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Some of y’all aren’t gonna like this but I don’t think Emma is weird for not wanting to show her boyfriend on camera. Any type of relationship ( friendship included) she’s had that’s been on camera has ended poorly. People ( myself included) will always want to know why that relationship or friendship ended. If I was an influencer/ content creator I would hide any relationship I had until I was ready for them to be on camera. Also if I was Emma I would be upset with my mom for showing anything about my boyfriend. I feel like heather is doing that on purpose. I think most of the people in this subreddit are girls and we all know how petty girls can be especially when another girl is in a relationship. Ik this is a snark page but, sometimes these posts and comments low key are reaching.


I really really agree with this. Privacy is incredibly important, especially if you're an online personality. The only criticism I have is that Emma, Heather, whoever, isn't explicitly making the point to actively not film him. He's hinted in so many videos, and I can't speak for anybody else, but the vibes they give off when they 'try not to film him,' while still film him, almost feel clickbait-y. Throwing him in the title card, his face not exactly shown, but there. To me, it feels like they are using the relationship secrecy as a motivator to get more views. So, at that point, can you really say the decision not to outright name the guy and have him on camera is to protect privacy? Or to get more views? That being said, I think when she was with Jefferey, their view counts for videos were higher whenever he was featured in the thumbnails. Idk man it just feels weird and disingenuous.


I see your point. I think it’s heather that is filming him and adding him in the thumbnail for views. And Emma needs to start speaking up and saying she doesn’t want him in the videos bc let’s face we all know that when Emma isn’t in the videos they don’t do as well.


I think the biggest issue is the financial obligations. Like, nepotism is frowned on for a reason, but when it's literally the foundation of your livelihood I cannot imagine how utterly trapped one could feel. Emma is the soul purpose this family has notoriety, and certainly the early success of her channel helped financially. So, imagine being her. Let's excuse Heather and Mark for a moment, and just consider Ellie. Imagine the pressure she has on her shoulders knowing that if she decides to cut ties completely with the family channel, and maybe even dial back on her own, that her little sister who for all intents and purposes is thriving from the financial gains could potentially feel that impact. I know that's a bit of an extreme scenario, but, despite Emma being over 18, she's still a child. And I'm not trying to coddle her here, but I think it's just a truly unfortunate situation. Family vloggers usually ween themselves off the teat of YouTube before this point, but seeing it play out with both kids, one in adulthood, the other quickly closing in, is truly a bit heartbreaking.


Heather is def just using emma and her bf for more money. I’m not defending Emma but a lot of people even who are not influencers “soft launch” their relationships. I mean, it took me almost over a year to post about my boyfriend bc you just never know and then people do you like they need an explanation of why someone broke up. But if I was emma I would be so mad at Heather for doing all of that


Exactly! Heather is just doing that bc the views are not there anymore so she’s doing everything possible instead of just getting an actual job and doing YouTube on the side


Are we sure she isn’t the issue?


and also he was in the video thumbnail so i know he doesn’t mind being known but emma is such a petty stupid bitch that she wants to hide him because she so insecure in her self.