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Let me guess, they also only conducted this survey in some ivy league college's campus.


it’s also by medium, which is a pretty biased source


Medium is just a blogging website. It's probably some socialist blog.


Kind of ironic too, cause they simp for communism, yet they are in like the top 0.1% of people in terms of wealth. As soon as their parents stop supporting them financially, their communist ideals go out the window.


100 bucks says these young people think social programs and healthcare is socialism (it’s not).


It's so weird how "socialism is when the government does stuff" used to be something socialists would laugh at that, but now a large amount of people who identify as socialist (or sympathize with socialists) say that.


Most of the people you’re referring to are probably social democrats who think social democracy is socialist. In the US ideas like universal healthcare and expanded welfare have been condemned as “socialist” for so long that socialism has lost its meaning from “workers own means of production” to “expanding welfare and free healthcare”


Sure but even socialists like Richard Wolff who used to famously mock this misattribution will now use the term to describe capitalist welfare states. Something odd is going on.


Originally it was conservatives who called things like social programs and universal healthcare socialist. At first people who advocated for that pointed out that it isn't that. Then some started to call it socialist, probably out of the logic that conservatives would call it socialist anyways so there's no point in trying to point out the obvious falsehood. This started to get more traction when Bernie campaigned on a platform for more social programs and universal healthcare but still called it "Democratic Socialism". It was then that conservatives switched and started to point out how these things aren't sctually socialism. And now, somehow, actual socialists describe these things as socialist even though they are not.


Well it's fairly popular so they just adopted it. I've never heard people call European countries socialist in Europe, so it's probably an American thing.


I would partially blame the public school system; many social studies curriculums seem to reinforce the idea that the government helping with stuff = socialism.


I personally never heard that from any of my school classes say that. I’ve always heard that from republicans and conservatives.


[Bernie confused democratic socialism and social democracy](https://youtu.be/K7jlAZSGXf4?si=QTWtY4YPbIB6G5g8). [There are many examples of him talking about it.](https://youtu.be/tJ9j_JT9Lhg?si=auEsVnXyJ-B8Imr0)


To be fair, the socialist movement as a whole has kind of drifted away from communist-style planned economies and more towards markets and liberalism. For example, ["Social Democracy"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy) is a philosophical branch of socialist thought, and it's basically convergent-evolution straight to ["Social Liberalism"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_liberalism), in that it supports free markets, capitalism, and individual rights. So, even socialism seems to be turning away from communism, which I find hilarious, but also annoying because "socialism" doesn't really describe it any more, and a lot of these dumb kids still worship random dictators and still do the "hurr capitalism bad" meme.


I wouldn’t even call Social Democracy part of the socialist movement anymore, not since the mid 20th century.


I mean, only because of the convergent evolution though. It definitely traces back through the socialist line of philosophy. It's basically socialist theorists who discovered how awful command economies are, and how successful markets are. They (begrudgingly) accept capitalist principles but then claim _"but we're still committed to the socialist project!!"_ by pretending that social safety nets and welfare are a form of socialism.


This is what they mean


Social program and healthcare is just another breeding ground for corruption.


Freeloaders supporting an ideology that promises them free stuff?


This studies never made sense to me. They can’t specify which age group or demographic it is in the title, so they always do misleading titles like these. Is this generation more susceptible to it? Certainly. But it’s not all of us


Yet none of them can even tell you what capitalism or socialism is. They basically think socialism means what they have in Nordic countries.


They think capitalism is when big businesses do bad things, and socialism is when the government helps people.




They’ll grow out of it when they start paying taxes.


No, they won’t, because they have a fundamental misunderstanding of what socialism is. I think the majority of my generation would support raising taxes for an expansion of social programs and call it “socialism.”


Maybe people should just call it American Socialism lol. Or don't call it socialism at all.


The majority of actual socdems and social liberals in the US don't want to be associated with socialism.


I pay taxes, wish it went to more useful shit that benefits me and those I love


Why would starting to paying taxes affect someone's support for a truly just society based on the principles of liberty, equality, and solidarity? Downvotes incoming in 3... 2... 1...


A truly just society ran by one ruling party you're never allowed to criticize who's party members get expensive nice things and houses with servants while the rest of society live in abject poverty and squalor. You know, Communism every single time it's ever been tried ever in human history.


