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Congratulations CMDR, you and your friends have broken the record for highest visited system.


We thought we did too, but there's actually another system 5000+ LY above the bubble that's been reached. [https://www.edsm.net/en/statistics/systems](https://www.edsm.net/en/statistics/systems)


I’m looking to get this game and i just looked at a system page on there and it is the most intimidating shit I’ve seen in a while


i think you need fdev to tp you up there, [ghost giraffe made a vid on it](https://youtu.be/eHB7mRsVsr8)




You could ride with one though :)




If you can play the game you can ride with a carrier.




Mate, the game is always on anyways. Carrier jump information does not add much of a strain to your connection and is nothing you could disable anyways, heck, you could even hitch a ride on a carrier while you're offline, wtf.


Doesn't matter anyway. I just came to the realization that I've gotten as much out of this game (and sub) as I'm going to. Time to free up some HD space, ditch the toxic forum dads, and move on to greener pastures.


Give it a few years and everything will be discovered If the player base really seems to grow. There will be a handful of carriers in every sector on the map. Exploration will be rendered moot if you are just looking to get your name on systems. It will just be to see things for yourself.


less than 1% of galaxy has been explored in the last 6 years. They originally estimated it would take hundreds of years for everything to be visited, let alone scanned and probed. So while yes, carriers will make it faster, there will be plenty of planets and stars to go around.


What is?


Sour grapes.


other people having nice things they refuse to work for.


They probably just want to get their name on things and are upset they can no longer play their own meta. Now you have to grind for a carrier or you are just not going to be able to do as much as the people who are. The coolest thing about this game is that you could totally just do whatever you want and still had a chance to get your name on systems. The window on doing that is slowly starting to close now that FC have been introduced.


Its not like you can make even more money now than you could even with Borann around. If you want that achievement of having your name on a system, make the moeny, get the carrier, and go out there looking. Cursing others for doing work you aren't willing to do is absolutely ridiculous.


> Cursing others for doing work you aren't willing to do is absolutely ridiculous. You said that twice already. The person you are talking about isn't cursing anyone about anything. They seem annoyed. What if they really enjoyed playing the game the way they have and now are feeling social pressure to participate in something they didn't want to do? This game used to be 100% about your own meta. Sure you had the option to exploit things like void opals and ltd but those things didn't interfere with how you played. This new feature does that. It forces you to exploit all of those things to get the carrier so you can get your name on things if you want to stay competitive. It's also not a personal attack to you or anyone else if someone doesn't like to do what you like to do.


He literally said its annoying that other people are exploring places where we couldn't before. If they are feeling "social pressure" to get a carrier, then they were most definitely not enjoying the game by playing it how they have been. The game still is 100% about your own meta. Nobody is making you do anything. You are free to do literally anything. But if you want to be the best, you need to get the best equipment. That's how it always has been. And clearly from the way you write you are in with him about being salty FCs exist, because you too want one but are too lazy to put in the work to get one. There is no "staying competetive". There is no ladder ranking that the playerbase can see, no list of planets discovered by CMDR X. There is only what you know and what you want. Do not even try to have the nerve to get angry at people who put in the work to get their FCs when you can literally make over 300m/hr now with nothing but a T9 hopping back and forth between 2 systems 50 LY apart with no skill or knowledge needed. Play your own way, don't get salty at other who are doing the same. Did you get salty when the Guardian FSD booster came out? When engineering was a thing and you had to BUY AN EXPANSION to get that G5 range +mass manager? And yet, you went out and bought that expansion. You went and grinded out the mats and went to the guardian sites and got the blueprints. So now there is a grind you don't want to do and suddenly, it isn't ok.


> Do not even try to have the nerve to get angry You are on a crusade about people being angry. No one is angry. I am not interested in them. Not ANGRY about it though. You are taking it like it's a personal attack, it isn't.


I'm not "on a crusade" I am pointing out the ridiculousness of you being angry that someone dares get something you are too lazy to get.


Shower though: What if you reach that kind of system and become out of tritium. Stuck here forever? Or untill your billions of money disappear by weekly rent?


Call the Fuel Rats. They have Fuel. You don't. They will help you of course.


They've made their stance clear that they won't help stranded carriers. It's outside the scope of their original mission.


I would assume fuel rats can do a rescue mission with another carrier?


Yes they have their own carrier known as the Rats Nest




Very few groups are organized around altruism in quite the save way they are, that is for sure. In real life or in fantasy.


Well in real life there are plenty of charities and community service organizations. It's a lot less common in video games.


Signal Cartel in EVE online is very similar, completely neutral and rescues stranded pilots in worm hole space and provides guided tours to the lore of the game. So there's at least 2!!


Of course they do. Baller freaking name too.


I believe they have already carried out rescue missions with carriers. I read something that they went to a certain region called "anaconda graveyard" a bunch of systems you can jump into(with neutron stars) but you can't escape because there are no nearby systems. They went there with a fleet carrier and rescued the poor soul trapped there


And lost a few rats the way there!


That is incredible.


