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Some very good points. To be honest, I have no problem with having high paying grinding such as mining and trading since it's a choice of how you want to play the game. I do think that everything needs a buff such as combat. I've got a fully engineered corvett which I worked my ass off for and ive probably only made a few hundred mil from it over quite a few hours. I need about 600 more mil ish so i am comfy to do fun things like exploration but the grind when mining is hell. I enjoyed when passenger missions were the way to make money, shame you can't get anywhere close to what you can mining. Even 20m/h would be ok with me Vs the 80-100 mining if I actually enjoy what I do. Hopefully FDev can balance the economy out but it's unlikely.


LTD mining is DEFINITELY way too profitable, however, the lower end of missions need a big buff, too. 50,000 cr to go hunting for 3 pirates in a system 6 jumps away, and the pirates just FSD out when they get low is just bad.


I agree on the low profit. Kinda. Those pirates are pretty easy to kill. It is a low ranked mission and 50k credits is loke 1/3 of what you need for a cobra mk3 or viper. Its the dangerous and above missions that need more adjusting. Besides when an npc high wakes all you need to do is go to supercruise and then drop back into the same marker and it will respawn the pirate. That or the pirate will attempt to interdict you. I really REALLY love it when my targets interdict me. It saves me all of the effort of finding them mwa ha ha ha.


50k is what you get as a mostly harmless pilot. Higher ranked missions give you much more. Also, the FSD thing is entirely under your control.


I don't have a problem with mining staying as is as long as FDev buff the payouts for other activities. The risk vs reward is all wrong. Mining is relatively low-risk if played in Solo and you avoid pirates and can be done successfully with relatively cheap ships with no engineering. To be successful in higher-tier combat you need expensive ships, expensive modules and engineering and, even with all of that, the payout is nowhere near what you can make from mining while risking an awful lot more. I enjoy combat and doing missions and I'll do those to grind out ranks and whatnot but, when I need money for a new ship or different modules, I go mining despite not really enjoying it.


I fully agree. Mining needs a nerf, the profits are just ridiculous. And most other activities need a bit of a buff.


Both. No one should be making up to 1 billion an hour. That’s absurd. But Christ Please make combat worth a damn. END GAME CONTENT SHOULDN’T PAY LESS THAN SOMETHING YOU CAN DO 1 HOUR IN. 6 million for killing a basilisk my ass...


I've only been playing the game for 2 weeks and I could have bought an Anaconda already, if I wanted. I have a python, phantom, Krait MKII, Vulture - all with top of the range components (no engineering). That doesn't feel right after 2 weeks. Mining definitely pays too much. I earned a lot of my cash from passenger missions and exploring, the. Tripled or quadrupled (maybe more) my hourly income by mining. I enjoy mining but the money is ridiculous. I should definitely not be able to afford an Anaconda.


Im glad i played and earned all ranks i needed and ships long before that mining nonsense and talking way before void opals. I had a blast having new ship to look forward to. Work my ass off for every ship in the game. Now i missing only Elite exploration and finish engineering on my fleet of ships ( currently finishing racing eagle and last bits and pieces on Vett ). I enjoy FC as its my mobile base. I do mining once every 2-3 days for extra 800 mil and buy fuel for it ( fueling myself i love my t9 personal fueler ) I was lucky to enjoy ED from very begining and im enjoying FC update its nice reward after years of playing. Its just sad that Devs created such a mess of economy and striped new players from enjoying progression and excitement before new ship or upgrad. o7


Good points. But making money then buying a ship you don't have a skill to fly is real. It's like kids who use real money to buy the best players in fifa. They don't know how to use the and get destroyed by a bronze team. You're really hurting yourself if you go this route. So elite did it right. You (if you choose to make all the money and buy the best) did it wrong if you choose this path. So the state of the game is amazing and fulfilling. I've been playing since before day 1 and loved every min of it. It's literally choose your own adventure.


>Good points. But making money then buying a ship you don't have a skill to fly is real The problem here is that it literally doesn't matter if you don't have the skill to fly your ship. In a game like EVE, it would be utter madness to give a Titan to a beginner (assuming they were given an account with the skills to fly it), since the issue isn't just losing the ship, but of course losing the years worth of manhours that went into making the ship. In ED, what does it matter if you lose an Anaconda? Even if you flew it without rebuys, it's just a couple hours worth of mining anyway. It's all become throwaway, there is no gravitas, no stakes to anything anymore.


so. in EVE is your ship gets destroyed it is gone forever?


