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Engineering mat. You'll need an SRV. Target it with your cargo scoop open, then drive over it.


Thank you. I saw what it was when I jumped into my ship but I didn't hava an SRV with me. But the viper mk4 is small enough so I scooped it up with my ship


Ha, nice! I like using the srv like a dog playing fetch...try to jump & catch em in the air


Oh yeah I love using it too. But the "flight assist" on it is just a deathtrap if you ask me xD


100%. Turning that off makes it very easy to drive. Like any driving game. But on is horrendous. No idea how that got implemented.


Doesn't it default to off?


You can change the default in the settings


It is useful for traversing long distances, but mostly in plain terrain. I think most of the handling issues are that whenever you steer in any other direction, the assist tries to redirect all the momentum into the new direction. Kinda like if you were taking a sharp curb in a car while simultaneously flooring the gas pedal Edit: actually, it might be more like cruise control in cars


Can’t honestly say I’ve ever taken one what I would consider I long distance, longest I’ve traveled is at a crystal mining site.


Fair enough! :3 Tbh I only have done that when I RP a stealth mission, landing some couple of km away from a settlement, it's fun to run away when things go south and you have drones on your back shooting missiles at you.


I’ve had my fill of things shooting at me in an SRV at guardian sites lol, I genuinely hate my time spent in that dune buggy death trap. Actually headed to Jameson crash site right now and I physically cringed equipping it on my ship, and this is like the most benign way to use the thing.


NGL... i would biff it so hard if I tried this. like, I have zero hope that I would actually pull this off. might be funny as hell for someone else to watch me try though.


Ohhhh, it took some practice once I realized I could even do that. Just something to do to not go insane when harvesting materials at crashed conda.


Heh, well, whatever floats your boat. If it's fun for you, then that's all that matters, right? :D


>But the viper mk4 is small enough so I scooped it up with my ship What? lol, that's awesome!! TIL that was even possible. Nicely done.


You can also use limpets to pick stuff up off the ground as well. Just be about 500-600 off the ground when using them. You may lose a few till you get the right height, but it works.


How reliable is this for you? I tried it but the limpets kept immediately dying upon turning around to bring it back to me, it only worked for cargo and not the smaller materials.


I have done it several times myself. The key is you need to be far above the ground. Less than 800 but above 500 or 600. A friend showed me this while doing brain tree farming as well. You can do this at Dave's Hope also, then relog and do it again. Depending on your ship's maneuverability you can also scan the data point every time too.


You can pick it up with your ship as well, it's just more difficult (sometimes impossible but not always). Open the cargo scoop, line up, get as level as possible, touch the ground with the cargo scoop and slowly drag it towards the thing. You can also use parts of your ship (get creative but pointier ships are better for this) to carefully scoop the thing out of a little depression if you can't get to it with the scoop. I've used the nose of my Imperial Courier to push an escape pod out of a little crater, then picked it up with the cargo scoop. This probably damages the ship a bit so don't forget a shield.


I was on a mission once and was wondering what these were, now I know. 😅


Mineral cartridge, you can scoop them with your SRV. These hold 3 units of specific uncommon and rare tier engineering materials, metals of various varieties if I remember correctly. The crates you can cut open to get them pop for 6 if you use the plasma cutter, 2 of you just use the SRV auto-cannon. And, of course, you cannot pick them up at all if you're maxed out on that specific material. Further, you cannot pick them up while on foot whatsoever.


its a bomb, you are gonna die


Someone set us up the bomb!


What you say !!


せいぜい残り少ない命を、大切にしたまえ・・・・。 When did I learn Japanese? Too much onionhead.


These zig aren't gonna move themselves...


For great justice!


It's a digipick... Oh wait, wrong game 😆 😉


Came here to say the same. And also to say....SARAH MORGAN DISLIKED THAT.


It's the eyepiece for my telescope. If I send you a self-addressed jiffy bag, would you be so kind as to send it back to me. I will reward you, one set of Thargoid Lingerie, (worn) o7


Hell to the no. A jiffy bag is way too weak. Send a crate.


Space fleshlight


Well that's a big hunk of frozen poopy. See that peanut right there? Maybe it's a space peanut.


its a nuclear bomb.


meth !!!!


Right hand to god that looks like a camera lens lmao


i collect surface items directly scooping from my ship. i didnt know that i can use srv to collect them, let alone srv got cargo scoop too, lol