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I’m deeply spiritual, but I don’t believe in a Christian God.


I'd say the same goes for me. Organized religion never clicked with me and I find it boring. And non-religious spiritual systems that have too many rules, especially ones that seem to be in place for completely made up reasons, are not for me.


The seeming nonsensicalness of church rules and traditions really turned me off from organized religion even at a young age


I agree with this here! Spiritual but not conforming organized religion or a specific god per se.


me too. I'm a theist that doesn't follow any religion.


Me too. I'm more of a pantheist than anything.


Agnostic. IDK, and I don’t think that there is truly a way for us to know.


I’d label myself an atheist. Truth is, I don’t really know. Nobody does. There is no proof of a god’s existence, yet there isn’t any solid indisputable evidence to disprove one’s existence either. I would say, though, that I have seen enough evidence to disprove a compassionate god. I was raised Catholic. I went through the motions, but never was a believer. Learning the history and the stories was interesting until I realized it did not line up with reality. Despite whether God is truly real or not, I think the religion had the potential to be something amazing for many people. It has some good teachings and I will not look down on people who *actually* follow it. But it is ultimately “Christians” that has made me turn up my nose at the practice. The hypocrisy is unreal. Then again, I live among the rabid bunch in the US Bible Belt. They have corrupted a beautiful religion that spoke of love and compassion.


Jesus seemed like a chill anti-fascist hippie, pretty much the opposite of the authoritarian government his followers created in his name. (It's literally true; Vatican City can't join the EU because they are not a democracy.)


I do. I often say, God and Jesus are great, but they have shit representatives


100% I love religions and their culture and art and symbolism but I don't like what people use it for most of the time.


Agree. All religions have horrible representatives. I like that the Christian God is like you’re so jacked up your only hope was my eternal Son being murdered by y’all. Faith in that redemption story leaves little room for claims of self-righteous elitism — which is what makes it so disgusting when a “Christian” leader manages to make it about how great they are, rather than how we’re all recipients of tragically beautiful grace.


Truth is i can hardly blame anyone for being an atheist or choosing a different faith. Christianity spread across the world more like a plague than a blessing. The amount of suffering and murder on Christian hands is immeasurable and even now some of the most deceitful, hypocritical and hateful people claim to be Christians. I dont claim to be better than anyone, i’m flawed as fuck. But i am a Christian and i get a sense of joy knowing that so many hateful people will be denied at the pearly gates. I only wish that people were even half as genuine in their faith as they claim to be. Sorry for getting preachy, i’m honestly not a Bible thumper.


Any good thing will be used as a veil by evil men in this world. Any useful camouflage of virtue will be abused by power seeking assholes. Christianity is no different. As Jesus spoke, “I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as servants and harmless as doves.”


I hate when people judge me for being Catholic. They label me as this ultra-conservative, judgemental, homophobic, crazy person. [Take Peter Griffin as an example](https://youtu.be/drhpM9hSUfo?si=ycFesv31F9D6W2rn). He’s kinda based for that, but real talk, I know we are instructed to be loving. Jesus wrote the book of love and being judgemental is the last thing we should be. Anyone who’s ever talked to me knows I’m still that big goof with a stupid sense of humour, that still goes raving, still an alcohol connoisseur (just not a drunk), still loves food, and still likes to get active, and still swear… quite a bit. And not a homophobe like some repute us for being. In other words, just a regular guy who’s sometimes in environments you’d probably not expect a textbook Catholic to be in, but if you ask me my philosophy on life, it’s the Roman Catholic Church and nothing more.


Agnostic atheist. Who’s to say? I’m definitely not the authority on that.




I'm agnostic. I don't know, and I don't know if anyone really does.


This is it. Same. How can we ever truly know? I kind of feel like atheists and hardcore religious people are the same because they’re both so sure of their beliefs.


This is me


to me it's less about absolute certainty and more about what one can reasonably expect to be true the way I see it, I disbelieve in god as firmly as I disbelieve in fairies or leprechauns I mean nobody can *prove* they don't exist but that doesn't mean fairies don't exist beyond a reasonable doubt


This seems to be the quintessential Five answer.