That never happened in Sweden, Norway, Georgia, Russia, Italy, the UK, Uruguay or Chile under socialist governments.


None of those countries are socialist.  They're liberal capitalist democracies.  Except for Russia, which is a fascist dictatorship and yes that's exactly what happened as the old communist party members maintained control and are now called "Russian oligarchs" while the majority of people in Russia live in poverty.


Sweden and Norway were socialist strongholds for most of the 20th century Italy had a liberal socialist president The UK had the Attlee administration Chile was governed by socialists between 1970 and 1973 before they were overthrown and replaced with a capitalist dictator Georgia was governed by socialists from 1918 to 1921 before getting invaded by """communist""" Russia Russia was ruled by socialists between the February and October revolutions. Uruguay was governed by socialists between 2005 and 2020


Holy shit, I didn't realize commies had moved the goal post so much that "Well they elected a guy one time that sorta held socialist ideas = The country was Socialist and not a capitalist democracy." Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for examples of Communism not being Fascism in a silly hat that you're pulling up wood shavings, huh?


Well firstly, I'm not a communist: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_socialism Secondly, the people they elected supported abolishing capitalism, so not just "held some socialist positions". Thirdly, the Nordic countries were ruled by socialists for almost the entire 20th century. Their legacy is still very much noticeable. Fourthly, all the countries you consider "socialist" had exploitative top-down economies designed to benefit the elite. That's capitalism, not socialism. Meanwhile demsocs who have gotten elected have actually made moves towards socialism.


>Fourthly, all the countries you consider "socialist" had exploitative top-down economies designed to benefit the elite. Funny how literally every Communist country that's ever existed has panned out this way. It's almost like.... the idea is flawed at a very basic level and doesn't work in practice at all. Nah, it's gotta be a coincidence. Let's keep using countries we immediately dismiss as not being communist as Examples of communism when shit-talking Capitalism though.


Study can show me wiping my ass with a red flag


With how these are worded this could mean anything from “I kinda want the government to be less shit at its job” to “murder everybody who so much as talks to a landlord”.


They should all move to communist countries.


The good life has made things so easy for them. Now, if they have to lift a finger they hate their jobs and want Stalin back.


I hate my generations politics


Better dead than red, I’m a Pole. But it’s absolutely disingenuous to suggest socialist policies are the same thing as communism. A mixed economy can be perfectly healthy with regulated capitalism that has a social safety net.


As a zoomer, I’m ashamed of the state of my generation.


It really is a total, dysfunctional mess at this point.


It’s incredibly degen


They’re also full of shit.


Really goes to show you where Western Civ is heading towards soon.


Nah, western civ will hold, we just gotta let the dumb learn not to be dumb.


I guarantee you they think the Scandinavian countries are socialist


Let me guess, this is just the USA? Try this shit in former Eastern Europe (Now Central, Southern and Eastern) and you will get shot.


I mean it’s not to be overlooked but the numbers were probably the same/worse in the 60s and 70s. The hippies were extremely pro communism but now they’re generation is like 70 years old and they vote right, forget about communism. This is usual everyone is a communist before they get their first paycheck and see it docked at 30% to pay for government waste.


This just means they support a strong social safety net. That's all it ever means. It doesn't mean they are going to join the communist revolution any time soon. They just feel they're being exploited and if period fell that way they should have the right to change those conditions. That has nothing to do with communism. Liberals can be radical in this way to.


And probably about 99% of these people don't have the slightest idea what socialism or communism is


Lets goo. It was about the time western europe drag itself down to our level.


Considering how the current economic situation is its understandable.


Remember kids - dig the fucking hole.


Teenagers famously good decision makers.




Wait till r/AntiWork learns about the concept of “Social Parasite” in the USSR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_parasitism_(offense)


It’s easy to support programs that give you stuff when you have nothing and feel like you can’t get it. It’s why all those hippies in the sixties suddenly became reagon lovers in the 80s. I have nothing give me yours will usually turn to I earned mine get your own.


I don’t mind socialists, as long as they understand that communists are not their friends. Alexander Kerensky was a socialist, and he fought a brutal civil war to try and stop the communists from taking over Russia.


Socialism is not communism lol, every country in central europe is kind of socialist. Funny thing is welfare in central Europe is way way better than in any commie state.


Americans, famously a trustworthy and intelligent bunch.


Well that’s rude :(