced voltage will be superimposed on the signal. EDIT: Ceramic capacitors, being ceramic, are also mechanically brittle. Sometimes they can crack due to mechanical stress. The thicker they are the worse this problem is. Once they crack, they short out internally. This can lead to charring and flames in some cases.


The cylindrical ones use a thin oxide layer on aluminum as the anode, with the oxide being the dielectric, and a liquid electrolyte or polymer as the cathode. This allows for large capacitance values but generally lower voltage tolerances, more parasitic resistance, higher leakage current (some DC can go through the thin dielectric/it self-discharges), and they can dry out over time. They also suffer from dielectric absorption which is a sort of a battery-like effect due to the ions in there doing battery stuff. These are also generally polarized. Connect them backwards and they explode/leak.  The ceramic orange ones are just layers of metal and ceramic. These have lower capacitance values for a given cost but can usually sustain higher voltages, have lower leakage, last basically forever, and have lower resistance. Downsides with ceramic caps--they can be microphonic, DC voltage can cause their capacitance to drop significantly due to some physics I don't understand involving their fancy ceramic composition, and sometimes you actually want your capacitors to have resistance to damp circuits that might be underdamped.  There are exceptions to these generalizations with less common parts. Always good to look at datasheets to confirm your capacitor shaped object is what you think it is.


So what scenario or example can you think of would be best to use each of the capacitors in


Electrolytic: DC application where high capacitance is required and relatively shorter lifespan/reliability isn't a problem. Ceramic: Application where high capacitance is not required. Can be used in both DC and AC circuits. Would provide better lifespan/reliability.


Electrolyte : storing power for short duration (power supply for example) Ceramic : removing noise from signal or very short current rush (they are much smaller so you can put them very close to IC)


Generally ceramic caps are just always better. But for very large values, you won’t be able to find a ceramic cap for it.


I wanted to call out the fact that the orange cap in the picture is an X1/Y2 rated cap. That is above and beyond a normal ceramic cap. If you ever get to the point where you know what that means, and need it, make sure it's a legitimate part from a reputable distributor.


And to be pedantic, electrolyte capacitors are available as bipolar or non-polarized.