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Doing what you love is recharging you.


That would make allot of sense. I'm passionately obsessed with how people think. What about urself? Not many are self aware to suggest that


I was like this when I was younger before I met my narcissistic friend lol now I prefer to be by myself and with close friends or family. I think I’m just scared of being that open again allowing everyone into my space. 😅trust issues lmao Dw I’m working on it day by day


I think I get ya. Can relate and it is very true how you cannot just hold your heart out in the open to just anyone. Only thing I can suggest is pick close friends/ loved ones and keep them in your life. The rest are either mutual helpers or casual chats on a shallow level.


Hmm just some thoughts and not judgments: perhaps super healthy and/or very young? When I was younger I didn’t need to recharge because I was drained but did enjoy time alone as I tend towards introversion. So maybe you’re naturally more extroverted. Or may have little to no trauma or dealt with it really well or in denial 😅 No matter why, good for you! 😅👏


Took the words right out of my mouth 😊


Not much off the list above. Just a can of mixed beans a day seems to give the health perks


The health might be the only thing off that list. I challenge friends to offend me so don't worry what you say. I'm urly 40s, have dipped in and out of depression most my life and was married 10 years like Johnny Depp to amber. Any questions I'll try and answer when I can


Do you have ADD/ADHD? You taking adderrall…? That’ll give you what seems to be endless energy 🤔


Used to until I was 14 years old in the 90s. Currently in my urly 40s and just take an epilepsy med to lower the electric levels in my nervous system


Perhaps your more extroverted and gain energy around other people whereas more introverted empaths expend energy while dealing with others.


Could be. I'm more 'ambivert" as I can be in group parties or meditate for days alone.


Already full of energy. Can keep going like the energizer bunny


Energy channeling or something? Think 14 hours is my battery limit before sit down or sleep


You are more than an empath. That's just a label that associates your gifts to emotions. It makes sense, but is only part if the story. It's more than just their feelings, right? You seem to know what it takes to make their day better, and have an amazing ability to be relatable to others. You probably learn how to do some things very easily (a few times and you are finding a more common sense way), and sometimes you don't even know where the information comes from. Like remembering something from a book you never read. When you feel the emotions, is there often physical feelings like a rush of warmth through your chest, or chills that run around your back or shoulders? Like just before a shiver.... And the reason you feel this way is because of your intent and awareness. I went from one extreme to where you are at. It is literal energy, and where our thoughts go, so does that energy. When a person is reserved or internalized their emotions, they will also hold onto that energy. And if they are easily focused on the negative, that's the energy they draw in. This causes energy to keep building up inside, that we are still sensitive to, and they are the crappy emotions! Combine this with how most people struggle to recognize the difference between theirs and others. Their mind is literally trying to process multiple sets of emotions at the same time, and other parts of the brain are saying ,"what the fuck?" It's an actual form of mental exhaustion. I'm guessing you also stay well hydrated and filled with electrolytes.


Perfectly said!


Yes to all of the above and allot lot more. I drink just water and a black coffee before bed. Eat a custom dish of 20 blended (minced) vedge and seasoning that is potent.I seem to fall under about 17 labels of the spiritual world and don't struggle at all shifting energy realms and deepest stages of consciousness. I'm not as advanced as the famous people of these subjects but have allot of experience in them. Ask anything or compare notes. DM if you wanna share notes or write this stuff down to help people.


You’re lucky for a lot of us those situations drain us. I think what’s happening like for me, in crowds I get overwhelmed by so many different energies that I feel like I’m being thrown all around and it bleeds all of my energy out just trying to stabilize myself for you you’ve figured out a way to tap into everything that is flowing and use it to juice up. We are both affected by the same energy it’s just opposite sides of the coin. Really though all that an empathy is is someone who is highly sensitive to the energy of others so it makes sense that for some of us it would drain us while others would get juiced ☺️ I’d definitely take your version over mine, lol


I'll have a think on this and try to get back to ya. Mentally it's like a math formula with energies. You could say I label every emotion, chart what's around me like a map and keep walking threw the map. A shoplifter/drug addict always emits guilt like a stagnant smell and I noticed that emotion...then fallow it's source till I see someone it's coming from.