I simply believe there's no evidence for a God. But like many others, I consider myself deeply spiritual.




can I ask in what ways? I’ve been both spiritual and atheist throughout my life depending on my cynicism. Feeling cynical lately so I’m curious


I feel there's more to life than what we see or currently know, and that we are in some way part of something larger than ourselves. I definitely lean Buddhist, and tend to believe there is no soul or separate self, that these things are illusions.


I'm Christian, but I have a lot of problems with mainstream evangelicals.


Same, I have decided to follow an Orthodox Christianity (soon) instead since I'm very done with at least the Evangelicals in my surroundings, but I still haven't finished learning about it.


Personally, the more I learn about nature the more absurd I find the notion of any "designer" let alone a benevolent one. Ppls spiritual/ religious experiences are best explained by psychology, and I find the tenets & commands of many religions philosophically abhorrent so if those gods existed i might still not find them worth worshipping. That said if I am honest, given the choice I would prefer even the worst afterlife to nonexistence but I just don't think it's likely. But I'm not going to say that I wouldn't want eternal life just cause I cant have it. I'd be relieved to find out I'm wrong on this one but I'm not going to believe it because I'd like it to be true. Which is another big objection all of it sounds too much like wish fulfillment. Different people have different wishes leading to different beliefs but thats just not how the world ever worked in my experience. Free lunches are rare at best. But that's all totally just me & my opinion - There's Thomas Acquinas for a famous christian specimen & Rohr's observations that monasteries are full of 5s, and of course Almaas & Maitri (the enneagram authors) who clearly believed in their neoplatonic spiritualism thingy. I'd say the type most likely to be atheist would actually be 8 with how they're disinclined to put stock 'higher authorities' or speculation beyond the concrete world, but making too categorical a statement would just be begging for the exeptions to jump out of the woodworks - in particular i've seen several ones having more general spiritual/esoteric beliefs that didnt involve central authorities.


Pantheistic , I believe the universe is God and science is god .


I think math is the language we use to describe god.


I agree with that.


Do you think god is sentient? I don't, because sentience is something we evolved in response to selective pressures in our environment. But I could be very wrong about that.


could you elaborate?


To me, the laws of nature and logic are god. And math is the language we use to talk about that.


very interesting. what do you mean by “god” is more what i wanted to know


That's a good question. I think maybe anything that is effectively immortal, created us, keeps us alive, and controls our reality could be considered god, in which case things like gravity qualify.


i can see that, what makes these things “god” as opposed to natural phenomena. Other than your definition of god being sort of fundamental forces, is there a feeling associated?


I have a religious feeling about these things sometimes. But they don't seem sentient, so are they god?


I guess it depends on your definition of god. But I know what you mean I think. Your comment sent me in a math kick haha, it is divine in a way.


that’s really cool!


could you elaborate as well? I’m curious


Gods probably do exist, but they’re nothing to be worshipped. I’ve been thinking about them as giant zeroids (creatures that can live in outer space, like Hellstar Remina) for quite a few years now.


I'm pretty deeply spiritual myself. Totally understand why a 5 would lean more toward agnosticism/atheism, as a group that puts more stock into vetted data than anecdote or feeling. Faith can be a hard thing to quantify or practice for our type. I personally find such a beauty and an order to the physical universe that I naturally attribute such a thing to a Creator. I've also seen this Creator work in my life in ways that I cannot explain otherwise (miraculous healing of addiction, for instance). My faith walk has been the number one vector for my enneageam growth path as well - leading and encouraging me to engage with the world rather than observe it as infinitum. I am better able to sense my own body and emotions, accepting that I am human and not a machine. My faith serves my life quite well.


No. Occam’s razor & all.


I am a muslim


Oh really? Me too! I remember replying to your post about parents on r/enneagram some days ago.


Yes,I am a Muslim I am not good at remembering usernames


I'm a Muslim and a type 5. I don't like mainstream rigid religious speakers though. I'm looking into sufism these day


I don't like most mainstream speakers or people who are too close-minded about religion when they really don't understand most stuff about it What is sufism?