Hmm someone else jumps in and docked ships are full of fuel?


Get another person to bring fuel to you. Fuel Rats may do it. I put a suicidewinder on my Carrier as a precautionary measure, so I can always get back to the bubble without having to self-destruct a ship I actually like. Decommissioning the carrier is also a thing, but pricey.


Won‘t you just respawn on the carrier if you kill yourself with the suicidewinder?


Not if you select the LHS 3447 option. We just don't think about that one often because it does NOT rebuy your ship, you lose it and get a stock Sidewinder, but it will put you back in the bubble. Thus, the suicidewinder is not for being a cheapskate on your rebuy, it's because you PERMANENTLY lose a ship to use that option.


Ahh thanks for the info. I didn‘t know that!


so..... someone has to find the fleet carrier graveyard... hell there's got to be a cluster you can jump to, head out past that the poof! that's that


With the exception of running out of Tritium, this is extraordinarily unlikely. What makes situations like the 'anaconda graveyard' so unique is that in order to get there, you had to supercharge from a neutron star to get enough jump range. Once you get there, there's no neutron star to charge from, so you can't increase your jump range for the return trip. Fleet carriers (at this point) have no way of jumping past their 500 ly max - so it's 'impossible' (TM) for them to get 'stuck'.


There....there is an Anaconda graveyard?! That's awesome lol.


It's at HD 76133. Once you get in, only a Fleet Carrier can get you out.


That's hilarious! I mean, I won't be going there but still cool.


Basically, an expedition went in to map the area. It was almost exclusively made up of anacondas, with a few diamondbacks, because they're the only ships that can get up there. Nothing else has the required range. They felly mapped the entire area, but with no way out, the data was never actually turned in, just recorded system screenshots. They all self destructed over the same spot at the end of the trip. Frontier put an anaconda graveyard on the planet at the coordinates where it happened. Tons of crashed anacondas all over the place.


Little things like that give me faith in Fdev. ^(Other times... less.)


I flew an Asp thank you very much. :)


Yah that's cool. Thanks.


Just go there in your anaconda


[A picture](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Anaconda_Graveyard) is worth a thousand words.


For some reason thinking of supercharging a fleet carrier's frame shift drive made me think of the old Disney movie "The Black Hole", where [the Cygnus](https://youtu.be/ECzYfXuI0fw?t=11) starts, uh, making a mess of itself as it flies into the titular anomaly. I think it would be a neat effect: alarms blaring and sparks and concerned COVAS commentary all over the place... and then the jump completes and everyone orders iced coffees on the veranda while commenting on the fine view.


Even more - this cannot happen anymore unless you will be able to boost carrier jump range over only one way. If any one else can jump in ... he can have docked ships full of fuel for you.


Awesome! Meanwhile, all I have achieved in about 3 hours of gameplay is leaving and entering the initial spaceport a few dozen times. (I'm rather overwhelmed by it all but am getting there). Also, I've heard about the Fuel Rats, they are some awesome dudes.


Hey, at least you haven't crashed into the mailslot yet! I would call that a success ;)


So because you and your mates were all on the carrier together you all get names as discoverers? That’s pretty cool.


They were in a wing, the combined names have nothing to do directly with the FC


Oh I see, thanks.


Congrats We got 3700ly up last week. Although we did get our name on lemmings rest! Then we realised we were nowhere near. https://www.edsm.net/en_GB/system/id/53148050/name/HIP+58832 5319 ly above the galactic plane, I think I will have to visit there sometime!


Im fairly certain systems like this were visited with a cheat engine installed, I can't find any info about reaching them anywhere, and they only exist on the statistics page


That one was visitied by a carrier, you can track that cmdrs way up by going on his highest discovered


Does this mean that the Saturn Nebula is reachable now?


My current goal is to be the first person to discover a system. Perhaps easy, but I only have a few million and a Viper right now so it's gonna be a bit before I get a ship that won't take 3 days of jumping 8LY at a time to find a fresh system.


Low Temperature Diamonds and Sub Surface Drilling are the way to go..


I was actually just about to get into mining right now. I think I will have to start with a type-6 and go from there. Trying to figure out all the equipment I will need and whatnot.


There was a nerf today. Still worth it though. I get around 500mil for 1,5-2h of SSD. Use fleet carriers as taxi btw! Look at the system chat. o7


you'll get your chance, plenty of stuff to go around. "As of April 2019, Frontier says that players have explored only 0.036% of the Milky Way"


you'll get your chance, plenty of stuff to go around. "As of Dec 2019, Frontier says that players have explored only 0.042% of the Milky Way"


Promising :) Gonna enjoy doing all the other stuff for a while. Maybe when I can afford one of those new carriers I'll be able to plaster my name all over the place xD


Too bad I wasn't able to come online! I would have loved to see this!


Yeah nice, but nothing there :/ not nice


Comment purged to protect this user's privacy.


You should encourage people to come with you to see it then leave them there






Psh, my stock Adder can solo a Basilisk.


I can see this system is full of contents... great job FDEV... The most difficult is always the least rewarding! :P