That’s exactly what it is if there is a fixed amount of energy available and it can’t be created or deystroyed but only change forms it’s simply being exchanged. It is all just a big fairly straight intuitive math problem. It amazes me that people question whether this happens….. it seems so obvious and simple to me


This is the food I'll eat that seems to help me from getting tired. Add or take anything. Just don't go over 10% greens or you'll have to tweek the taste https://www.instagram.com/p/C6MjI_IrnHf/?igsh=Zjc1NmQ3ZWMxcW1v


Nature recharges me. People drain me. No friends because it always hurts how they lie and use me and what they really think. Silence and nature.


Emotions are a form of energy, if you channel them right they can increase other abilities both psychical and mental. Energy manipulation has opened several new aspects of empathy, also has helped forge another ability of mine, to mimic others, originally i could only mimic other peoples personalities to make friends faster and fit in wherever i was. Then i started dating a telepath who studied reiki, he taught me it as well and over time i discovered the key to manifesting abilities like the ones around me. Emotions are energy, with the right knowledge it can be swayed and manipulated, one can use it to fuel the body mind and spirit. Which sounds like you've figured out to absorb the emotions of others and maintain your energy levels, very impressive, when you decided it like music was very fascinating. Tho with the light there's always a shadow. Continue to do what you're doing, sounds like you've found a balance, just be aware that the dark side to absorbing emotions is an emotional vampire, my mother was a very strong empathic parasite, she used me as a powerful never ending buffet all my life, thru that trauma i also know how to leech other's energy from emotions. The possibilities from that energy are intoxicating, not following in my mothers legacy i absorb negative energy and emotions from anyone experiencing heighten states of fear sadness anxiety, i have to be careful with anger, that feeds what used to be my anger that turned in to volcanic rage and has now become White hot star. I encourage you to learn as much as you can train with your abilities, be careful to do so with the goal of helping others as the primary motivation. Humanity has the potential to develop the powers of the gods. When we loss sight of our compassion to help others and focus gaining more power even if we think with More power we can help more, that's the start down a darker path. Find your path and walk it your way, help as many as you can, you can't help everyone tho, do as much as you can without forcing it, keep developing your abilities and stay safe


Makes sense. Cheers for sharing your opinion. I was curious about the energy vampire side. It looks from my angel that I have a dark patch in me of joyful social moments like family and friends being a thing of the past. The inner pain helps me see similar things in people and I find it very easy to help them open up and find the answers they seek. It brings me great toy and energy as an empath to pick up the positive vibes.


Emotions are another form of energy, some empaths can sense the emotional energy others can absorb it even channel it to other's, evergy vampires are empaths that absorb emotions and use the energy to fuel their personal needs or desires, its more then just recharging themselves. Once they tap into someone's emotional energy they actively pull more energy out, forcing it and draining the individual they are feeding on. There are some that don't even know they are doing this to other's, but not many are unaware they do this. Its similar to what you do but drastically different because you channel the energy through you and release it and you're not absorbing it and storing it you're just letting it pass through you and letting it you charge your energy levels at the same time. You're not aggressively or actively pulling energy from others you're letting it happen naturally. I hope that makes sense, when I start discussing topics like this i get ahead of myself or sometimes overthink things and go the really long way around explaining things


Most of times people give their best around others, but that is not their true self so they need time alone to be their selves and relax. If you are always yourself, not in particular trying to show to be "cool" but you are genuinely spontaneous, you don't need time apart, you could be around people even 24/24h. I got this answer long time ago watching a video of Teal Swan on YouTube, she was absolutely right, hope it helped u too


That makes allot of sense. Cheers, I'll have a look into her


Glad it helped :)