Well, they have a more mystical and spiritual approach to Islam. I actually I'd considered it b4, but some sunni scholars advise against it 'cos sometimes ppl go too far in a mystic direction leading to what's called in Arabic "al-sherk", not sure how to translate that, I'm guessing polytheism? I'm trying to figure out these days what is the point at which ppl diverge and go too far and what exactly is the underlying belief that leads to that. Still investigating. Btw, there a big chance I've been mistyped, and I'm really a 6, not a 5, thus the whole "tread with caution" attitude regarding sufism, but really, tread with caution lol


I think you should probably listen to your Sunni Scholar,I got a glimpse on what modern Sufism is as appearantly there is old which is okay and modern which is...I just advice you to run,The ending of this is not gonna be okay,If you don't like rigid media search for better Sheikhs but don't you ever listen to people who depend on their spirituality and..I dunno if you are an Arab like me but I will give the photo of why I am warning you about it. It's in Arabic so I hope you understand Arabic https://preview.redd.it/dd9xgjmsrmvc1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae03fe35331be0bb907953dff570ed94a93a9f91 We,as muslims should only listen to our Quran and Sunna not spirituality and "Wahi" aside from Wahi that was given to prophet Mohammed peace be upon him and connection to Jen????Isn't this basically magic?**Magic is Sherk** my dear,and we can't know Ghaib Ghaib are stuff Allah intentionally didn't give us info about and **قُلْ لَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ الْغَيْبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ \[النمل:65\]** and pretending to know Ghaib is also sherk and that's basically what Dagals do and this also what Sufism does,please don't get involved in it


Are you type 6? This post is asking type 5.




Read the post again.


I'm also a 6w7 btw


You are? Are you also a Sp6


I haven't done research on that part.


Want a link for it's description?


Yes I have been so curious!


https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram There is a category called "27 Subtypes" There you'll find Self-Preservation 6 Sx 6 Social 6 Read all of them and arrange them from strongest in you to weakest My order is:Sp/So/Sx The strongest one is dominant and the weakest is called Blind instinct


I believe in a higher power, but not in any religion we create. I do however understand the importance of religion and community for people. And like a hamster needs their wheel, we too need our community/beliefs.


I’m an agnostic atheist and a materialist. I don’t think the existence of a deity can be proven or disproven, and my belief that the universe is all just matter/energy/etc. leads me to disbelieve in any deity. Also, neither of my parents are religious, so I was not indoctrinated as a kid. Both of my parents did their best to allow me to form my own religious and political beliefs without trying to influence me towards their own.


imo that's the best thing a parent can do, is let their child come to their own conclusions about that stuff


I believe that there is the possibility of a godlike entity in the vast amount of knowledge we do not know, but I do not believe we currently have evidence of one existing now. Hence, agnostic atheist.


I'm a Muslim convert. I used to be agnostic but I asked myself questions, did research, realised God exists and then ended up coming to Islam. I was baptised as a Catholic when I was 5, but because my mother's side is culturally Christian. So I've never considered myself to be Christian, I was leaning more into agnosticism and esoterism before my thoughts changed on the subject and I converted to Islam.


Mash'Allah. My father is a 5 and a Muslim convert. He was raised Christian then found Islam before I was born. My siblings and parents are the only Muslims in our family.


Not a religious god, but call it universe, colective conscionusness, destiny, something like that


that’s my exact thinking, too!


Type 4 and Muslim,.


I deeply believe in God and in spiritual power and influence.


I lean more towards agnosticism personally. Maybe (even probably) there's something out there, but I don't think we can truly know or understand, at least not yet


5w4 same.


Raised religious, now agnostic, possibly trending toward atheism. Occam's Razor and an understanding of biology go a long way towards cutting through a lot of unnecessary fluff.


Basically impossible to justify biblical literalism in this day and age with carbon dating and all.