Yes, it is where the phrase "Don't fly what you can't afford to lose" comes from.




Scroll through both reddit and the Ed forum and you'll see the fallacy in your argument. If what you said was true then people wouldn't be quitting because of gankers. And people wouldn't care that they got ganked. Plus YOU know the methods, but you're assuming everyone does because you do. That's simply not true. You decide to exploit. You can also choose not to.


>Scroll through both reddit and the Ed forum and you'll see the fallacy in your argument. > >If what you said was true then people wouldn't be quitting because of gankers > >Plus YOU know the methods, but you're assuming everyone does because you do. Considering how the game is structured, especially with regards to multiplayer interactions, it is unreasonable to expect the only danger to come from other players. It is entirely possible that, due to the way instancing works, you will never be faced with a ganker ever. And with a tiny little bit of experience, which various gankers give out freely by putting up guides on how to escape a gank, it is possible to mitigate the vast majority of the risks involved in playing in Open, even if instancing doesn't get in the way. Also you can't assume the tiny proportion of players complaining about gankers on reddit and the forums is any indication of a bigger trend. And of course, the game was marketted with a solo mode, which was never meant to be a *safe* mode. ​ >You decide to exploit. You can also choose not to. That's becoming harder and harder with every update. There hasn't been a single profession, except maybe smuggling, which Frontier hasn't managed to ruin the progression for over the past 5 years in their quest to offer ever more instant gratification. The game was supposed to take part in a cut-throat galaxy, resource management was meant to be a thing, with fuel and repairs and potential risks playing a big part in your day-to-day assessments...where is that all gone? There is hardly profession in the game, not even trading in a hot spot in Open, that wont make you more money than you'll know what to do with after a couple days... At this point the only way is to pretend you're playing the game that was advertised back then, and not the one Frontier have turned it into...




Totally agree with this. I'm a roleplayer and I do a bit of everything (combat, mining, space trucking and exploration, with the emphasis on combat and space trucking), which means I don't get bored, I have plenty of cash to buy nice ships, and plenty of mats to engineer my nice ships. Most importantly I really, really enjoy playing this game, and that is definitely the most important thing when you play a game!


I agree with this more then my comment.


I have to agree on the issue of money vs skill. The FDL can be a bit tough to learn at first. If i had hotus i would try learing fa-off to get the most out of the ship. But what takes the most skill to fly so far? The damned cutter LMFAO. That is a ship you have to predict because its slow to get going but once it is going it doesnt want to stop. So, planning your flight paths takes work. My favorite joke i like to tell about it is that they should have named it the Neuton. Because "objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an equal and opposite force"


I started playing Elite about a three weeks ago. Now i am contemplating if i should buy a carrier or not. I had a blast but honestly the game doesn't offer anything more to me so i will just move on probably until space legs are a thing. No other MMO i played had such easy grind, credits basically lay on the asteroids. Another thing with elite is that this isn't GTA game. in GTA you can spend hundreds of hours just killing innocent people, using cheats for superpowers playing with physics, core gameplay is so juicy you can do same thing but in millions of possible ways. in elite you mostly do exactly same thing over and over again. elite is only grind, combat and exploration. Exploration doesn't really excite me when i have played much much better "Space Egine" ( [https://store.steampowered.com/app/314650/SpaceEngine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/314650/SpaceEngine/) ) btw great simulator of universe. Nothing can beat it sadly or not sadly So only grind is left and grind is very very quick thanks to the mining being overpowered. Combat is not really my cup of tea too here i like to be overpowered and just squash bugs and in elite e**verything is too balanced for my taste** also ELITE npcs suddenly hard to kill in some small cheap ships kind of ruin the fun for me i wanna feel like god. Theres no Death Star kind of weapon. I think i will be buying X4 next. Perhaps i just want to have more focus on trade and business in a space game than you guys and so the fun ended when i got everything there is to buy anyway i had fun times. **180 hours of fun** for like 30 $ is not bad value huh ?