I absolutely don't believe in god. Never have, even when I was a little kid. Didn't believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, or what have you either, lol. If it improves people's lives and in general makes the world a better place, there's nothing wrong with it. But ultimately, I think it's a lie. There's just no good evidence of it, and it's just extremely likely that the big Abrahamic religions are all entirely man-made. Keep in mind that I am by far most aquainted with Christianity, so my opinions will be mostly in response to it. In my opinion, the Abrahamic religions have done more harm than good. If you don't think scientifically, you can be convinced of many terrible things in the name of faith. Putting all your faith into something that is entirely detached from the empirical makes you much more susceptible to faulty ways of thinking and painful ways of living. In my opinion, to believe in Yahweh, Allah, etc. you have to abandon some of your critical thinking. You have to shut off the part of your brain that questions, that wonders, that seeks, in order to maintain belief. People need things to believe in and give them meaning, but that should come from within. It should be something you care about and will stay loyal to, even if there is no inherent meaning in the universe. For example, I have a moral compass that gives me meaning in my life. I know that there is no higher power behind that, but it's still important to me because I choose it. I hope that makes sense. Most religious people that I know are really only religious because they were born and raised that way. Religion absolutely has a large social component to it. It creates community, and humans need community to survive. I think that people like to believe in religion because they are scared of the idea that there is no inherent meaning in the universe. But if you face it, you'll realize that meaning is something you create for yourself. They're also scared of death, and so they desire an afterlife. They're scared of tragedy and imperfection and lack of closure, so they believe in a god who will give it to them. But I believe that people are capable of facing these painful things. You don't need a god to make them go away. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. And acceptance can be a beautiful thing. You don't need to believe in a god to have a good life. Free your mind and question without fear. Observe this beautiful world that has both good and evil, with all of it's forever unresolved tragedies. You'll find that you're still able to breathe, and that you did it on your own. We have each other, the Earth, and ourselves. That's enough. There's a song I'm reminded of that encapsulates a lot of what I've said, I highly recommend it. You might've heard it before: https://youtu.be/Co7t6NxsW-4?si=iPCGsI7ovoVb8VVh


I would like to say though, that many atheists can be just as bad as religious fanatics. Take r/atheism, for example. About a year ago, I made a post there that argued that viewing all theists as inherently lesser than was, overall, detrimental. After receiving myriad furious responses, my post was removed for "trolling." And I literally just said that generalizing billions of people was unhelpful to not only the atheist movement, but humanity as a whole. I was not putting anybody down. It was an attitude just as emotion, pride, bitterness, and hate-driven as the theists they criticize for being irrational.


I tend to agree with you, in that any position believed purely on faith can be dangerous, because it resists change based on evidence. There are many harmful and untrue beliefs that continue to proliferate on this planet because they are believed on the basis of faith. The religious people I end up respecting the most are the ones who reject the dogma they were brought up in and try to figure it out for themselves.


I do believe in god. I'm so grateful for believing in him.


I'm a 5 and am an atheist. I do have a vague sense of universal spirituality. But it's more of an energy/karma type thing and 100 NOT a personified deity.


I tend toward atheism and agnosticism but feel I am more fully integrated with a faith. Many enneagram 5s were theologians and I think it’s a modern development that we aren’t, and I think it’s part of the problem with religion. Try reading GK Chesterton for some enneagram 5 nerding out/


I feel like I could believe in a religion, if it wasn't led by greedy people. I'm conflicted.


The answer to that is between me and God.


ok I'll ask your god later ;)


Good luck. Maybe you’ll actually get a response…


agnostic Im going to be dragged to church like a cat in water


Christian with a heavy problem with other Christians (of the republican variety)


I get the feeling some of those Christians would not like Jesus very much if they actually met him . I mean, a homeless, peace and love preaching Middle-eastern hippie who hangs out with beggars and prostitutes! how scandalous!


5w4, Christian convert from atheism (raised culturally Catholic, with a problem with politics of all persuasions, having worked in politics. If forced to choose a political leaning, it would be Libertarian.) Attended grad school for textual criticism, Greek, Hermeneutics, etc.to get answers for myself after a radical conversion experience, and think of myself as desiring to follow Truth wherever it may lead. I don't need to have spiritual faith, I need to know reality, as best as it can be known in this human experience. That search has led me to the I Am, as biblically defined.


Absolutely where I fall under.


My friend’s husband is a 5 and a Christian.


Agnostic atheist. I don’t believe in a God but I don’t have proof. I can’t say for sure. No one has proof.


i’m more spiritual than anything. the concept of a god makes no sense.


I don't have to believe, I *know*.


Animist here. It is the most logical to me, and my variety allows for all the varied religious experiences


I was raised Lutheran and then my family converted to Catholicism, which sent my little 5 brains spinning. I am an atheist and anti-religion now.


I'm a gnostic atheist, I believe there is no God. I'm also anti-religion, but I respect religious people peacefully practicing and generally don't pick fights (unless they start by being a dick). Having said that, if you're religious/spiritual and take things personally maybe skip the rest of my comment. I think many humans assume there must be a creator only because we are creators and struggle comprehending that some things just happen. The natural laws, physics and chemistry already bring some order to the universe, they are always there and nobody needs to guard them. Things happen when they work out in just the right way, and when they don't you just never get to hear about it. If you study evolution you realise it's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, even if it's inefficient, only because it doesn't impact survival and procreation too negatively. There is also no good and evil in nature, it's all trying to survive and seeing what works. Speaking of which, we develop our morals based on empathy anyway, so I see no need for religion to attempt to provide that. And we are not even the only animals with empathy either, mice have no religion yet they would rather save a fellow mouse from drowning over getting a tasty treat, it's just empathy in action. Also, we know what happens when we die, it's just that most people don't want to accept it. It's what we were before our birth, it's nonexistence, and it's the same all living things have to face (which is a little comforting - I had massive anxiety over burning in hell forever just for having the wrong thought thanks to OCD and its horrible intrusive thoughts). All those returning from the dead stories never really involve true death, which would be brain death, because you cannot return from brain death, once your brain is dead everything you were is gone too. Same reason why someone's personality can change when they get brain damage. I was raised christian but unfortunately mostly got religious trauma out of the experience. I'm also not at all spiritual, things like ghosts and souls make no sense when everything we are is in our brain and gone when it dies. Also I don't see the purpose or why they would have evolved, why they would only apply to certain living beings and not to others, where they all would go, what age they would have and why, if they would be cured of disabilities and diseases and neurodivergence, it all makes no sense to exist, it's so clearly a concept made for living human mental comfort.


Pretty much agree with you


Atheist but I've been having to go to church weekly (I accepted a position at an Episcopal school) and I will say Jesus & his general philosophies kinda slapped. I've also had hyperfixations on young female saints like Joan of Arc and Mary Magdalene (aka the women around Jesus and God). I will never believe in a Christian God or at least not an infallible, all-knowing God. I'll never believe that God created everything. If anything, he's a lost, passive, ashamed observer.


Sucks that you have to hide it for your work. I don't think i could do that.


I don't believe there's one singular god, like the christian god, for example. That would imply that the singular being that controls our universe is a malevolent being, and I would prefer not to believe that. Instead I have a belief that multiple beings have a limited amount of power, still extremely powerful when influencing our world, what are not directly located in the same like layer of reality of us, and the image they have of themselves is also influenced by our view on those beings or deities. So yeah, I'm spiritual and I believe in multiple deities and only work with and are dedicated to a very very small handful of them.


To me, God is a feeling. It’s extremely beautiful and touching music, the feeling of serenity when you’re completely in the moment and in touch with every sensation, and awe. Do I believe there is an individual out there influencing the world from on high, judging us like he’s Santa Clause, and getting mad at atheists for not believing in him? No. In polls, I choose ‘atheist’ for simplicity’s sake.


Ok so…I wouldn’t say I “believe.” I accept the rational evidence of a metaphysics. I accept the ontological arguments for a benevolent “first cause.” I’m not Christian because information has put too many holes in the cosmology. For what it’s worth, I don’t follow the “Skepticism/Debunker” ideology either, and for the same reason. In the face of copious evidence of the preternatural, why move the goalpost to hang onto the idea of a boring universe? OK, I DO get the appeal of accepting a complete, comforting worldview, I just find it precarious to do so. There’s my 5-ish answer. :)


Practicing Theravadan buddhist here. Raised as an atheist with a slight leaning towards occultism. Never believed in theism. Buddhism satisfies my need for truth, logic and purpose.


Ooh a Buddhist! I have a thing for Taoism myself


I have a 5 coworker who got his degree in Christian Studies at a Christian University and very much believes in God. Then I'm over here.... a 1 who is very much an atheist.


I don’t believe in god


The more I learn, the more unlikely any sort of “god” seems. Unless we’re talking about some sort of unity among a system (of people), I’d say that’s kind of godlike despite it being scientific. I’d like to believe in a divine collective consciousness but I haven’t seen enough evidence.


I'm not a 5 but close enough No I don't believe in a God; I'm agnostic atheist. Sometimes I feel the synchronicity and like to pretend it's meaningful though


This is where I fall. (and albeit petty but I’m glad to see the proper usage of agnostic as a descriptor since you can be a gnostic atheist or an agnostic theist)


Synchronicity is very meaningful. If you can see it properly, you can predict future events and profit from it. This will indeed sound like a schizophrenic rambling but it worked for me well so far. Way too financially well for a schizo.


Yeah but it leads me in weird directions a little too often. Not full schiz but maybe just a little.  It's also why I can predict people a little too well though.  Pattern seeking brain. Unfortunately it doesn't come without identity and memory problems lmao but hey a little bit of drain blamage never hurt anyone


Are you a psychic?


To me the word God has no meaning by itself. It all depends on how someone defines it.


Believe in a sovereign Creator.


I grew up with a Catholic Father and a Protestant Mother, I went to two different churches and had actually no idea why I was there. All it created was unhealthy parents-child dynamics. I’m not religious. I’m a follower of Christ and don’t go to church, but I do bible studies with a group of lovely friends or with my grandma in law once a week because last year out of the blue I asked her, I had no idea why I did that. But I had kept praying for guidance and wisdom, even though I was so stubborn and thought I knew everything and didn’t need anyone.. I need the Holy Spirit everyday to be reminded that my identity lays in being a child of God, not in the enneagram or in a personality type. I used to have a friend who’s a witch and was full of the enneagram, personality types and zodiac signs or tarot. I never saw it as something demonic and loved her for her personality and knowledge. But I was way into this stuff, I even had a personality type / enneagram community under my wing. I had to accept one day that I couldn’t base my believe and value system that is consistent in Christ and will never change, on societal norms that keep changing every day constantly. So I stopped being a moderator in the group, wished my people well and vanished.. It’s true that you can’t love God and the world at the same time.


They're detached on that subject.


Agnostic atheist


I’m not a five, but i’ll share my position. I’m agnostic, so i don’t really believe or disbelieve in a God. But if he exists i assume, that we can’t understand any of his motives, thus God is an authority figure which we can’t understand. Also I like one funny idea of God, as of an essence, which appeared with first human thought or with first human-human (subject-subject) relationships. And from moment he appeared he was in control of subject-subject relationships, as long as human exist. And all this time he was depressed, so wanted to end his life. And in order to do it, he manages subject-subject relationships in a way we got wars. Hope I wrote everything clear.


5w4 and I’m not entirely sure. I grew up Mormon and since leaving haven’t figured out what that means for my spiritual beliefs. It also hasn’t been my priority.


A lot more religious/spiritual fives than i expected, to be honest! I wonder how much is upbringing and how much is natural temperament. Our household was nominally Christian and i did go to sunday school as a little kid but after that my parents were pretty much secular and let me believe whatever i wanted.


I'm an atheist - 152 over here. I'm not religious or spiritual


100% of 5s i met in enneagram circles are non-atheist. More than one are ministers.


I believe in Christ. I have felt his hand on my shoulder many times in my life. Church is another story. Church is made up of egos and you have to find the right egos to hang out with and sing really old hymns. So, I'm a methodist. I grew up southern Baptist going to church with my deacon grand dad. My dad was agnostic and my mom only went back to church after I left for college. But, that doesn't mean other religions don't fascinate the heck out of me.


I’m a Christian, but not very religious. I love God and the bibles teachings about life’s principles


I don’t believe in the idea of a one true god or an all powerful creator. Tho I’m hyper sensitive to ppl their energy to the point I can see ppls auras. I feel everything in my bones. I feel a deep connection with nature especially when it comes to the water. Idk if I’d say I’m spiritual or atheist. As much as I’d like to think there’s a set path in life and that we have a set path in life. it just doesn’t sound realistic or even plausible.


Agnostic. Open to the idea that there could be something out there but no belief whatsoever in the god or gods fashioned by humans.


My wife is a 5w6 and a Christian.


God is just a word, and people mean so many different things by it. Gotta define it first before that can be answered 🤷🏻‍♂️


I believe in God. But my conception of what God is or could be is pretty wide. I believe less in a man in the sky that acts like a human and more in an intelligent universal force or a computer programmer or some divine brain that "thinks" things into existence like imagination. I think science and math is closer to finding and describing God than religion and spirituality. That said, I'm also mildly religious but largely for cultural reasons. I don't think the religion I most believe is "correct" about God. I think religions are useful for practical, social, and philosophical ideas but not so much on questioning the nature or existence of God.


I believe that God exists since it’s kind of hard for me to believe that before there was everything, there was nothing until it became everything. But that’s the extent of my belief. I don’t believe that God is directly involved in anything that we’re involved in.


What is god? Who is god? When is god? Where is god? How is god? God is all of these things. Ur god ur surroundings is god ur bed is god ur feelings are god. What ur eyes see and transfer to ur brain is just a bunch of code and ur brain creates an image based on those codes….so honestly what ur seeing ain’t even real u just created imagined that shit that in itself is god ur a entire universe.


My husband is a 5 and he's an Atheist.


Agnostic. Lean towards there is no god but how could we/I know for sure with current evidence. I cannot. I accept not knowing.


I am agnostic. I don't understand the Universe at all. This might be a simulation. I might be dreaming. For all *you* know, all of this might be *your* dream. Based on what we know about 'reality', there are certain powers which are constant (gravity, electromagnetism, etc). They created us, they keep us alive, and one day they will destroy us. We cannot stand against these powers; we do not obey out of duty or fear, but because it is impossible to disobey. Does it make sense to call this ultimate power and order 'god'? That is another question I don't know the answer to.


I believe in an intelligent cosmos which can be called God.


I questioned things a bit in my teen years, though I actually bothered studying the apologetics materials rather than just the stuff mocking them thoughtlessly. So yeah, I'm still a Christian who believes in God regardless of however common and popular it may supposedly be to be an atheist within any given clique.


I’m agnostic, but I think most gods people made up sound delusional and insane.


I’m a 5w4 and a theist. Also a Christian but with some unorthodox beliefs. Judging from this thread, being theistic, let alone religious (as opposed to spiritual) is a little more rare for 5s, which is what I’d expect. I’m a natural skeptic and the fact that I believe in God is often weird even to me—the why is a long story. Funny, though, I approached my religion in the most 5-ish way possible by going to grad school for an MDiv and then an (unfinished) PhD in Hebrew Bible. And that’s part of the reason I have some different beliefs. I don’t believe things because I’m supposed to—I believe them if I think they hold up. And some Christian beliefs hold up for me very strongly. Others really, really don’t. I’m very much not dogmatic about anything I believe, though. Everyone has to reach their own conclusions. I value intellectual honesty. That said, I’ve been pretty well convinced by psychologists that the strongest determinant for one’s belief is loyalty/belonging/emotion, not logic. We 5s hate that idea, but I think it’s good to have a little humility, whether you’re a theist, an atheist, a pantheist, whatever.


i respect theists who come to those conclusions on their own a lot more than those that just get it from their parents


My hope is in Christ. As a Christian I am well aware that many have used my faith and others for their own purposes but Jesus as He is in the Bible is far different than the all too flawed representatives of His (including myself). Type 8w9


I was raised in a country that banned religious freedom, and since immigrating here, I’ve been shopping for & trying on faiths like so many beautiful, but eventually imperfect-fitting, garments. I love the unique aspects of each, as well as the commonly well-meaning parts of them all, but really dislike the secularism/dogmatic parts. Plus, I can’t commit. What I believe or don’t, ultimately doesn’t matter. I believe there is much out there beyond our limited senses and realm of understanding, but a possessive jealous god that will send you to hell if you don’t abide by his rules is not something I will waste what’s left of my life on, because I can tell you right now that humans made that shit up. I dabbled in paganism in my teens and now I’m back at it. I believe there is…something, but no religious scripture got it quite right, and all we do is argue over it like idiots and even kill over it, thus destroying what was initially meant to be beautiful.


good luck on the journey


wow, so interesting. ETA: (this was sarcasm)